Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 27 2018

Once your friendly postman has delivered your stories in the snow kit, you're ready ready to start your adventure as a citizen scientist.

This video will guide you through the process of capturing snow crystals and uploading photos into the Citizen Science Tahoe App.

Let's get under way!

Stories in the snow is a citizen science project.

and everyone is encouraged to collect snow crystal images.

What does your stories in the snow kit contain?

One, snow crystal capture card.

The snow crystal capture card contains handy written instructions on one side and felt on the opposite side.

Two, easy-macro lens.

The lens magnifies the power of your camera four times and can easily be placed on your smartphone or tablet.

Three, a thermometer.

The thermometer is used to measure outside temperature.

Make sure you downloaded the Citizen Science Lake Tahoe Mobile Phone App.

Once its been downloaded, you can sign up or if you under 13, simply click 'try-it' to use it without registering.

Scroll down to find stories in the snow.

Click, enter members area.

and then, when it is snowing, you're ready to take your pictures.

Attach the easy-macro lens to your device; either a smart phone or tablet.

Align the easy-macro lens over the lens of your camera.

Turn on location services

On your smart phone or tablet.

Place the card outdoors and wait a minute or two so it cools to ambient temperature.

Pick up the snow crystal capture card and place the felt side up or towards the sky

Capture snow crystals as they fall directly onto the card.

Steady or prop the bottom of your smartphone or tablet against a hard surface.

Move the lens very close to the crystal you want to capture.

Then, slowly pull back the smart phone to focus.

Once the ice crystal is focused, take a picture.

To upload your photo, open the Citizen Science Lake Tahoe Mobile Phone App and scroll down to find stories in the snow.

Answer all of the questions about temperature and how hard it is snowing.

You can even upload multiple pictures and add comments.

Snow crystals come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Research meteorologists want to see what you see.

So send us photos of any crystal that lands on your capture card.

Not just the pretty ones.

That's it! Have fun!

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