Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 31 2018

As per recent reports nearly half of the aircraft accidents happen during take-off and landing.In

1958 British European Airways flight 609 crashed on its third attempt to take off from a slush

covered runway killing 8 of the Manchester United football team.In 2005 Air France flight

358 crash landed during exceptionally bad weather the plane was reported to rock side

to side before landing and Air India express in 2010 overrun the runway by landing in Mangalore

it hit the localiser antenna, went through an airport fence and down a steep embankment,

it fell into a ravine.Delta airlines flight 1086 in March 2015,the aircraft veered off

the runway shortly after landing in New York city, the plane ran up the seawall and struck

the perimeter fence ,sliding along it before coming to a stop ,accidents have been unfortunate

and could have been averted saving colossal damages to property and human life.We propose

MagGlyde as an answer ,MagGlyde is a system which will revolutionise the aviation industry

and will prevent a large number of such aviation accidents ,factors like runway length have

safety concerns, hilly terrains have a limitation of having extremely small runways making take-off's

and landing an even more challenging task.Similarly slippery runways pose serious challenges,

poor visibility has often lead to wastage of time and fuel.leading to increased operating

expenditure.In many hostile scenarios the aircraft might not be able to wait for Friendly

visibility or amenable ground conditions for example during military expeditions ,heavy

snowfall, gusty winds or short runways.We hereby propose a concept which aims to address

such adversities.magnetic lines of force can largely be utilised in many spheres this untapped

field can address many concerns which the aviation industry currently faces

we are addressing two important scenarios namely take-off and touchdown.

During take-off we propose a guiding cum alignment and a catapult launching mechanism which functions in unison

,this will enable a very quick take-off with a small run up even in not very friendly conditions.During

landing, the most critical phase of flight, the craft while approaching the runway will

have a coarse ranging and locked alignment at first an ideal touchdown is where the aircraft

is already zooming in at 135 knots it has to align perfectly with the median of the

runway and gradually lose it's altitude, this would require deft manoeuvring to be done

automatically and gradually,Dynamically reducing the aircraft momentum irrespective of environment

challenges leading to zero-impact,cushioned touchdowns.Electromagnets are the heart of

MagGlyde ,an array of **bitter electromagnets** and a honeycomb structured pad units are embedded

in the runway and on the belly of aircraft by well orchestrated modulated magnetic fields

on the pad units ,the aircraft can be manoeuvred during it's landing and take-off,sensors placed

in the runway monitor the real-time position and velocity of the aircraft,a controller

block optimally responds in orchestrating the magnetic field of the electromagnets,

this will control the approach path of the plane.The change has begun.

For more infomation >> Conrad Spirit Of Innovation Challenge 17-18 Round 2 Product Video - Team Pectora - Duration: 4:21.


Surah Yunus (Jonah), 1 of World's Best Quran Video, FHD AMAZING VIEWS, 1-1 WORDS tracing, Mansoori - Duration: 1:06:49.

For more infomation >> Surah Yunus (Jonah), 1 of World's Best Quran Video, FHD AMAZING VIEWS, 1-1 WORDS tracing, Mansoori - Duration: 1:06:49.


Video: Another hot and humid afternoon 5/31/18 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Video: Another hot and humid afternoon 5/31/18 - Duration: 2:49.


Video: Sunny start, clouds move in later - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Video: Sunny start, clouds move in later - Duration: 2:54.


✅ Κατερίνα Καινούργιου: Αποκάλυψε on air τις συναντήσεις ζευγαριού σε πάρκο (video) - People Greece - Duration: 1:24.

Μία «πικάντικη» πληροφορία έδωσε στον αέρα της εκπομπής της η Κατερίνα Καινούργιου, κάνοντας γνωστό το ζευγάρι της εγχώριας showbiz που συναντιέται σε… πάρκο! Μετά την προβολή των δηλώσεων του Άνθιμου Ανανιάδη για τον φημολογούμενο χωρισμό του από την Μαρία Νεφέλη Γαζή έναν μήνα μετά τη γέννηση του γιου τους, η παρουσιάστρια μετέφερε on air το ρεπορτάζ της

«Δεν μένουν μαζί και το αποκάλυψε και ο ίδιος. Δεν μένανε και ποτέ μαζί και εξακολουθούν να μην μένουν μαζί

Αυτό που μου έκανε εντύπωση, μου το είπε η φίλη μου που μένει απέναντι από το σπίτι της Μαρίας Νεφέλης, είναι ότι ο Άνθιμος την επισκέπτεται καθημερινά, αλλά δεν πηγαίνει στο σπίτι της

Βρίσκονται στο πάρκο καθημερινά. Βρίσκονται έξω… και όντως έχει επαφή καθημερινή με το παιδί!», ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά

Δείτε στο βίντεο όσα είπε η παρουσιάστρια:

For more infomation >> ✅ Κατερίνα Καινούργιου: Αποκάλυψε on air τις συναντήσεις ζευγαριού σε πάρκο (video) - People Greece - Duration: 1:24.


VIDEO Scandal uriaş la un liceu din Sighetu Marmaţiei. Profesor filmat în timp ce săruta o elevă min - Duration: 3:17.

Un profesor de engleză din Sighetu Marmaţiei a fost filmat în timp ce săruta o elevă de clasa a IX-a chiar în sala de curs

Colegii fetei au filmat întreaga scenă şi au postat filmarea pe internet. În urma scandalului, cadrul didactic şi-a dat demisia

Incidentul a fost filmat într-o sală de clasă a Liceului Tehnologic Forestier din Sighetu Marmaţiei, Maramureş, potrivit, www La scenă au fost martori colegii minorei, care au filmat momentul şi au postat filmuleţul pe internet

Se pare că motivul sărutului ar fi fost o notă de trecere, pentru ca minora să scape de corigenţă

În cursul zilei de ieri, profesorul de engleză, titular, şi-a recunoscut fapta şi şi-a dat demisia

„Este primul incident de acest gen. Profesorii sunt supuşi, la începutul fiecărui an, la anumite testări psihologice

Conducerea şcolii s-a autosesizat în acest caz, asemenea comportamente nu au ce căuta într-un context educaţional

Profesorul în cauză şi-a recunoscut fapta şi a demisionat", a confirmat, pentru Digi24, purtătorul de cuvânt al ISJ Maramureş, Adriana Meşter

Potrivit lui Meşter, conducerea liceului a stat de vorbă şi cu eleva implicată în scandal, iar părinţii fetei au fost înştiinţaţi şi urmează ca astăzi să se prezinte la şcoală

„A fost anunţată Poliţia şi s-a apelat la sprijinul consilierului şcolar care să ofere sprijin din punct de vedere psihologic atât elevei, cât şi colectivului clasei", a mai spus purtătorul de cuvânt

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