Tik Tok Vietnam Collection!
Video: Light showers move in midday - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
IIACC Video-June 2018 - Duration: 5:00.The increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorder correlates with the
critical social and public health needs regarding ASD service delivery across
the nation to address these needs within the state the Commission on autism
mandated the FSSA to search for a facilitator to lead the Indiana
Interagency Autism Coordinating Council or IIACC this council with goals aligned
to the National IACC but tailored to the needs of Indiana would help oversee
the comprehensive state plan for autism services this document informs plans
actions and policies in Indiana given a history of bridging systems and cross
sector collaboration strong leadership implementation based and data-driven
methods as well as extensive resource availability HANDS in Autism was
designated in 2014 to facilitate the IIACC and conduct a gap analysis to
determine the state of the state regarding autism services as resources
and services evolve ongoing gap analyses are essential for statewide information
gathering assisted by state-level leaders and regional teams HANDS has
facilitated gathering and analyzing data driving recommendations from surveys
focus groups and interviews to inform workgroup and state actions since 2014
one component of this analysis is the needs assessment survey it collects a
wide range of data to assist with action planning and development of supports
that are both relevant and accessible across culturally diverse populations in
addition to the many interviews focus groups and regional discussions
conducted statewide approximately 1,700 people have completed this survey the
IIACC primary mission is to facilitate the efficient and effective exchange of
information on autism related activities among the member agencies and to
leverage resources and experiences to address common issues and outcomes and
to fill identified gaps the council serves as a forum that provides
direction toward the state collective priorities for resources programming and
policy hands uses a collective impact model for enabling discussion of
critical issues and pooling resources and to increase awareness of and access
to information resources and services statewide regional implementation teams
from a range of stakeholders across the state are also represented in the IIACC
to ensure that data information and resources are representative applicable
and available across the state meetings are currently held three to four times a
year and are open to the public drawing in new and returning participants from a
broad range of community and state stakeholders ultimately input ranging
from federal State Department's to individuals and
families are considered in the decision-making process with regards to
Indiana priority efforts IIACC work groups align with comprehensive state
plan goals continually drive outcomes by helping to gather and evaluate
information about the need presence and accessibility of services and resources
they further work toward collectively educating and disseminating shared
information and resources work group activities are designed to provide the
state with a process for identifying needs and priorities by engaging diverse
stakeholders which continually inform the state plan further ongoing
opportunities are provided for engagement input and realization of
tangible outcomes beyond meetings through discussion and problem-solving
the comprehensive state plan outlines the goals and actions that are informed
by the IIACC and other community stakeholders current goals include
establishment of the ayack family and professional partnerships early and
continuous developmental and medical screening access to needed health mental
educational and social services successful youth transition to adult
services work and independence etiquette public and private insurance justice
system and safety in 2018 cultural responsivity was added which is defined
as the ability to learn from and relate respectfully to people from your own and
other cultures here is a breakdown of the progress made since 2014 focus on
the development of a more data-driven comprehensive process and procedures as
foundation for upcoming years increasing focus on fine-tuning the process and
delving into actions determined by the data more thorough dissemination to
ensure representative data increased accessibility for those with lower
response rates implementing based on workgroup activities and information on
shared workspaces more explicit actionable items related to shared
priorities and topics of discussion and relevance an increased outlet for
collaboration as well as state approval for public access and involvement in the
IIACC has expanded both interest and advancement to learn more visit Indiana
information network at Indiana Network dot org to get involved contact hands and
autism at hands@IUPUI.edu to access current state plan and reports visit the
FSSA online at www.in.gov/fssa
20 SECOND RANT MONOLOGUE VIDEO - Duration: 0:48.Hi my name is Mar Gray and today i'll be performing Drew from the monologue
20 second rant written by Joesph Arnone if you liked this video please
give it a thumbs up leave a comment hit that subscribe button and that bell for
all future video notifications i really can't stand when someone has an opinion
about something that they have no knowledge about it's the most annoying
thing in the world especially when these same people go on and on getting all
pumped up on their own self proclaimed wisdom you know the kind always thinking
that they know better than you or more than you especially in your own field
it's like they buy their own sense of bullshit and expect everybody else so
fall down at their feet
Recep İvedik 6 Fragman Official Video - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
3 SNEAKY Ways Video Marketing Can Grow Your Website SEO Traffic - Duration: 4:34.- Now last year,
the absolute king of SEO, Neil Patel,
him and I became friends.
He also became a client of mine at viewership.com
and we started to manage his YouTube channel.
We helped him get from 15,000 subscribers
to over 180,000 subscribers.
Where he was basically giving away free content
on how to do, you guessed it, SEO.
Now among many perks that came out of working with Neil
and being able to see
how insanely smart he is at doing business,
I got to see how he does SEO.
And quite frankly I got to see how creating video
and search engine optimization, SEO, work.
They really work together
and I use this exact process to grow my other website,
sexyconfidence.com, to over
500,000 unique visitors per month.
And I did that within six months.
So in this video right now,
I'm gonna show you the three ways
that video can actually help you with your SEO.
So keep watching.
(bright music)
Hey there, I'm LoDolce from viewership.com
where I help you exponentially grow your viewership
so that you can build your business.
And this video is all about
how it is that you can use videos
just like this right now,
to help you improve your search engine optimization.
So here's the three ways that it can do that.
Number one is convert your videos into a written blog post.
Now one thing I've always found
is creating video like this is, quite frankly,
easier than writing.
You know, the writing takes time,
it takes thoughts,
it takes saying something and then deleting it,
whereas video, you can just kind of talk.
You can talk into the camera,
you can teach people things
and then once you have your editor create a perfect video
that you wanna release to the world,
the next thing you wanna make sure you do,
is have your writers turn that video
into a keyword dense article.
Now number two is embedding video
onto any of your blog posts
is actually going to increase your SEO
because people are going to stay on that website for longer.
One of the key metrics that Google looks for
when they are deciding
which articles are going to rank
for number one or number two on search results
for a given keyword,
is they wanna see if someone clicks on a link,
are they then gonna stay on that page for a long time?
So if you release a blog post on your website
and you wanna rank for a really competitive term,
you wanna make sure that
when people actually do click onto that website,
people are staying for a long time on that page
because Google will see like,
wow okay so they clicked from that search result,
they went to this page, they stayed on that page,
clearly they must've gotten the information
that they wanted.
The best way to increase that time on page
is to have a video on that page.
Because what happens with video?
Videos take a while to watch.
So by embedding videos onto that blog post,
you're going to drastically improve your ability
to rank for very, very competitive keywords.
And finally, number three is brand awareness.
If people hear about your brand
on YouTube, or LinkedIn, on Facebook, or on SnapChat,
or Instagram, any of these platforms,
and then they go to Google to search for your company,
what's going to happen?
You're company is going to get featured more
and more in Google search results.
So for example, after watching this video right now,
on either LinkedIn or on YouTube
and you went ahead and searched for viewership,
just the word viewership, on Google,
what would happen?
You'll see that I'm currently ranked number two
on Google for that word.
Damn you Google.
But if over time,
enough people end up searching for the word viewership,
then end up clicking through to my website
instead of whatever's number one right now,
probably like the dictionary definition of viewership,
what's gonna happen?
Viewership is going to rank as number one for that word.
So notice that if you're releasing a lot of videos,
you wanna make sure that you're mentioning your brand
in the video themselves
so people end up going to Google, searching for that brand,
and then clicking through to the website.
This is going to drastically
increase your rankings on Google.
So there you have it.
There's the three ways that videos
can actually increase your SEO.
So let me ask for you,
how are you using video
to increase your search engine rankings?
I'd love to hear from you in the comments,
right there below.
Also give this video a like,
that would really help me out a lot.
And if you'd like to hear more topics like this,
it's a little bit outside of what I usually talk about,
please, give me a comment below,
ask me a question,
I'll use it for future videos.
And then finally,
if you wanna read more blogs
and articles about topics just like this,
head on over to viewership.com/blog.
You can be able to see lists of all of our blogs,
you can see how it is that I take a video
and then turn it into an article
so that we can rank very quickly for very competitive terms.
So go ahead, check it out, viewership.com/blog.
Thank you so much for watching.
And I'll speak to you next week, buh-bye.
GWAAC Staff Video V 3 - Duration: 2:06.So our current base has been around for a long long time and is falling down around us
It has been good to us over the years
And we're very proud to be based at Filton because of its history with aviation
But it is coming to the end of its life
It's a building that was put up during the time of the First World War
So it has suffered the effects of time and hasn't quite caught up with modern building design
We keep having problems with holes in the roof
The water comes through the ceiling...
It can be very very cold in our air base...
Parts of the ceiling fall down...
We have some wildlife that likes to live on the base with us...
I think for the whole team it would be a massive boost if we had a new air base - It would give us stability for the future
It would mean being able to go to work somewhere that is comfortable
Somewhere that is warm, where we can have purpose-built facilities for training
And not having to just make do
Being able to train in an evironment that is warm and actually suitable for what we need is going to make a huge difference
Sitting right on that motorway junction, we'll be able to get out to Bristol really quickly, but also up to the more rural patients really quickly
This means those vital life-saving minutes are going to be a little bit quicker
I think one of the great things about being able to own our own air base is that we're able to make it bespoke and fit our operation
We can have it exactly how we need it
So it's much more appropriate to what we need, rather than going into something that's pre-existing.
It allows us to have some stability, so we know what our future is
Having an air base that we know is secure for our expansion in the future would be very reassuring to us and hopefully to the public that we serve
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