Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017




For more infomation >> How to Make Magical Unicorn Macarons | Food Network - Duration: 0:53.


osu! - Knife Party - Give It Up [BM´s Hard] - Duration: 2:09.

Give it up!

Give it up!

Give up!

Summer a come yuh wah yuh body tun up

Give It up!

Every gal fi a do dem sit up

Give up!

If yuh want yuh body fi cut up

Give it up!

Tip pon yuh toe same time and hands up

Give up!

Gal up a suzie's dem a do it

Give it up!

Boast Tuesday, dem a do it

Give up!

Bring it up gal show mi how yuh fit

Give it up!

Guh dung low and tip pon di tip

Give up!


Give it up!

Give it up!

Give it up!

Give it up!

For more infomation >> osu! - Knife Party - Give It Up [BM´s Hard] - Duration: 2:09.


Pyar Da Craze - Akshay - The Futuristic - Duration: 3:05.

Mp3 Download Link in Description

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For more infomation >> Pyar Da Craze - Akshay - The Futuristic - Duration: 3:05.


Poran Pakhi | Neyamat | Nancy | Bangla New Song 2017 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Poran Pakhi | Neyamat | Nancy | Bangla New Song 2017 - Duration: 4:57.


El Emigrante Creativo - Ep. 01 - Duration: 13:40.

For more infomation >> El Emigrante Creativo - Ep. 01 - Duration: 13:40.



Hey guys in todays video I am going to be talking about the 5 domesticated species of

hamster that you can own.

There are other species of hamster but these are only the domesticated ones you can purchase

in a pet store or from a breeder.

All these hamsters require the same type of care and have a estimated lifespan of 1.5-2

years sometimes longer.

The first species is the Syrian also known as the also known as the golden hamster/panda

bear/ or teddy bear hamster.

They're one of the most popular species of hamster and the largest ranging from 5-7

Inches long and weighing as large as 120grams to 200grams.

Syrians are a solitary species so this means they can only live on their own, and if put with

other hamsters will often fight to the death or become very stressed.

Syrians come in a very large variety of coat types, patterns and colourings and are usually

known for being a very calm and easy to handle species, but this really depends on each hamster's


Next is the Chinese Hamster originating from northern China and Mongolia, this species

is a lot more long and thin looking (similar to a mouse) and have a slightly longer tail

than the other domesticated hamster species.

They range from 3-5 inches long and weigh usually around 30-45 Grams.

The Chinese hamster is another species that can only be house by themselves like the syrian


Fun fact Some states in America such as California and New Jersey consider the Chinese hamster

a pest so they require a special permit to own, breed or sell them.

Next we have the Russian Campbells dwarf.

They usually range from 3-4 inches in size and weigh 30-50grams.

They also come in a pretty large variety of colors and patterns and they are actually

often confused with the Winter White due to being very similar looking, though they will

often have a rounder nose and broader snoot.

Russian Campbells can be housed in pairs but it can be quite difficult and it's not necessary

to house them in pairs as they thrive just fine on their own.

Next we have the Winter White dwarf also known sometimes as the Siberian hamster.

Winter whites are also known to change their coats during the winter to white, and back

to their regular coloring come spring/summer due to the light cycles changing.

They are usually ranging from 3-4 inches long and weighing around 30-50 grams like the russian

campbells species, Because the winter white species is so similar to the Russian Campbells

dwarfs they actually can interbreed with each other creating a hybrid (though it is never

recommended to interbreed these species) and It's actually found that most Winter whites

labelled in petstores are actually hybrids and there are very few purebred winter whites

out there today.

And Last but not least we have the Roborovski which is the smallest domesticated hamster

being only 1.5 -2 inches long and weighing 20-25 grams.

They tend to be very famous for their white "eyebrows" above their eyes.

Robos are also the fastest domesticated species of hamster so they can often be hard to tame

and usually aren't recommended for beginners but that doesn't mean you shouldn't own

one if you want one.

I hope this video has helped anyone looking into the different species of hamster.

So yeah guys thanks for watching! bye!

For more infomation >> 5 DOMESTICATED SPECIES OF HAMSTER - Duration: 3:22.


Geometric Detail Transfer | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 3:50.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

In the world of digital 3D modeling, it often occurs that we are looking for surfaces that

are not perfectly smooth, but have some sort of surface detail.

Wrinkles, engravings, grain on a wooden table are excellent examples of details that we

can add to our models, and computer graphics people like to collectively call these things

displacement maps.

Artists often encounter cases where they like the displacements on one object, but the object

itself is not really interesting.

However, it could be that there is a different piece of geometry these details would look

great on.

Consider this problem solved, because in this piece of work, the input is two 3D models:

one with interesting geometric details, and the other is the model onto which we transfer

these surface details.

The output will be our 3D geometric shape with two of these models fused together.

The results look absolutely amazing.

I would love to use this right away in several projects.

The first key part is the usage of metric learning.

Wait, technical term, so what does this mean exactly?

Metric learning is a classical technique in the field of machine learning, where we're

trying to learn distances between things where distance is mathematically ill-defined.

Let's make it even simpler and go with an example: for instance, we have a database

of human faces, and we would like to search for faces that are similar to a given input.

To do this, we specify a few distances by hand, for instance, we could say that a person

with a beard is a short distance from one with a moustache, and a larger distance from

one with no facial hair.

If we hand many examples of these distances to a learning algorithm, it will be able to

find people with similar beards.

And in this work, this metric learning is used to learn the relationship between objects

with and without these rich surface details.

This helps in the transferring process.

As to creating the new displacements on the new model, there are several hurdles to overcome.

One, we cannot just grab the displacements and shove them onto a different model, because

it can potentially look different, have different curvatures and sizes.

The solution to this would be capturing the statistical properties of the surface details

and use this information to synthesize new ones on the target model.

Note that we cannot just perform this texture synthesis in 2D like we do for images, because

as we project the result to a 3D model, it introduces severe distortions to the displacement


It is a bit like putting a rubber blanket onto a complicated object.

Different regions of the blanket will be distorted differently.

Make sure to have a look at the paper where the authors present quite a few more results

and of course, the intricacies of this technique are also described in detail.

I hope some public implementations of this method will appear soon, I would be quite

excited to use this right away, and I am sure there are many artists who would love to create

these wonderfully detailed models for the animated films and computer games of the future.

In the meantime, we have a completely overhauled software and hardware pipeline to create these


We have written down our joyful and perilous story of it on Patreon - if you're interested

in looking a bit behind the curtain as to how these episodes are made, make sure to

have a look, it is available in the video description.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Geometric Detail Transfer | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 3:50.


| PES 2017 Goals & Skills #5 PS4 HD | 2017 بيس | - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> | PES 2017 Goals & Skills #5 PS4 HD | 2017 بيس | - Duration: 5:51.


Best LeBlanc Korea - Duration: 1:22.

..turret, nice play there from crash but deft

able to hop on back with that flash

weaver's wall comes out but not close

enough for that poke expression though

coming on in taking out Mata, Smeb getting

pretty low up here in the front lines

will he be able to get away?, the ult coming

on out there's the stunt out from

expression and another kill actually

onto score Deft now trying to get a

little bit fancy here does pick up a kill

actually a couple of them, here comes

pawn coming on it and it will work out

in the end as now it's just one on one

here on the rift but I think pawn is

going to do a bit of damage to this

inhibitor expansion will try to come

back and stop this chain does miss and

that is pretty huge the second one

misses too, he'll be forced to dash

away but expression will not give up

one of this, Pawn jumping back it looks

like he's going to commit to the

inhibitor here, even if he dies as long

as he gets the inhibitor it's worthwhile

Jump ahead he's gonna hop away, Oh he's gonna try to

execute and ... oh man he's trying to get

away here will you be able to do it he's

gonna jump the wall this guy is

unbelievable and Pawn will get away after

getting that bottom inhibitor, what a hero

but is he gonna get the blue? Yeah alright

okay okay, I thought that was about to be a super anticlimactic ending

unbelievable, but what a play on LeBlanc

For more infomation >> Best LeBlanc Korea - Duration: 1:22.


Best sunrise in BALI. Travel Vlog #03 - Duration: 2:55.

Going to the room

and probably that's it for tonight.

By the way tomorrow we are flying to Labuan Bajo, Flores.

To visit Komodo national park.

Now we will try to pack all our stuff

And see you next time!

Byee! Bye!

For more infomation >> Best sunrise in BALI. Travel Vlog #03 - Duration: 2:55.


出發了!! 文青攝影教學 唔好再咁影機場 [東京藍帶日記] - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 出發了!! 文青攝影教學 唔好再咁影機場 [東京藍帶日記] - Duration: 3:19.


Republican Lawmaker Uses Bible Quote To Say That Unemployed Don't Deserve To Eat - Duration: 4:02.

This past week, Republicans in the House of Representatives were holding hearings discussing

the reduction in benefits for the SNAP program, which provides food, food stamps, for people

who are unemployed.

One particular Republican representative, Jodey Arrington from Texas, decided to go

Biblical on this and tell us what the Bible says about what we need to do with poor people.

Unfortunately, Arrington didn't quote any of the teachings of Jesus.

He didn't tell us we need to take care of the lesser of society or the less fortunate

or heal the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.

He didn't go that direction, no, no, no.

Instead, he quoted 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that says, "If a man will not work, he shall not


Jodey Arrington, Republican Representative from Texas, tells us that according to the

Bible, the teaching of God, we should not give money to people who are not working so

that they can eat.


Don't feed them because the Bible says screw them.

Mr. Arrington, I'm no Biblical scholar, but I know a hell of a lot about it.

I also know if we're going to start quoting Bible verses, why don't we talk about the

verse that says that women aren't allowed to speak inside of a church, ever?

Why don't we talk about the fact that when women are on their periods, they're considered

unclean and anything they touch is unclean?

How about the fact that we're not allowed, according to the Bible, to wear mixed fabrics

or not allowed to eat shellfish, or we're not even allowed to eat unleavened bread?

If we're going old school, Old Testament, let's pull it all out.


If you're going to use that as justification for your entire political career, let's go

old school, let's make it all real.

But, no, just like every other fake Christian conservative, you come out there, you try

to find the most narrow-minded Biblical quote you can find, take it out of context, and

tell us that God says we shouldn't feed the hungry.

If you can't work, screw you.


Just die of hunger.

That's what Jodey Arrington wants.

This was a hearing, a discussion ... He was talking to a man who is of the Jewish anti-hunger

group MAZON.

They feed the hungry.


Because their religion tells them that that's what they should do, and being a decent human

being tells them that's what they should do.

Then this asshole Arrington quotes the Bible to say we shouldn't feed the hungry?

I'm sorry, but I don't know any church, any religion in the world that would agree

with Jodey Arrington on this, just because somebody doesn't work.

Do you realize the majority of people on SNAP benefits are unable to work, either through

personal injury, mental illness, or otherwise?

They can't work.

It's not their fault, but Republicans always want to blame them, "Oh, you can't work because

you got a massive head injury and now you have the mentality of a five-year-old?

Huh, that's your fault, buddy."

That's the Republican way of thinking.

That's the conservative Christian way of thinking.

The only lives they care about are the ones that haven't been born yet.

Once you pop out of a woman's uterus, hey, you're on your own.

You better get a fucking job if you want to eat.

That's what Republicans believe.

For more infomation >> Republican Lawmaker Uses Bible Quote To Say That Unemployed Don't Deserve To Eat - Duration: 4:02.


TABS IST TOT | Totally Accurate Battle Zombielator [TABZ] (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> TABS IST TOT | Totally Accurate Battle Zombielator [TABZ] (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 9:34.



Welcome to the next episode of 4 Wheel Lovers, Sunday is no tuning? It happens sometimes

He will show you today how to cope with the splinters on the glass.

And why should it be worth trying or why to give it to a specialist.

Let's start with the methods that I'll show you, which you can see on the internet on various YT channels even American-like movies.

Unfortunately, they are "fakes" - no chance for such dr. Glasem to fix the splash of beige trace.

Let's recompile a few more types of splinters, our front glass is glued glass.

What will not happen, how strong will hit. The glass will not break in.

And then, such a spider, with time can grow.

In contrast, old glass is not glued. They disintegrated.

In contrast, old glass is not glued. They disintegrated.

About the way it looks, Okay, and now yes, if you have splinters on the glass and it's a tile it's not all white to around.

You can do the same with your doctor, no matter what company you buy from alledro.

Why is it worth it, comes winter and frost bodywork is working, mmoze from such a spider can do so called sneeze and can break glass.

And the police officer can take us the commander, if we want to do it HI Professional, we can do it at the landlord.

I will tell you today how to fight a crack that is quite deep because it has already entered the second layer as seen after the white spread.

But it is worth doing so that it does not go further.

Let her still find her, 20 $ will not save anyone;)

Let's get started!

Our no name kit is provided for double use.

So we have, two stickers, to which we will fix such armory;)

Syringe for suppression, razor blade, resin here the most elemental;)

The instructions are accurate, so even the ameba would understand that and they will be doing the exact thing.

With all these types of work, our thoroughbreds need to be thoroughly cleaned.

To begin with, they have to scoop up the remnants of glass. Be careful and your effect will be even better.

Then carefully, from pounding our surfaces. Maybe alcohol, remover anyway.

We stick it so that our splash was perfectly in the center, if our splash will be bigger then unfortunately we will not remove it.

Then we unprotect our security. We accurately stick our equipment into the syringe.

Then follow instructions to mix our resins and apply inside, then we can hide them all for reuse.

Then we have a syringe with security, we tighten it very tight

Then you have to get rid of the air, by the bath in the syringe.

And we pull up to the top by blocking, we will block our system

And so we should leave for 10-15 minutes.

Then after 10 minutes, according to the manufacturer, remove the piston rod of our syringe and then insert.

Then press in air and leave it at position 1. And leave for 20 minutes

Then after 20 minutes or more depending on the weather, we pull the whole.

Here in the set we have a razor blade just be careful not to scratch the glass.

The last step we exude to the sun, so that the sun rays directly on the glass.

Because we have to add a droplet to add. And the resin cures under UV

Then paste the plastic from the set

We remove unnecessary air bubbles and leave to dry 1-2h

The last phase, razor blade in hand after an hour we pull everything. The whole thing should be scraped.

Finally, wash everything, see if all the resin went well. In spite of the large cracks, this surface leveled us up. Immediately you will effect the effect.

Listen, there is a big white trace, because in my case it was a big trace, but the surface

It is leveled, I will say very nice it came out.

For such a great white chiffon with a chill I even like it.

As you have seen the final effect is not knocked down I am happy because it was a big shit.

Uwas on the car will come out better if the spray is smaller.

If the splash is within 15 cm, you can fight it from the glass border

Do not believe in commercials, one of the commercials in which the glass do a doctor job

But to feast on youtubie? Here will be an example of someone cheating.

And here is the final effect after

See these two photos ??

Someone moved the card together with the splinter, with the magic splinter: D

And it reminds me that those who want to meet, I am at the motoshow fair in cognition 7-8-9.04

The end of the word, if you please let me know the paws;), new viewers are invited to subscribe

Screw on FB and Insta;)

For more infomation >> JAK RADZIĆ SOBIE Z ODPRYSKAMI , PAJĄCZKAMI NA SZYBIE - Duration: 12:40.


" Realization Part 1-2" Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> " Realization Part 1-2" Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:35.


Reaction!! American Tries Brazilian Food Corn Juice - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Reaction!! American Tries Brazilian Food Corn Juice - Duration: 7:26.


#WMassBiz Episode 5 - Villa Napoletana of East Longmeadow - Duration: 3:42.

On this episode of Western Mass Biz

We're going to visit with Andy and Chef Nick

from Villa Napoletana.

Let's go inside and see what makes them different.

On this episode of Western Mass Biz

we're meeting with Chef Nick and Andy from

Villa Napoletana.

Guys, thanks for being on the show.

Nice to see you.

Thank you

Andy, how long have you guys been in business and what's the key to success?

Well, we've been established since 1998,

we focus on Southern cuisine and customer service.

Andy, tell us a little bit

about your restaurant what makes you

guys different

Well, we are a scratch kitchen, Southern cuisine, Napoletana style

we do Wednesday through Sunday

live music where we kick off sunday

morning with it Sunday brunch, $16.95 All-you-can-eat.

Sunday night we do live jazz

with an old-school menu where we do

two entrees, an appetizer, with a

complimentary bottle of wine.

Chef Nick, tell us a little bit about

this Sunday brunch and maybe a few of

your specialty item that you want the

viewers to know about. well our Sunday

Well, our Sunday brunch, we're second to none

we have a full dessert station, we have cold salads

we have deviled eggs with eggs benedict we

have several hot entrees we have a carving station

carving pork, beef, ham

We have our waffle station, we have our omelet station.

Our waffle station's phenomenal.

You can have peanut butter cups, chocolate chips,

strawberries, raspberries,

blueberries, blackberries, maple syrup,

chocolate syrup, raspberry syrup, whipped cream

and it goes on and on and on.

And as far as some of our dinner specialty items,

we're always trying to create old into new

I make a beautiful Frutti Di Mare

Frutti Di Mare has grilled salmon, grilled swordfish,

pan blackened scallops, poached off clams

lobster tail on top, finished with a nice

lemoncello basil pesto, it's phenomenal.

Something else we do here, is we do a

16-ounce Frenched Veal Chop which is


it's espresso encrusted, it's finished with

pancetta caramelized onion coffee brandy sauce.

One other option is a house favorite.

It's actually on our menu.

It's the Chicken Florentine created here

It's our homemade Florentine stuffing

wrapped, it is pan-seared and finish with a

lemon white wine sauce.

Andy, for any of the viewers that want to visit your restaurant

where you located? 664 North

664 North Main Street, East Longmeadow. Right by the

Springfield line.

If somebody wants to find out a little bit more about your restaurant,

where can they do that?, Facebook, Instagram,

Twitter @villanapoli413 and

And like us on Facebook

Chef Nick, Andy, I really appreciate your guy's time today

Thanks for being on the show.


Thank you

If you're a local business owner and

want to be featured on a future episode

of Western Mass Biz, you can send us an email to

or reach out to us on one of our

social media platforms @RovithisRealty

If you enjoyed this episode of

Western Mass Biz, please make sure that

you like comment and share so others can

find out about this great local restaurant.

Ha Ha Ha Ha

It's very weird

Alright. Ha ha ha ha

I left something on in the kitchen

these are the bloopers

For more infomation >> #WMassBiz Episode 5 - Villa Napoletana of East Longmeadow - Duration: 3:42.


Свадебный кортеж заблокировал движение в Москве (02.04.2017.) - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Свадебный кортеж заблокировал движение в Москве (02.04.2017.) - Duration: 2:23.


Learn English - Weekly Tip 24 for Spanish Speakers - him / her / it (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:28.

Hi again everyone and welcome back to 'One

English Tip in One Minute for Spanish

Speakers' where each week I discuss, in

detail, one common English mistake made

by Spanish speakers, and this is the 24th

video, so video number 24.

The broken record keeps going and

going and going. I totally appreciate

the fact that you are trying to improve

your English. Though I say it all the

time, I sincerely do mean it.

In these videos I show you a slide, and

and on the slide there are two sentences:

One is the correct way that a native

English speaker would say it, the other is the

wrong way that many Spanish speakers say

it, and you have to decide which one is

correct. Please do that now. Read the


listen to me read the sentences, pause

the video, think about your answer and I

will discuss the answer in the slide

that follows this slide.

Again, if you got

this wrong -- or you just happened to take a

wild guess and get it right -- hopefully

you now understand why we say it the way

we do. Hopefully you continue to

study to get past this mistake because

you have to...

it's the only way to get past mistakes,

right? To start you on that recovery

process -- the studying process I should

say -- I've given you three sentences to

study from. Memorize the sentences in

their entirety -- review them, review them,

review them -- and put them into practice

through speaking or writing or both.

Try to get that bad English out of your

head and let the good English in...and

hopefully it stays there.

For more infomation >> Learn English - Weekly Tip 24 for Spanish Speakers - him / her / it (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:28.


[ENG SUB] "DDAL-GI SWAG" - WET BOYZ X ERRDAY X ZENE THE ZILLA (Prod. by Errday) - Duration: 3:53.

[DDAL-GI is good for energy, and Prevention of colds]

[Vitamin C makes your skin blah blah]

DDAL-GI (strawberry) SWAG

DDAL-GI swag ♬

Our song is fresh like Strawberry♬

It tastes sour and sweet like Strawberry♬

smells also differ from raised strawberry♬

Come and buy, it will be sold out soon♬

DDAL-GI swag ♬

Delicious strawberry is really really dope♬

Even my mom loves it. She doesn't like sweet♬

I wanted to eat one, so opened refrigerator♬

oh, damn! it's empty ♬

"Mom give me strawberry, give me strawberry♬"

and she said " i ate all"♬


"Mom, not that one, I mean Real strawberry"♬

then she played 'WET BOYZ' songs♬


DDAL-GI swag ♬

Our song is fresh like Strawberry♬

It tastes sour and sweet like Strawberry♬

smells also differ from raised strawberry♬

Come and buy, it will be sold out soon♬

DDAL-GI swag ♬


Fresh like strawberry ♬

Wet boyz came Seoul city♬

Shining like city of Jinju (Pearl)♬

Full of swag without accessories♬

We go as we go♬ live as we live ♬

Sell as we sell, strawberry on our highway♬

I swell after drink strawberry milk♬

I'm going up with strawberry hope♬

Fresh our songs are DDAL-GI SWAG ooh!!♬

Just like sushi, sushi, shout out to Bill stax ooh!!♬

Zilla is Greenberry, Grillz are very bling♬

my smells BVLGARI, too much swags on me♬


they jealous Zilla's freshness♬

more strawberrys on my body, Ring my Samsung♬

Drop the Juice everyday like 'minute made'♬

[YTC baby]


Our song is fresh like Strawberry♬

It tastes sour and sweet like Strawberry♬

smells also differ from raised strawberry♬

Come and buy, it will be sold out soon♬


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