Hey guys, this Carissa from Creative Green Living
We're doing secret XRF testing here at Pier 1
so we're gonna check it out
(Tamara) The dishes at Target were really low
I always wonder about the really colorful ones
(Carissa) Yeah
(Tamara) So, we're going to casually talk like we're not doing anything
So this is 239 Parts-per-million lead plus or minus 17
I don't know. I haven't had anything really colorful like this
in my home for a long time because I just always worry.
It's just, I don't have an XRF handy all the time.
So, let's see
We're just doing shorter tests because. For efficacy.
...and for speed
(Carissa) This one looks like it's all right.
(Tamara) Yeah, well they have the standard for children's toys at
90 parts-per-million and this is 82 plus or minus 26
on a short test so it's probably within safe levels
That's really great and surprising.
So, these are all the same kind of line
"Ironstone" from Pier 1
These are really pretty.
but the ones at Target were completely lead free.
(Carissa) The white ones were all totally lead free
(Tamara) Yeah
(Carissa) Some of the solid color ones were totally lead free
and some of them were lead free but had cadmium,
I think we tried some bright orange mugs
(Tamara) So again, I'm doing short tests because
we're here but this is 406 parts-per-million lead and
161 parts-per-million cadmium
Let's try the red's - they usually have cadmium.
So. This is...
"spice route paprika". I can't see. (laughter)
(Tamara) This is going to be the most boring video ever
(Tamara) Oh, that's amazing!
This is lead free!
Which is amazing
It's high cadmium, though, but it's lead free.
That's cool. You know what this says is that
they're paying attention to the concerns for lead.
(Carissa) I love that there is no lead in it at all.
(Tamara) No lead at all. And 539 Part-per-million cadmium
(Carissa) Len says "hey"
(Tamara) My husband?
Did he text? Or did he post this on Facebook?
(Carissa) No, he commented on our live video.
"Hey, Len!"
(Tamara) Hi, husband. I hope you and the kids are ok.
When I saw these, I thought these were kind of neat
and I was even thinking they looked like were most
likely to be leaded
...but they're not!
(Carissa mumbling)
(Tamara) This is so cool that companies are... (Carissa) That's awesome. (Tamara) ...getting on board
(Carissa) Good job, Pier 1.
Will you flip it over the the back?
(Tamara) Yeah, this is the...
"Special route" - "spice route!", sesame
oh, I guess they're all kind of a spice or seasoning
Well, that's lead free.
This must be like, "spice route mustard", I'm just guessing
(Carissa) Mango.
(Tamara) Mango. Ok.
But I'm going to assume since it's part of the same line
that it is totally fine.
(Carissa) But the red one had cadmium.
(Tamara) Cadmium. Right.
And these colorful ones has trace lead.
(Carissa) Yeah...but that means, like, these ones were...I wouldn't buy these.
The tree ones. I mean, they're pretty but they were...
like, 200-something
(Tamara) Yeah.
This is negative!
(Carissa) For all of it?
(Tamara) No lead. No cadmium. Yeah.
(Carissa) What about these blue ones?
that we saw while we were setting up?
(Tamara) I want to try this one.
This is really pretty.
It's called tapestry
Carissa and I were talking. We were talking about how
when we were younger we both used to
or, well, when I was younger I used to lust after
everything in Pier 1
(Carissa) I still lust after everything in Pier 1.
(Tamara) But I know I also tell people to steer clear
because I thought there's more stuff that's leaded.
(Carissa) This one's just so pretty.
But I don't know if it's dangerous. It's not like I carry
around an XRF in my pocket
(Tamara) Yeah
So this is coming in within safe range for cadmium
and lead. But truly positive.
So, 140, plus or minus 32 for lead
and 21 plus or minus 9 for cadmium.
(Tamara) Ok. That's a good one.
So, the lady. We asked the lady at the counter
if we could use the XRF. I told her my kids were poisoned
and that, um. Do you think they can hear us? Can they hear us?
(Carissa) On the video?
(Tamara) Yeah
(Carissa) I think so.
(Tamara)....and she said 'yeah, go ahead'
because I said I want to make sure
(Carissa) but we didn't tell them we wanted to film anything
But she was cool with us testing things.
(Tamara) So.....
Yeah, I would have. Because there is just a different quality to this watermelon bowl.
It just doesn't look as high fired
and it looks a little more hand made in terms of the
paint application. It's 562 parts-per-million lead
and 379 cadmium.
(Carissa) It's too bad because it's cute.
(Tamara) This is the "Allison"
You know, those mugs up there look just like the mugs from the Corelle sets.
The blue ones. They're just like a different color.
(Carissa) What do you think about these Mexican ones?
(Tamara) Well, they are exactly the same print so it's like a decal
(Carissa) Mmm hmm
(Tamara) or something. They look exactly the same.
so it's not painted. They just make it look like it's painted.
(Carissa) Decals are usually high in lead, right?
(Tamara) Well, they can go either way.
So this is 49 plus or minus 21 for lead
So that's, that's the Allison.
(Carissa) So this one is in the "safe by all standards" range
(Tamara) And this is the "Iron"...
(Carissa) This is the "Mexicali"
(Tamara) And so the "Ironstone" ones on the other side
were trace positive in the 300 range
Can you ask? Can you ask if people can hear us?
(Carissa) Can you guys hear us ok?
If you guys can hear us ok, give us a thumbs up.
Oh look, somebody pushed a button so (mumbles)
(Tamara) [laughing] so they can hear us
150 parts-per-million lead.
So really, this isn't as bad as I though it would be.
Oh, sorry.
I'm really surprised.
So, Tracy asked us to test the "luminous white"
(Carissa) Yeah
(Tamara) So I think when we test the "luminous white"...
These are really pretty. These Asian-looking ones.
I always like the blue.
(Carissa) This one's doing good.
(Tamara) Yeah. And we're doing speed tests but this non-detect, this is negative.
It's the "teal reactive"
And they're only $5.
(Carissa) That's great.
(Tamara) So that's really cool.
Oh, I'm gonna test this one.
This is called "Adriana"
Hi, Adriana.
(laughing) that's one of our babysitters' names.
(store employee) Hi, we ask...
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