Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

We came to ask what people think about innovation.

Electric car. That's innovation.

Price increse?

For me it's renewal and continuous development.

And what does innovation mean to you?

Hi! I'm Marci Tompos, and this is XYZ, Momentum's vlog.

Innovation may sound as a fancy and cool stuff,

which is communicated by the supervisor to the controller as an assertive feedback after a meeting...


But it's a whole lot easier.

Innovation was when we first learned to use fire for cooking or protection,

when we first used pants for riding,

or when the Magical Magyars, using their own, modified 4-2-4 lineup, kicked ass all around the world.

The essence of innovation is therefore to make a product, a service, a sport or anything else

faster, more efficient or comfortable, etc.

So let's take a look at the use of innovation in practice.

Henrik lives in the Netherlands, in the small town of Boxmeer, near the German border.

In the morning he leaves his places and rides his bike to the city's picturesque train station.

Here, after locking the vehicle and checking in with his card, valid for all public transport in the country,

he sits down on the upper deck, plugs his phone and begins a frantic CandyCrush session.

Henrik, following one transfer, an 81-minute journey and some sugar related brain damage,

arrives to Utrecht Central, approximately 110 kilometers away.

He visits the indoor bike storage, takes out the steed and on separated bicycle paths

approaches his workplace.

All this took him about one and a half hour, and after he was unable to get over level 28,

he still had some time to read the news and write a few messages.

Henrietta resides in Borsod county, in the township of Cigánd.

In the morning she goes to the bus stop, hops on ÉMKK's evergreen vehicle,

then, after purchasing her ticket on the bus, travels about 30 km in 47 minutes,

and in Sárospatak a train of the Hungarian State Railways is already waiting for her.

After carrying out a magnificent ticket purchase, she gets on, but does not deal with such nonsense

as phone charging, since it is slightly more important to her that at the train station of Szerencs

she catches the next train to Miskolc, within the 2-minute connection time.

From there only a short distance separates Henrietta from her workplace,

which she does using MVK's bus.

After about two and a half hours of travel and the use of three companies' four lines,

Henrietta also successfully completed the 110-km journey.

You say it is a completely random example, and we are well on innovation?

There are partial results...

A mobile laboratory was developed by

a consortium set partially by the Defence Ministry's company.

This company, more specifically, its product increased the number of users to 30 million over four years from scratch.

But their are some issues with the attitude.

New ideas are good, so innovation is a great thing, the startups are also excellent,

so it is a good thing to deal with something that no one has seen before...

... but you cannot build the future on that, a future can be built on what we know we are good at.

Aha, you say to the Estonians and the Irish. They somehow managed to do so.

By the way, I brought traffic as an example for a reason. It is a sector affecting all the others.

It plays a role in how much time it takes for you to get to your workplace,

how much money it costs to send a product from one place to another,

how much area can a service cover,

and how well can a tourist reach a given sight.

And as it affects so many areas, it is very important

that we develop it and incorporate the latest innovations.

How are we doing with all this? Well, just like with innovation in general.

There are steps forward.

The highway will be 6 lanes wide up to Balatonvilágos, but M1 will be expanded, too.

One will be able to travel from Budapest to Győr on a wider highway.

90 people arrived today with the first plane to the re-opened Sármellék airport. They came from Hamburg, via Berlin.

And there's the usual stuff.

The Felcsút gauge train began its operation, although only in testing mode, on the 5,7 km line,

Between Felcsút [Orbán's home village] and Alcsútdoboz.

Designers were calculating with between 2500 and 7000 passengers a day, which is given

that per day around 380 people use the bus between the two villages, is a fairly optimistic estimate.

The bike path on the Zagyva embankment was opened two years ago. The seven and a half kilometers cost more than 1 billion forints.

Earlier, the 53-mile journey was made by train in 90 minutes.

After the 44 billion reconstruction the travel time decreased by 5 minutes.

So the problem by itself is not that there are no improvements at all or there's no innovation,

but that almost everything is decided in accordance with momentary interests,

and realized through overpriced tenders and in low quality.

We in Momentum however, have a quite different image of a well-functioning transport system.

First, we propose that an independent institution should coordinate and organize nationwide transport.

It would be responsible for finding the best operators for each line,

for coordinating the schedules of various public and private service providers,

enforcing transparency, and creating fast and efficient transport.

Also, free access schedules, and real-time data will allow

the intrdocution of a united, country-wide trip planner and chip-card system.

And if we are at national transport, there's a pretty harsh contradiction:

the costs of using a car in the country are too high, while in our cities too low

compared to the size of congestions and pollution.

This can be resolved by a dynamic pricing based on time and traffic,

something similar to the hotel room system.

Off peak it's cheap, but as more and more people want to use it, the more it's price increases.

The same system should be used at public transportation,

at road usage and environmental pollution charges, too.

For developming urban transport, we'll have P + R car parks, decent bypass roads,

also we will introduce a community-based pothole-recording system.

In addition, we'll create the conditions for bike commuting, with normal bike paths,

and bicycle-friendly streets.

So, this is our vision for transportation. You can find it's broader description on our blog,

but we are also curious to know how you see it.

You can comment below and subscribe on the right.

See you next week. Bye!

For more infomation >> A Momentum és a közlekedés - XYZ - Duration: 6:25.


Как поднять себе настроение? #вдомашнихусловиях #вкуснаяеда - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Как поднять себе настроение? #вдомашнихусловиях #вкуснаяеда - Duration: 3:19.


How to Paint Shiny Ultramarine Armour 40K - Part I Kujo Painting [Tutorial] - Duration: 14:26.

For more infomation >> How to Paint Shiny Ultramarine Armour 40K - Part I Kujo Painting [Tutorial] - Duration: 14:26.


NH: Sorsakauden avaus 2016 - Duration: 12:55.

Waterfowl hunting

In cooperation

Hello. It´s 17th of august and three days until opening day of waterfowl season

I´m going to go to fulfill our feeding place for last time before opening

and look how much there have been birds after last visit.

There were approximately hundred mallards last time I came and I could hear voices now also so lets see.

There is also trail camera so we will get some pictures with it also.

Lets see.

Well it is afternoon of 20th of August.

The midday flight is over and afternoon flight might start after some hours.

Now we have ate and drink and have got also some shooting chances during the day.

It have went pretty well. I have been here with my friend and Niko will come soon.

Weather is very sunny and windy. At day it was more cloudy so lets see if mallards flies higher now when its clearer.

Hello. Opening day, night flight.

We are on Kauklaistenjärvi. At day I was on Otajärvi approximately 10km from this place.

Luckily Kalle invited me to this place, here have been a lots more waterfowl than on Otajärvi.

I also got one mallard when I came.

Well, waitings for night are high.

The weather is so nice, the sun is going down and I think we could shoot until 10-11pm.

Next episode

For more infomation >> NH: Sorsakauden avaus 2016 - Duration: 12:55.


Saudi PR Sleaze Dupes U.S. War Veterans - Duration: 3:22.

Veterans have come forward to complain that they were used as pawns by the Saudi Arabian

government to lobby for an amendment that would limit Saudi government's responsibility

and liability for nearly 3,000 murders that took place on 9/11.

The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, or JASTA, which was passed by Congress

in 2016, finally allowed the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for the role of

Saudi government officials in the attacks.

Here to talk about this story is Farron Cousins, executive editor of The Trial Lawyer Magazine.

Farron, can you explain how these veterans are being ... I mean, they're being hustled

by the Saudi Arabians.

They really are.

It's an interesting story, but what they've done, basically, is they've tracked money

coming from the Saudi Arabian government to PR firms, organizations like that, that then

are using that money to hire veterans, telling them, "You need to go to Washington, D.C.

We're going to pay for you to stay there for five days, flights, meals, hotel, everything

is included, as long as you go and protest this bill, because what it's going to do is,

it's going to give governments the ability to sue you.

Foreigners are going to have the ability to sue you, Mr. Veteran, because of what you

did over in their country as part of the U.S. military."

They're telling them that they are the ones, the veterans, are the ones who are going to

be sued under this legislation.

Which is a lie.

I mean, it's just fantasy ...


... story, and the, again, corporate media is not picking this story up to even explain

what a lie this is.

What's been the reaction for these veterans once they find out that the Saudi government

and the, basically, corporate media that never tells the story, and politicians, have all

lied to them about what's really happening here?

It's a mix of shock and just outright disgust.

These people understand that they were duped, they were lied to, they were sent on these


They thought they were doing something positive.

They thought they were helping their fellow veterans, future soldiers, to avoid any kind

of liability for following the orders of the U.S. ...

Okay, so-

... military, but they were shocked to find out about this.

3,000 people murdered in the Twin Towers.

We know the Saudi connection.

You have lawyers that are way down the road, figuring out the Saudi connection.

As you know, our firm, full disclosure, we're working on some of this ourselves, so as we

look at this, we find out that the hustle has been to scare these people and say, "You're

in the same shoes as the Saudi government."

I mean, isn't that kind of what they're saying here?

It is, and it's a lot of the same people.

You have John McCain, Lindsey Graham, who are trying to make it to where we can't sue

Saudi Arabia, but they're also, they're out there telling the soldiers, they're telling

Americans that if we sue them, they're going to turn around and sue us.


Which they can already do.

I ...


There's nothing different.

[Yeah 00:02:55].

... don't understand anybody buying that argument.

They can do that today if they felt like it.


But these same warmongers are out there pushing this, trying to protect Saudi Arabia, one

of the worst human rights abusers on the planet, because they want the oil, and we want to

continue to sell them weapons, and we don't want to do anything that's going to jeopardize

all the money we get from that country.

Farron Cousins, another great story that we need to talk a lot more about.

For more infomation >> Saudi PR Sleaze Dupes U.S. War Veterans - Duration: 3:22.


5 Loại Rôbốt Trung Quốc Đáng Sợ của Tương Lai | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:19.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

our robot future is coming...

made in China!

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm your host Chris Chappell.


Humans have been obsessed with them...

well, forever.

The ancient Greek god Hephaestus built automatons.

And in China,

King Mu in the 10th century BC

met an "artificer" who gifted him a life-size mechanical man

that could sing, dance, and apparently flirt.

Both - true stories.

And two thousand years later,

China is back at it again.

According to this report submitted to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission,

China has been rapidly developing its robotics—

both for commercial and military use.

So China has rolled out with some pretty impressive robots.

Like these ones,

which hold the Guinness Book of World records

for the most robots dancing simultaneously.

If that looks scary to you,

you ain't seen nothing yet.

Here are 5 scary Chinese robots of the future.

Number 5

Chinese RoboCop

For those of you who aren't regular watchers of China Uncensored,

Robert Cop is my favorite Chinese knockoff toy.

The Furniture of Law enforcement.

And E-Patrol Robot Sheriff is the real-life

Chinese knockoff of RoboCop—

at least in terms of being a cop.

It's in use at a train station in Zhengzhou city.

It looks more like a cross between HAL and a Dalek.

It can use facial recognition technology

to somehow identify "potential criminals or suspicious people."

It also loves children.

Until it crushes their puny bodies.

I think I'll be avoiding that train station.

Number 4

Tell me your secrets.

I'll tell you mine.

This is Aelos.

It can dance, recognize different languages,

tell you about the weather, news and traffic,

or even listen to your secrets.

"Owner, you can tell me all of your secrets.

I won't tell anybody."

I hope the Chinese government isn't good at hacking!

And of course,

it knows how to fight.

Why are we fighting each other?

We should fight the humans!


After we play soccer.

Number 3

Fire-shooting drone

Nothing says "safety" like eight spinning blades

and a flame thrower.

It's actually designed to help utility workers

clean trash off of power lines.

Somehow, without burning the power lines themselves.

Trash can cause outages or electrical shorts.

So, yeah,

this drone is technically for safety.

But I can also see it being repurposed

for some extremely not-safe purposes,

like if they pared it with E-Patrol Robot Sheriff

to fight crime.

Number 2

Nightmare quadruped.

Horizon Zero Dawn is a video game

set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by animalistic machines.

And I think it's safe to say

we know where this story begins.

This four-legged robot was debuted at a competition in China

to display unmanned robotic designs

that can traverse uneven terrain.

This makes them useful for counter terrorism operations,

like bomb disposal and reconnaissance.

But, I guess if you saw one of these coming,

you'd know something was up.

And finally, Number 1

The Uncanny Valley

Can man make machine in his image?

The upcoming movie, Ghost in the Shell

explores the boundaries between man and machine

with this poorly designed Japanese robot.

I mean, she doesn't look Japanese at all!

In the present day,

meet what's being called the most human-like robot.

And it's still totally creepy.

And not just because its creator

has programed it to call him "My lord."

"Yes my lord, what can I do for you?

when you are taking a picture.

'It will make my face look fat.'"

Oh good!

They build the robot with the same kind of deep-seated insecurities

that make humans act irrational.

I think I'll take Scarlett Johansson instead.

So those are 5 scary Chinese robots.

Who knows where the future will lead?

Let's just hope that as artificial intelligence develops,

they don't learn from us puny humans.

We can be kind of horrible sometimes.

So which Chinese robot was your favorite?

And what's your plan to survive

the inevitable robot revolution?

Leave your ideas below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again, I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> 5 Loại Rôbốt Trung Quốc Đáng Sợ của Tương Lai | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:19.


Números - Capítulo 29 - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> Números - Capítulo 29 - Duration: 9:13.


Getting My Makeup Done by a Famous Korean Beauty Blogger - Duration: 10:01.

Saerom: It's very pretty Joan: Thank you!

Saerom: We actually haven't showed this to anyone yet.

S: You know how you received the matte lipsticks? We have been working on moisturizing tints as well!

S: These will be coming out in many colors as well

S: And this...

We have been working hard on a cushion!

We can't show you the packaging yet

It looks like this and it's very moisturizing!

For more infomation >> Getting My Makeup Done by a Famous Korean Beauty Blogger - Duration: 10:01.


[Poor travel香港] 太子蘭苑饎館!米芝蓮推介!開心果甜品?!開心果糊!開心果糕! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel香港] 太子蘭苑饎館!米芝蓮推介!開心果甜品?!開心果糊!開心果糕! - Duration: 3:31.


Sucker Punch ''Nazi Zombies Part-1'' - Sucker Punch-(2011) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 5:07.

All right, here's the drill:

The Germans are preparing a report for the kaiser. It's a map...

...that shows troop locations and trench layouts.

Their field commander's sending the map via courier...

...back to Germany on a zeppelin today.

How do we intercept it?

You're gonna cross no man's land, enter the enemy trenches...

...and take the map from the field commander's bunker...

...before the courier can reach the zeppelin.

Sounds like fun.

Oh, and I've arranged something special for Amber.

Give you some cover.

Get you out of there when you're done.

Let's go.

What do you think?

I like it.

WISE MAN: German doctors and engineers...

...have worked out how to return their fallen to the front lines.

They're using steam power and clockworks to keep them moving.

So don't feel bad about killing them.

They're already dead.

Remember, ladies:

If you don't stand for something...'ll fall for anything.

Oh, and one last thing:

Try and work together.



Son of a--

For more infomation >> Sucker Punch ''Nazi Zombies Part-1'' - Sucker Punch-(2011) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 5:07.


Números - Capítulo 8 - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Números - Capítulo 8 - Duration: 6:03.


Números - Capítulo 18 - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Números - Capítulo 18 - Duration: 10:25.


শাকিব প্রসঙ্গে পাওলি বললেন | অপু বুবলি বাদ এখন শাকিব আর পাওলি | শাকিব পাওলির সত্তা | Media Report - Duration: 2:56.

Pauline met the media on Saturday evening in a restaurant.

Shakib Khan was the hero of the movie.

Paolike evidence of the movie 'King Khan' said Pauline Faridpur like my home.

Pauline sesutre my neighbor.

'Entity' movie Bengali mother of two.

Both spectators will like the film.

According to Shakeeb, two of the film, the film will be combined.

The friendship between the two artists, brotherhood relations 'strong' will.

"Implies another ten staff.

The vastness of the film will be a meeting of two of the artists together.

Pauline Shakeeb quite happy to get to play with.

"Manusa mind after he has been working on the film for the second time in Bangladesh.

Expressing gratitude to the Bangladeshis began.

Here is a text seen it come, in the heart of Bangladesh.

Then every time I come to the mind of the people were so nice reception.

A relationship has been created.

I can tell from the writing, in the heart of the Bangladesh me tremendously.

Pauline says, schedules, due to the complexity of the entity film parachilenana time.

He apologized to everyone.

Shakib said Pauline context, very dear to me, like everybody was shocked.

Together, we are going to start a job.

Now everyone's blessing, the blessing and cooperation.

The episode will be shot 0 Pauline until November.

Come back on December 16th.

On December 17, drawn from the work will finish shooting the movie.

Sohani's 'mother' of the film based on a short story.

Delight screenplay and dialogue, the film director Ferdous Hasan Rana Pauline 'Flame'

and shocked "green" will play.

The film revolves around the story of the story has been struggling mother of two.

In addition to Dhaka Chuadanga, Jessore, Bandarban, Sylhet, Chittagong, will be shot in different

locations of the movie.

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