This is your heart
It beats near to 70 times per minute
And it releases energy with each heartbeat
but... ¿How much energy it releases?
¿How much energy your body realease?
¿How much energy is in the universe?
Energy is not created or destroyed
only is transformed
and every energy in the universe
was created in the Big Bang
so in the universe, there is a finite amount of energy.
When we talk about energy we use the unit called Joule,
there is the unit used to measure energy and work.
It is defined as the amount of work done by a constant force
of a Newton for a meter of length
in the same direction of force.
The energy of a photon whose wavelength is
size of the observable universe is
10^-53 Joules
and the average energy of a photon is
1,92 x 10^19 Joules
¿How much is a Joule?
To know how much is this energy place your hand on a surface,
lift your index finger and hit it against the surface,
in the hit the energy that you released
was near to 0,4 Joules.
Do it a few times and you have released near an Joule of energy
In the explosion of a ton of TNT is released near
4,18 x 10^9 Joules.
With 5 tons of TNT
can be demolished near 19 buildings
and during the explosion
is realeased near to 2 x 10^10 Joules of energy.
An average human weighs near to 70 kg,
multiplying the weight of a human by 9 x 10 ^ 13 Joules
which is the mass-energy total of one gram of matter
we have as a result that in the
human body there are about 6.3 x 10 ^ 18 Joules of energy.
The Tzar bomb that is responsible for the biggest human-made explosion
resulted in 2.1 x 10 ^ 17 Joules, that is,
in your body there are 30 times the energy of the Tzar bomb
Our star fuses hydrogen atoms to release 3.8 x 10 ^ 26 Joules of energy every second.
This energy interacts with the elements
relatively close to the star
including earth.
Thanks to this energy that comes to Earth in the form of radiation
the life exist,
the human exist,
you exist...
Equivalents with space objects.
5,37 x 10^41 Joules
is the mass-energy equivalent to the mass of the earth.
10^44 Joules:
Energy released of a supernova.
1,8 x 10^47 Joules:
Mass-energy equivalent to the total mass of the sun.
The energy of the whole universe...
That number that limits any possible process,
The number that the human can never approach ...
Is 4...
Followed by 69 zeros,
that number is read four duovigintillion.
This number limits everything in the universe,
even so, any process can reach this number.
We have to limit ourselves as observers of all
processes we can not even match for now ...
eing the most powerful species known,
and at the same time so insignificant
for the majesty of the universe...
I hope you liked it, it was all from me.
Information in the description.
Oh, by the way,
Your heart releases 5 millijoules of energy for each beat.
Video style inspired by CdeCiencia and CuriosaMente
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