Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 31 2019

Welcome to Hometree, home of the stress-free boiler installation. How does

the Hometree video survey work? Once you have selected your boiler and

installation date, Hometree will complete a video survey before your

installation date in the comfort of your own home. Our heating experts will

call you and follow up by sending a link to download a smartphone app before the

video survey takes place. Hometree video surveys take around 15 to 20 minutes to

complete. This is what will happen during your video survey on your smartphone...

You will speak with a Gas Safe engineer on a video call through a special app on your

smartphone. The engineer will take you through the various aspects in your home

that they need to see, such as your current boiler and your flue. The purpose

of the video survey is to ensure that the boiler you have selected with Hometree

is the perfect fit for your home and to prepare the engineer installing

your boiler, in advance of the installation date, that you have

selected. It is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you might

have about the boiler and the installation. These are some of the

things our Hometree engineers will ask you on the video survey call. Our

engineer will want to see a close-up shot of your boiler looking at the make

and model if possible. And then will need to see the boiler from a zoomed out

perspective. If it's not clear to see certain elements, the smartphone app

allows the engineer to turn the light of your smartphone on. We will need to see

the pipe work above or below the boiler and the boiler electric switch along

with your room thermostat and programmer. Do you have a hot water cylinder we'd

like to see this and the pipe work around it.

It would be great to see your gas meter and any surrounding pipe work. The flue

is like the exhaust pipe of your boiler we'll need to see the flue from outside

as it protrudes out of the building. If the flue is above the ground floor we'll

need to see how high up it is. This is an example of what will be covered in your

Hometree video survey. There may be less or more questions for you based on the

type of boiler you currently have in your home. We also have a team of Heating

Experts who can look at your old boiler through a video call before you select

your installation date. Just give them a call! We look forward to carrying out

your video survey soon. To find the perfect boiler for your home, at a great

price, installed at a time that suits you visit www.hometree co uk

For more infomation >> How does the Hometree Video Survey work? | Hometree - Home of the stress free boiler installation - Duration: 3:01.


Incoming A.G. William Barr SPEAKS OUT On Hillary Clinton's Investigation(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 10:28.

Incoming A.G. William Barr SPEAKS OUT On Hillary Clinton's Investigation

well mr. chairman let me congratulate you on your election as chairman of the

Judiciary Committee and tell you look forward to working with you and

supporting this committee's efforts thank you for convening today's hearing

and I want to express my profound and sincere thanks to the nominee mr. Barr

for agreeing to serve a second time as Attorney General I noted in your

statement you said it was 27 years ago that you sat in this chair and went

through your first confirmation hearing and to me that says a lot about your

character and your commitment to the rule of law that you would be willing to

go through this process again and serve once again as the chief law enforcement

officer of the of the country thank you for doing that

Thank You senator thank you to your family as well to me the Attorney

General is is one of the most challenging cabinet offices to hold

because as you point out in your opening statement you are committed to the rule

of law and enforcing the laws of the land but you are also a political

appointee of a president if you are serving another cabinet position

certainly are committed to implementing the President's agenda or the agenda of

an administration but there as Attorney General that is not an unequivocal

commitment because there may be some things that the administration wants you

to do that you cannot do consistent with the rule of law correct that's right

senator one of the reasons I ultimately decided that I would accept this

position if it was offered to me was because I was I feel that I'm in a

position to be independent you know over the years a lot of people have some

politicians of call me up saying you know I'm thinking of going for the

Attorney General position and this had illustration and so forth and I say

you're crazy because if you view yourself as having a political future

down the road don't take the job because if you take this job you have to be

ready you know for to make decisions and spend all your political capital and

have no future because you have to do you have to have that freedom of action

and and I feel I'm in a position in life where I can do the right thing and not

really care about the consequences in the sense that I don't I I can truly be

independent mr. Barr thinking back about the run-up to the 2016 election where

the nominee of both political parties for president of the United States ended

up being investigated by the FBI can you think of any precedent in American

history where that's occurred that you know of no I can't senator and thinking

back to James commis press conference of July the 7th 2016 where he took the step

of talking about the evidence against mrs. Clinton talking about the legal

standard that would apply as to whether she might or might not be indicted for

committing a crime under the Espionage Act have you ever seen a situation where

an FBI director would usurp the authority of the Department of Justice

to make that charging decision and hold a press conference and talk about all of

the derogatory information that the investigation had claimed against a

potential defendant and then say now we're we're not going to no reasonable

prosecutor would indict her have you ever seen anything like that happened

before no I've never seen that and I thought it was a little bit more a

little bit it was weird at the time but my initial reaction to it was I think

attorney general Lynch had said something

you know she was under pressure to recuse herself I think because of the so

called tarmac meeting and I think she said something like she was gonna defer

to the FBI so my initial reaction to that whole thing was well she must have

agreed or it must have been the plan that he was going to make the decision

and go out and announce his decision under the normal rules at the if the

Attorney General is has a conflict of interest are to the deputy it would go

to the deputy Korat to the FBI director to make that decision right so that's

why I thought it was very strange but I think later it became clearer to the

extent there's anything clearer about it that I don't think attorney general

Lynch hadik had essentially delegated that authority to the director and I

think Jim Comey is a as I've said as a extremely gifted man who's served the

country with distinction and in many roles but I thought that to the extent

he he actually announced a decision was wrong and the other thing is if you're

not going to indict someone then you don't stand up there and unload negative

information about the person that's not the way the Department of Justice does

business I was shocked when mr. Comey later wrote a letter saying that based

on the discovery of Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop that they were

reopening the investigation that he had already announced closed and then

finally just days before the general election November the 6th 2016 said we

didn't find anything in the on the laptop that would change my conclusions

based on the press conference of July the 6th did you likewise find that to be

an extraordinary I will use the word bizarre but certainly unprecedented

event yeah the whole sequence was very herky-jerky and bizarre but at that time

I was a little of a contrarian that I basically took the position that

once he did what he did in July and said the thing was over and then found out it

wasn't over he you know he had no choice but to correct the record so I I said

that he had no choice but to do what he did but it sort of shows you what

happens when you start disregarding the normal procedures and established

practice is that you sort of dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole why is

it that the Department of Justice rules which also apply to the FBI make it

clear that our chief law enforcement agencies in this country should not get

tangled up in election politics are there policies in place that try to

insulate the investigations and the decisions of the Department of Justice

and FBI from getting involved in elections yes senator there are and why

is that well obviously because the incumbent party has their hands on the

lead among other reasons they have their hands on the levers of the law

enforcement apparatus of the country and you don't want it used against the

opposing political party and that's what happened when the counterintelligence

investigation of the Trump campaign began in late July and continued on

through well presumably to director Comey's firing and and beyond well I I'm

not in a position to you know make a judgment about it because I don't know

what the predicate was for it I I I think I said you know it's it's

strange to have a counterintelligence investigation of a president but I'm not

you know I just don't know what the predicate is and and if I'm confirmed I

assume I'll find out rod Rosen Stein's memo recommending the

termination of James Comey as FBI director was dated May the 9th 2017

it's it's entitled restoring public confidence in the FBI I take it you've

read the memo and do you agree with its conclusion

I completely agree with rod Rosenstein and I thought the important point he

made from my standpoint was not the particular usurpation that occurred but

it was as I think he says that that director Comey just didn't recognize

that that was a mistake and and so it was going to potentially be a continuing

problem that his appreciation of his role visa me the Attorney General as I

said the title of the memo is restoring public confidence in the FBI do you

agree that restoration of public confidence in the FBI and Department of

Justice as a a political or non-political law enforcement

organization is important it's critical and needed it's critical and that's one

of the reasons I'm sitting here I'd like to help with that process

well mr. Barr I think you're uniquely qualified to do that and I wish you

Godspeed Thank You senator it couldn't be more important thank you thank you

god bless you and God bless america


For more infomation >> Incoming A.G. William Barr SPEAKS OUT On Hillary Clinton's Investigation(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 10:28.


How to Have a Successful Marriage (Animated Video) - Duration: 9:17.


If the success of a marriage were to be only based on love, many divorces would never have


Unfortunately, a lot of people who nurture thoughts of making and sharing their homes

with the persons they love intimately, have not understood that there is more to marriage

than what meets the ordinary eyes.

To enjoy marriage, one does not stick to how one felt, or search for the flickers of excitement

that were part of the honeymoon ride.

Marriage is enjoyed when it is continuously worked on, irrespective of feelings or butterflies.

Success in marriage isn't a journey; it is a destination.

The journey to a successful marriage is not smooth; in fact, it is one of the most underrated

walks ever, partly as a result of the simplicity of falling head over heels in love.

In this video, we'll be sharing with you, 7 tips to have a successful marriage.

If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting

videos like this.


Always stay reminded of your partner's specialness As the saying goes, "Familiarity breeds


It is very easy to take a person for granted, one who you might have seen his/her nakedness

for countless times, or smelled his/her waking up smell for as much as you could remember.

While we may get used to other family members who have other interests and their own partners,

it is in the best interest of your marriage to consciously let yourself be in the know

of whom your husband or wife is to you: the special one.

Someone special is different, unique, and treated as such.

Yelling at your spouse as you would when you get angry with your annoying brother, is downright

demeaning; likewise, not caring about his or her reaction toward an action of yours.

When you sense that you are slipping into the rut of familiarity, quickly remind yourself

of the angel your spouse was before marriage.

Be reminded of how you worshipped the ground he/she walked upon.

Remember he or she is an extension of yourself in commitment, and how specially you want

to be treated also goes to how he/she should be treated.


Appreciate your partner's efforts The mowed lawn.

The birthday party organised for your daughter.

The anniversary cufflinks she bought for you.

Staying awake to cuddle the baby to sleep while you slept.

The words of encouragement.

Appreciation are motivations for more efforts.

A marriage relationship sometimes becomes casual that even the little efforts toward

each other, wouldn't count.

Everybody is busy living and leaving, without taking some time out to reflect on how much

his or her partner means to them.

An unappreciative environment makes nothing fun and exciting to be looked forward to.

Showing gratitude for your husband's commitment to pay the bills is a form of appreciation.

Regarding valuable, the effort of your wife in keeping the house sparkly, in the midst

of her responsibility of tending to hyperactive children, will lift her shoulders high.

Appreciation can be expressed in words and in deeds.

Explore appreciation.


Take care of yourself, darling Your health and physical appearance influence

your marriage relationship.

Getting married has never been a guarantee to neglect your wellbeing.

It is within the confines of marriage that you freely enjoy health, stay fit, and look

your best.

Not only does your spouse have less work to do when you are healthy; the happiness that

flows when you are by their side, bubbling and full of life, always will make your relationship


Bathing regularly, smelling good, maintaining a clean environment, exercising as and when

due, healthy eating, resting and relaxing adequately, and dressing to your taste and

by extension, to thrill your partner are rudiments of taking good care of yourself.

If you don't do it, who will?


Recognise that marriage isn't a ground for unhealthy competitions

Granted that your partner should motivate you to put in more effort in the home, and

that it is their obligation to be a part of the successful running of the marriage relationship;

do not push it too far.

Expectations have more often than not; become the undoing of otherwise blissful homes.

Habitually expecting your spouse to do the same thing you did may set you up to fail

in love.

When activities are seen as competitions, where who did what and who didn't have become

the order of the day, resentment and bearing of grudges won't be impossible.

Let anything you do be out of love, and in the best interest of your home.

Keeping scores of how frequent what you do outweighs your partner's inconsistencies in

that area, as a way of tracking theirinsensitivity, is pretty childish.

It may make your marriage difficult.

If not now, maybe later.


Practice openness Be naked to your spouse.






In all ramifications.

For a good number of couples, openness only ends in bed and possibly, in the bathroom.

Those are just little of the whole.

When it comes to making important decisions that may affect your spouse now or later,

being open demands practising inclusive decision-making, where you make known your plans and the processes

they will undergo.

When you don't feel good about your partner's attitude toward you or your child, openness

demands that you let them know, before the sore in your heart festers.

Openness ensures that your thoughts and actions are laid bare to your significant other, without


It may take some time, but a marriage built on mutual openness is disaster-proof and enjoyable.


Be careful with what you say Words are arts on marble.

They are quite impactful and the memories they create, long-lasting.

What you say to your partner in unguarded moments of anger or carefreeness, goes a long

way to determining how successful your relationship will be.

Constantly undermining or degrading your spouse anytime you flip over to the side of careless

rattling of words, may mould a resentful spouse for you.

You may end up living with a person whose loyalty is far away from you.

When angry, address the problem, and not the person.

Be quick to recognise your loopholes in presenting a case, and refrain from repeating them.

When in a light mood, do not joke with a sensitive secret that your partner shared with you.

Watch what you say, watch how it is received.

Even when it is nothing, when they always say it is something, then it is something.

Be careful with what you say.


Make intimacy a priority After all is said and done, it is just the

two of you.

When the fiery passion has died off, the embers of intimacy need to be fanned to ignite passion.

Sex is not the only form of intimacy, but it is just as important.

It is not designed for the bedroom of your house alone; going on vacations to try out

intercourse in other environments, increases intimacy.

Talking and sharing with your spouse builds intimacy.

Holding hands, sleeping together, partying together, solving needs together all help

to make you more bonded to your partner.

In summary, a successful marriage is possible.

All it takes is commitment to make it work.

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