Makeover Makeup Bath Dress Up Kids Games - Space Animal Hair Salon | Games For Kids and Girls.
Роберт Адамс. Собрание Сатсангов - Майя. (Аудиокнига Nikosho) - Duration: 31:21.-------------------------------------------
Pokemon Easter Egg Hunt - Photography Adventure - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
THE BLACK SWAN (Pt. 1) - Duration: 12:29.Hello we're on our way to La Guarida 2.0
And this time we expect to see the new area
We will see. Iknow nothing yet
Wiset could check it already the last week, but didn't play there. Not enough players
Wiset, we forgot something at home. We pick it up and come back here in a moment. Just 20 min
This is the new Grey's SoftShell. Let me check it a bit Grye please
Hey where did you buy it? I want one!
How would you describe your attire today?
Op. Black Swan
So disgusting
Must cut the nails already
(The new area)
Not this way
At your 6 ok?
Referee crossing
It was the referee, don't worry
Can we keck it off Marcos?
Move that smoke
Yeah? -Can you cover 12?
Dude this is...
I'm not even what Andrey call Pokémon, I'm what he describes as mob
That simple, I'm just a mob
How would you describe yourself right now? Hate yourself?
But wait, actually I am reenacting uh? This is Total Reenactment
I can hardly see you uh?
Ok. We'll get the toilets after you
I take the cornerm you cross
Don't mind them, this part is ok. let's move
Move brother
Wait mate
I'm moving mate
Cover me now!
Taking your position mate
Friend incoming
Roger that
One more!
I'm moving mate!
Reloading mate!
I can't see the enemy
Got many targets here
Move mate! Take my position mate!
Here's the party mate!
Red team here! Friend!
in front, on that window!
The stall is clear mate!
Kenny, come here a moment
Got an enemy on that stall, btu I want to take the left, we have 2 lines mate
Turn off the light
You'll look better on the camera mate
If it gets hot just tell me mate!
Roger that
Kneeling down for reloading
Affirmative mate
That was you? -No
I'll cover here
We will die here if it's needed mate
We do this for Mexico
Don't you want a clean country for your kids?
So you know what you have to do!
Look at that motherfucker on the trees!
I Got you like a little bird!
Oh you didn't tell me!
I no wonder why they got you, all the time talking
How do you see the new changes Wiset?
We didn't play in the inside, I guess everyone is testing the new area outside
But not the inside area
What do you think about the new outside area? Brings something new?
About the gameplay outside, I don't know if it has too many covers
For now, from our respawn to the bravo side, I think it's ok
Can you flank now?
It brings a way to move taking covers
How do you see the changes? It gives many possibilities
The bathrooms
Ok, can you hold that fire?
Reloading, hold on
I take your position
Must put the flags here or take them to the base?
No, he's friend
Show me that armpit
Ok, got him
He's down
I'm on fire. With the Vega Force
I cover bathrooms
You know you like it
Damn so bad smell here
I think someone shat a brick the inauguration day
He put the first brick
You must think as referee but also as player
Marcos is talking with Grey and Wiset
Talking about the field
Marcos, the referee. He ask to the players about the field
He wants feedback from the others
But I think it's hard to do changes in a field
You may think "hey this new cover do the thing here"
And then you try it in 2 or 3 games and it makes nothing
Or maye you breack a wall and the game changes completely
It's hard to know
He was also saying that here you can find very different types of players
Some players are more tactical, others are more like random
more like Counter Strike. Two respawns? engage the enemy in the middle
Today was like... I think 50 or 45 players
The field is big, but I'd prefer less players
I've had games really good games in this field
Except 2 that were bad, but it's a good field
I think it's hard to modify a field
Not only because the cost, but because it's hard to do the correct changes
And it's all about the players, they must test it
Then the referee must have an opinion but
It's very important to get the players feedback
For example now Grey is telling Marcos about remove on of the walls in the bathrooms
You must take this line, shooting to that little edge
But maybe he just can't remove that wall
So they are making small changes on the field
This door here, made by removing a wall, I didn't know it
This is new. It gets here outside, so you can border the field
I think this kind of modifications really change the game
(Part 2 soon.)
Episode 20 - Moocall Part 1 - Duration: 5:04.Hi, I'm Mike and this is Our Wyoming Life.
Calving season continues, so far without many complications and with nice weather.
But that isn't always the case.
Ranchers everywhere fight the elements and Mother Nature during calving season and the
technology of calving hasn't changed in a hundred years.
Until now….
This is the Moocall.
It's a small device that straps on your cows tail and tells you when she's in labor,
usually an hour or so before she calves, but how does it let you know?
Well, it sends you a text or an email and tells you that you better get out there and
check things out.
Its small and it comes in a small box.
Let's take a look at all we have in here.
Nice packaging, I like that.
And as we open it up, this is the moocall device that straps to your cows tail, you
charging accessories, including interchangeable plugs.
Your user guide and a pad that is used if your cow has a thinner tail.
The instructions say to charge the unit overnight before the first use which gives us a chance
to register and set it up.
Registration is very simple; you just need a couple of numbers from your box and a computer
with internet access.
This is the dashboard screen once you have completed registration, you can add phone
numbers that the Moocall will text when your cow goes into labor here.
Also there is an apple and android app for the device.
Which is a great addition if you want to be able to keep up to date with what's going
on from your mobile, The app also shows you the battery status, which is really cool but
I do wish you could register a device on the app as well.
As our device charges, let's take a look at the manual.
Put together quite well, the manual takes through the step by step process of Charging,
Turning on and testing the sensor.
Then the important task of how to put the unit on the cow.
It explains the types of alerts that we will get, then details how to remove, clean and
reset the sensor for the next use
Solid green light means the device is charged so let's turn it on.
First thing it's going to do is download any software updates and once it's blinking
blue its ready to go.
By pressing the button twice quickly it will send a test message to your phone, making
sure that everything is working ok.
Let's open up the buckle and head out to the corral where we have Bambi waiting.
She is getting close to calving and she is going to wear the Moocall for us and test
it out.
We are going to put out a little bit of cake for her, to keep her busy while we put on
the moocall, and while she eats we will put it on her.
She's a pretty tame cow so I doubt she will have much problem with it.
One thing I would suggest is that if you are going to be using the Moocall is that you
practice putting it on a piece of rope or a pipe or something before you try putting
it on a cow, especially one that might not want it on there.
If you are little practiced at it, then it will definitely go a little quicker.
That's it, now we wait.
When Bambi goes into labor the Moocall should send me a text message, giving me enough time
to be here for the birth.
This technology is really going to help ranchers, not only get a couple of extra hours of sleep,
but to manage their herd.
The price tag is right at 300 bucks but you do get a years warranty and a year of free
service with your initial purchase, and it's a small price to pay, if it saves one calf
it pays for itself.
I can see it being very useful for cows that we bring in to calve, cows that we know are
going to calve soon and we really want to keep an eye on, but now, we can keep a moo
call on them as well…..keep your ringer on and we will wait for Bambi to have her
calf and when she does hopefully you will be right here with me.
As always have a great week and thanks for joining us in Our Wyoming Life.
Swift 3 & Firebase 3 - How to Create New Users on Firebase - Ep 11 - Duration: 8:27.Hi everyone, in the last lecture, we learned how to install Firebase and integrate it to our app.
In this lecture, we'll learn to do user authentication with Firebase.
Alright! Last time we installed the Firebase Core framework.
That's enough for setup and integration stuff.
To do Authentication, we need to do more.
In your Firebase console, let's choose the Firebase project for our app.
This is the Firebase dashboard for the app.
On the left hand side, choose Authentication.
First of all, we need to tell Firebase what sign-in method we want to use in our app.
These are sign-in methods Firebase supports.
For this app, we'll use email authentication, so let's enable it.
We learned social sign in in the Zero2Launch chat app already.
Let's see the manual to see what we need to do next.
Manuals is actually our best friends for exploring a library.
Alright, the first thing we need to do is to install the Firebase Authentication library...
so that we can use authentication tools from Firebase.
To do so, simply go back to Pod-file.
And tell pod that we need the Firebase Authentication package.
Then go to the Terminal to let pod actually install these packages by using the "pod install" command.
Pod will look at the Pod-file and install everything we specified in there.
OK GOOD! It's working very hard to install the libraries we want.
OK, let's give the system sometime for processing new stuff.
Alright, unlike social log in where users already have their own social network accounts.
For email log in, we need to create Firebase users first before we can log them in.
In our app, after users sign up their accounts,...
the app will switch to the tab bar controller.
The key point is that users must be authenticated by Firebase before they can see the tab bar views.
So the idea is after creating an account and save it to the database,...
we'll authenticate then fetch the user information from the database before switching views.
Alright, in the Sign Up View Controller swift file and delete this unnecessary stuff.
In the Navigator, hold Option then click the Start storyboard to open it in the Assistant Editor.
Note that the app needs to perform all the tasks we've just discussed after one single touch on the sign up button.
So we need a function in the source code to perform those tasks in response to that single touch on the button.
That connection can be created by selecting the button,...
holding Control then dragging to the source code.
Choose the connection type as Action.
Then name the method something meaningful.
Here we use sign up button touch up inside.
Touch up inside here matches the touch event option below.
It means users touch then lift their fingers inside the bounds of the button.
This connection is called an IB Action, where IB means Interface Builder.
Basically, this function will be executed when the touch event that we specified occurs.
Alright, let's go back to the Firebase manual.
This section shows how we can create a Firebase user.
Steps 1 and 2 were done in the last lecture.
Then this single command lets us create a new Firebase user.
This is the simple interface we mentioned in the last lecture.
We simply grab the Firebase authentication tool, which is the Fire-Auth class,...
call the create-User function with the email and password that the user inputs into our app.
All complicated authentication stuff on the server will be done by Firebase behind the scene.
We will create a Firebase user when the sign up button is hitted.
Let's grab the Firebase authentication toolbox.
Alright, we don't have it here.
Although we installed the package, we still need to import it into our project.
OK. Firebase-Auth imported.
Now type F-I-R...
we can now see the toolbox we want in Xcode suggestions.
This F-I-R-Auth class provides all Firebase authentication tools we need.
But we need an instance of this class to use the tools.
So we need to call this auth() method.
If you go to its reference, you'll see that this is a method of the F-I-R-Auth class,...
which simply returns an instance of the F-I-R-Auth class.
So we can use this instance to call instance methods of this class.
We know what method we want to use.
Simply search for create-User.
GOOD! It's rather straightforward.
Let's input some dummy email and password to experiment with the method.
The last parameter might not be so trivial.
This parameter is a Closure.
You can think of it as a function without a name.
Not exactly, but sort of.
Its parameters or inputs are an Optional Firebase User object, and an Optional Error object.
You name them whatever you like.
Here we use user and error for simplicity.
These are objects we received back from Firebase after the Firebase user creation process.
The user object is an Optional 'cause it might be nil if the authentication process failed due to lost connection or things like that.
In this case, Firebase returned back to us a non-nil error object.
We can check if it's the case using this if statement.
If it's indeed the case, we can just ignore it or print it out to see what's wrong.
Seeing through Xcode suggestions, we'll see that the localized-Description property of this Error object...
can tell us what's wrong.
Finally, simply escape from this method if this user creation process failed...
If there's no error, the authentication process is successful.
We'll received back from Firebase a F-I-R-User object.
Let's print it out to see how it looks.
We'll decide how to proceed later, like switching views and stuff.
There's some warnings, but let's not worry about them for now.
Note that for now we hard code the user email and password to user1 and 1 2 3 4 5 6.
Right now we don't get that information from user input.
We'll do that later.
Alright, here it is.
Let's go to the sign up view to create a Firebase user.
As seen in the code, hitting the sign up button means we want to create a user with email "user1 @ gmail dot com".
OK, the view is switched but that is expected.
In the console, you can see that a F-I-R-User was indeed created and printed out.
Now, the view switched although we don't do that in the source code...
because of this segue we created in the past.
Actually, it's because of this segue from the sign up button.
Let's delete it.
Using segues is not a great way to switch views together with authenticate users.
We'll learn to switch views properly in the source code after we authenticate users.
Now let's go to Firebase to see the new Firebase user.
We can see this information under the Users tab in the Authentication section.
Alright, let's refresh the page.
Note that this is NOT the database. We'll construct it later.
The Firebase user we've created is sitting nicely here with all associated information.
We'll finish this sign up business next time. See you then!
Vlog: RETRO GAME Cafe & Arcade Fun in Korea (자막)레트로 게임 카페 & 국제커플 브이로그 오락실 - Duration: 13:13.-------------------------------------------
10 Photos to TEST Your Personality - Duration: 6:08.-------------------------------------------
台日便利商店大不同!台灣人打嗝誇張!?日本女生隨身帶◯△?《AGCC Talk♡文化差異》 - Duration: 7:10.-------------------------------------------
5 Things You Didn't Know About ModernWhiz - Duration: 4:16.As celebration for our 100,000th subscriber day, we thought it would be nice to show our
fans, you Modern Whizards, a little knowledge about our team and inner workings.
Because every new channel is just a small pond in the Proverbial Sahara Desert known
as YouTube, but we've been fucking shit up since 2014.
We appreciate all the love and support we get from each and every one of you.
And will keep doing our best to keep bringing you the best Top Tens and Real Net Worths
with the professional touch of Modern Whiz.
Annnd, keeping it real and talking that shit.
With that being said, welcome to our list of 5 Things You Did Not Know About Modern
Number 5: Our Team Our team is comprised of 6 bad ass members,
something like The Seal Team 6 of YouTube, where we produce 20 mother fucking videos
a month, and we are competing with huge top YouTube channels, who have big ass networks
funding them, but don't worry about us because we're kicking their ass.
And that's all Thanks to you guys!
Number 4: We Create Our Own Beats Every video you've seen thus far from Modern
Whiz, has been created by musician and Modern Whiz creator Johnny 'Nine Diamond' Olmos
(who denies being related to Edward James Olmos, but we know the truth).
Nine has been in the YouTube production world for ten years now, and has thousands of beats
and millions of views on Youtube videos he's created.
And you can check out all the fire, at
Nine also has been credited for helping in the creative portion of many notable YouTube
creators such as Supereeego, Jason Chen, Timothy DelAGhetto, and Megan Nicole.
MVO - Number 3: Meet Narrator: Yori U. Yori U recently joined the team and is now
a writer and Narrator for Modern Whiz.
As he writes scripts for all the top tens he reads, he also helps with the writing of
The RealNet Worth.
And you may remember Yori, As he was a TMZ Paparazzo for over 8 years, and was hired
directly from Harvey Levin, when they met at a gas station when he was in his early
You may also remember him on HBO's Entourage, as he plays himself, with his buddy Turtle.
Yori U. is also recently credited for catching a notorious serial burglar who had a 1 Million
Dollar bond for his arrest in the South Bay of L.A. using his TMZ investigative skills.
Number 2: Meet Narrator: HD Flat Beats Get to know Mike 'HD-Flat Beats' Olmos,
the co-creator and older brother to Nine Diamond.
As the awesome voice narrator for Modern Whiz and The Real NetWorth, HD has been in the
hip hop game for years now, creating music for such acts as Papoose, Sly Boogie, and
Roscoe to name a few.
And is now managing 'up and coming' LA hip hop artist Pac Man da Gunman.
His most notable move is when his company Broadcast King was recognized as one of the
top SEO and web development companies by the LA Times and the Chicago Tribune.
Number 1: Our Analytics So far , Modern Whiz is on pace to hit 2,000
subscribers per day, and those numbers are growing, just like my penis Our audience is
comprised mostly of Men at a whopping 78 percent!
And the age range is anywhere from 18 to 44 years old, which is considered the most influential
demographic in the world.
Congratulations , guys.
And yes, SEX is the most searched term when organically finding Modern Whiz.
You fucking pervs…
And there you have it, our list of the 5 Things You Did Not Know About Modern Whiz.
Did you think this video was hype and want to know more about the crew and the production?
If so get us to 200,000 and we'll provide you with juicer, sexier, and girthier facts
about us , and mention them in the comment section below, and as always/ don't forget
to like, share, and subscribe.
Giải đáp nên tập cardio trước hay sau tập gym - Thể Hình Channel - Duration: 4:06.So, you decide to double dip and do cardio and lifting on the same day.
Now, you're wondering, "Which one should I do first?"
If you've already done some research on this topic, you've heard the unexciting
advice of "do whichever order you prefer" or "first do the one that fits your goal
the most."
In fairness, that's true.
Nothing beats planning your routines with preferences and goals in mind.
But, if we look past such simple answers and dive into the science, the enzymes, and the
physiology, then we will find that, ultimately, you want to lift FIRST and then cardio.
Here's a few reasons why.
Let's first look at glycogen, the stored form of the quickly metabolized energy source
When you need more glucose, chomp chomp goes your glycogen stores.
Cardio and lifting needs it, and if either of them have too little, performance suffers.
And, even though lifting uses only about a third of the stores, it'll take the biggest
beating if there's not enough, seeing that it demands quick bursts of energy provided
primarily by glucose.
Cardio, though, is slow and steady, which is better suited with the slow and steady
breakdown of fat for energy.
Glycogen is still important, but you CAN train the body to adapt to doing cardio with lower
glycogen levels.
Some evidence even suggest that you can still improve performance as well.
Another lift first theory is from the impact of the enzymes mTOR and AMPK. mTOR is uber
important for muscle growth and elevates significantly after resistance training.
AMPK is believed to be activated from lower intensity exercises like cardio and promotes
fat breakdown.
Unfortunately, is also inhibits mTOR signaling, which in theory, means, if you do cardio first,
muscle growth diminishes.
But, it's still currently just a theory and the AMPK effects only last roughly 15
minutes after cardio and sometimes not at all.
mTOR, in contrast, can be elevated for as long as 48 hours after training.
But by far the most important factor is fatigue.
The goal of many resistance training plans is to progressively overload, aka gradually
increase resistance from exercise to exercise.
To achieve this, you will need to be able to perform at your fittest.
If you do a cardio session right before lifting, there can be residual muscle fatigue, compromising
muscle force production.
Your heart will be taxed as well, which can affect energy transportation.
You might also be mentally fatigued, which can dampen focus and motivation.
Simply, you just won't perform good.
That's not to say that lifting first won't impact your cardio.
It's just that cardio doesn't demand as much as lifting, especially steady state cardio.
Plus, by the time you go from your lifting to cardio, the type 1 fibers needed for cardio
should be recovered enough to last you a while.
Now, with the suggested evidence, does that mean you should always lift first and then
Well, that's only if you have to.
If you can split your workouts to different days or even different times of the day, that
will allow more recovery and overall better performance for both.
Just don't overdo it.
And yes, if you still prefer doing cardio before your lifting because it makes you feel
better or that you feel it does help with your lifting after, then by all means go for
Either way, share your thoughts down below.
And if you enjoy these videos and appreciate my efforts in providing you with well-researched
and generally unbiased information, please think about helping the channel out on Patreon!
With more crowdfunding support on Patreon, I don't need to sell you some product or
cookie cutter e-book, which keeps the content honest!
Even at just a dollar a month, you can not only help me and the channel grow but also
avoid buying that monthly donut.
So, in essence, I'm helping you with your goals as much as you're helping me.
Come check out the PictureFit patreon at
As always, thank you for watching and remember, it depends!
Alfombrilla gaming para mouse TMP40 TMP30 de ThunderX3 baratas, ánalisis en español 2017 - Duration: 2:31.Hi and welcome to today tecnogeekies
We see two mouse thunder
in both cases the package is the same
You biene very well protected box
after a plastic box
internal and truth very well rolled
both have a width
400 mm and a length of 300
mm with a height of 4
milimeters both are made in black
They have a natural gum base and
embroidery thread finish and now we will see
If the speed gaming mouse
It has a gum base portion and
top is very soft and ready to
mouse slides perfectly and
quickly as mat
accuracy also have a base of
an upper rubber fabric also
and it offers us very precisely to the
when moving the mouse as we can see
now we on the right side of
speed on the left of
accuracy and if you notice, not if you will notice
much in the video if you notice
mouse for more dry in the left side
left and on the right side slid
a little bit more so we can win
accuracy or speed depending on what
we want and we conclude from
These mats are both very good
I must say that depending on game
you have you should wear one or the other
let's say a little difference what
I liked that the mat
I mean the control precision is good
the truth that helps you slow down when
you need it to stop going to hand you the
will stop and help you a little bit, is not a
Ballast tell that you're not
Here it is but when you stop
no extra slides but stop
exactly is fine is a touch
pretty good
both have natural rubber behind the
embroidery is very well done do not see
no fault in it and it is a good
via the truth that have made
tiny on purpose so you can
swap for example you are playing a game
Precision as a shooter, you need
have the mouse accuracy and if
you're in a game which is much
easier to slide the mouse does not
It needs to be there you need
by moving the mouse quite fast and
to premiere at an exact time
with the other mat you put the
you change
and ready the truth is very sencillito
very easy if there is nothing else that
the only so I can tell you is that
This is more or less about 14
euros and precision are 17
so much for 30 euros you
two mats play types
different games in the referendum if you are
so I swim because I hope you have
I liked to give a like if you liked
I dislike is not liked greetings
Best of Venice, Italy: inside T Fondaco dei Tedeschi by DFS luxury store. - Duration: 0:40.Just by the famous Rialto Bridge can be found a new department store.
T Fondaco dei Tedeschi by DFS is located at an old palace 800 years old.
It's a four-story building with the ground level mostly reserved by a cafe-bistro relaxing area.
You can choose to shop from a mix of brand boutiques both Italian and international.
The fourth floor usually features events or exhibitions.
Just don't miss the opportunity to reach the top floor balcony with a unique view to the Grand Canal!
Heroes & Generals - Heavy Guns. Герои и Генералы - Тяжёлые стволы. ENG SUBS - Duration: 3:04.Sometimes to rekt nazis you need something bigger than rifles and SMGs. Today we will discuss heavy guns, which have more potential, weight and skill to be used correctly.
DP is a very accurate, average fire rate, nice damage LMG. It's more of a defence weapon and is easier to use while still, defending a point. Assaulting with an LMG is rather difficult, you better take SMG. Once again, its very accurate on long range.
Shoot from a hidden spot or position. It might look like this,
Or this!
Did I say how awful soviet tanks are? No? Well, you heard it now. They are weaker than other in this game, so tankers have no motivation to fight for father Soviet Union. But help is here, from an unexpected spot. Or, with unexpected weapon.
PTRD, or The Game Savior is a one-bullet antitank rifle, killing everybody with one shot, and is a threat to light, medium, tank killers, and if you are crazy you can make even heavy tanks flee. To penetrate the tank you must know where every tank can be penetrated. And if you got killed by a tank - he just made himself a death sentence.
🎮 Animals Doctor Kids Games | Kids Learn How to Care and Treat Jungle Animals | Games For Kids - Duration: 23:47.Animals Doctor Kids Games | Kids Learn How to Care and Treat Jungle Animals | Games For Kids.
FNAF Song: "Die In a Fire" by The Living Tombstone - Duration: 3:22.I really hate you Stop getting in my way
I lost my patience When are you gonna decay
I want to throw you out Just like my broken TV
If you'll come back once more It will be painful you'll see
I hope you die in a fire Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope
you'll get shot and expire Hope you'll be taken apart
Hope this is what you desire It's almost over
Why can't you just let it fly Don't be afraid
It's not the first time you'll die Your machical parts click
Sounds like when I broke your bones Once I get my second chance,
I won't leave you alone I hope you die in a fire
Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope you'll get shot and expire
Hope you'll be taken apart Hope this is what you desire
EH MERDE, COINCÉ DANS LA BOUE ! - Duration: 7:19.OH NO !
Wah I'm...
Wah I'm totally stuck in there...
did you see that bro ?!
that bastard !
Oh it's a pain in the sand !
I have a gear ?
fuck, I thought I was in neutral !
I'm really really dumb...
*in slow mo'* OH NOOOO !
Wah I'm...
Wah I'm totally stuck in there !
Oh Nico, I don't know what to do here !
I'm not joking man
If you set your feets in there bro...
When I tell you that my boots... See, my boots are well thightened
but when I try to lift my foot, my foot comes out of the boot slowly
You liked your bike or no ? :,D
no but... Don't push it bro
A little more !
Oh fuck !
You're disgusting !
Look... at my boots !
#AstronautBoots :,D
come on !
It really felt like quicksand
yeah I saw, you went "AAAUUUUUGH !!!"
I froze !
You did the "AAAAAAAUUUUUGH !!!" face
other videos ? subscribe
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