Hi there. This is a quick video tutorial to show you how to export your
Blackboard course and import it into Canvas. First, select the blackboard
course that you would like to export from. Next, go to packages and utilities.
Select export archive course. Next, select the export package link at the top of
the page. Select all in Section 3. Scroll down to about the middle of the screen,
and you'll see a discussion board option that you want to select the second radio
button - include only the forums with no starter posts. This makes certain that
you have no student interactions but you do have the forums that you've created
from the previous courses. If you'd like to know the size of your course, select
the package size, calculate size, and it will give you a number here. There is a limit
to the amount of space that you can take up in Blackboard and in Canvas, so you
want to make sure that your file size is relatively small. Once you're finished,
click Submit, and a green ribbon comes up at the top of the page that says success.
This action has been queued the email will be sent when the process is
complete. Sometimes this process takes a little bit of time and sometimes it's
relatively quick. If you'd like to sit and watch and wait then you can usually
I wait about five or ten minutes, and then I come back, and I hit my refresh
button. If I don't see a zip file showing on this page, when you click refresh.
Usually it brings up the zip file. If it doesn't, either your files are really big
and it's taking a really long time to zip it all up into a package or there's
a problem. If you have a problem with this please feel free to call the
Faculty Center and any one of the staff will help you. Once you have clicked on
the export package and you see this zip file here, click export file. A dialog box
will pop up and give you an option to save the file. Some PC's give you the
option to open or save. You always want to save. Go ahead and save it on your
desktop or in your downloads files. Once the zip file has been saved and you have
your file on your desktop or in your downloads, go to your canvas account and
you want to go to either canvas.instructure.com, if you're going to the sandbox, it's canvas.instructure.com
and that's your play area where you can build classes and import from
Blackboard to see how they go. If you don't already have a new class on your
dashboard, you can go here to the right-hand side of your screen, and you
can select start a new course. When you select start a new course, you name the
course . . . let's just say it's sandbox,
leave it private and copyrighted, but you can see that you can make it public if
you decided that you wanted to, and you don't need to check the make course
publicly visible because this is just for you to be able to import and develop
your course. Click create a course, and it will now bring you to this next screen.
The first thing that you want to do is you want to go to settings on the left
hand side and over here on the right hand side you want to select import
content into this course. Click on the drop-down menu and select Blackboard 6 7
8 9 export zip file. Choose your file that you've saved on your desktop or on
your downloads folder, and it's going to be named export
something-or-other zip. Click open. Now you are going to select all content but
you can see that you could also select specific content. If you're going to
select specific content, you select this radio button, and then you click import
and then after you click import, it will give you the option to select the
content that you want to import in. In this case, I'm going to select all
content, and there's nothing to overwrite or adjust, so I'm going to just select
import. It will show you a progress bar as to how far it's gotten on its process.
It's relatively quick unless your course is massively huge. Once it completes the
running of the of the import, it will give you a completed status and
show you if there's any issues.
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