大家好!我是Adele Hello!I'm Adele
鄧翔 Deng Xiang
My name is Fanny 我的名字叫 Fanny
我的名字叫Jenny, 中文名字叫王艷 My name is Jenny, Chinese name is Wang Yan
My name is Kathy 我的名字叫 Kathy
我叫Danny Wong My name is Danny Wong
我的中文名呢,大家可能都不知道 My Chinese name which most of you might not know
我叫王福興 My Chinese name is Wong Fuk Hing
我在港福堂有三個服事 I serve in three areas
第一個就是關懷部 First one is Care Department
第二個是祈禱部 Second, Prayer Department
第三個就是國語區 Third, Mandarin District
Helping Chloe pushing the trolley up and down 幫Chloe推手推車
週六我有時候會幫教會 Sometimes on Saturdays
因為我們有普通話崇拜,我會做一些調音的工作 I will help with the sound in the Mandarin service.
我現在正參加的是智慧的母親 I'm participating in the Wisdom for Mothers.
I am part of the English congregation我是英語區的
I actually take care of the refreshments before the service 我負責在崇拜前預備茶點
我最主要是負責港福堂堂務的管理工作 I am mainly responsible for managing the facilities of KFC
並參與總務部内的事奉 as well as serving in the General Affairs Department
我喜歡吃的是蔬菜 I like eating vegetables
(I'm a) vegetarian - veggie 我是吃素的,蔬菜
打火鍋 Hotpot
吃東北方的麵食 Noodles of Northeast (China)
I love Italian food 我愛意大利菜
榴槤, 我最鍾意食榴槤 Durians, I like eating durians
I've been really touched by the messages since I arrived in September 自從我九月份來到香港後,一直很被崇拜信息所感動
I have moved from my country to Hong Kong 我從我的國家移居來香港
My trust in God has been very challenged by coming here 這深深挑戰我對神的信心
近來這一年我覺得對自己的幫助還是很大的 This year, God has helped me a lot
比如說, 在工作處理的一些事情上 For example, in my dealing with work stuff
就是沒有那麼多壓力 I am less stressed
然後整個家庭工作都很順利 and my family and work life, all went well
我的脾氣能夠不像以前那樣火爆 My temper is not as bad as before
Because I was in the darkness 因為我在黑暗中
I don't know what to do 我不知道該怎麼做
And then, some sisters came to help me 然後有些姊妹前來幫我
I told them, I have no knowledge about Jesus 我告訴他們,我並不認識耶穌
From that sister, I said, I like to be a child of Jesus 從那姊妹,我說,我想成為耶穌的孩子
That he can really help me to go ahead of what I have lost for my behalf 讓祂幫助我從失落中真正走出來
在屬靈方面來說呢 Spiritually
我有的是一個比較單一的信心 God has given me a simple faith
最主要是求上帝給我一個常存感恩的心 I've asked God to give me a thankful heart
給我一個很敏銳人的心 and a sensitive heart to people's needs
還有就是再啟動我宣教的心智 and that he would re-ignite my passion for evangelism
在這一年裡, 我經歷到神的真實 In the past year, I've experienced that God is real
我在去年懷孕五個月的時候 Last year, when I was pregnant for 5 months
發現我懷有的BB有法洛氏四聯症 We found the baby I had has Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)
是一種先天性的心臟病 which is a congenital heart disease
所以醫生也有提議或提出我是可以墮胎 So doctors suggested and proposed an abortion
但我們將小朋友留下來 But we chose to keep the baby
因為聖經說: 兒女是耶和華所賜的產業 because the Bible says: Children are a heritage from the Lord
所懷的胎是他給的賞賜 offspring a reward from him
其實我們預計他出生的那一天,就要立即做手術 In fact, we expected as soon as he was born, he had to have surgery immediately
但BB一出世的時候,情況很好 But he was in really good conditions when he was born
醫生說可以讓我看BB一眼,才把他帶走 So the doctors said I could take a look at my baby before he had surgery
我很感恩我可以看到他 I'm grateful that I could have a look at him
而我第一句跟他說的話,就是哈利路亞,感謝主 And my first phrase to him was Hallelujah (Praise God). Thank God!
他應該要住ICU He was supposed to stay in ICU
但神的恩手出手 But because of God's gracious hand
我們就可以只住了加護病房一天 He only stayed in ICU for one day
就可以來到普通的產房, 跟我一起住 then he was transferred to an ordinary ward and live with me
那裡醫院的每一個護士都說 Every nurse at the hospital said
沒有見過天生有心臟病的BB可以來到這(普通的產房) they have never seen a baby with a congenital heart disease can stay in the ordinary ward
所以每一個護士上班前的第一件事 So the first thing every nurse does before they start working
就是先來我的病房,看看我的BB Jake is to come to my ward and look at my baby Jake
哇!這個就是了 Wow! This is him!
讓我們有這個機會,可以很自然地跟他們說我們的見證 This gave us an opportunity to share our testimony very naturally
這一年神給了我在事奉裡,學習去順服 This year, God has helped me learn submission through serving
在順服中看到祂的帶領 In submission, I saw His leading
真的是要學習同心合意的走在祂的旨意當中 I've really learn to walk in His will in unity
參加普通話崇拜以後 Ever since I've attended Mandarin Service
就成了自己很願意參與的一個活動 it has become an event I am very willing to take part in
或者自己很嚮往每週有一段這樣子的時間 or a time that I look forward to every week
和大家能夠分享 as we talk about life together
I can really feel God present in this whole adventure 我在這旅程裡,真的很感受到神的同在
He really blessed me with so many people 祂透過很多人來祝福我
even being part of KFC is just really a blessing 甚至能成為港福家的一分子,真的是一個祝福
I don't feel homesick or I don't miss home that much 我不再思鄉,也沒有再那麼想家
because I've got this community here 因為我在這裡有一個大家庭
I just realized God has planned it all for me from the very start 我才發覺神一早已經為我安排好了一切
兒子還沒到一歲,就要做一個這麼大的手術 My son, less than one year old, had to have such big surgery
做為媽媽,真的是很擔心 As a mom, I was really worried
感謝神給了我很多天使 Thank God who gave me many angels
很多弟兄姊妹跟我們一起禱告 Many brothers and sisters prayed with us.
讓我們愛神的人互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處 We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him
I have friends who invited me to Alpha class 我的朋友們邀請我參加啟發課程
And then I found Him in the Alpha class 透過啟發課程,我找到了神
I came to know a lot about Jesus 我得以認識耶穌更多
因為我的爸爸媽媽也同一時間在港福堂 Because my mom and dad also attend Kong Fok Church
他們這一年在小組裡是很喜樂 They enjoy the small group very much
很難得父母可以信主也這麼平安這麼喜樂 It's a blessing that my parents can believe in the Lord and have such peace and joy
感謝主 Thank God!
我為什麼來到港福堂事奉 Why I would come to serve in Kong Fok Church?
我事奉了差不多有19年 I've been serving for almost 19 years
在當中很開心在事奉、工作裡 I am blessed that through my work and service here
跟弟兄姊妹的相交建立了很深厚的感情 I've established a lot deep relationships with brothers and sisters
希望有多一點機會給我 I hope I can have more opportunities
能參與服事 to take part in serving
在家庭、在教會、在職場 In family, church and workplace
也希望神帶領我在每個崗位都真的可以成就他的旨意 I hope God can lead me to achieve His Will in my every role
Moving ahead of my new life 邁向我的新生命
I just can't wait to see what doors God will open next 我迫不及待想要知道神將為我開的門是什麽
我在教會一些有需要的地方, 都很樂意去參與 I am very willing to meet the need wherever found in the church
努力去事奉 I will still serve hard
退而不休 Though retired, still serving
我希望神會祝福我們未信主的家人和朋友 I hope God will bless those of our friends and family who haven't believed in the Lord
有機會可以見證到神的真實 to have the opportunity to witness how real God is
會接受耶穌基督成為他們生命的救主 and accept Jesus Christ as the savior in their lives
What did she say? 她說什麼?
Durian 榴蓮
Durian? Oh man! OK! 榴蓮?c 哇塞!OK!
Should I give another answer? 我要給另一個答案嗎?
No no no… It's totally awesome 不不不,那完全是很棒的
I love the eclectic answers that we've got 我喜歡我們的答案都是很獨特的
I think you are the last one and so everyone has given really funny answer 我想你是最後一個(受訪的)每個人給的答案都很好玩
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