Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017


After What They Said About Melania Trump, They Should Not Exist�

By Paris Swade

CNN�s Kate Bolduan sat down with Kate Bennett and Kate Anderson Brower on Wednesday to dissect

the speech that first lady Melania Trump delivered to the State Department.

Here is what our beautiful Melania Trump had to say:

Bolduan then asked Bennett to analyze how the FLOTUS� did.

She called it a �pretty special moment.�

�That was a pretty significant speech from the First Lady,� she explained.

�We really haven�t heard her talk for that long or lay out an agenda, and the things

she she hinted at, women�s empowerment and women�s equality, this dovetails nicely

with the bits and pieces that we have heard of her platform.�


This is just pure jealousy.

Anderson Brower then compared Melania�s �first 100 days� in office to previous

first ladies.

�Well, another author said �does she have a low profile?� No, she has pretty much

no profile at this point,� she answered.

�I think there is a big question mark about what she�s going to take on.�

�We just saw that she hired a communications director, which I think could make a big difference

for her, but by this point in Michelle Obama�s tenure, she had a staff around her.

She was very involved.

She had graced the covers of magazines and been a real force in Washington, and because

Melania Trump doesn�t live here, we don�t see much of her.�

Let�s turn CNN off for good!

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For more infomation >> CNN IS TRASH! After What They Said About Melania Trump, They Should Not Exist… - Duration: 2:08.


【DAICHI'S CLASS】#5 そんな世の中じゃ "ポイズン" POISON - Duration: 5:30.

Welcome back to my class for #5!

This class isn't like last time!

Let me ask you, what do you think of our society?

Don't you think it's poison


Today, I'd like to teach you this phrase! "Poison"

I'd like you guys to use the phrase in your real life

When it comes to "Poison" what is crossing your mind?

NOTE: Great teacher Onizuka (TV drama back to 1998) and the word is the main phrase of the drama's opening music

How'd you know?

Do you know that?

Do you know the drama?

Yes I heard about it before

And you, Nobita?

Yup, I know it!

In the daram's opning music, the teacher Onizuka sings;


You should do more practice!

Maybe, yacchimattassu


You're getting good! You've got it!

Yeah, she's got it!

Sounds cute

Have you used the phrase lately guys? Any episode you want to share?

Okay let's move on. So has anyone of you used the phrase lately?

No one uses the phrase in real life!

We don't use the phrase at all!

What? You don't? What's going on?

Do you use the phrase when you can't describe yourself even if you are in a bad situation?

(That's )Poison!

Okay, I give you a story, you're in office again

And your senior demands you a lot of tasks from you!

Doesn't matter how hard you work, your senior isn't nice to you

In this circumstance, you can say; "this is such poison..."

It doesn't make any sense!

That was the example you can use

Sydney you're being a good student!

Alright alright. Fair enough

That's also acceptable!

Using the phrase isn't easy

Sydney says, I was late at work yesterday and it was exhausted. Ah- it's poison

Guys! do you know a phrase it is called "Poison?"






You can use; "That idea is poison(=uncool)"

The class is over!

Did you happen to use the phrase "Poison" lately?

No, I don't...

Speak of the devil, the other day I came back to my parents place

It was long time of not seeing them but what they said to me was

"Give us back the money we lend you!"

I said "Poison"

For more infomation >> 【DAICHI'S CLASS】#5 そんな世の中じゃ "ポイズン" POISON - Duration: 5:30.


Woman That Prophesied Trump Would Win Now Warns That A "Great Shaking" is coming - Duration: 7:28.

Woman That Prophesied Trump Would Win Now Warns That A �Great Shaking� Is Coming

And Churches Will Fall

If Dr. Patricia Green is correct, America is about to be shaken like we have never seen


And considering her track record, I would take what she has to say very seriously.

She correctly prophesied in advance that Donald Trump would win the election in November.

If you are not familiar with this prophecy, you can find it on a video that she published

on September 28th right here.

She also correctly prophesied Barack Obama�s first election victory in advance, and she

did it at a time when Hillary Clinton was expected to get the Democratic nomination.

So unlike many other �prophets� that are floating around these days, she has a very

long track record of being accurate.

In her latest video, she says that God told her that a great shaking will soon come to

America and that many churches will fall.

Regarding the increase in prophecy, I will show my children what I am about to do on

this earth through My prophets.

My prophets will arise with this proclamation, �Make way for the coming of Yehoshua.

Prepare the way.

Prepare your hearts.

He will shake the heavens and he will shake the earth with his outstretched arm.

This great shaking will usher in great revival.

The churches whose foundations are not established on the rock of Yehoshua will fall.

Many will be shocked at the churches who fall because those churches put up a good front,

but refuse to live in holiness.

I will expose the greed, the fornication, the adultery, and the idolatry of these churches.

There is a great shaking coming and I will expose the sin.

Repent before it is too late.�

Dr. Green�s message immediately got my attention because it very closely mirrored what I have

been proclaiming.

I have been heralding the �shaking� that is coming and the �revival� that will

follow on television, on the radio, in my latest book The Rapture Verdict, and in my


Here is just one brief example

Many are hoping for a great move of God instead of shaking.

But the truth is that we should be thankful for the shaking that is coming because it

will shake many into the Kingdom.

If we want to make it through the shaking that is coming, we have no other choice but

to walk in holiness.

It is easy to point the finger at others, but the truth is that each one of us needs

to closely examine our own lives to make sure that we are living the way that we should.

Another voice with a very long track record that is warning that �dark days� are coming

to America is Stephen Hanson

These are the days of uncertainty for many.

These are the days of turmoil and unrest.

And yet I would say that I can give you rest.

I can give you rest in the midst of the storm.

I calmed the sea when my disciples were in the boat.

They were fearful of the storms and the waves, but I told them to look to Me and not to the


Dark days are ahead for this nation.

It is set in motion�the wheels are turning, and in time the very things spoken, concerning

the events leading up to the last days, will come.

A pendulum is swinging, and it is chiming out the hours.

The very walls of justice will erupt.

Confusion and calamity is seen upon the very steps of the White House.

And as I have written about previously, there are many other prophetic voices that are saying

the same thing.

Many believe that the church in America is in �good shape�, but the numbers say otherwise.

For instance, a new Barna Group study found that only about ten percent of all Americans

have a �Biblical worldview�, and for Millennials the number was less than half of that�

They found that while more than seven out of 10 Americans call themselves Christians,

just one out of every 10 were able to answer basic questions about the Bible and the faith.

The number is low among young Americans as well.

Only four percent of millennials aged 18-29 scored 80 percent or higher on a survey asking

questions about their faith.

How can anyone possibly claim that the church is in �good shape� after seeing that kind

of data?

Judgment begins with the house of God, and there are so many out there that have refused

to listen to the warnings even after many of us have pleaded with them to listen time

after time with great love in our hearts.

But there are also many that have heeded the call, and in these last days God is raising

up a mighty Remnant that will do great exploits.

The move of God that is coming will not have anything in common with the watered-down,

lukewarm, wimpy �churchianity� that so many of us have become accustomed to seeing.

In the times that are coming, we are going to need believers that are willing to be bold,

strong and militant.

I really like how Larry Alex Taunton made this point in an article for Fox News�

My father, a career soldier, had a phrase he liked to employ whenever he saw a man behave

in a manner that was less than manly.

He would say something like, �That was candy-assed.� Of course, my father didn�t invent the idiom,

but in his use of it you didn�t need further explanation.

You knew exactly what he was talking about.

The term fits the kind of Christianity that has infected the Church and sapped it of its

vitality and strength.

The expression might offend the sensibilities of some of my readers to which I can only

say, it might fit you.

I urge you instead to be offended by the way our God�s name is blasphemed in our country

every day; by the 54 million children murdered in the holocaust of abortion since 1973; by

the sordid sexual agenda that is eroding the very fabric of Western civilization; by the

fact that Christians are dying for their faith, largely at the hands of Muslims, at a rate

of 100,000 per year; and, most of all, by the reality that these things are being ignored,

trivialized, or celebrated.

Yes, a great shaking is coming, but God is not warning us about these things so that

we will be afraid.

Rather, we are being warned so that we will not fear.

God is in control, He knew about all of this in advance, and He has a plan.

And even in the midst of all the darkness, this is going to be the Remnant�s finest


Without a great shaking there would be no widespread revival, so we should embrace the

shaking that is coming because it will help spark what I believe will turn out to be the

greatest move of God the world has ever seen.

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