Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Feb 1 2019

Hi everybody, it's Jenny from the MSQC. And I've got a fun tutorial for you today.

Awhile ago my husband made a quilt called Rising Stars and it has this one giant great

big star. And I got wondering what would happen if I did the same thing to all four corners

of my block. So that's where the inspiration for this tutorial came from. So take a look

at this quilt behind me. Isn't this fun? I mean I love all the little stars and it's

so quick and easy to make. I can't wait to show you how to do it. So to make this

quilt what you're going to need is one roll of 2 ½ inch strips. And we have used this

Toscana by Deb Edwards for Northcott Fabric. You're also going to need your background

square. This is the square you build your star off of so you want it to make those stars

pop. We're using a straight black. We added a three inch black border to that, just a

little one so that the stars didn't touch the binding. And so that's ¾ of a yard.

And our backing right here, we just put a big solid from the same Toscana line on the

back. And you're going to need 4 ½ yards for that. So let me show you how to make this

because it's really fun. This is going to make a quilt that's 62 by 72 so it's a

nice big quilt.

And what you're going to do is you're going to take your block just like this. And

you are going to add your little strips. Now when Ron did his, his strips are like the

full length of the square. We're going to make ours come a little bit shorter so that,

and if this helps you what you can do is you can like make a little crease halfway on all

four sides, you know, so that you know when you hit that half mark. And then you're

just going to want to come over here and you're just going to want to lay your strip just

like this and sew down a quarter of an inch. We're going to do one of these on all four

corners. So let's go to the sewing machine and sew our first one. You want to, you can

pull it over it a bit but you want to make sure that when you fold it back, it covers

that corner. So just don't get it past the 2 ½, 2 ½ inch width of the strip. Alright.

So I'll show you how I do this because I literally made this in a couple of hours because,

I mean it's just big ten inch squares. And it's a lot of fun. So basically I just cut

that off. I grab from another strip right here. And I'm just going to turn my block

and do it again on the corner. So here's the next one. And I'm not, I'm not making

these all the same length or the same width. I'm just putting them on there. So here's

this one. Let's add one of these right here. And I just turn my block and go again from

the top down. Sew that one on. And I cut off these pieces because I'm going to use these

for another, for another little star legs somewhere. And let's go with, how about

a green? Alright so now we have a little green one right here. And you can see I'm not

being careful. I'm not measuring anything. I"m just putting a strip on here. This makes

me think this would be an awesome scrappy quilt because it's, you know you don't

really have to pay attention. It's just going to go together so fun. Alright. So then

I'm going to trim this off like this.

And I know this looks kind of weird right here. You know you've got all these pieces

on here. But we're going to head to the ironing board. And we're going to put these

together, or we're going to iron these out. And I'll show you how it works. So basically

set your seam, then press your pieces back. So just roll them back like this. When you're

rolling them back make sure they actually cover the edge of your block. Just like that.

And then we're going to bring this back over here. And we're going to flip this

over. Now the block now becomes our pattern for cutting. So what we're going to do is

we're going to take our ruler and we're going to lay it right along the edge and trim

off these pieces like this. So just trim them off and then turn it and trim them off. And

we're going to do this to all four sides. Turn it and trim them off like this. And one

more. There we go. Now when we flip this over, it's all clean and it's got these cool

little triangles on the corners.

So when you go to put these together, this is really fun. This is so fun to me to make

this one. Alright when we go to put this together, you'll see right here. I need to get some

more room here. I"m just going to move things out of the way. Put away everything so we

can show you this quilt. Alright. So now when you put these together, watch what happens

here. I am going to start here, and oop we want a red over here. See how when you get

the four blocks together it forms that star in the center. And so as you go along you're

going to make all your blocks and it's going to start forming these stars. Well then we

need to finish this outer edge right here. So these outer edges right here. So one of

these blocks, actually you're going to pull 11 blocks out of all your stars, pull out

11. And then we're going to cut those in half. So I'm going to lay, this is a ten

inch square so I'm going to lay my five inch ruler right along the edge and cut them

in half. And this is going to make the border. This is going to finish up all your border

stars so you don't have the little squares on the side. So let me show you. Like that

and then like this. So see how as you put those pieces around it, it's going to make

the border piece for your star blocks. So pull out 11 and cut them in half.

Then you're going to take one and you're going to cut one into fourths because that

makes your corner blocks. And I just love how with this one pack we were able to do

the whole thing and finish the corners and the borders. So now I'm cutting one in half,

I mean one in fourths like this. I'm sorry if I said in half. I meant fourths and like

this. So now let me show you how this corner one fits in on all the corners. So we're

back here with our star blocks like this. We're adding our half blocks to the outside

edge like this. And so we're going to have one going, oop wait, I'm going to have to

get this closer down here so you can see it better. So we've got our border blocks on

the outside. And it leaves this opening in the corner. And any one of these blocks you

put in the corner is going to go the right way. And it's going to finish that star

in the corner. So here, this is a little corner block right here. And these are all half blocks.

So pull out 11 for your borders, one you're going to cut in fourths and it just makes

this darling quilt. And then we just added the three inch border on it. And we have stars

on the corners of all our blocks. So we're calling this All Stars and we hope you enjoyed

this tutorial on the All Stars quilt from the MSQC.

For more infomation >> Make an "All Stars" Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial) - Duration: 7:57.


"A Video Like This..." - Duration: 2:53.

So I felt the need to create a video like this.

One that is completely unrelated to music, my channel or anything that this channel and

my name is branded with.

I stopped making videos like this because it I thought it was "off-brand" and "uninteresting"

to my subscribers.

But I'm realizing, that when you have a name that is also a brand, there is a level of

responsibility you have to yourself.

This responsibility is simple authenticity.

It's the permission to be ones' self in the midst of a brand or any level of "celebrity".

And everyone owes that to themself.

That is if you love yourself.

Do I love myself?

I'll be honest and say that I am learning to do so.

But I think my own self-awareness - that is my reluctancy to turn to the side in the mirror,

the resistance to check the locs on my head that are thinning at the root, the hesistation

to breathe when you've heard for months that family members are in and out of the hospital.

That self-awareness has worked to my own detriment.

And at times it's choked on the permission to

But lately I've been choosing to turn to the side, check my locs and take my deep breaths...daily.

In coming into the new year, I've felt that chokehold loosen and I've been able to face

the truth.

Releasing my EP was a very deep breath.

And now, as I glance, breathe and sing, I think I'm starting to feel real love come in.

You know, God.

The one who looks at frailties and always shines light on it.

The one who sees weakness and adds strength to it.

The one who turns sorrow into into joy.

You know? Him.

Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning in a pool of my own tears.

But in a split second it feels like I'm flying.

To hear the truth about your sins and worst failures, but then see the solution in one

face is healing.

And God is healing me.

I can breathe now.

I can see clearly.

And I am free to experience pain and have it end in a smile.

So I felt the need to create a video like this.

And hopefully there will be more like it.

See you in the next video.

Bye, everyone.

For more infomation >> "A Video Like This..." - Duration: 2:53.


My Introduction Video - Givono - Duration: 1:22.


What you just saw there was the reaction on your face.

But you're probably wondering, why did I have that reaction?!

Well, dear viewer, it's because you've stumble upon my territory!


to Givono!

...very nice.


you may be wondering, what is Givono?


I'm Leiagh! The creator of LTriangle.

and now Givono.

Givono is my second channel which holds animations.

Ever since 2016, I've been using my other channel LTriangle to post my animations.

But I really want to be seen as an animation channel than a channel who just does everything that everyone has once done.

Let's get some basic things out of the way:

I'm 16


I'm an amateur animator.


I'm still in school.

(you already kn-)



Any more questions will be in the description along with some answers.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments.

I'll try to answer to as much as I can and to my best knowledge.

After this video, I'll be uploading my (crappy) animations from my other channel to this one.

After I do, then I'll upload on here from now on.

I hope you'll be excited to see what's in store in here on Givono! And as always, sleep tight.

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