Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 28 2017

Hey guys! It's Sally and welcome to the magical sugar-snap Kingdom!

Today I have a special treat for you guys we're gonna be learning about colors!

and how we can mix some colors to make new ones!... To play with our colors I've put them in syringes!

Look how easily it can suck up the blue water!... And it can squirt it out too!

Alright let's see what colors were going to be playing with today!

So we have red, yellow, green, blue, purple and orange!...

Do you want to try spelling these colors out?...Okay let's do it!...

First up...Red!


Then we have Yellow...


Next we have Green!


Then we have Blue!


Next up is Purple!


And last but not least...Orange!


Wow look at all of these colors guys! I just love things that are colorful it makes me so happy!

But shhh...I have to tell you a secret did you know you can mix all of the

colors of the rainbow just by starting with three! It's true! hey're called

Primary Colors! Can you guess what the three primary colors are...???

They are Red...


And Yellow!...

These are the only three colors apart from white and black you can't actually

make yourself!... That's why they're called primary colors... What do you say we try mixing some of our own colors!

Let's see what happens when we mix blue and yellow

so I'm just gonna suck up some blue

Let's just put that to the side...and I'm gonna grab some yellow now..

So cool! I love doing that...Okay I'm gonna put the blue in first...

And then let's put in the yellow!

Whoa! Do you guys see that! DO you guys see how it turned green!... That is so cool!

I told you guys!

Let's try mixing red and yellow! I

I'm gonna suck up some red first..

Suck that up with my handy-dandy syringe! Just gonna put that to the side

And let's grab some yellow now

Lets put that down...I'm gonna put the red in first! Squirt that in...

and watch what happens when I put in the yellow!...

Whoa! It's turning orange! Red and Yellow make Orange!... How cool!

Okay let's see what happens when you mixred and blue!

So I'm just gonna grab some Red with my little syringe...

put that down and let's grab some blue...

Pick up some blue... Let's put the red in first...squirt that in and then the blue...

Whoa look at that! It made Purple! How cool! Red and Blue make purple!

Okay let's go over what we learned so far...

We know that mixing blue plus yellow

equals Green!

Yellow plus Red

Equals Orange!

And Red plus blue

Equals Purple!

Now you know what primary colors are you can mix all of the colors of the rainbow just by

starting with these three colors isn't that so cool!

Okay what do you say we have a bit of fun with all of the colors we made today...Let's do it!

Look at the color we made guys!... It looks like gross pond water..

Let's suck it up and take a closer look...

Look at that color it looks like an army green...How interesting

Well guys that is it for me today...If you like this video don't forget to give it

a thumbs up and subscribe for more fun videos like this! And as always I hope

you feel safe! happy! and loved!... Till next time bye guys :)

For more infomation >> Learning Colors For Children! | Kids video for learning, kids youtube - Duration: 6:47.


! App Of 2018 Awarded ! Best Editing Cutting Video And File Converter App URDU/HINDI BY IMI TECH - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> ! App Of 2018 Awarded ! Best Editing Cutting Video And File Converter App URDU/HINDI BY IMI TECH - Duration: 5:20.


🎮 Pango Storytime Pango Christmas - Fun Storytime For Children Learn Cartoon Games Video - Duration: 11:07.

🎮 Pango Storytime Pango Christmas - Fun Storytime For Children Learn Cartoon Games Video

For more infomation >> 🎮 Pango Storytime Pango Christmas - Fun Storytime For Children Learn Cartoon Games Video - Duration: 11:07.


VIDEO: Zes maanden nadat zijn moeder stierf krijgt dit jongetje een hartverwarmend kerstcadeautje - Duration: 1:49.

VIDEO: Zes maanden nadat zijn moeder stierf krijgt dit jongetje een hartverwarmend kerstcadeautje

rv Antonio Vargas en zijn zoontje met het aapje. Beide dragen ze een t-shirt met daarop de tekst papas kleine aapje en mamas kleine aapje, het koosnaapje dat zijn ouders voor het kind hadden.

Het leukste van het webEen vader uit Florida heeft voor een wel heel speciaal kerstcadeautje gezorgd voor zijn zoontje, die afgelopen juli zijn moeder verloor.

Een op het eerste gezicht 'gewone' knuffel van een aapje, bleek ineens een stuk waardevoller te worden toen bleek dat het kan praten – met de stem van zijn overleden moeder, die zegt hoe veel ze van haar zoon houdt.

"We noemden onze zoon altijd 'ons kleine aapje'", legt vader Antonio Vargas uit in een videootje dat hij op Facebook postte en waar hij te zien is in een winkel, waar hij het aapje klaar laat maken.

"Het krijgt nu een hartslag en zal tegen mijn zoon kunnen spreken", zegt hij terwijl het winkelmeisje ervoor zorgt dat de stemopname van zijn overleden vrouw 'in' het aapje komt.

Lees ook Moeder denkt dat ze een spiegel krijgt. Als ze haar echte kerstcadeau in de reflectie ziet schreeuwt ze het uit van vreugde. (lees verder onder de video).

Op kerstdag krijgt de kleine jongen, omringd door familie, zijn cadeautje – ook dat moment heeft Vargas op video opgenomen.

De jongen doet het pakje open en lijkt eerst een beetje gegeneerd te zijn dat er een knuffel van een aap tevoorschijn komt.

Wanneer hij echter plots de stem van zijn moeder hoort, omhelst hij de knuffelaap onmiddellijk en barst hij in tranen uit. "Ik houd heel erg veel van je", zijn de woorden die zijn moeder via het aapje tegen hem zegt.

De hartverwarmende video is al meer dan twee miljoen keer bekeken.

 "Het brak mijn hart om de jongen zo te zien, maar ik weet zeker dat hij de komende jaren veel steun gaat hebben van de troostende woorden van zijn moeder", schreef iemand.

rv Het jongetje omhelst het aapje meteen wanneer hij de stem van zijn moeder hoort.

For more infomation >> VIDEO: Zes maanden nadat zijn moeder stierf krijgt dit jongetje een hartverwarmend kerstcadeautje - Duration: 1:49.


ACCA F9 Exam Question - How to calculate the equivalent annual cost (Video 5) - Duration: 5:23.

Okay let's look at this question we'll look at the Part B "Calculate the

equivalent annual costs of machine 1 and machine 2, any sign which is to be

purchased", okay, so as we know what we need to do then is set out the number of

years: here 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

and we'll have a look at Machine 1first, why not? So what's it

tell us about machine 1? It says they plan to replace an existing machine,

machine 1 had the initial cost of 200,000 and a scrap value of 25,000 so the

initial cost 200,000 and a scrap value in here fall of 25,000

so far so good. Then we have some costs I think annual maintenance

costs yet of the 2 machines as follows, so we have the 25,000

29,000 32,000 & 35,000 that's it, don't

worry about tax because tax and capital allowance must be ignored and we're good

to go really so it's just a case of adding all these down. I can do that one

200,000 I can do that one 25,000 29,000 really

straightforward question 32,000 and negative (10) okay. Then you need to

discount the cash flows down. Well there's no tax involved so I want the

before tax so it says "before tax" cost of capital 12% okay. So what you

need to do is go to your 12% tables and there you would see just

given in the exam obviously, your single discount factors would be 1 0.893

0.797 0.712 and

0.636 okay and then you just multiply those

through again so 200,000 obviously that would be 22,325

that would be 23,113 that would be 22,784 that would be 6360 so you then

add all of that all across and you should get if I've done it all right 274,582 so

that's the total costs but I want to spread that over 4 years okay, but

don't divide it by 4, I divided it by 3.037 being 12% the cumulative

discount factor, the annuity for 4 years and again that comes straight from your

table and if you do that and that gives me an annual cost or an equivalent

annual cost of 90,412, okay that's the annual cost of machine 1 the equivalent

annual cost. Let's have a look then using a different color why not. Machine 2

year 0, 1, 2, I think it's only 3 years this one, let's just check, yep a Machine 2: $225,000 cost,

scrap value of $50,000 in just 3 years ok so machine 2 we have 225,000 in Year

0 and we have a scrap value of 50,000 and then we just need to put in these

maintenance costs 15,000 20,000 and 25,000. Ok so 15,000 20,000 and 25,000 then we add them

down because there's no tax or anything so (225,000) (15,000) (20,000) and positive

25,000 isn't it ok and then we discount them down at 12% using the same discount

rates as we had up there, look so 1 0.893

0.797 0.712 - then you multiply all down. This

one will give (225,000) obviously, this one would be (13,395)

that'll be (15,940) and the final one would be 17,800 positive. You'd add all

of those across and you would get to the grand old sum of 236,535

Spread it over the 3 years

but not divided by 3. Divide it by 2.402. Where did you get that from?

Well that is 12% annuity for 3 years. And if you do that you get 98,474 per

year equivalent annual cost compared to 90,412. Would you rather pay 90,412

or would you rather pay 98,474. You would rather pay 90,412

and so therefore the one that should be purchased is machine 1, okay?

Hope it helped folks!

For more infomation >> ACCA F9 Exam Question - How to calculate the equivalent annual cost (Video 5) - Duration: 5:23.



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