So the next thing is, how do you actually get to that state? How do you
actually realize what you're doing and what are the steps to do it?
Years ago I went on a course and it was all to do
with a visualization. Now some would call that 'reverse engineering'. So the trick is
if you imagine what the end game looks like, what the end result is. So it could
be a blog post going up, it could be a video that's being done, it could be an
interior design project safely installed, sorted, and you shaking hands with the
client and sailing out the door and shutting the door behind you; isn't life
wonderful! So if you imagine that's the end game, you now need to work back
through that, from the end game, all the way back to the beginning and put in
all the steps; and at that point you should have a blueprint for how you're
actually going to be doing any job. That visualization strategy, if you like, has
helped me enormously over the years I didn't even know it was going to make
any kind of a difference. So if you've got some sort of project to do, whether
its large or small, a full interior design project or you can
break them down into mini sections as well, I would imagine the end game. What
do you want the end game to look like? Is it a blog post on a computer is it up on
a social media platform, is it a video up on YouTube or is it a project?
Or do you just need to get a particular project done? What needs to happen, what
is that end game and then write that end game down - and then work down all the
steps. What would happen the before that? What is the next step that would happen
before that, and the one before that, and soon you'll have all of the steps, in
order, which is quite shocking!.. of what you have to do; and then you can just,
literally, carry it out. This as I said does apply to interior design
projects as well. So if you do think of yourself as that girl, or boy,
going out that door and shutting the door after shaking hands with the
clients; if that is your end game what happens before that. Well the obvious
thing is the client comes in and has a look around, so you need to have
some kind of a point where the client comes in, you see them, and you show them
around and explain whatever you need to explain. But
when the client isn't there, what happens before that? Well, you're running around
titivating, putting all accessories out and straightening up the
curtains and furniture and all that sort of thing.t That's the next bit. Then what's
the next bit after that? Well the furniture's got to come in. So you see the
furniture arrives. So what happens before that? Well the delivery company has to
pick it up. So you have to write out every single little bit that is going to
happen and then you can see, the enormity of the project, of what, of
how everything needs to go. Whether it's the flooring going in - the curtains
going up - that means at some point the curtains have to be ordered and before
that the fabric has to be thought about and decided upon.. There is a whole
level of ways of looking at this, but this is the simplest way of
looking at it; as just putting every little bit in order. You can swap things
around and things won't always go true to form but it's a very good way of
actually seeing the breadth and depth of a project before you even start. Now of
course the excellent thing about this is it's that all of these
different items can be put into a diary and you can diarise. And this is one of the
best things; you will need a diary. I still use my old trusty Filofax, which is
perfect for me. Lots of people do things electronically, please feel free to do
that if that's your thing, if you're younger.
But I still use my diary and you can't really sort of see it here but it
is it's a 'week to view' and that week to view means everything is timed,
so I can see when things are coming in and out. It actually has a whole list of
other different things which are dotted around to each different item, but at
least it's in a calendar format. So I can turn over the page and say "what's
happening next week?" And everything is there at a glance. You could do this for
each individual project that you're doing, but when you're starting out or
actually even when you get going with things, the larger projects that you
would do, the less amount of projects that you will want to take on. Because
these things are all-encompassing, so in order to be productive, I would
definitely say get something written down, because sometimes it's
better to actually have a look at things as you won't be able to see things
really, on a big screen, unless you're taking around your laptop or an iPad
everywhere. You could print stuff out, that's another way to do it of
course, but I actually prefer pencil and paper and I do use pencil rather than
a pen, just so I can rub stuff out and make adjustments as I go along.
Now sometimes you can actually be a little bit overzealous with this, so you
get your diary and you think "right I'm going to fit everything in, I've
visualized how it's going to be and I'm going to fill everything in" and some
things will go by the wayside.. and this is where you can see different projects
starting to move and slip. This will happen and you can't worry about it.
Because it will happen in the beginning and it still happens to this
day, because you have all the other exterior factors which come in and muck
up your entire beautiful schedule that you've produced in order to make
yourself productive and run the whole project on time! So I would absolutely
say, again cut yourself some slack and realise that even when you do
put this in place, it can be overwhelming, Even for your diary to
contain. You'll see it all and it can be frightening to look at, but take it one
or two weeks at a time, and you should be fine. Now getting out of the house can
often be seen as not being productive whatsoever.
After all, how are you being productive if you're going to a trade show or
something of that ilk. Well I think you're going to have to get used to
going out of the house. For a start off you will be getting used to traveling
around to different properties, to different suppliers,back and forth to
home, all these sorts of things will happen. It will come up during the course
a working week, shall we say and you're just going to have to
incorporate that into your life. What I would say, is that if you are going off
to a client, say on a Tuesday morning, to go and visit them at their home; that I
would, if you need to go out, I would utilise that Tuesday afternoon, so that
you are out and going off somewhere as well, so utilise that entire Tuesday to
be out of the office; you don't have to rush back,
you're already out, you're travelling around and you get everything done out
of the house. Which means, that shall we say on the Wednesday, the day after, you
can actually get some work done at your home. Try not to be as bitty, because
often, half the time can be taken up with traveling.
Although that we still have our mobile phones in this day and age, that we can
work from it sometimes isn't enough and sometimes people are doing other
things: listening to podcasts, people are sort of on the phone,
they're texting different people, they're catching up with friends, they're on
Facebook, probably! Something like this, and you do need to some downtime. But I
think if you going to be productive at all, that at least if you've got a couple of
things that you need to do outside the house, try and put fit them and put them
both on the same day. So I hope that's been a little bit helpful to tell you
exactly what I do, what I have done, what's worked,what hasn't worked in the
past.. I'm still learning. You will evolve as you go through, and as
you learn to be a business person and a designer as well - and the two things are
actually quite different in some ways but there are lots of overlaps, with just
general business and interior design, but they all have the thing in common that
you do need to be productive in what you're doing. Whether that's growing an
online business and that whole side of things. Then promoting yourself as a
designer. Or whether you're actually getting the work done, you're
actually putting the projects in progress. And in order for that, you need
to be productive. I'm hoping that this will help you a little bit. If you have
any comments or any questions or anything that you think that you want to
be added on, you want me to ask anything about them, write them in the comments
down below and I will speak to you soon!
Happy Designing!
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