Video 1 - Duration: 4:22.oh ...... It's Sunday morning already another working week.
Do I really have to go to work today ???
I still have emergency balance .... I think I may take my day off
No……… wait……..
Do I have any scheduled meetings today important
I can't remember ...... and my agenda is in the office
I can check the agenda on my mobile .... and that's in the living room
but if there is something important, I would have remembered it sure
I'll take the day off
Opps .... Still I have to call & inform the office
But my mobile is in the living room
It seems that I have to leave the bed anyway.
If you are experiencing such self-dialogues
It doesn't necessary mean that you are lazy or disengaged
But there might be reasons for it
You might be exhausted from you perceived workload
or may you feel that your contribution is not of high significance or its not well received
It might be the work-life balance
Or you may feel a lack of motivation from your leaders.
Think of the reasons!
and the most important Share them on GEOS!
Drive for change
hey dude what's wrong don't you like the show
no no ,its not about that
actually i was thinking why don't we promote CoaguChek to operating rooms
operating rooms has just a great value
to patients and doctors
Co Co Coagu what !?
CoaguChek, is a small device
that measure the PT and aptt these are
bleading parameters that help doctors to
manage the bleeding at patients
interesting ... remind me .... were do you work ??
I work at Roche , Roche Diagnostics
We are providers and manufacturers in-vitro diagnostics solutions
that help patients and doctors in manage the diseases
wOW , it seems that you so proud about what you do at Roche !
Definitely and i will share this pride in
the GEOS this month
GEOS ! What is GEOS !?
GEOS is a Global Employee Opinion Survey
it's a platform where each and
every employee has a chance to the
chance to share his or her opinion in
the workplace and this month I will be
sure to share mine because My Opinion Counts
GEOS is the opportunity to share
the decision makers in taking decision
if you want to share in setting the
strategies changing and improving the
environment speak out and participate in GEOS
I think, GEOS is a very important survey
Because if me and you don't participate with our opinion
their's no changes will happen
Courage is one of Roche core values , From my opinion courage means
to speak loud to speak frankly and make
your voice heard and all this is
reflected in GEOS this is why I will
participate in GEOS this year .
me as a leader of a learning organization
Roche Diagnostics Egypt , I am convinced
that there is much to achieve and there
is always room for improvement
the Global Employee Opinion Survey will
definitely help me to identify those
areas well need to focus this is why I
am encouraging each one of my employees
to participate in the survey and express
his or her opinion openly I believe that
together we will succeed and I do
promise that your opinion will count
Which Oil to Use for Cooking? - Duration: 1:10.Hi guys, as mentioned in my earlier videos MUFA and PUFA are healthier fats.
Let me explain what is MUFA? and what is PUFA?
So, strating from MUFA, which is also referred as Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids and sources
of MUFA are olive oil, canola oil, mustard oil, groundnut oil, etc. and the second is
PUFA is also known as Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids.
And the sources of PUFA are soybean oil, corn oil, cotton seed oil, safflower oil, sunflower
oil, etc.
PUFA has another factor known as Omega 3 which is found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel
and also vegetarian sources are walnuts, flax seeds, etc.
So, both MUFA and PUFA are heart friendly and are known to lower blood cholesterol levels.
But if you ask me which oil is complete?
There is no perfect answer to this.
It is always recommended to use blends of oil or oils on rotation basis.
I hope I have answered your query and I will see you again until next time.
The Waterfall Hunter "Quick Adventure" - Duration: 2:52.so, we starting adventure from 8am. ("kenny voice" The streets not to aim!)
we can't progress because raining from early morning
so, we can continue the adventure from around 10am
enjoy our quick adventure
so, That is all, the quick video
because is only 1min or more :v
and this video talk about me looking for waterfall
the waterfall name is Pulau Simo Waterfall
and only one day
yeah, That is all, my vlog.
[wait] i can't say this is a vlog,.. but what ever
my adventure today
about finding waterfall
so if you enjoy watching my video, pls thumbs up !
if you don't like pls do not, DISLIKE!!
if you want, you can share my video to your friends.
and do whatever you want
untul next time see you latter guys :)
Funny Games 2007, funny games for kids - Duration: 5:54.Funny Games 2007, funny games for kids
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