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Korean Listening Practice with New Iyagi Video Course (50% off!) - Duration: 6:41.Kyeong-eun.
I'm curious about something.
How is my Korean?
You're really good at Korean.
I'm alright?
Have I gotten a bit better from the beginning?
Have you gotten a bit better than in the beginning?
Have I gotten a bit better than in the beginning?
Yes. You have gotten much better than in the beginning.
Thank you.
Everyone, I have lived in Korea for almost 5 years but I still make a lot of mistakes.
I asked Kyeong-eun for a favor. I asked her a lot to fix them.
So when I first came here, compared to when I first came here, I am a different now, right?
Yes. You've gotten much better than in the beginning.
What did we talk about?
We did a lot of fun topics.
The topic I thought was the most fun was kind of...
You're in the entertainment industry.
You're a celebrity, you know.
No, I'm not.
So for me it was so fun to listen to stories about that sort of life.
We also talked about Korean culture.
And we talked about topics that foreigners would have experienced a lot.
Yes. And we talked about things having to do with dating.
And we also talked a lot about kind of deep topics too.
Right. Right.
Especially, we talked about the biases Korean people have.
Yes. There's Korean people's biases, and also foreigners' biases.
We talked about those things too.
Yes. That's right.
You speak Korean well.
I'm alright?
Everyone, it would be great if you would study with me and learn from my mistakes.
Yes. Right. Because we talked about a lot of fun things, i think you can not only learn the mistakes, but also a lot about culture too.
Yes. Well then everyone, purchase it right away!
Yes. Let's start studying together right away.
And there's that, too.
In the case of Korea, what's really interesting is, not in a big department store but just...
Whenever I go to a supermarket, I can see them every traditional holiday season.
What can you see?
Spam. Spam.
They have Spam that looks really fancy.
The packaging is so pretty and it looks so fancy.
If the packaging for Spam is fancy, it sells well. Especially in supermarkets.
So Kyeong-eun, if there's fancy-looking Spam or vitamins, which would be better?
Which do you think would be better?
If I had to choose between Spam that has fancy packaging and just vitamins?
If you choose between the two.
If you had to choose between the two?
If you had to choose between the two,
what would you choose?
What would you choose?
I actually don't like either very much
I think I'd choose vitamins.
Because I don't like ham and Spam that much.
But my husband really likes Spam.
And my brother also likes Spam.
So when they receive Spam on traditional holidays, they love it.
It's interesting.
I think it depends on the person.
But for me it was more interesting that you thought Spam was interesting.
Especially the state of its packaging is very interesting.
Because the packaging itself looks more expensive than the meat.
That's right.
It's so interesting. It should be the opposite.
How should it be the opposite?
For example, the products inside should be more expensive than the packaging.
In Greece, if you look at the packaging, they are not delicate.
You bring a convenience store bag, a black bag and inside it is some tasty σιροπιαστά.
Then Greek people think that the content inside is important and not the packaging?
That's right.
But many Korean people think that since you are bringing it as a gift,
the content is important too but you have to have good packaging too.
So no matter how expensive it is, people think it's rude to just bring it in a black bag like that.
That's right. That's right.
Desert Fails: The Sands of Failure REACTION VIDEO! FailArmy - Duration: was at this moment that he knew he
came with the posse trained like a hockey ice with the hockey fan in the
magic welcome back to the artisan One Nation
guys I am your old starter same one I know it's been a minute it's been a
minute since we did a video I miss you guys man I've seen the channel keep
growing it yep they died four minutes then it kept growing again and all of a
sudden it died and it kept new you get the picture you get the picture if you
see me with this same shirt in the other video is because we're trying to record
two or three videos at a time so we can feel them on so you you will never get
unentertaining is that is that even a word people officially it's not a word
but we know what you trying to say just do the face we've waited for about
two months can we just get it on let's get it back
to the video fill army it's it's been so long but we back desert feel the sand of
failure for November 2018 fail let's not waste your tongue and jump straight into
this video man let's
dd no no no oh that's hard to watch Oh
popping a wheelie yeah yeah yeah pretty nice oh oh you okay buddy though that's
never good when that lands on you like that boom baby you see how fast he
pumped up and see nobody saw that right oh we trying to do the X Games
uh-uh this is not and a will it was at this moment that he knew he flip
oh he flipped it all right pop it's not
for dad the board my guy oh come on my god
come on put out your hands
so did you stall it again just hold it don't they go okay maybe
like oh no I think he's supposed to be slamming into the ground like that is
the best rappley is a long way from home don't not not my guy oh come on stop
bend the knees bend the knees bend does ladies baby look at them looking they
know it's not going will people are sick man these people are sick you go you go
get you ready boy
oh hey goddess saint pans Oh failure at first when I start what is the video I
didn't get what it means by desert I thought it was desert fails I'm English
is not my first language - yeah that's a dead giveaway the sense of failure what
must have been a dead giveaway I'm just saying I'm a dumbass I know it feels so
good to be back man it's been like a couple of months since I've recorded a
video so it feels so good to be back now I feel like down and stuff how much
ready to watch a video with you guys and just sit here alone and watch the video
so I really appreciate you guys I appreciate you guys following
subscribing they don't follow you on YouTube they subscribe to YouTube
remember that's a different thing remember you're doing the other thing
and then they follow you another time remember that
thank you so much Captain Obvious as I was saying I really appreciate you
guys subscribing to my channel liking the videos showing me support it makes
me feel so so warm and fuzzy inside leave me a comment in the comment
section down below and tell me what you think about this video man remember back
then where we got that's right so we back now we can stream again on YouTube
my name is Horace m1 and then I'll see you all in the next one
when you breath
7 Awesome Video Games Nobody Played - Duration: 4:39.It's sad but true: there are plenty of great games that didn't sell well.
Let's pour one out for these awesome games that flopped hard.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning should've done well.
Fantasy writer R.A.
Salvatore created the story, and Todd McFarlane provided the art direction.
In all, Amalur featured a huge world with over 200 hours of quests.
Unfortunately, those 200 hours went unplayed.
The game only sold 1.2 million copies after three months.
That might sound good, but it was considered a failure since Amalur needed to sell 3 million
to break even.
Soon after, developer 38 Studios filed for bankruptcy, killing any chance at a follow-up.
EarthBound is a legend among Nintendo fans...but most people didn't actually play it when it
was released in the '90s.
Known in Japan as Mother 2, the game only sold about 140,000 units in the United States,
about half of what it sold in Japan in 1994.
Some think its graphics were the problem, since they were pretty simplistic.
Others blame its low sales on bad marketing:
Either way, modern gamers came to appreciate the weirdness of EarthBound and the franchise
got a Japanese sequel in 2006, a Virtual Console port in 2013, and of course, it was also included
on the SNES Classic.
Beyond Good & Evil
Beyond Good & Evil is a cult classic.
It earned great reviews and was critically acclaimed for its visuals, storytelling, and
But it suffered poor sales during its 2003 release.
Some think it was because it was overshadowed by big titles released the same year, like
the original Call of Duty or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
A remastered HD version was released in 2011 for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live
Meanwhile, even though a sequel was announced back in 2008, ten years later, the game has
yet to materialize beyond trailers.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the Nintendo DS featured a top-down adventure that hearkened
back to the GTA games of old, allowing players to cause mayhem with the Triads of Liberty
Despite being part of one of the most successful franchises in gaming, Chinatown Wars sold
under 90,000 units in its first two weeks in America, making it a commercial dud despite
being amazing.
Maybe it was the fact that the DS was thought to be too kid-friendly.
But really, the Grand Theft Auto series is anything but.
Jet Grind Radio
If you had a Sega Dreamcast, you probably played Jet Grind Radio.
Too bad most people didn't have a Sega Dreamcast.
The game let players rollerblade through the city while performing tricks and spraying
graffiti tags on as many surfaces as possible.
Despite its low sales, Jet Grind Radio spawned a sequel and a few HD remakes.
At the very least, the Dreamcast classic managed to tag the hearts of players around the world.
Valkyria Chronicles
There are few games as pretty and as addictive as Valkyria Chronicles for the PlayStation
This strategy role-playing game had great visuals, memorable characters, and a wartime
backdrop that hooked players.
Its sketchbook-style aesthetic brought a classic, old-world feel to the game, which was loosely
based on pre-World War II Europe.
Despite its positive reviews, Valkyria Chronicles didn't have stellar sales numbers.
It saw a sales boost after a price cut, but it was never considered a commercial success.
Luckily, its PC port sold very well on Steam, moving about 650,000 copies within its first
five months.
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
The first Max Payne game was enough of a hit to warrant a sequel, and the second installment
earned great reviews.
But whatever the reason, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne sold terribly.
It might as well have been called Max Payne 2: The Fall of Take-Two Interactive's Earning
The poor performance at retail might have made the process of getting Max Payne 3 greenlit
that much harder.
Fortunately, the third game in the series managed to right the ship, selling four million
copies in its first year.
That's almost enough to forget about the Max Payne movie starring Mark Wahlberg.
Crescent Insurance Brokerage - A heart-touching story !! MUST SEE VIDEO !! - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
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