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হোস্টেলে মেয়েদের অশ্লীল সেক্স GAME RE ACT - Duration: 2:39.হাইরে পরকিয়া , না দেখেলেল
IRREAL - Dani (Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Opinion Why Indians Do Not Assimilate In US Culture - Duration: 22:24.Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Ultra Devil and in this video I'll
try to place my opinion on inability of Indian immigrants to assimilate in US culture.
This topic was requested by Akshay Nimkar, he requested a video on Failure of NRI's to
Culturally and Socially Assimilate in US.
Honestly when he requested this topic I thought it is kind of very difficult question to answer.
So I tried to search information from which I could conclude something but I could find
no numerical data from which any conclusion can be deduced.
And that was because the answer ain't really as complicated as I was assuming it to be.
The reason why NRI fail to Culturally and Socially assimilate in US is because they
just don't want to.
The answer is as easy as that.
Now that leaves us with another question, why they don't want to assimilate with US
Well to understand that lets try to understand what kind of Indian groups migrate to USA.
First group includes people who went there for jobs, they found some aspects of American
Culture superior to Indian culture so they decided to stay there.
Second are those who hated Indian Culture when they were in India and then went to US
with belief that they are settling in better culture.
Third are those who went US for vacation or something, loved US environment so they decided
to exploit immigration and welfare policies to claim US citizenship.
Fourth are the student group who went there for studies and final ones are those who went
there for better income opportunities.
It is also important to keep in mind that majority of Indian groups that landed on US
soil actually ended up succeeding in gaining sound financial health.
And it can be easily concluded from the fact that Indians rank number one on highest earning
groups of US nationals.
And it has been like that for a long amount of time.
Indians that migrate to US are some of the hardest working individuals.
Note that I said hardest working not smartest.
And there is one big problem with almost all hard working individuals.
And that problem is spending too much time and mental power on work than thinking about
Low Social Life is directly proportional to hard work.
And most of the hard work that Indians put on are not on low paying or are of physical
They usually put hard work on jobs that require intellect and most of intellectual jobs do
not require kind of interaction that is required for socializing.
Note that Indians are not refugees who migrated from their country because of war or political
Point here to note is that the sole goal of any Indian group is more income opportunity
and not joining cultural diversity.
Indians do not participate in multiculturalism in their own country, why exactly you think
they would be interested in multiculturalism outside.
We just say that India exhibits "Unity In Diversity", reality is actually opposite,
India exhibits "Diversity in spite of Unity".
When it comes to marriage Indians usually do not marry individuals outside their caste
and religion.
Though education is helping in solving this issue, fact is even in year 2017 inter caste
and inter religious marriages only contribute to less than 5% of all marriages.
Good part is most of them do not end up in success due to religious and family differences.
Either it be children, adults or elders none of age group usually have any significant
rate in accepting US culture.
On surface we can say that Indians are bunch of people who believe in tribal or cult mentality.
Hypocrisy among Indians is high about having a superior culture and there are several pointless
practices such as always accepting authority of elders no matter how stupid that may be.
Personally I think many US residents might believe that Indians no matter how educated
they are never question their cultural belief systems.
To some level that sounds very much true but by looking at it only in that way would only
mean they themselves are also living in hypocrisy about having a superior culture.
There are many Indians who kind of migrated to US just because they hated Indian culture,
by the way after landing on other side they still decided to stick with Indian culture.
And for blaming we always have hypocrite elders.
But by always blaming hypocrisy of elders we forget to ask important question of how
our elders actually see our Cultures.
Some see it as religious, others see it as required set of rules.
Both approaches have extremely bad rep among young generation because it have lead to Khap
Panchayat kind of practices.
Everyone hates Khap practices, they are not only inhuman but also illegal and against
human rights and unconstitutional but again due to lack of adequate legal resources, ignorance
and illiteracy they operate without any restriction.
And Khap practitioners never have to worry about human rights because only terrorists
and criminals posses human rights, others do not fit in that list.
There are many such cannibalistic practices that exists because of cult and tribal mentality.
I feel privileged because I wasn't born in such cannibalistic group that follows monstrosity
on name of culture.
It is important to note that each group have their own set of Indian Culture bullshit and
honestly 90% of people who keep babbling about Indian culture actually have no idea what
even culture means.
In any particular state of India they have their own set of Indian Culture bullshit which
again have a rural and modern sub types.
Most Indians who migrate to US are most definitely are not from rural type, they definitely are
from cities and follow their modern version of Indian culture bullshit.
So first lets try to see western culture with eyes of elder individuals.
Stage 1 over 53% of marriages in America end up in divorce, 90% of divorces are initiated
by women for possible stupid reasons.
Almost 45% of children based US households at present are without fathers and 70% of
these fatherless children will later find themselves in problems with substance abuse,
drinking problem, mental and emotional issues and jail time.
Statistically majority of US born homeless population belongs to group of individuals
that were raised by single mothers.
Indian population is highest earning group anywhere they go, and that can not happen
unless we are good with numbers.
Even the most free minded Indians will surely take a look on that kind of statistics and
can easily conclude 3 things.
First Americans are not good when it comes to keeping relationships, specially their
Two they don't know how to raise children nor they ask for help from others who successfully
raised them.
Americans do not understand, adults do not suffer from failed or broken marriages, children
are the ones who actually suffer failed relationships of their parents.
Failure to maintain sexual discipline is real reason of failure of relationships.
As Indians we believe backbone of any relationship is responsibility and not sexual liberty.
If you look at stats after sexual liberation of women, almost 70% of women cheated on their
And that data has come from surveying Marriage Therapist about cheating wives, the data was
first Revealed by Dion Metzer and later was confirmed by majority of Marriage consultants
and therapists.
As per US Marriage and Divorce Rate Statistics an average American citizenship marries at
least 3 times.
In which 49% end up in divorce, 62% of second marriages also end up in divorce and if you
are dumb to get married for 3rd time you are 73% likely to end up in divorce.
Unhappy with data majority of American men are no longer interested in relationships
and marriages because as per them marriage is as good as dead.
Most of them live with extremely high conviction if women is American born they are as good
as guaranteed to cheat and ask for divorce.
Men related radio, internet shows and magazines are in heavy promoting all men to give up
Only televisions are promoting men to marry but it doesn't seems to be working looking
at what numbers are telling us.
Any sane man of any culture for sure take notice of this and rate American culture a
failure in terms of relationship.
If I would be born in America, I would have preferred to stay away from serious relationship
with any woman.
Since I reached that conclusion I don't blame our hypocritical elders who might have also
concluded something similar.
After their analysis of US culture they evaluate Indian culture.
Now depending on person from whom you are listening about Indian culture you might hear
lot of different things about Indian culture.
But here's how my understanding of Indian culture is, it is based on what I learned
in school about historic Indian civilizations, how my and my friend's parents raised them
and some of the most basic interactions we do with our elder members of society.
First Indian culture for sure is based on family values, so the argument that Indians
live with tribalism and cult mentality is 100% true.
Does that mean Indian culture is patriarchal in nature.
Well anywhere cult mentality comes in, Patriarchy is guaranteed, well for those who don't know
what Patriarchy is, it means family systems mainly dominated by men.
So keep in mind anywhere where family value holds dominant place, Patriarchy is guaranteed.
That makes any western culture totally opposite of Indian culture.
American culture is mostly feminist, gyno centric, individualistic and provides high
level of sexual freedom to both men and women.
And what end result that culture has provided, by no means seems impressive.
American born individuals are lowest earning individuals of their country and while reaching
age of 40 most of these individuals will find themselves in economic problems, debt or homelessness.
Economic structure of America is mostly built by immigrants with almost all high paying
and high power jobs held by Indians, Nigerians and Chinese.
Common things among these individuals include is that they all have come from a nation that
holds family value important as compared to individualistic value, second since they hold
family above individualism their cultures are 100% patriarchy based.
Now that might end up offending lot of people, specially if you are a women.
But let me tell you something, in every country where aggressive feminism has been introduced,
in less that 40 years of its introduction country saw increase in divorce rates, increased
rate in adult emotional disorders, reduction in marriage and birth rate, increased debt
on economy, increased taxes, increased debt instrument frauds and heavy wastage of money
on social welfare policies.
Now that might leave bad taste in mouth of emotional idiots but for example you can take
a look on Japan, Australia, France and United States itself.
America as nation is heaven for businesses that commit debt instrument as well as welfare
Second Indian culture believes in family legacy which means a person either it be man or women
is not a separate individual but a part of family.
A family which takes responsibility of its each member.
So marriage for Indians does not only mean that just a man and women have decided to
fuck and live together.
It also means two families deciding to take responsibilities of each other.
People think that concept of marriage is religious.
But that's not true because if that would be, then marriage will be exclusive to one
particular religion.
And that's not the case, marriage as concept exist because men and women had different
gender roles.
The day gender roles will end, marriage will cease to exist.
All those countries which are right now seeing surge in men and women not interested in marriage
and blaming men for not marrying fail to see, marriage by any means can not exist without
gender roles.
So when you see yourself getting forced to get married by your relatives it means they
are forcing you to take your gender role.
Indians believe relationships makes you stronger, not weaker.
And while raising us our parents try to induce that idea in our brains.
Since structure of Indian culture is based on authority of elder individuals, elders
usually guide their children to raise their children.
As parent you have done a good job if your kids learn to take disappointments in their
early stages of childhood.
They are supposed to learn taking disappoints so that they can understand in real life cards
are always set against them.
Its better to not cry over failure and move on.
Second a kid must learn to take responsibility.
This applies to both boys and girls.
A boy is expected to take lifting jobs whereas women are expected to learn household works.
A physically weak man is considered result of bad parenting and is sometimes also considered
as insulting to man and his family.
Therefore parents of male kids become extremely worried when boys do not eat.
This has also lead to a complete niche market dedicated to increasing hunger of men.
Tonics of all kinds are available to help tackle this problem.
I don't know how they work but some of these medications do generate monster level hunger.
Third a kid is also supposed to learn physical and mental discipline.
Which includes scheduling everything from study time to playing time.
Usually when children ask parents to buy something for them.
Parents are not supposed to buy those things without asking anything in return.
Usually they ask to score better marks, help in house hold works and good behavior.
This is intentionally done by majority of parents because it is assumed this protects
minds of children from feeling of entitlement.
It also helps them learn they'll get absolutely no reward for free and they always have to
work for it.
Finally they are supposed to learn patience, patience is key to success.
Majority of parents who successfully manage to induce values of taking disappoints, taking
responsibility, working for reward, staying away from entitlement, maintaining strict
physical and mental discipline in their kids believe they have done a good job as parent.
Personally I also believe all of them are good values.
But problem may lie in methods selected by parents to induce these values.
I have no idea how many people see Indian family culture as I see it, nor I deny there
can be lot of problems with it.
But being born in a culture that highly values family over an individual my opinion on it
might be biased.
If we would try to see Indian and American culture as persons then these persons would
be enemies.
Good news is US born generation of Indian parents are somewhat succeeding in assimilating
with US culture.
The marriage rate of Indians and other race in US is actually higher than Inter-caste
and inter-religious marriages in India.
But again divorce rates for men is high.
And divorce settlements has also costed divorced men huge fortunes.
Keep no bias other Indian men will take notice and no matter how beautiful American women
are most Indian men will prefer to stay away.
People who support gender equality might find this opinion extremely offensive, guess what
I do not support gender equality.
And it doesn't mean I think women are inferior.
Gender equality was gimmick that was created to provide women equal work opportunities
as men, to great level that initiative has also succeeded.
Problem is that people want to take gender equality too literally.
Which very much sums up to a man applying perfume or body spray and expecting every
women to fuck with him just because perfume businesses used it as advertisement gimmick.
In a perfect gender equal society there wouldn't be any need of marriage, there wouldn't be
any father figure, a rape wouldn't be a sexual crime it would be considered as puny physical
assault, there wouldn't be anything as men should not hit women nor men would ever offer
any women any help.
And that would be a very bad society to live in, in world of fantasy, ideas like gender
equality seem good but when they'll become real you'll be horrified to live in that society.
For example, if we take a look in history of Indian civilization we can find that there
was a time when women actually demanded men to complete in extreme physical challenges
to marry them.
The idea was based on Swayamvar as mentioned in ancient hindu religious texts, the problem
was in world of fantasy it sounded cool and romantic to women but in reality it would
prove extremely brutal for men who would compete in them.
These physical challenges sometimes would be so brutal that men would end up suffering
loss of their body parts.
But the good part was even after competing and completing all challenges a women had
full right to turn down marriage proposal by giving excuse that she don't want to marry
a handicapped man.
And even after winning he would not get to marry women but get money as compensation
for his loss.
This was known as "Dahej", in which "Deh" means body and "Harjana" means compensation.
The literal meaning of "Dahej" is Compensation for loss of body part.
Time moved on and women had to accept marriage proposal from winner in spite man's broken
physical condition and financial compensation also became compulsory.
Then these competitions became less brutal and with time and finally Swayamvars disappeared
but Dahej remained as it is and turned pretty well for majority of women who had to suffer
because some bunch of idiots decided to live their fantasies.
Most people live with idea that social structure is rigged against them, this is result of
victim-hood mentality.
And this type of mentality is reason why people think their world of fantasy would be a better
place to live for them and also for everyone.
The fact is social structures changes with time and people living in it have to adapt
to it.
It doesn't always means social structure is victimizing you.
I am a man and I get turned on by lot of beautiful women.
My fantasy is a world where I would get to fuck any women I want with no restrictions
and I can very much guarantee majority of men of world would be having similar fantasy.
I think Uday Saddam Hussein was the one who got to live his fantasy because his father
was Saddam Hussein but that turned out extremely well for citizens of Iraq.
My fantasy of fucking every women I want can come true only if I become dictator.
And how dictatorship turned for others is evidence of fact why people shouldn't try
to think their emotional world of fantasy can really be a good world to live in.
In fantasy world of terrorists world is only supposed to be populated by Islam.
In fantasy world of Hitler, Alexander and Genghis Khan they were ideal rulers of world
and their attempt to bring their self centered fantasy to world resulted in wars and death
all over the world.
There are more than required evidences in history that have time and time again proven
a world of fantasy either fails to survive or ends up with brutal consequences.
And those who don't learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.
The Devil Speaks The Truth and he has spoken.
Thanks for watching.
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