Do you ever wonder if you're just too old to do this? You know at this point
your life that it's kind of silly or maybe selfish to pursue your dreams? I
know a lot of us as entrepreneurs we're in the second act of our lives where
we've had another career or another business and now we're reinventing
ourselves and doing something totally new and if you've ever had those
thoughts of should I be doing this is this really possible then you're going
to love today's episode because our guest today is an amazing entrepreneur
who totally reinvented herself in her 60s and now has a thriving business, an
amazing story, and she's even been featured on video a Gary Vee and she
also happens to be one of my most favorite people on the planet.
Hey there i'm Nafissa Shireen, success coach a business strategist for
entrepreneurs and welcome to Living Forward TV where we help you to create a
thriving business you absolutely love all around your personal freedom. You
know I work with a lot of entrepreneurs who've had a successful previous career
and are looking to replicate that incredible success after their
nine-to-five but making that leap takes a ton of courage and that's why I'm so
excited about our guest today, Sue Ferreira because she has successfully
made that leap at what many people may consider to be later in life and after
today's episode your definition of later is definitely going to change because
you see you're never too old to start a new venture. It was in her 60s that Sue
transformed her world from anesthesiologist to entrepreneur so
welcome to Living Forward TV
-I am just honored to be here, Nafissa.
-I am I'm really excited that you came to see us today and before we get
into our episode I wanted to share with our viewers a little bit of how we met
because I I'm known for speaking and I get out and speak a lot but I'm always
nervous when I go and speak and so I like to find somebody that I can zero in
on and connect with and you were that person for that one talk and unlike all
the other talks that I've been on we ended up creating a beautiful friendship.
-Yeah, and it has been a beautiful friendship and will continue to be.
-I know and I'm so glad to have met you and you've been such a support and
encouragement for me I mean I actually might not even have had this youtube
show if it weren't for Sue literally kicking me in the butt get on video
and so we have so much to cover here today and I know it's going to be an
amazing time but before we get into all the juicy details what I'd like to ask
you which I ask all our guests is what does Living Forward mean to you?
-Good question, living forward, for me it means that we all have a future and you
you already mentioned in the introduction that you know you're never
too old to start a venture. Well I'm hitting 71 next year and for me living
forward is looking forward to my next 30 to 40 years
and that's one of the reasons I got into this in the first place so me living
forwards is the excitement of the next few decades.
-I love it because you
are you've already got your hundredth birthday planned yes and you're the
first person to get me thinking about the fact that oh my goodness I'm going
to live past 100 with all the technology and advances happening today so that
really gets us to a lot of what we're gonna talk about today and I know you've
spoken about it in a lot of talks about all the rapid changes that you you see
and that we see swirling around us. Tell us a little bit about them and how you
feel it's going to influence in the years to come.
-I think it's, and this is this
is you're right, you've heard you've heard me speak we often speak in similar
events at the same events and I think it is transformational what is coming up is
going to change us in so many ways. And it's funny as I came out of medicine
about three years ago I was blown away because we were we're treating 95, 96
year old ladies because sadly at the moment, most of the men are gone at that stage, but we're
treating them and putting in new hips and new knees and these ladies that
going concerns and that is now and with some of the technology coming down the
pipe which is going to reverse aging probably and even bring in that scary
immortality and I'm not completely whacko saying that you know really what
you want to do in the future has changed totally because the chances are you're
going to be there you're going to be there well into the future and do
something you love.
-And I think that is such an important thing for for all of
us to consider especially as entrepreneurs because I think a lot of
times we're not thinking about our retirement which may not even exist now
and are we thinking about you know creating income well past our our 60s or
about that freedom 55 pace right to be able to be creating that income.
-You've just hit the nail on the head and you've you've hit two of the big
issues I mean one of them is we're gonna have time so we can do what we want to
often you know our first careers we've we've done them and we've both made a
transition to new careers and so you have the opportunity to do something you
might always wanted to do and you do have the time and there also is the
income they go together and with you look at the stats they
ain't very optimistic about the ability to live hundred and beyond on current
savings and current ways. Now that might change too I mean the whole whole money
and everything else might change but for the moment we really do need to think
about how are we going to enjoy our next half-century and how are we gonna finance it.
-And you know I one of the reasons I'm really excited to have you
here beside of all I mean there's so many but you know I I work with a lot of
entrepreneurs and a lot of my audience are people that have had prior careers
and you know we're not talking about just like a job or a lower-level job
they've had established careers I mean you were a physician, an anesthesiologist
you had life-or-death decisions on your hands and that's quite a distinguished
career and and now you've you're doing something totally different a total
reinvention. What brought you to that?
-You know life usually its life
events isn't it? I I was I was heading into what I thought was a regular
retirement and then I went through a divorce one of those gray divorces also
on the incidents after on the increased incidence after 37 years of marriage
when I was 60 so suddenly I am changing my focus it's like I'm looking at a
different future that was the it was in 2007 the year
before the crash then the crash happened and I have this there was a one moment
where I just saw I just, I get funny even talking about it. I just felt
the number of people whose lives were going to be destroyed and I put the two
together and and it was kind of strange like something came out of the blue and
said to me someone need to do something about this and this little voice here
said, "you're someone" and I said, "get away" and this little voice on here said
"yes you are" and so I said "okay I'll do something". And I did and that's when my
world changed I mean it's bizarre innit but I turned at that moment I started
working out what was the most effective way that I could help particularly women
because I know they're gonna live much longer really work out how they were
going to organize their life 40, 50 years further on and that's tough because you
made the other good point is we don't think that far ahead it's unreal
it's very difficult to think half a century ahead but in fact we need to. So
I had to bring it into today and using video is the way I helped them get
forward today.
-And I really want to dive into that but there's one question I
want to ask you and I might blindside you here a little bit, because I did not warn you
with it but you know one of the things that I I struggled with when I made the
leap to entrepreneurship and one of the things I've noticed a lot of new
entrepreneurs struggle with is that mindset shift of being an employee of
working for someone else to being an entrepreneur. I'd love to hear your
thoughts on that.
-Well in a way I was never an employee.
I've always been self-employed you know but but even so the mind shift from
physician to entrepreneur has been massive. I don't think you can do it
unless you do a huge amount of self work first and for me it was it was perfect
at the time because I was doing a whole load of delving into myself. As to why
my marriage had gone wrong and what had happened in my life and where I was I
was going to go but I think it's it's mandatory. You're right. If you don't do
that you are never going to be successful in your transition to an
entrepreneurial world so what I did basically was literally go out there and
read every single help book self-help book I could find. I went into Tony
Robbins, I went to Oprah, and the hilarious things is that my medical
friends whom I'm I mean I've got medical friends from 40 years or more when I
talk like this now they roll their eyes and say "oh my god she's gone California
woowoo" and and we laugh and and it's so you do become a different person you
move into a different world but you need to make that mindset shift.
-Because you're always gonna come up against your stuff when it's when you're
an entrepreneur and I think one of the things that was one of my mentors said
that you you know you're always gonna be faced with what you do to you as an
entrepreneur when you're entirely responsible for yourself and I I just
think it's just there's a lot of courage involved in making that leap but once
you start to go down that journey it can actually be a really beautiful journey.
-I wouldn't I wouldn't have missed it for a second. It's amazingly enriching. I am a
different person my kids my kids see it too which is great you know and they all
mom I love who you've become and to me that's like that's enough in itself and
and I just encourage everyone to go on the journey.
-It really is because you
really get to get to learn about yourself. The self you didn't know, right?
And that gets me to the questions. I want to talk about Wisdom to Wealth Mastery
because all of us whether we've been lifelong entrepreneurs or
we're making that switch do have a lifetime of wisdom built up in us so how
do we take that wisdom and turn it into wealth? And I think this is where we're gonna
be talking about a little bit about video one of my favorite topics.
-Yeah and you're right and that's why it's funny because you you know same as me when you
say later in life you say it in that you know like I don't know if I should be
saying this because people don't want to look at it that way but when you do get
into 40s and 50s you do have wisdom and it's not knowledge it's wisdom and it's
wisdom that people want and and we've had this one of the transformations of
the last few years has been this massive transformation in marketing where we've
gone from living in our own little world to being able to go I say it's like
going through the door at the back of the Wardrobe you go through into a
virtual world like Narnia which video allows you to do and we can now take our
wisdom to the world and I think this is the most exciting thing right now I
think we've got what we got 7.5 billion people on the planet we've got 3 billion
online and it's anticipated in the next two years we will go to four, another
4 billion will come online and these are people who've never been online who are
desperately desperate to learn and I know that cuz I spent quite a bit of
time in Africa and that and they're desperate to learn. The opportunity we
have right now to take our wisdom to these folks and generate wealth for us
with our knowledge but for them to it's the trickle down that I love it's it's
that we can take our wisdom help them create new lives educate them and then
that turns into wealth for all of us and that's what I
want to do. And of course the way we do it is video because video allows us I mean
we're living proof. Right this second we're sitting here recording a
conversation and this conversation will go out to the world and that is the
power of video.
-And people get to see the person behind the words you know
just copy on a screen can convey some stuff but it's the video.
-We wanna know who the people are.
-We really want it to me it's it's today's networking what we're doing is
networking with the world and it is it is so powerful I mean it's risen what in
10 years it's gone from nowhere it's gone from a geek in a garage with wires
and equipment everywhere to something everybody can do through a smartphone.
it's it's amazing the power it's given us.
-You've got a program
something called Purse Power or you do something like that right yeah you can
record your cell phone video just having your purse, and just have a studio in your
-Yep, I walk around with an HD I say I have the equivalent of CBC,
NBC, whatever BC you want in my purse. Something that only 10 years ago would
be millions of dollars worth of investment now it's on my person I can
take it out at any time and go to the world as we've been doing
this morning earlier with some Facebook things I mean it's so powerful.
-Well and you've you have called yourself the itty-bitty techie dude. So, tell me I
mean I I love watching your videos and we're gonna link to Sue's web page and
her YouTube channel here below in the show notes as well because it's a wealth
of information on the tech and that the pieces behind it. What I mean I love
video obviously I love being the talent and when it comes to all that the the
technology the lights the camera that the post-production the microphones i i
short circuit out. What made that exciting for you and how
do you make that easy for for people to understand?
-And you know I do you know you hit that there's just
two big roadblocks i think especially for women getting onto camera. One is the
confidence to do it and that's the mindset thing we've already talked about
that and second is the tech. And in fact someone said to me yesterday, "well i made
the video now what I do with it?" and I just love the tech I mean
anaesthesiology is a tech business right so it's very easy for me to move into
the tech. But I know how difficult it is especially for women so and I know my
talent is to simplify. We have simple equipment now which really as I say
really all you need is smartphone and maybe a microphone to make the sound
better but beyond that what do you do? I simplify it so in my courses on my
teaching I literally take you, you don't even have to think about it, I say this
is what you do you click here, you click here, you click here, you get the video.
You follow my clicks, and that's what you need to do now to edit, to put it on
YouTube, to put it on Facebook live, I'll give you the little techy click by click
so you don't have to think and then away you go.
-Well I think I told you this,
there was one day and this is just such an awesome like it's so funny I my tech
gal was not available it was her day off I can't remember
I needed something transcribed right away and I'd kind of heard about that
Google thing right how you could do it and I couldn't figure out I couldn't
figure it out for the life of me. So what do you do you go into Google and you go
like how do you transcribe and I put it in YouTube comes up and guess who
shows up on my feed, it's Sue in a video teaching it! I burst out laughing. It's like of all the videos that could come
up it wouldn't be Sue. So this this really shows you how you can be found on
video, right? Just putting something like that up there and it was it was kind of
an obscure thing but and there was a lot of videos after you but you were at the
top of it and I just thought I think I posted in your Facebook group I'm like
"Sue, you're not gonna believe what just happened right, I just, it was you" but
speaking of being found I want to know how on earth did you get in the video
with Gary Vee? Let's talk about this.
-It's, it this is pure happenstance. My
daughter-in-law introduced me to Gary Vee and and his book what is it Jab Jab
Right Hook and I thought this guy's really cool. And I went on to his video
on his video channel and I saw his six minutes for the next 60 years of your
life rant. And it hit me like it really hit me because I'm the
avatar. Right? I am I am you know exactly who is
talking about in that rant.
-And if you haven't seen that we're gonna link to
that in the show notes as well.
-You have to watch it because that's the message that we're
talking about here and and I watched a few times and it was so visceral for me
and yet Gary's videos are, they're New York, they're dark, they're urban, and I live in
Victoria, British Columbia. I've got the mountains I've got the ocean I got the
flowers and I thought you know, and his words are very different from mine
so what I did was just transcribe his words and do it with me
as Gary as the avatar and then I I did it for fun and then I thought oh I might
be stuck with a copyright here. So I just sent the video through Gary's
website to his team and asked if I could put this video
up and they said yes. Forgot about it, that was it and then about four months
later I've I'm talking to my daughter on the phone and my phone starts just
messages coming through and this was the first time what I didn't know totally
unbeknownst to me they picked up my video, they'd taken Gary's original, and
they'd spliced us and it was hilarious I mean it it's it shows
one serendipity. This was no intent. I did it for fun and that video now has
over two hundred and fifty one thousand views.
-Yeah so it shows how easy you can go
-And how things can change and people would know who you are and I you
know and it's funny because I when I was talking to a few people about our guest
cuz when we when we do a interviews we'll do a few up in a day cuz obviously
the sets different or whatever so I can't remember who I was speaking to saying we're
having our interviews today and I mentioned something about you coming and
then I said, they didn't quite know right away and I said oh what's really cool is
she had this video with Gary Vee, she's like I've seen that! right? So I can't remember
who that was but I do remember that was the reaction and so it's so easy to
suddenly go from you know just being comfortable in little Victoria BC to
being all over the world with one video.
-One video one video and I think
the other point here which is really important for everybody is that with the
web you are only one click away from every single influencer. That is
power. If you use that power you we all of us have, I don't like the word guru,
but we have people who are where we want to be and you are one click away from them.
-Well and and that's the thing, the next question I was going to
get to because I think this this goes a little bit beyond just video, is is that
whole mindset piece because you could have recorded that and said ah you know
what, it was fun and then show to a few friends, who am I to reach out to Gary
Vee? Which I think a lot of us would do or shy away from. So can you talk to
me a little bit about that and what would you tell our viewers or somebody
listening today that says, I couldn't possibly reach out to an influencer.
-Mindset. It's it you just need to see some more mindset work and I'll tell you
to the other nice thing is when you get in your seventies you think what the
heck? Why don't I do it? So you do it but that again is a mindset stuff it's a
what I got to lose? The only thing I had to lose was they would say no and then I
wouldn't put the video up. But if you don't ask you don't get, so you ask. And I
I see if if you if you can garner the courage to make that connection it's so
powerful because you know the gurus they appreciate, they see someone,
they they know they've been there in the past and they know what it's like for
someone to to basically to want to move forward which is another way of living
-Yes, and which is I mean and I know for
me when I first started my business I remember one of the big things that with
a lot of coaches is to speak on telesummits to get well-known and one of
the harder parts about getting on telesummits
is well A, they're already established when you find out about it so how to get
on there? People have to know about you in advance. I was unknown. And you also
have to have a certain list size so I it was something I never knew how to
do and it took just one influencer, one person who said I want to help you out
right? And I had to talk to her, I had to ask her I said you know I don't have a
big list here's some other ideas and you know what
she took me on and that made a big difference right and again it was about
having that mindset but don't be afraid. Because the worst they can say is
no and if you don't ask you're already saying no.
-And that is an absolutely
profound truth if you don't ask you don't get
and it's there. You just have to make that step and take action
-Yeah absolutely and I think that's one of the hardest things as entrepreneurs
is is when we take action just entirely for ourselves we're so worried about
that rejection piece but but we can't be and I love that you said you know in
your 70s you don't care and I think we all need to stop caring a lot sooner. I
heard a talk by Jessie Itzler, you know who he is? He's Sara Blakey's
husband for those of you who don't know and he's written a book
called Living with a Seal which is a phenomenal book and one of the things he
said in his talk and it really struck with me was if you can get over the fear
of being embarrassed like your life is gonna change right because then so what?
-Well I mean and again that that is absolutely right it goes back to the
confidence to being on camera I mean I think there's an old Jerry Seinfeld
thing that if you're at a funeral most people would rather be in the casket
than giving the eulogy. So you have this fear of speaking on two levels, one is
public speaking and then that carries over into video and again that just
comes back to deciding to do it. To working on your mindset and then to
practice practice practice practice and we can all do it and there's no excuse
now especially. A lot of people would avoid video until maybe a year or so ago
when Facebook Live came because it was too tech. Sorry you just tell me any
excuse now, I'll say nuhuh, you just pick up that phone, hit the red button.
Pick up the phone, hit the red button and it has become so simple and people want
to know you.
-Yeah, they want to know who you are
and to engage with you and connect with you and and your tribe will find
you that way right? How do you help your clients with you know the whole relaxing
piece like about being on camera I mean like and you even know with me I mean I
have a technical setup like I live in a technical household I have a team and
how long did I resist going on video?
-Right? I know it's hard to believe now but I
mean if I can do it, anybody can do it, so how you give me a real kick in the pants
is is that how do you work with everyone or is there something you do to help
them relax and get them on that
-No I I do things to help them relax there's a
couple of things that I think are really important and and this is really
fascinating I've had quite a few clients who are excellent public speakers in
terms of standing up instead in front of 500 women they can talk they can and
when you're in that environment you're you're relying a lot of subtle feedback
from the audience. You're making eye contact with the audience, you're
listening to the way they respond, and you become a part of the whole
experience. Take those folks and put them in front
of a cold hard lens and all of that feedback goes and they hate it. So what I
do is I'd go through a little exercise ahead of time about centering yourself
taking a big deep breath going into yourself and imagining your ideal client
or the person you love the most I mean we know we can go in and we can
visualize a situation and then I get them to look right through the lens. You
don't look at the lens. In fact I have a little teddy bear that sits behind the
lens and I say that is your person you want to talk to talk to them don't look
at the lens look through the lens and that helps and then if they really still
can't do it I go to the teleprompter because the teleprompter helps get over
that and then eventually they can drop the teleprompter. They're focusing on
something else well and I know there's there's a few people that I've
personally witnessed so and I'll keep them them confidential to respect their
privacy but they're people that I've I've known and seen who would be like
that and who have completely transformed and are out doing their video and every
chance they get you're loving it and it's not like they just said okay
I'm gonna do, it they're loving it now from resisting and that's through
working with you, which has been incredible.
-You know it's it's always
that first step isn't it? You have we always have the big hairy scary
situation of the first step. We do it and then we think, oh that wasn't so bad. And
in fact I have that old the old thing you know the button thing, "that was easy"
and once you've done that the next one is no is not nearly as difficult and
then they're off really really fast.
-And you get to doing it. So one of the
things I wanted to segue a little bit and you had given me permission to go
there and I'm so glad that you did because it really does tie well into
what we're talking about about being prepared for the future and preparing
ourselves and you as an entrepreneur as a single woman have just faced having
breast cancer. How does, you know would you be willing
to talk a little bit about that to our audience? Because you know it's not like
we have our employee benefits plan we can rely on and we have to make
decisions and and you know I I didn't even know because you you still showed
up as Sue, remember? Like when I emailed you and and I was like oh I didn't
realize until till later so if you would maybe share a little bit about that.
-Well I think is it's like everything that happens to you there are a real lessons
aren't there. And and you know I know breast cancer really well because I must
have given a thousand anesthetics to women for mastectomy and for a whole
load of issues after their breast cancer you know when they go into chemo and
radiation and I never thought it would happen to me but it did this summer and
I had a mastectomy just about two months ago and there are a lot of lessons. One
is as an entrepreneur one thing I know from being in medicine, excuse my
language, shit happens in this life. What are you going to do? Ask yourself the
question, if you had to stop for six months now
would your business be able to survive? Would you be able to survive
financially? And this happened to me at a stage when I'm really ramping up and so
I've been out three to four months I mean I tried to keep going and I would
do Facebook Lives but it isn't the same intensity and however whatever your
outcome is and I've been very lucky I won't need further treatment
your mind is away, you're somewhere else for those months. And so the
first thing is how are you going to survive financially? Which comes back to
this whole business of using video to expand your
audience. The second thing is the mindset thing I you know how you're going to
deal with it. Are you going to crumple or are you gonna just say well there's a
speed bump I have to deal with it and move on and so I've been very
fortunate because I haven't got to go any further but I actually have two very
close friends right now who had mastectomies within a few days of me who
are going down who are also entrepreneurs so going down the route of
chemo and radiation that's really tough and so you probably know on this Monday
this week I decided I would in sympathy with them I would get my hair
shaved off so, don't you like my wig?
And Sue did that on Facebook live and I'm
going to have again I'm gonna get that video and we're gonna link below we're
gonna have a whole treasure trove of videos for you guys to go see because
Sue's I mean her story's phenomenal and I think it'll really inspire you I mean
that I I so respect that because that wasn't something that you had to do it's
something you wanted to do to support.
Yeah I wanted to do it very much to support
these two ladies whom I love and and the other thing is so often one of the
excuses that women use about I can't do a video today because my hair is not
right I'm having a bad hair day and well I could take this off right now and say
well at least you've got hair I have a no hair day, so I but I think we do
need to plan for the unexpected and the speed bumps and the sooner we start the
sooner we are going to be able to navigate those unexpected things that
happen in our lives.
-Yeah I would agree with that and it we
don't want to think about it we don't want to be negative but we do have to
because anyway it could be anything could happen.
-I saw it every single day
in my life in the O.R. every single day you'd have someone come in who you knew
their life would be on hold or their life trajectory was going to change and
it happens. I hope it doesn't happen. But it does happen. They'll be prepared.
-And so we need to as entrepreneurs and to really make sure that our business can
run without us that we have things like insurance in place. And that's one
thing I see a lot of entrepreneurs they don't pay attention to you know
sometimes you'll see the financial planners out networking
and people tune them out and I'm thinking, people it doesn't cost a lot of
money to get a critical illness package. It's it's the best thing you can and
I think that's something as entrepreneurs we need to pay attention
to because we don't have an employer paying that for us and it's it's a very
small investment in ourselves however critical illness will get you
over the hump but what happens when you come back to work so if you have a
business that's running without you that you have your video out in the world
that's generating income it's like you can take a break and nobody knows and
you can pop back in without losing any momentum
-And the other advantage again
is if you've got a stack of you, of videos, I say every single video you may
make is a little mini-me it's up there marketing you 24/7 365 in 24 time zones
hey that's power. So the bigger stock of video you have out there already that
you can have come up when you're out of action, it's so valuable and then again
you can eventually create courses and move into passive income which is really
the ideal outcome for all of us eventually
-Yes yes and and I mean
I've had that myself or someone has watched a video gone through a webinar
and then I wake up the next day and I'm like, Ooo, there's money there! I went to bed without
it I did nothing well I mean I didn't do nothing I did the work before your
passive income still has some build-up to it but when I earned it it's just
it was unexpected so that I mean the power of that is...
-And we've never had
that before we've never had this reach we've never had this power and it's
video that makes it possible.
-Absolutely. So Sue, I so appreciate you coming here
today making the trek over from Vancouver Island to spend the morning
with me and I know today it's it's your birthday and you're having a party tonight?
-No it's my Christmas party with it's my Christmas party with my my
medical family
Oh for some reason I thought it was a birthday. So
-Well, I don't know yeah I'll take another
birthday. I've got 30 40 to go hopefully so what's another birthday?
-So it was a special day for you and yet you came all the way here and I so
appreciate it. If there's one thing you could say to our viewers in in leaving
whether it's about you know starting entrepreneurship about video about being
prepared like what would you like them most to know because most of most of the
people that watch our episodes are people who are in their second act.
I mean and they're looking to do something different for themselves what
would you like to tell them, one thing they could take away today?
-You can do this. You can absolutely do this and each day just take another step and you can
do this. And if I can do it at my age from not even zero, from zero in what is
it now maybe three to four years since I came into this to the video if I can do
it you can and I'm quite happy to show you how.
-Awesome and how can people
find you?
-Oh well they can find me I've got my YouTube channel with a link my
Facebook page again everything under wisdom to wealth mastery my website is
under as always websites are always under construction and you can Facebook
message me or email me at info@wisdomtowealthmastery I always offer a
complimentary chat to be just so people can feel their way about video so if you
want to get hold of me you can.
-And we will link to all of that below here in
the show notes so that you can just click make it really easy for you and if
you're having any questions about video or about whether you can do this I
highly encourage you to reach out to Sue. She is like I said a dear friend she's
without her we wouldn't be here today and she'll really encourage you and help
you get past those those mental roadblocks and technical roadblocks that
could be in your way. So I really appreciate having you join us today it
was a longer episode and thank you so much for watching till the end. If you
enjoyed today's video I'm gonna ask you to share it because this message is so
powerful and I know it can help a lot of other entrepreneurs and make sure to
give us a thumbs up and like it and of course if you're not already subscribed
to my channel I'd really like you to do that that would be really cool so thank
you again for joining us and if you need more help or have more questions then
I'd love to invite you to join me in the Living Forward Facebook community
that's where I come to each and every week with live video after the episode
we will be interviewing Sue live in there if you want to ask questions real
time the week after this video airs so I would love to have you join us and all
you have to do is go to click the join
button and I'll see you on the inside.
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