Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 31 2019

I'm going to show you how to make simple and powerful video stories

for your business using Adobe Spark.

Tell your story.

We are seeing this everywhere now.

It seems to be the most trending way to market your brand.

It's by authentically sharing content around your life, your business

and just telling the stories that matter to your audience.

There's so many ways that one can express a story.

Whether it's visually, through written, or even video.

And today, I want to walk you through Adobe Spark and their content creation platform

to show you how easy they make it to tell a story with video.

I'm going to walk you through a demo where I am going to setup an invitation for my next

dinner event that's taking place in February.

Jumping into Adobe Spark I'm going to create a new project and select video.

I'm going to give it a title for "February Dinner Event".

These pre-built templates will guide you in telling a story.

Whether you're promoting an idea, sharing a hero's journey, showing and telling a new product

or in my case inviting someone to an event.

You can see that along the bottom we have placeholders that are going to help me

plug in my existing content to tell this story.

So now I am going to get started with my own video by going down in sequential order of

the guide and plugging in my own content where necessary.

When uploading a video, Adobe Spark will allow you to trim to the desired length of the clip.

Now that I have plugged in my own content and copy, I'm going to pick a theme that suits

me the best, pick a song for the video, and then I'll be able to export and share with

my audience.

And just like that, we have a 30-second promotional video

that I can now use to invite guests to my next event.

So there we go, a really simple way that I was able to make a 30-second promotional video

providing a story, information and actual live footage of an event that I am inviting

my guests to in the near future.

The tool was really easy to use.

It allowed me to easily plug and play my existing content into a video

and really save a lot of time, effort and hassle.

I hope this video was helpful to you.

My purpose for creating this video was to demonstrate that there are online tools out

there today to make it really easy to take your content creation to the next level and

provide more visually compelling stories.

For more infomation >> How to Make Video Stories with Adobe Spark - Duration: 2:37.


Kinderliedjes | Video | TSJOE TSJOE WA | Minidisco | DD Company - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Kinderliedjes | Video | TSJOE TSJOE WA | Minidisco | DD Company - Duration: 3:14.


Vondráčková natočila další ledové video a hned se rozjely spekulace: „Má vyplakané oči!" - Duration: 3:10.

 I když je Lucie Vondráčková v drsné rozvodové bitvě s hokejistou Tomášem Plekancem, vždy si najde čas na své fanoušky, které pravidelně zdraví na sociálních sítích

Ve svém posledním postu se zpěvačka natočila uprostřed sněhové bouře v Montrealu: „Tak vás zdravím z minus třiceti!"  Přestože se Lucie na videu snaží usmívat, a dokonce se ozývá hlasitý smích, její fanouškovská základna má o ni starost! „Má smutný oči, ale to zas bude dobrý," všiml si jeden z fanoušků

 „Je na vás vidět únava, jste strašně smutná! Ať je lépe," povzbuzuje umělkyni další

„Ty uplakané oči!" vyděsil se někdo z obdivovatelů. „Když muž opustí rodinu, je to jeden z nejtěžších křížů!" vysvětluje jistá žena

„Přejeme hodně sil a ať je brzo veseleji!" povzbuzují ji další lidé.  Má Vondráčková smutné oči? Je vidět, že podpora, jíž se Vondráčkové od obdivovatelů dostává, jí dodává energii, kterou poslední měsíce obzvlášť potřebuje

 Zpěvačka se totiž zamotala do rozvodové tahanice, jakou náš showbyznys dlouho nezažil

Přestože ani ona, ani její stále ještě manžel na to nevypadají, jejich spory se stále vyostřují

 Partneři se nemohli shodnout ani na místě, kde má probíhat jejich rozvod. Zatímco Lucie trvala na Kanadě, Tomáš Plekanec preferoval rozvod v Česku

Dál Vondráčková s Plekancem vedli bitvu o výši alimentů. Nakonec spory vyeskalovaly tak daleko, že hokejista svou stále ještě manželku žaloval u mezinárodního soudu v Haagu!  „Podal skandální a nesmyslnou žalobu na vlastní ženu s tím, že měla unést své syny! Přestože to byl právě pan Plekanec, který už podruhé od svých dětí odjel za svou novou známostí

Na základě této žaloby pana Plekance byly oběma dětem odebrány pasy a byl jim znemožněn odlet jak na zimní prázdniny, tak případně do České republiky," uvedl právní zástupce Vondráčkové Petr Machálek

 Těžko si představit, kam až boj Vondráčkové s Plekancem může vést v budoucnu. Doposud se zdá, že vzájemných sporů přibývá, namísto aby se je dařilo postupně řešit

For more infomation >> Vondráčková natočila další ledové video a hned se rozjely spekulace: „Má vyplakané oči!" - Duration: 3:10.


3D Mounts for Osmo Pocket BTS of commercial video. - Duration: 7:33.


Hi, guys! Justo here.

Today, I want to bring you a new video.

I'm in Dominican Republic.

I'm on vacation with my family.

Happy New Year for all.

I want to talk a little bit about the Osmo Pocket.

I made a video (you can check on top) about how I feel with this camera,

after a week of using it.

I like the Osmo Pocket. I just have a few complaints.

One of those is related to the rough way in which I had to mount it for the previous time-lapse video;

and a few days later, after posting the review video,

we had the opportunity to use the Osmo Pocket

to produce an ad-video for a company named "Velo".

We needed a tracking shot where the car would be following us

and some shots inside the car too...

and I said: Hey!

I can use the Osmo Pocket for that!

So I decided to buy a 3D printer since DJI was not selling mounts for the Osmo at that moment.

With my first set-up, I didn't feel safe enough to hang it in the way I did it in this commercial

Here I show you how that day went down.

- So... what are we doing here?

Well... Here, we're going to make a tracking shot...

moving shot, tracking shot... with the Osmo Pocket.

Because DJI didn't included WiFi in the Osmo,

I am using this USB cable, Type C to Type C.

So now I can control the camera.

One of the limitations of Osmo Pocket is that it doesn't turn 360º

Now this complicates the shot for me a little bit because the driver is on the other side.

So I don't know if the camera can turn enough... No, it can't ...

This means that I'll have to find a position where I can use the Osmo Pocket facing the driver a 100%.

We're going to make this shot in 1080p

I want the Osmo follows the face of the driver,

that way I don't have to do it manually.

1080p @ 60 FPS

- Ready to leave? -

Go ahead, Fran.

This is the last shot.

Tracking shot of the vehicles that we are recording today.

and this is practically the whole set-up...

waiting on God that... it won't fall, right?


- Stick it well! -

I think that's fine.

- I like the camera! I think I'm going to buy it. -

Did you like the camera, Fran?

- Maybe, the boys can use it on their motorcycle. -

Yes... and it's very stable, very nice.

I placed the cable inside the vehicle.

Let's see how it works.

Here we have the co-pilot who will control the camera.

The footage was great. I loved it.

The customer liked it too.

I'll leave the original video clips in the description.

Something similar to this was what I used in the video to hold the Osmo with this...

and this was stuck to the glass of my vehicle.

I am very happy with the 3D printer. I didn't know that I would like it so much.

It's so cool that you can turn an idea into something solid.

That it's incredible.

I had to change some measurements at the beginning, because the original design was very tight.

I printed it again, slightly bigger, and now it fits perfectly. It is great.

Now, to do a Time-lapse I won't be using my old set-up.

Now, is this!

Small, clean and simple.

And if I need to mount this into something

with this 3D printed ring

I can hook up this with any GoPro accessory.

This is the video that I have for you

I hope that you liked it.

Happy New Year for all.

Subscribe to this channel

Let's start this year in a positive way

I want to do a review about this.

It's a battery pack.

I'm going to be posting more videos soon

I know that actually, I don't have a lot of videos but...

I'm planning to make more informative videos this year.

This is a battery pack that I've been using.

It's amazing.

One of the things I like the most is this USB port...

and this is super powerful...

I can be using it all day long.

and... I want to keep the rest for another video.

Let me know, what you liked about this video, and what you didn't like.

What else you want to know about the Osmo Pocket

I'm here for you, guys!

See you soon!

- So... which vehicle is this one? -

This is a "Tahoe".

(My face when I'm guessing)

Chill... this is nothing,

It's going to pass

Some day... T-T

I give up

It has to be on purpose!

What can we do!

Oh yes! I reminded you to subscribe, right?

Click on "like, share it, and all that stuff...

For more infomation >> 3D Mounts for Osmo Pocket BTS of commercial video. - Duration: 7:33.


Thursday Morning Video Forecast 1/31/19 - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Thursday Morning Video Forecast 1/31/19 - Duration: 0:39.


How to Apply Audio Effects in VSDC Free Video Editor - Duration: 11:13.

Add an audio track to the scene

Click Audio Effects - Amplitude - Amplify

Change audio volume

Click Audio Effects - Delay - Flanger

Choose among Flanger presets

Click Audio Effects - Delay - Chorus

Choose among Chorus presets

Click Audio Effects - Delay - Delay

Choose among Delay presets

Click Audio Effects - Delay - Phaser

Click Audio Effects - Delay - Vibrato

Click Audio Effects - Delay - Reverb

Choose among Reverb presets

Click Audio Effects - Filters - LowPass

Choose among LowPass presets

Click Audio Effects - Filters - HighPass

Choose among HighPass presets

Click Audio Effects - Filters - Notch

Choose among Notch presets

Click Audio Effects - Filters - BandPass

Click Audio Effects - Filters - LowShelf

Choose among LowShelf presets

Click Audio Effects - Filters - HighShelf

Click Audio Effects - Filters - Peaking EQ

Click Audio Effects - Filters - Equalize

Select Butterworth as Equalizer type

Click on Equalizer settings

Adjust the parameter manually or select among the presets

Click Audio Effects - Filters - Median

Click Audio Effects - Filters - Gate

Click Audio Effects - Time stretch / Pitch shift - Tempo change

Change speed

Select Voice as a mode

Click Audio Effects - Time stretch / Pitch shift - Rate change

Select Voice as a mode

Change speed

Click Audio Effects - Time stretch / Pitch shift - Pitch Shift

Select Voice as a mode

Select among semitones

Click Audio Effects - Special - Reverse

For more infomation >> How to Apply Audio Effects in VSDC Free Video Editor - Duration: 11:13.


Baby Dogs ❤️ Cute and Funny Bulldogs doing funny things Videos Compilation # 6 (2019) - Duration: 10:41.

Thank you for watching

We hop you will enjoy every moment watching this video


Just tell us what you want to see, we will try to made it available. Hope to receive more comment from you all!

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