Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 27 2018

after watching this video you will never eat instant noodles again instant

noodles are fast food that very much demand usually this food found among

students children and people who are busy enough to cook instant noodles have

a good flavor and delicious so many people addicted to these foods

whereas consuming instant noodles continuously very harmful for health

many parents do not know that instant noodles are very dangerous so that they

do not care when children consume these foods seven dangers of instant noodles

for health one destructive digestion do you like fast foods you should not

consume them frequently enough to eat once a month if not then your digestion

will be damaged eat instant noodles with a routine will keep your digestive

problems you will feel abdominal pain diarrhea heart burning stomach bloating

and heavy feeling to high blood pressure instant noodles contain lots of sodium

that could stimulate increased blood pressure kidney damage fluid retention

in the hands and feet the dangers of eating instant noodles would be very

dangerous for those who have experienced high blood pressure and kidney problems

3 lowering metabolism furthermore the danger of instant noodles for health

reduces the body's metabolism this will add weight drastically this is

the effect of the toxins accumulated in the body due to the many noodle instant

toxins in instant noodles come from flavors colors and preservatives that

exist for monosodium glutamate the next instant noodles danger is derived from

MSG or monosodium glutamate contained in instant noodles MSG added in instant

noodles to taste delicious research reveals that MSG is a danger because it

can cause brain damage kidney disease and other illnesses people who are

allergic to inst noodles sometimes also cause chest pain

headaches and other problems five damaged liver not only contains wax in

instant noodles but also contain a humectant is a substance that makes the

noodles antifreeze this substance is very dangerous and it

says could lead to damage to the liver and kidneys not only damage the liver

and kidneys but these substances also cause weakening of the immune system six

cancer-causing content the next dangers of instant noodles for health because it

contains some of which are known to trigger cancer mainly instant noodles

packaged in cups cup noodle place contains many harmful substances in a

given time can be mixed with instant noodles 7 gases bloating and indigestion

problems instant noodles are very easily made and presented however you need to

know that instant noodles are tough to digest by the digestion the noodles tend

to stick to the intestine this is why random instant noodles often cause a

buildup of gas in the stomach don't forget to share with your family and

friends as you might help someone thanks for watching subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> After Watching This Video You Will Never Eat Instant Noodles Again - Duration: 3:39.


Muscle Contraction Video - Duration: 2:09.

Acetylcholine is released from neuromuscular junction

Arm is flexing muscle

Action potential is triggered in muscle, and travels down the synaptic cleft

Calcium Ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Calcium ions bind to troponin and moves tropomyosin out of the way

Myosin heads bind to exposed binding sites on actin

ADP and P are released from myosin initiating the power stroke and actin is pulled across the myosin

ATP binds to myosin, allowing the head to release from actin

ATP hydrolyzes ADP and P cocking the myosin head

Calcium ions are taken back up into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Repeating the muscle contraction process once again...

Without ATP, the myosin heads are more lethargic or work slower than normal because rigor mortis is the stiffening of muscles

For more infomation >> Muscle Contraction Video - Duration: 2:09.


Nereis - Breaking Bad (official video) - Duration: 4:12.

with bated breath

the face pressed

against the floor

taunted and made fun

of mocked

and deceived

left to rot

in a cage

trying to oppose

an indisputable force

I will not die

without having my say

it's the last thing

I will do

I will try

to bring you down

I'll do the best I can

if there is a reason

I'm alive

it is to survive

oh yes!

I'm breaking



I hear your lies

they echo in my head

they are an insult

to everything

that lives

dog! barking out

arrogant words!

you filthy breed

pressure on my shoulders

it keeps my head down..

oh it's enough!

it's the last thing

I will do

I will try

to bring you down

I'll do the best

I can

if there is a reason

I'm alive

it is to survive

oh yes!

I'm breaking..


you're afraid

of a dying man

I see it in your eyes

'cause the spirit

of a man

always finds

a way to rise

it's the last thing

I will do

I will try

to bring you down

I'll do the best

I can

if there is a reason

I'm alive

it is to survive

oh yes!

I'm breaking


I just fell down to the..


For more infomation >> Nereis - Breaking Bad (official video) - Duration: 4:12.


மீண்டும் சர்ச்சையில் சிக்கிய சிம்பு தாடி பாலாஜி மனைவியுடன் வீடியோ கால் | Simbu Leaked Video Call - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> மீண்டும் சர்ச்சையில் சிக்கிய சிம்பு தாடி பாலாஜி மனைவியுடன் வீடியோ கால் | Simbu Leaked Video Call - Duration: 1:58.


Be FEARLESS! - Motivation Video For Studying - Duration: 10:27.

you are unusually fearless and willing to go in the face of other people

telling you something that's crazy and I know a lot of pretty crazy people

you still stand out where does that come from or how do you think about making a

decision when everyone tells you this is a crazy idea where do you get the

internal strength to do that well first of all I'd say that I actually think

I feel feel fear quite strongly so it's not as though I just have the absence of

fear I've I feel it quite strongly but yeah there are times when if something

is important enough you believe in it enough that you do you do it in spite of

fear so speaking of important things like people shouldn't think I should

think well I feel fear about this and therefore I shouldn't do it it's normal

to be to feel fear like you'd have to definitely something mentally wrong with you

if you shouldn't feel fear so you just feel it and let the importance of it drive you

to do it anyway yeah you know actually there's something that can be helpful is

fatalism some degree if you just think it's just accept the probabilities then

that diminishes fear so when I started SpaceX I thought the odds

of success were less than 10% and I just accepted that actually probably I would

just lose lose everything but that maybe would make some progress if we could

just move the ball forward even if we died maybe some other company could pick

up the baton and move and keep moving it forward so that we're still do some good

yeah same with Tesla I thought odds of a car company succeeding were

extremely low it's enough enough enough like living by somebody else's rules is

a humongous mistake I just literally sat down with five people under the age of

27 and it's so refreshing it is so refreshing if you have not jumped on the

bandwagon of doing exactly what you want to do which is scheme for next three

years or working at a job that's not what your parents want or what society

wants this video is just called enough enough make this little in one two

minute video depends on when I finish the piece of content that gets you to

stand up and take life by its throat do something stop being scared stop letting

the way you were raised the fear as an offense take that away let me be the

person I'll take the blame I loved that some of my employees are like my parents

don't love what you're saying good parents because if you are playing

defense and if you are living a life where your kids lives are the way you're

being fulfilled you're a loser parents and so enough enough parents imposing their

way you want your kids to be happy on your terms enough the kid that's sitting

right now at a desk and saw this in a feed and you hate your job

enough! stand up get the f out of here and do you live your life you've got one

life do something about it you've said what makes you different makes you great

where does that advice come from that you when you talk to people well I mean

I think that the most obvious one really obviously is being a girl um so when I

was younger and like living in England and kind of early teen years I don't

think I I didn't care that I was a girl I just didn't want to make it real

obvious I mean I didn't want it to stand out you know I didn't wear nail polish

cuz when I talk about the racecar I didn't want guy them looking at my hands

and seeing pink fingernails you know I didn't you know wear pink and purple and

make it really flashy and obvious no hearts and bows and you know just kind

of wanted to blend in and having my seven-year-old daughter

am I really hearts and bows or didn't want to wear her she's now rejecting

them but she was all in them so well you know you go through these phases where

you feel comfortable and sometimes you don't and I didn't really feel

comfortable making it obvious and so so it really was I came back from England

when I was 19 and you know I I let myself kind of go there to be a girl a

little bit and it really came from a kind of racy photo shoot that I did that

it was more girly of me and it just all of a sudden it stuff started happening

and people were contacting me and sponsors and teams and it just but

nobody questioned what I could do you know it wasn't like people didn't

didn't think I could race or their opinion really changed on that maybe

they had opinion on what I did but it didn't change the opportunity to be able

to do what I wanted to do it just really was opening doors and it was allowing it

you know it was me being able to tap into something that was part of my

personality I mean I think we were not one-dimensional people we have all kinds

of different sides to us we're not you know I don't just race and I don't just

work on cars I you know I race and I like to cook and I like to travel and I

like to look pretty and I like to get dressed up and I like hair and makeup

and I like all those other things so it was kind of a way for me to it was an

extension of me and but it was celebrated so it just came to you as you

embraced who you are exactly so you know sometimes I really feel that whatever it

is it's the most different about you is probably the most important and the most

special and the most useful I think the one thing that discipline definitely

does help you with is it it helps you get things done

and when you get things done when you actually do things you have more

success if you have more success sometimes a big part of success is just

not being lazy and just doing it yeah just get that's like 90% of it is just

showing up get there and start working like you're not gonna feel perfect every

day if I felt if I only worked out when I felt good I'd be a fat f because

there's a lot of days I don't want to do it if it's pretty much the same with

everybody that if that actually gets good at something that you you get

there's got to be those days you push through and they're them they're

probably gonna be more numerous than the days you don't and so the benefit of

discipline in my eyes has always been that through discipline I get things

done I always say that I'm like the most lazy disciplined person I know

because I don't want to do it yeah but I always do I try and read 2 or 3 books a week and for me what I make

realized very early on and it's a little bit clearer for me because I work in

book publishing and I'm a writer but like I consider reading to be like part

of my job so like and that was actually somewhat weird when I was working full

time in America like I would want to sit there and like

read a book but you like can't do that at an office you know but so now I work

from home so I can sort of do I can arrange my day in a way that like

appearances matter a little bit less but I think you know reading but what I what

I say is like okay look chances are whatever problem you're going through

right now someone else went through before you and they probably wrote it

down and so like books are the way that we we access that knowledge and if

you're not availing yourself to it you're gonna learn a lot of things the

hard way when you don't necessarily need to so I consider like leading to be like

part of my job and part of what's accelerated what I've been able to

accomplish and I just so it's like when people are like oh how do you have time

how do you have so much time to read it's like well how do you have time to

sleep and how do you have time to eat and go to work like that's just what you

do it's not like this extra luxury that I squeeze in when I'm on vacation yeah

that was gonna be one of my questions head yes that yeah time to read so

there's no secret and like I don't read fast like I think a lot of people think

that people who read a lot must be like speed readers and so they focus on that

it's like no people read a lot just spend a lot of time reading because it's

important to them and that's sort of the distinction that I mean people do a lot

of talking and most people don't put in the effort there's nothing you can't

accomplish in life with the right amount of work the challenge is you know are

you willing to do the work and the reality is most people aren't but that's

the opportunity right is I mean it's like people you know at school

most people are lazy right they just they barely get through it and and so

that creates opportunity I tell my kids that a if they want something they're

gonna have to earn it yeah and B if they don't work hard

enough to earn it I'm gonna sell them off as medical experiments that's the

line in our house right I'm gonna sell you up good

you need money okay we'll set you off as a medical experiment we can get you

money that way give blood dad I'm seven I don't care so I'm gonna go hard no

matter what cuz I gotta feed my family yeah and I gotta feed myself and I'm not

and if you notice on my snap I'm trying to make it super clear when I get

something to eat it costs money to eat right but you got to pay the bill like

if it's a cheeseburger that's five dollars it's five dollars if it's a flaming yarn

it's 35 dollars you know God forbid you want a lobster and this is food guess

what and I try to tell the young world I don't know why they not telling them

yeah costs money to eat right right I guess what you got to do you gotta get

money see you know it makes me mad at people who try to discourage people from

getting money like it's a problem I didn't create the system like yeah if it

was free I would thank you you're saying and then so what I'm trying to say is we

have to hustle we have to get money like you know teach the young world

work hard strive hard it's okay I remember when I

was young they told me Khalid you only gonna get a Hyundai so I went and bought

a phantom no dude I'm saying like yours I'll try and tell you like that's what

I'm saying if you wanna wear dope sneaker what's wrong with wearing a dope sneaker

it would cost money okay right great work hard like what they don't

want us to wear dope sneakers they don't that's it and that's the that's the

major key they don't want us to so i'm then you know straight up they don't

want big boy to have the number one morning show in the country yes a black

guess what we got the number one show in the country

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