I'm going to have a nice, warm shower
Welcome to KiddieToysReview
Oooh! Something's wrong
I think maybe, the baby will come out
Ely! Ela!
Come to help me please
What's wrong Mommy?
My stomach is very painful
I think the baby is coming out soon
Ow! Painful
Oh no!
My gumballs broke
Oh no
My gumballs have broken, quick give me the towel
Here Mommy
Help me to put the towel around my tummy
Quick quick
Oh very painful
Oww Ely, tummy is very painful
Oh my stomach is painful
Gumballs have broken again
Ely, Ela, get down on the floor
I think my baby will get out soon
Ow! Ely! Ela! Quick!
Got him
Bring him to me
Here you go Mommy
Our new baby boy
Mommy, what do you want to call the new baby?
Let's call him Max
That's a good name
Ela, do you like your new baby brother?
Let's wash him
Let's get some water, wash his face
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