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Farnsworth House Inn - Paranormal Evidence Review - Paranormal Videos - Duration: 19:03.hey sweetie mm-hmm you know we are a paranormal related channel maybe we
should do it evidence video yeah I think they'd like that hello there pear peeps
and welcome to another episode of our haunted travels I am your host Sean
Donnelly and I'm your co-host Marianne Donnelly that's right we are doing an
evidence review video borås we are talking about some just
some of the evidence that we've collected at the Farnsworth House Inn in
Gettysburg mm-hmm and the reason why I say some this is gonna be part one we
did the same thing with Hill view because we have more stuff out there and
just haven't had time to go over all we have hours upon hours of audio
recordings that go through pictures it tends to happen when we go there
multiple times and we've been to this location three different years four
different times yeah and done investigations every time we've
been there right so we picked out some of the highlights in the video that we
can actually see real quick and we want to share those with you but before we do
that we want to talk about one of the most interesting paranormal experiences
we have had to date and that happened in the Sweeney room I show you some
pictures right now we stayed in this Sweeney room in 2013 right and then just
this past summer we were there as part of the paranormal investigation that was
going on and one of the rooms that we went in to investigate was the Sweeney
room mm-hmm and I can't remember how many people were with us there are like
and or so yeah there were so many people yeah there were so many people we
couldn't get all the way into the room so we were kind of like standing out in
the hallway what well the way the room is set up you have the main part of the
room then you have like this little tiny mini hall that connects to the bathroom
and then there's the door to the real hallway so it wasn't like we were in the
rip in the real hallway we're in the like bedroom bathroom connection hallway
yeah we were in the hallway leading out to the main door but I think you were
pretty close to the opening of the bathroom were you not so we were
standing right there and during the investigation all of a sudden the shower
come on by itself in the bathroom sure did
now a lot of people in the group and I looked this up and the two old older
plumbing will do that it will come on okay but you know basically if the seals
are in pressure and that kind of thing but it won't shut off by itself
yeah please stay on and stay running right plus we went and I took a shower
in that shower but we also went ahead when it shut off then we went in the
bathroom and we checked in there was there was legitimately water there so
was Charlotte Sound and the handles you actually physically have to turn them
throughout like when they were tight yeah it wasn't like it was wiggly wobbly
or anything like that to start with was very interesting and then I asked
because I didn't go through the the diaries that were left in a room some of
the other people that were there went wrong
I said there anybody read anything about the shower coming on late at night cuz
we were there late right yeah it was late yeah yeah of course there was
several reports that people claim that that shower come on and went off by
itself in the middle of the night right now when we stayed in the room it did
not happen no we were only there than one night I do feel it would happen more
regularly if you stayed there a couple of nights when they entities kind of get
used to you being in the room I think that's helpful but the farnsworth is is
like one of those look I don't like the same as Hillview where
they have to kind of get used to you in order to communicate yeah you know and
in fact this these first two videos that I'm going to share with you are from the
basement when we were down there investigating and you're gonna see in
his first video it took some time to start getting some activity and we were
talking to entities and we were getting some interesting k2 information this
first one is from 2015 where we set the k2 meter off in the distance and we were
asking some questions and was getting some response on the k2 meter so go
ahead and watch this
here jam
are you a soldier yes
are you male
are you a female
all right so this past summer we were down in the basement again and it took
some time again to start getting some responses this is not the exact same
location where that k2 was but if it's in that room mm-hmm and go ahead and
watch this video and see some of the responses and notice the temperature
changes - the door was shut we're down in the basement
no breezes why is the temperature changing there's something swirling
around down there so go ahead and watch this we'll be right back
welcome talk about Walter again
that I knew it was
would you like to say hi to any of the ladies here to see me
and then we do like if they are too
and of course this point towards me
hello Walter
okay this next video that I want to talk about was from 2015 and you can't get to
this area anymore oh then this I know what this one is gonna be and I'm so
disappointed that I can't get there now - yeah they now have it blocked off so
this is in the Attic the garret in this window we're marrying she crawled back
in there was sitting next to the window this is the one no that they believe
they fired the shot towards the house from this window and Marianne was back
there doing an EVP session and we caught something on video and actually Marianne
heard this and then questioned what was going on right and usually I'm not one
of those sensitive people who can hear things like I have to listen back to the
recorders and say oh well that's weird I didn't happen then but I actually did
hear at that time yeah so go ahead and watch this
now some people say well there's probably a baby staying there or
something from outside this was late into the night and there was no children
staying in the farnsworth house the farmer house is really not a
family-oriented bed-and-breakfast because it's a little bit expensive to
stay there it's actually much cheaper to stay up the street at the 1863 it has a
family you know because it's more of a adult or older you know you really don't
have a lot of families it's right in fact I don't don't quote me on this I'd
have to look at it up but I don't think that they allow children under a certain
age to stay there I don't know but either way there wasn't a baby
no and definitely there wasn't a baby in the Attic with me so that's that's an
interesting find right there interesting yeah and and I'm
so disappointed that I wasn't able this year to go back to that they now have
that whole like little alcove blocked off with a plexiglass sheet I can't get
back there at all anymore and it's so disappointing because I really wanted to
go back there in that section and then like we got off the stairs we opened the
door we went in and I'm like yeah yeah so I was really disappointed that they
did that well we got I've been on video you did an EVP session back there that's
right kind of interested to find the audio isn't that - yeah we're gonna look
for that and see what happens it's just yeah we have just gotta find it yeah
okay so in this last video that we want to share with you this comes from 2013
when we was staying in the Sweeney room the very first time we ever stayed in
the Farnsworth House and actually it was pretty much the first time I got you to
stay in a haunted bed-and-breakfast mm second time really what was the first
st. hosting
in 2010 but we weren't really into it we weren't really doing it that way we
didn't realize that it was haunted you knew this one was haunted but so we
were three years into the paranormal investigating and that kind of stuff so
we we knew what we were doing we've been on investigations by this time so and we
had this same experience we haven't done the videos and talked about it yet but
at the limp limp mansion in st. Louis and I have a theory about this I put
this out before on other videos and things like that that the k2 meter
you'll notice in this video it was only on a certain plane it was picking up
interference which is very strange and I'm kind of wondering if that is
detecting some sort of vortex same thing happened at the lip mansion in st. Louis
where they know it is a vortex because they had a psychic out there and you
know definitely said that so watch it we were just laying in bed so watch this
it's just weird what is it on this plane
I mean I thought maybe okay maybe something's wrong when it's held in that
it's just
right here on the bed with us
thank you
so some interesting stuff yeah I and literally when that was happening I got
out of the bed I crawled underneath the bed and I looked to see if there was
anything underneath the bed sofa was there anything that could be causing
anything and yeah I was literally crawling around on the floor that is the
room quite interesting stuff anyways that's going to wrap up this version I'm
sure we're gonna have more videos about the Farnsworth health and some evidence
want to go over the audio we got hundreds and hundreds of pictures and
things like that so is there anything else you would like to add to this just
that you didn't mark anything for in the Eisenhower room but let's talk about the
Eisenhower room okay actually today we were we were discussing and putting
together the bullet points for this and I completely forgot about the Eisenhower
room that we stayed in there and my wife which is why she's my partner with this
reminded me here's how anyways gone no no we didn't and I'm like yes yes we did
and it was the second time we were there and it was the and he's like no no and
I'm like we have pictures so why don't you explain to them why you remember the
Eisenhower room well I I remember at the Eisenhower room because first and
foremost you have to like go in the back door and go up this rickety tiny little
staircase to get to it but then when you when we went in and and my first night
in there that was my oh my gosh I had a
paranormal experience and then I woke up and realized I was dreaming it although
some people that I've told this story to have said maybe it wasn't mm-hmm maybe
it really was an experience but I was laying there in bed we were sleeping
and I woke up and I was pinned down I couldn't move and there was a ghost
above me and I'm like oh my gosh this is happy this is great and I wanted to wake
him up so bad to let him know like so that he can enjoy the experience too and
so like I couldn't move my arms or anything but I was able to move my leg
so I started to try to move my left leg to try to nudge you because you were on
my left and I tried really hard to do that and like I woke up crap I dreamt I
had a paranormal experience or you may have but like I said other people have
been telling me that I when I tell him this story they're like maybe it really
wasn't maybe that you know was an experience
you didn't just dream it highly recommend the Farnsworth house yes if
you're into paranormal try to make it part of your trip yeah when you go to
Gettysburg yeah so I don't have any actual evidence
this is just my personal experience yeah experiences evidence yeah that's just my
personal experience already folks hey until next time thanks for watching and
happy hunting let us know if you like this video by hitting that thumbs up
also if you'd like to see more videos from us in the future support our
channel by hitting that subscribe button ping in that Bell so you get notified
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thanks for watching happy honey
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