Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 27 2018

Shooting Video of Alton Sterling : His Son Crying when he saw his father Shot dead Video

on Funeral, Alton's Wife, Family, Protest on Twitter Alton Sterling Have a Gun in News

by Police officers.

Hey Guys, As you Know, The two police officers, Blane Salamoni, and Howie Lake, involved in

the fatal shooting of Alton Sterling, in July 2016 in Baton Rouge, will not be charged,

with any crime, the Louisiana attorney general, announced on Tuesday,

Sterling, a 37-year-old black father of five, was shot six times by officer, Blane Salamoni,

on 5 July 2016.

The confrontation between Alton Sterling and Police Officer Salamoni and officer Howie

Lake II, who are both white, was captured on video, and sparked unrest, throughout the

summer of 2016.

Aunt of Alton Sterling Says.

Everyone watched the Video, "He was murdered by two white, racist police officers.

He was murdered, like an animal," and "I'm going to get my justice, from a higher power.

Shame on you.

You took an oath, to protect and serve, not to protect and kill."

In defence, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, a Republican said, Baton Rouge officers,

Blane Salamoni, and Howie Lake, had good reason to believe, Sterling 37, was armed, with a

gun, and was resisting arrest.

"Our investigation, has concluded that officers Lake, and Salamoni, attempted to make a lawful

arrest, of Alton Sterling, based upon probable cause.

We would like to remind you that, Sterling was shot outside the store, on July 5, 2016,

According to investigation documents, Salamoni and Lake were dispatched in the early morning

hours, after an anonymous caller, indicated that a man wearing a red shirt, and selling

CDs, outside the Triple S Food Mart, had threatened him with a gun.

Investigators said, Salamoni drew his handgun, and pointed it at Sterling's head, within

20 seconds of arriving on the scene.

According to federal officials, as related by Sterling's family and attorney, the officer

said to Sterling something to the effect of "I'm going to kill you bitch".

According to the official account of the incident, the officers tried to tackle, Sterling and

deploy a stun gun.

While in a scuffle on the ground, officers believed Sterling, was reaching for a gun

in his pocket.

Salamoni drew his weapon, and fired three shots, to Sterling's chest, then three more

as he rolled over.

The 17-year-old son of Alton Sterling, has called for peaceful protests, after his father

was shot dead, by Louisiana police officers.

Cameron Sterling said, his father was a "good man" but said there should be "no violence"

in his name.

So Guys if you are in favour of 2 Police officers, OR you Support family of Alton Sterling, Don't

forget to, Like this video, and comment below, what is your opinion, on this controversy..?

For more infomation >> Alton Sterling Son Crying : Shooting Video, Funeral, Wife, Family, Protest,Gun,News,Police officers, - Duration: 3:21.


ATTN: uses Tubular as the Measurement Standard for Digital Video - Duration: 1:02.

Our primary ways of distributing content is on Facebook.

We get about 500M video views per month.

We talk about a range of topics - everything from gender inequality to politics to racial


What we try to do is compartmentalize issues that are complex into digestible short-form

video formats.

We have a goal of having really engaging original premium quality content and we use engagements

per video metrics, views per video metrics, shares per video metrics, comments per video

metrics to assess how good of a job we are doing at creating premium engaging video content

and Tubular helps us do that.

Pre-Tubular it's like the dark ages.

The way I describe Tubular is a platform where you get competitive intelligence on

the media landscape outside your data set.

In TV the standard for understanding the landscape is Nielsen. And I think for digital media it's Tubular.

For more infomation >> ATTN: uses Tubular as the Measurement Standard for Digital Video - Duration: 1:02.


EXPOSING MICHI DASH - Video & thumbnail stealing, lying - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> EXPOSING MICHI DASH - Video & thumbnail stealing, lying - Duration: 3:02.


Non-Metal GRE/GRP, PVC/CPVC Cement, HDPE- Piping Training Video-6 - Duration: 3:25.

Non-metallic materials are used in non-critical services such as water & drainage, where operating

pressure and temperature are not significant.

In this lecture I will give you an overview of these materials.

Commonly used non-metallic piping materials are


• GRE/GRP • Cement pipes

These non-metallic materials offer some great advantage over metallic piping but also have

some limitation.

They are resistant to chemical attack but poor in strength.

• PVC / CPVC − PVC – is Polyvinyl Chloride and

− CPVC - Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (which is having a higher strength at elevated

temperatures than PVC) • Pvc and cpvc are tough and exceptionally

resistant to chemical attack • PVC, CPVC required protection form ultraviolet

exposure if installed outdoor.

• Start softening when subjected to high temperature.

• Plastics Pipe are made by Extrusion process • And Fittings, flanges and valves are manufactured

by injection moulding • PVC has many applications in industries

and it also used in home water piping.

PE/HDPE • High-Density Polyethylene has may desirable

qualities over LDPE or PVC, • It has Improved tensile strength

• Improved low-temperature brittleness • Higher softening point

• And higher chemical resistance • HDPE pipe are manufactured by extrusion

process • It is widely Used in water distribution

and low-pressure natural gas services • It also Used as lined material with carbon

steel pipe GRE/GRP pipes are getting popularity in water

and sewage transport.

These pipes offer excellent corrosion resistance property over all other types of pipes.

The main difference between GRE and GRP is the resin used for bonding the glass fiber.

GRP pipe used Isophtalic Resin whereas GRE pipe used Epoxy Resin.

• GRP: Glassfibre reinforced plastic are used in

− Water supply application ,Wastewater / Sewerage collection and sea water transport application

• GRE: Glassfibre reinforced epoxy − Pipes are used for industrial application,

as it can withstand higher temperature compare to GRP pipe.

− GRE pipes are used in offshore platform and water treatment plant to handle salty


• Due to Excellent chemical and corrosion resistance it also used as lining material

in sewage effluent tanks • GRP/GRE pipe Manufactured using filament

winding process,

Cement Pipes are not used to for any process application however, it used in process facility

for various other purpose • Cement Pipes are Manufactured from reinforced

of non-reinforced concrete • They mainly Used in storm water and gravity

services • They also Used in culvert and irrigation

application What you have learned in this lecture?

• Types of Non Metallic Material and their uses

• Overview of properties and Manufacturing methods

See you in the next lecture

For more infomation >> Non-Metal GRE/GRP, PVC/CPVC Cement, HDPE- Piping Training Video-6 - Duration: 3:25.


School District of New Berlin - Parent Experience Video 4 - Duration: 1:24.

Hi, my name is Wade and I have three kids that attend Elmwood.

My oldest son is in fifth grade. Then I have another son in third grade, and a daughter who is in second grade.

Probably my favorite thing, honestly, about the school, because I do have a son with special needs

I come to the school each and every morning just to be able to touch base with one of his aides.

Which is really great to be able to do that, and I've been able to do that since he was in kindergarten.

But it gives me an opportunity to see all the teachers right at the front door

and what's pretty awesome is bright and early in the morning, they all have smiles on their face, they're joking

they're interacting. They always say hi to me and just ask how I'm actually doing and how things in our life are going.

And of course, you know, asking how the kids are doing.

It's a real cool thing because when you walk into an environment like this and you see so many people happy

day in and day out, you just know there's a good learning environment going on.

We do have a really great team that does work with our son with special education needs.

You know, in many cases, they just really adapted and really got to know him well and it provides such a safe

and comforting environment for him here at school. Sometimes that can be hard for kids with special needs.

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