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For more infomation >> Farm Animals Name and Sounds - Video Learning for Children - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
DBLWS Update Video: March 22, 2018 - Duration: 7:19.
Hello, today is March 22nd.
My name is Marsha Drenth, I am the program manager for the DeafBlind Living Well Services
support service provider program here at the Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania.
Today's video is to review and update as a follow up for our February 28th video and email.
This video provides important information about April 11th.
On April 11th is our human services committee hearing.
It is important that all persons attending the hearing arrive as soon as possible.
This means you need to arrive early to be able to park, to walk, to enter into the capital
through the fountain entrance, to go through security which is similar to airport security
and to meet at 8 am at the escalator.
Again it is important that you all arrive early so that we can all meet as a group to
explain the day and match up interpreters.
We will then all travel as a group to the hearing.
The hearing begins at 9am.
The hearing is important for committee members to hear all about House Bill 2069.
The hearing has a limit of three persons who will be speaking.
Those persons will be myself Marsha Drenth, Zenola Tyson who is a deafblind consumer who
lives here in the Harrisburg area, and Renee Fisher who is an SSP from the Pittsburgh area.
After all comments have been made, the committee members might ask us questions about deafblindness
or support service providers.
Once the hearing is done, our group will travel to the cafeteria area.
Lunch is on your own.
We will discuss the hearing and talk about what was asked and discussed.
Once we have discussed the hearing we will also talk about the legislative visits that afternoon.
Deafblind, SSP's and interpreters will go to their respective legislative meetings.
After all legislative meetings have finished, as a group we will meet back in the cafeteria
area in which we had lunch in.
Now for important information about April 11th.
Number one, when scheduling your legislative visits, please include the town that you live in
and that you are a constituent, that you are deafblind or a SSP and that you would like
to discuss House Bill 2069 and that you would also like to meet on April 11th.
Number two, the deadline for requesting interpreters is March 30th.
This is very important, this means that you must schedule your legislative visits as soon as possible.
Once you have scheduled your legislative visits you should email Sharon Behun to schedule those interpreters.
Sharon will then be scheduling the interpreters as a group.
Sharon's email is
Again those requests must be in before March 30th.
Number 3, for consumers who are deafblind to schedule support service providers,
you must email Marsha Drenth before March 30th at
Again those requests must come in before March 30th.
Number four, if you are not able to attend the hearing in person but would like to provide
written comments, you may do so before April 3rd by emailing or sending those comments
to Sharon Behun.
Again her email address is
Sharon then will be submitting all of the comments in a group so that it's official.
It is very important that you attend either in person or provide written comments.
Further videos and emails will come soon about talking points for those persons who will
be meeting with their legislators on April 11th.
Talking points are information in which you should be able to provide to the legislators
and questions that they may have about support service providers or deafblindness.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at
I hope that you can join us on April 11th Thank you!
♪♫♫ Late - Humor Video Divertente - Duration: 0:11.
♪♫♫ Beach Disco - Video Brevissimi Divertenti Videoclip - Duration: 0:11.
Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Dog Video Compilation 2018 | Funny Animals Video - Duration: 10:07.
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Most Satisfying Slime Video 2018 | Slime Coloring #6 - Duration: 10:52.
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Harsh Beniwal new video | horror comedy Ep 1 | Harsh Beniwal |funny vines | keep#clam - Duration: 16:21.
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Uomini e Donne a luci rosse, spogliarello per Tina Cipollari, video | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:51.
♪♫♫ Beach Disco - Video Spiritoso - Duration: 0:11.
♪♫♫ Chaos - Video Simpatici - Duration: 0:11.
♪♫♫ Beach Disco - Video Ironici Brevissimi - Duration: 0:11.
Clone Yourself! (In Your Videos) - Duration: 5:17.
Hey, what's up! It's Chris from Brooker Films and in today's video I'm going to
show you how to clone yourself. Let's do it!
To do this we're going to need a camera, a tripod and a good location. Try and find the location with limited to
no background movement. Having people or traffic moving around in the background
of your shot is going to completely ruin this effect and is going give you a
massive headache in the edit. So, to shoot this effect we need to start on a fairly
wide shot, we need to mark up where we're going to stand, then we're going start
rolling the camera. You're going to walk around the shots and complete a
different action in each different location and that's literally it.
Once you've completed all of your actions you need to get this footage onto the
computer and start editing this. So, to complete this effect, I've launched up
Adobe After Effects. We're going to start off by creating a new composition and
we'll make that 1920x1080 pixels and press ok, but now we need to import our
media, so we're going to go over to here and we go to press import. Okay, so once you
found the file you just go to press import, once you've got the footage over
here we just want to drag this down onto the composition. This is our shot.
I'm just going to go through and I'm just going to pick out all of the moments
while I was standing in position doing, whatever I was doing. Scrub through to
find when I move and then we are just going to pull this back to the start and
overlap that first video over here. There we go! Okay, I'm just going cut that
off around about at the same point as the first take and again, I'm going to
scroll through to find my third position and I'm just going to capture that.
And again, the same process, pull that back to the start
and trim the end of it.
We need to go to our top layer, which is this one and I've got to go here to
the pen tool, just select that and I'm just going to draw a quick mask around
myself on that top layer. So we've got to go down to the second layer, which is me
over here and same again, I'm just going mask around myself.
Then on that third just get a cut around here again, move down to the second where I'm in a
handstand, cut around again and then on the last take you do not actually want
to do the same thing, you don't want to cut around this. If you were to add a
mask the last layer, like I'm doing now, you end up with this and that's just not
very good. Use this bottom layer as the background.
Fortunately, I was shooting in quite a well sheltered area and the light did not drastically change
that much, but if you're outside and the clouds are moving and the sun's moving
all over the place then sometimes the light can change and you can end up with
patchy masks like this. Now, obviously this doesn't blend very well, as you can
see, you can clearly see there's a cut there so what we want to try and do is
we want to feather this out. Select the layer and we're going press the M key
that'll bring up your mask. I've just got to double click this and find the feather
So, we're just gonna pull that up to 200 and there you go, that's hidden.
If you shot in 1080p HD then you're basically done here, however if you shot
in 4k then you've got the ability to take this effect even further and make
this effect look even more realistic. So, we're going to add some camera movement
into this. We're going to go up to the layer tab and we're going to select new
null object. Okay, so once we have the null, we're going to select all of the footage
layers and not the null object and we're going to press this little lasso thing
That's the parent. And we're just going to pick-whip to the null. So, we're going to go up to
our null object, we're going to press transform and we're going to get our scale
and position and we're going to quickly pull the scale up to about 165
and then we'll pull the position up and pull that all the way to the left of
the frame and then we're going to toggle this here, which is going to create a
keyframe. We're going to go over 5 seconds and we're going to pull our position over
to the right of the frame. Just to completely sell this effect we're gonna
select absolutely everything, then we're going to come up to here, this circle
icon here and press the box below and press the same icon up here. Now, this is
going to add motion blur to your shot and make it look more realistic and make
it look as if this was actually filmed the way that it looks now.
So once you've done this, you can go and grade this, you can colour correct it and you
have a clone effect.
And that's it! If you found this video helpful whatsoever
then please do let me know in the comment section below and if you would
like to see more videos like this in the future then don't forget to press the
subscribe button thank you ever so much for watching this video I really do
truly appreciate it. I hope you have the most amazing day today. See you soon!
♪♫♫ Late - Video Simpatico Buona Serata - Duration: 0:11.
Coco Movie Puzzle Video for Children - Mamá Coco and Her Daughter - Duration: 3:44.
Coco Movie Puzzle Video for Children - Mamá Coco and Her Daughter
Let's play Mamá Coco and Her Daughter From Disney/Pixar Coco 2017 animated moviein this jigsaw puzzle game for kids.
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