Your Employer ID Number (or EIN) is a number that identifies your employer to the I.R.S.
The simplest way to find your EIN is to look on box b of your W-2.
It's a nine digit number with a dash after the first two digits.
If you don't have your W-2 yet, you can find your EIN on last year's W-2 if you
still work for the same employer.
You can also reach out to the department that handles your company's payroll.
They should be able to provide you with the EIN.
Once you find your employer's EIN, simply type it in and click the continue button to
import or enter your W-2.
If you still can't find your EIN, leave it blank.
You won't be able to e-file but you can still file a paper return.
To learn more about your EIN or for more help completing your return, please visit
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