Hey guys! It's Sally and welcome to the magical sugar-snap Kingdom!
Today I have a special treat for you guys we're gonna be learning about colors!
and how we can mix some colors to make new ones!... To play with our colors I've put them in syringes!
Look how easily it can suck up the blue water!... And it can squirt it out too!
Alright let's see what colors were going to be playing with today!
So we have red, yellow, green, blue, purple and orange!...
Do you want to try spelling these colors out?...Okay let's do it!...
First up...Red!
Then we have Yellow...
Next we have Green!
Then we have Blue!
Next up is Purple!
And last but not least...Orange!
Wow look at all of these colors guys! I just love things that are colorful it makes me so happy!
But shhh...I have to tell you a secret did you know you can mix all of the
colors of the rainbow just by starting with three! It's true! hey're called
Primary Colors! Can you guess what the three primary colors are...???
They are Red...
And Yellow!...
These are the only three colors apart from white and black you can't actually
make yourself!... That's why they're called primary colors... What do you say we try mixing some of our own colors!
Let's see what happens when we mix blue and yellow
so I'm just gonna suck up some blue
Let's just put that to the side...and I'm gonna grab some yellow now..
So cool! I love doing that...Okay I'm gonna put the blue in first...
And then let's put in the yellow!
Whoa! Do you guys see that! DO you guys see how it turned green!... That is so cool!
I told you guys!
Let's try mixing red and yellow! I
I'm gonna suck up some red first..
Suck that up with my handy-dandy syringe! Just gonna put that to the side
And let's grab some yellow now
Lets put that down...I'm gonna put the red in first! Squirt that in...
and watch what happens when I put in the yellow!...
Whoa! It's turning orange! Red and Yellow make Orange!... How cool!
Okay let's see what happens when you mixred and blue!
So I'm just gonna grab some Red with my little syringe...
put that down and let's grab some blue...
Pick up some blue... Let's put the red in first...squirt that in and then the blue...
Whoa look at that! It made Purple! How cool! Red and Blue make purple!
Okay let's go over what we learned so far...
We know that mixing blue plus yellow
equals Green!
Yellow plus Red
Equals Orange!
And Red plus blue
Equals Purple!
Now you know what primary colors are you can mix all of the colors of the rainbow just by
starting with these three colors isn't that so cool!
Okay what do you say we have a bit of fun with all of the colors we made today...Let's do it!
Look at the color we made guys!... It looks like gross pond water..
Let's suck it up and take a closer look...
Look at that color it looks like an army green...How interesting
Well guys that is it for me today...If you like this video don't forget to give it
a thumbs up and subscribe for more fun videos like this! And as always I hope
you feel safe! happy! and loved!... Till next time bye guys :)
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