Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

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For more infomation >> Colorado Lifted 10.5 Inches On 35s - Duration: 13:01.


Desenho infantil dinosaurros em portugues | desenho infantil trator | fazenda desenho infantil - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> Desenho infantil dinosaurros em portugues | desenho infantil trator | fazenda desenho infantil - Duration: 11:56.


My Relationship Status (NEED to watch the whole thing) - Duration: 6:27.

HI I'm jessie

i write really personal stuff at 3AM

i decided to read an entry

please watch all the way through

For more infomation >> My Relationship Status (NEED to watch the whole thing) - Duration: 6:27.


Rise of the Horde - Warcraft Chronicle Vol. 2 [Lore] - Duration: 27:06.

Hello everyone!

Last week we talked about the ordering of Draenor, the way in which life established

on the planet and how the different areas of the world came to be.

This week we're going to talk about the differences when it comes to the whole rise

of the horde and invasion of azeroth storyline which begins with the Draenei who were forced

to make a crash landing on the planet.

Velen and those that stood with him had refused to join Sargeras and the Burning Legion.

The Naaru, K'ure, K'ara, and D'ore aided the exiles as they moved around in their dimensional

fortress called the Genedar.

Traveling like that cost immense amounts of energy, energy which came from the naaru spirits

and over time they weakened.

The time for running eventually came to an end as they were forced to crash on a planet

that the Draenei named Draenor, or Exiles Refuge.

As they made their final journey, the naaru K'ara lost touch with its connection to

the Light and Void began to consume it.

As a final act, it was able to convince the Draenei to eject it from their ship before

it would start to fight its fellow Naaru.

Easier said than done though since the void energy coursing through its body started to

lash out but Velen heroically stepped in, used the Light to shield the other two naaru

and cast K'ara away from the vessel.

For centuries K'ara would drift in the skies above Shadowmoon valley, but the battle had

injured Velen and sapped much of his strength.

His ability to foresee future events became unreliable and it would take him centuries

to fully recover.

The other two naaru were too weak to land on Draenor safely and as the vessel crashed

into the ground, it killed D'ore and many of the draenei onboard.

K'ure, the last naaru standing told the survivors to quickly leave the ship as it

too was decaying and turning towards the void.

Velen and the draenei were truly alone and as far as they knew, this would be the last

world that they would ever see.

They build their city of shattrath upon the site where once Goria was devoured, they build

Karabor which would become one of their most beautiful and holiest of sties and they build


This was to house the remains of D'ore who had been starting to draw in the souls of

the dead draenei and the same happened with K'ure who started to draw in the souls of

departed orcs.

K'ara became known as the dark star for the shadowmoon clan and they worshipped it,

even trying to access its power but touching those void energies shattered their minds

and soon enough they decided that the dark star's power were not meant to be wielded

by mortals and if anyone continued messing with it, they would be exiled out of their

shadowmoon valley.

So here we have the draenei introduced to the world of draenor and their coming had

a massive impact on the world.

The ogres were not happy with them building upon Goria, but the Draenei repelled them

easily enough which showed the orcs that the draenei were not as harmless as they thought.

Some stayed away from them, some attacked if they'd go into their territory and the

bladewind clan decided to attack their caravans and take some of the draenei prisoners.

It would have been easy for the draenei to destroy the clan but Velen forbade it, fearing

that this would lead to an all-out war with the orcs, and instead decided to go for rescue

missions and better protection for the caravans.

All the draenei wanted was to live in peace on Draenor and not cause any harm, something

clearly shown when two young orcs, Orgrim and Durotan were saved from an attacking Highmaul

Ogre by the Draenei.

They were even invited to sit down with the prophet who observed the orcs and found no

hatred in their hearts, quite the opposite.

This meeting would be one of the last peaceful encounters between orcs and draenei as The

Legion found their target.

I'm going to assume that you're familiar with the overall story and focus mainly on

the changes.

It was Talgath that found the draenei since their crash landing had send out massive waves

of holy energy through the twisting nether which drew his attention.

Like before, he observed the orcs and reported back to Kil'jaeden who ordered his servant

to stay out of this conflict as they would turn the orcs against the draenei.

Talgath was quite pissed about this, he had not spend millennia hunting the draenei just

so the primitive orcs could spill their blood.

Normally Kil'jaeden would have punished such insubordination but he understood the

anger yet was unmoved and send his servant away.

He needed an agent, an orc that could manipulate the rest of their people to follow Kil'jaeden's

will and although there were many candidates, none had such potential as Gul'dan.

He was born with a physical weakness into a small clan at the edge of Gorgrond and the

other orcs saw his twisted form as an ill omen and they eventually exiled him.

The elder shaman took picky on gul'dan and told him to go to throne of elements where

he might find his purpose in life from the spirits.

The spirits sensed the darkness and fury in the orc's heart and they rejected him, but

in that moment whispers came.

"But in their absence, other voices whispered...Gul'dan..."

Kil'jaeden promised Gul'dan power, enough power that no one would ever pity him again

and he would become like a god, if only he would help the Legion with turning the orcs

into a weapon to destroy the Draenei.

The first orcish warlock was born as Gul'dan gladly accepted the dark bargain and he informed

his new master of a time where the orcs came together against a threat to save the elements

from the ogres influence.

If Kil'jaeden could recreate that elemental upheaval, perhaps the clans would repeat history

so he guided Gul'dan, they attacked the throne of elements with fel magic and the

elements were thrown into chaos.

Long droughts were followed by heavy rain.

Floods devastated regions in Gorgrond and parts of Nagrand.

Snowstorms blanketed parts of tanaan jungle and terokkar forest in ice.

Rivers and streams dried up, which caused wildlife to die by the thousands.

This causes massive suffering to the orcs and their shamans could offer no guidance

since they could no longer properly communicate with the elements.

Gul'dan used his magic to throw in a bit of redpox which took out a lot of orcs, including

chieftain Garad of the Frostwolf clan which left his son Durotan to lead them and as you

can imagine, the orcs were desperate for answers.

Gul'dan was a perfect ally for the Legion, but the orcs would never follow someone like


They needed a figurehead under their control which the orcs would trust and it was the

shaman Ner'zhul of the Shadowmoon Clan, respected by many, that was the perfect target.

After engulfing the clan of his birth in fel fire to make sure that nobody knew where he

came from, Gul'dan infiltrated the shadowmoon clan, hiding his fel powers and gaining Ner'zhul's


He even managed to become Ner'zhul's apprentice and through Gul'dan, Kil'jaeden began

to twist Ner'zhul's thoughts while Gul'dan was send on a different task.

The orcs had to believe that the draenei were their enemy and gul'dan would make it so.

The Bladewind Clan had suffered greatly from the elementals unrest and the redpox which

had claimed the lives of seventy perfect of their clan.

The warlock approached them as a representative of the shadowmoon clan and convinced them

that the draenei were responsible for their problems.

If they were to spill the blood of the Draenei, such an act would appease the elemental spirits.

As all orcs, the bladewind held the shadowmoon in high regard and they had no reason to distrust

Gul'dan so they did as they were told and assaulted draenei caravans in greater numbers

than ever before.

They murdered dozens of innocents and took just as many prisoners, one of these prisoners

was Leran, sister of Maraad who could sit by no longer.

Velen still tried to maintain the peace, but when their rangari reported back with information

about the brutal sacrifices that were being made, he reluctantly agreed and the draenei

fought back.

Maraad was too late to save his sister and the sight of her mutilated dead body enraged

him and he rampaged through the village.

The bladewinds were desperate to please the elements so they fought until nearly every

one of them were dead and those that did try to escape, they were struck down by Gul'dan

who was enjoying the show from a distance.

None would survive to tell the truth of what happened there that day.

Only Gul'dan's version would make it out as he told the shadowmoon clan that the draenei

had launched an unprovoked slaughter against the Bladewinds.

Word of this quickly spread amongst the other clans and the seeds of hatred towards the

draenei took root.

Just as before in the original story, Kil'jaeden used the image of the orcs ancestral spirit

like Rulkan for Ner'zhul to confirm what Gul'dan had told them.

The Horde was formed, the war was on, but Ner'zhul began to doubt and made his way

to Oshu'gun to communicate with the spirits.

Kil'jaeden was aware of his plans and told Gul'dan to prepare, to find those who could

help him keep control of the shadowmoon clan as Ner'zhul turned out not to be leader

the demon lord had hoped he would be.

The real ancestors informed Ner'zhul about what was going on, but by the time that he

got was already too late.

Gul'dan and his followers took Ner'zhul before he could reach his clan and despite

many of the new warlocks wishing to murder Ner'zhul, Gul'dan forbade it as Kil'jaeden

wanted Ner'zhul to watch what would become of the orc race.

Besides this delicious torture, it was also out of necessity since Ner'zhul suddenly

disappearing would raise suspicion among the other clans.

In the months to come, Gul'dan and his warlocks would constantly abuse Ner'zhul and treat

him as little more than a slave.

The elder shaman feared death, and he became too weak to disobey his masters.

Over time, he would fade from the public eye, and his usurpers would become the voice of

the shadowmoon clan.

While the horde was fighting against the draenei, they were also fighting amongst each other.

Especially chieftains like Grommash Hellscream and Blackhand argued over battle tactics and

Kil'jaeden understood that the orcs needed a leader, they needed a warchief.

It was Blackhand that was the best choice and despite gul'dan being pretty pissed

at not being warchief himself, his fear for Kil'jaeden prevented him from speaking out.

After teaching some of the blackrock shamans the way of the warlock and magically aging

and empowering their young, Blackhand agreed to take up leadership of the Horde while it

was actually Gul'dan that was pulling the string from behind the curtains with his shadow


This council consisted of those trusted and loyal to him, but not just orcs were accepted.

Garona Halforcen, a union between a bladewind orc and a draenei slave proved to be a ferocious

fighter and she possessed a keen intelligence and a gift with learning different languages.

Originally it was said that Maraad's sister was Garona's mother and although not entirely

impossible, I think that how they describe the events in the chronicles, the time period

of just 2 years, it seems a bit short.

Either way Garona escaped the bladewind clan when it was destroyed by the Draenei and eventually

encountered the shadow council.

Gul'dan sympathized with her to earn her trust, seeing how they both knew the pain

of living as an outcast and the moment that she lead down her guard, the shadow council


They placed magical spells on her mind which kept her obedient and allowed gul'dan to

see what she saw and used her as the perfect assassin.

"Gul'dan sends his best."

Another non orc to join the council was the ogre cho'gall.

Where Garona was an outcast, Cho'gall had enjoyed the good life within Highmaul where

he had learned from the most talented ogre sorcerers.

His arrogance and lust for power put him at odds with the ruling elite as they feared

that his growing popularity would allow him to take control of their city so they made

an attempt on his life which he barely survived.

He had no other choice but to flee Highmaul, thirsting for vengeance and he came across

the shadow council.

Gul'dan could appreciate his confidence and lust for power, made him his foremost

apprentice and taught him the secrets of fel magic and informed him about the Burning Legion.

Cho'gall was loyal to Gul'dan, but was also more than willing to break ties at any


He only wanted power and was not interested in the Legion or the demons.

The moment that Gul'dan and the shadow council ceased being useful, Cho'gall was prepared

to turn his back on them.

"We're done taking orders from you!"

With his own personal council to back him up, Gul'dan worked on making the other clans

accept Blackhand as their warchief.

His shadow council agents were send out to spread the word of Blackhand's mighty deeds

while also spying on the clans to see who opposed the Horde.

A prime target was chieftain Zagrel of the Whiteclaw Clan who called on the clans to

end their war with the Draenei and focus their attention on shamanistic rituals.

One quick command to Garona and one dagger through the heart and that opposing voice

was silenced.

To seal the deal, Gul'dan prayed on the fears of the shaman at the next kosh'argh

festival and proclaimed that the Blackrocks had restored their strength with a glorious

new power, fel magic.

Shamans of all clans eagerly accepted this new power since the elements no longer answered

their call and unanimously, the Horde accepted Blackhand as their chieftain.

Like the original story, Durotan of the Frostwolf clan was not happy with what was happening

to his people, but he feared that speaking out would mean dire consequences for him and

his clan, like what had happened to the Whiteclaw clan.

Blackhand was quite the leader and whipped the Horde into shape.

So far they had just tossed their people at the draenei, but he worked on utilizing the

strengths of the different clans.

The smallest and most mobile would act as scouts where as other stronger clans would

lead direct assaults.

Not everyone was immediately on board with this new leadership, but they were either

won over with offers of power or by public execution since Blackhand did not take kindly

to insubordination.

To help him maintain order and disciple, he surrounded himself with mighty lieutenants

and the greatest of them were Eitrigg, Orgrim Dooomhammer and Varok Saurfang.

To bolster the horde numbers, the clans were ordered to also magically age their children

and the first signs of the fel corruption started to show.

Their brown skin was becoming splotchy and green.

While the horde was rising, news reached Gul'dan about the pale in Nagrand.

These are the orcs that were send into exile after failing their shamanistic ritual and

they were drawn to the naaru K'ure within Oshugun who was still spilling forth that

delicious void energy.

The pale started to study this power and communicate with the void lords.

The monstrous entities responded to the orcs, bombarding them with visions of apocalypse

and revealing the secrets of using shadow magic.

The Void energies would turn their skin white and they would call themselves the Pale.

Gul'dan wasn't too interested in them, but Kil'jaeden was intrigued.

He wanted the orcs to secure victory over the Draenei at any cost which meant investigating

the Pale and determining whether their magic could strengthen the Horde.

It was Cho'gall who was send out to investigate and while he expected them to put up a fight,

the Pale were quite happy to share their prophecy of doom, something they called the Hour of


The Pale saw this as a time when shadow would envelop the universe and snuff out all life

in existence.

In that moment, their prophecies meant very little to the ogre.

He was far more interested in the shadow magic that they could wield and he used their beliefs

to his advantage, claiming that by helping the Horde, they could bring about the hour

of twilight.

The pale reveled in this opportunity and pledged themselves to the Horde forming a new clan

known as the Twilights hammer.

Over time, Cho'gall would also learn to master this shadow magic and see the truth

in the Pale's prophecy.

With the Horde gathering their forces and building their citadel, the Draenei saw the

truth of what was going on, saw that the Legion was involved.

They made ready to defend their two main cities, Shattrath and Karabor abandoning all their

outlying settlements.

The horde's use of fel magic had begun killing the planet of Draenor itself and the elements

rallied together, vowing to destroy the orcs and stop their desecration of the land.

By pooling their dwindling powers together they created one single mighty being called

Cyrukh the Firelord.

This was supposed to stop the threat of the Horde, but Gul'dan would not give up that


Many of their orcs saw the attack as a sign of angering the elements, but Gul'dan flipped

it around.

By pooling their powers together, the elements had made themselves vulnerable and he would

make them pay for that.

He would steal Cyrukh's power for himself and the rest of the Horde and he would destroy

the connection between the orcs and Draenor's elementals once and for all.

With his shadow council followers they wove an immense spell that flooded Cyrukh will

fel power and shattered the being's physical form.

The mountain roared in protest, chasms tore through the earth and rives of fel and elemental

energies spewed forth.

Gul'dan and his warlocks used these energies to infuse the others orcs with strength and

now their soldiers were more powerful than ever before.

The last stand of the elements had dire consequences, the orcs connection with them was broken and

what remained, the fel volcano from which Cyrukh emerged, that would be known as the

Hand of Gul'dan.

With the elemental threat out of the way, Karabor was their next target and the Draenei

put up quite a fight, more than the orcs expected, but it would be for nothing.

The dark star, the void energies from the naaru K'ara was used by the orcs to channel

it on Karabor.

A massive pillar of Void energy ripped through the heavens and slammed into the draenei.

Many of the defenders died instantly while others were driven to madness and Velen had

to call on every bit of his willpower to hold the Void at bay.

He rallied what survivors he could and led them through Karabor's harbor to their final

safe haven on Draenor, Shattrath city.

The Temple of Karabor would be forever changed by this attack and now known as the Black

Temple, a place where Gul'dan and his shadow council gladly made their home.

The remaining draenei defenders were captured for future use and now only 1 more target

remained to be taken, but the city build upon the remains of Goria was no easy target and

the orcs needed something more.

Just like before, they were offered the demon blood, Durotan was warned by Ner'zhul who

had overheard the shadow councils plans and warned him not to drink while Orgrim saw for

himself that drinking this so called was no good.

The majority of the orcs gladly accepted it though, greatly increasing their power but

also shackle them to the will of the Legion.

Not all of the orcs had drunk Mannoroth's blood, but those who had would radiate a invisible

aura of fel energy.

It would slowly seep into the skin and bones of nearby orcs.

Eventually even orcs like Durotan, Orgrim and others who had not tasted demon blood

would find their skin turned completely green, something that was even passed on to their

newly born children.

So the draenei made ready to defend their city and this time it was the exarchs that

told Velen to go, that his people needed him as a leader while most of their people would

stay behind to make it look like the orcs succeeded.

The red mists, an attack originally used by the legion is now explained by Gul'dan and

his warlocks melding their magics with the red pox which created a volatile concoction

that would spread the plague amongst the draenei.

It burned their skin and choked the breath from their lungs and the long term effects

was that the draenei who breathed the mist found that their connection to the light was


They would devolve into something called the Broken or even further into something they

called the Lost ones.

With shattrath sacked some of its survivors made their way to auchindoun which Gul'dan

knew about and he feared that they would call upon the spirits of their ancestors and add

their might to the war against the Horde.

To deal with them, Teron'Gor and some of their forces were send out who used their

new abilities to try and summon a powerful demon to strike down their enemies.

Instead they accidently summoned an otherworldly elemental known as Murmur and his entry into

the world send out a massive shockwave that ripped the earth asunder, killing many of

the Draenei inside and leaving Auchindoun as we know it today.

Some of their warlocks were left behind to Murmum contain so it could not use it's

incredibly might against the Horde.

Shattrath had fallen, many of the draenei were dead and those that had escaped held

out within the Zangermarsh.

Blackhand had more goals then just exterminate the draenei, he wanted to conquer Draenor.

Killrog led the Bleeding Hollow into Farahlon, leeching life from the primals and used the

stolen power to burn the forests down in flames.

As the wilds burned, Kilrogg and his army slaughtered every botani and genesaur they

could find.

The warsong and the twilights clan toppled the ogres of Highmaul while Frostwolf, Whiteclaw

and Thunderlord were ordered to wipe out the gronn, ogron, magnaron and many of the ogres

that had not joined the Horde.

One of the few Gronn that survived this assault was called Gruul who would defend his lair

in Gorgrond.

Not even the Arakoa were safe from the might of the Horde as Kargath Bladefist formed an

invasion force from the Shattered Hand, Burning Blade and Dragonmaw clans.

They made a pact with the Arakoa outcast who joined them in this fight, but in the end

Kargath turned his blades on all the arakoa he could find either murdering them on the

spot or tossing them in the cursed blood of sethe, enjoying the sight of the high arakoa

writhing in agony.

Only a small number of the arakoa would survive, shrouding themselves in the shadows, hiding

away from the Horde in the deepest corners of Terokkar Forest.

Some of them banded together under the leadership of a former Skyreach guard named Grizzik who

led his followers to Auchindoun knowing that most of the orcs feared the haunted ruins.

He held a bitter hatred for the Horde and waited for the day when he might get his vengeance

on those who had spilled the blood of his people.

Now here is one of the more interesting changes to the story.

In the past Kil'jaeden saw that the city of Shattrath had fallen and he just abandoned

the orcs to their fate too which Medivh under the influence of Sargeras made contact with

Gul'dan and showed him the way to azeroth.

This all seemed very disconnected from each other like Kil'jaeden was working on his

own and Sargeras had very little to do with it.

Now it's actually Sargeras that told Kil'jaeden to cut all communication with Gul'dan since

he wanted them to be desperate enough to embark on any quest if it meant saving themselves.

The orcs were powerful weapons, weapons the lord of the legion could use to weaken Azeroth

and get it ready for another invasion, but first they had to calm down from their rush

of victory and as time passed on, things didn't get any better for the Horde.

Their planet was corrupted, demon blood was pumping in their veins and with no enemy to

fight, they often turned on each other.

At just the right moment Gul'dan was informed of Azeroth and they created the dark portal

with not the sacrifice of one draenei child, instead it were many more, the prisoners they

had taken throughout their long campaign, something that you could also see within the

warcraft movie.

The dark portal was established and the first horde invasion of Azeroth could begin.

That's the new version of rise of the horde in a nutshell and the story of the war between

the alliance and the horde has pretty much stayed the same for the most part.

There is a bit of additional information when it comes to what Medivh was like and how Llane

Wrynn became the king, but for the most part it plays out as we know it.

For those wondering, how does Ner'zhul fit in all of this with these changes?

It's pretty much the same.

The Horde got their asses kicked during the first invasion, Teron'gor informs him about

the artifacts and they work on making more portals to different worlds.

Near the end of the story, Ner'zhul abandons his people just like he has done before and

this could lead to him becoming the Lich King.

Now it is less of an evil character, in the past Ner'zhul really took the spotlight

and in the chronicles that doesn't really happen but the essence is still the same.

To wrap up this video here are some final things that stood out for me, first of all

about Medivh: Medivh was summoned to Karazhan by his mother

Aegwynn and Moroes was actually a close friend of hers who agreed to stay with Medivh and

help maintain the tower.

Medivh was quite the playboy during the day very similar to the Medivh of one night in

Karazhan, but at night he would do bad, bad things.

Opening the dark portal alarmed Aegwynn who could sense that a guardian's power was

used, her sons power, so she set out to confront him together with a blue dragon named Arcanagos,

one of the few allies she had made during her long years of exile.

The truth of Sargeras' corruption was revealed, Arcanagos was burned into Nightbane as we

know him today and the guardians clashed with each other.

Sargeras was mighty, but Aegwynn had experience so the demon lord reached out and drained

the life of the hundreds of humans who were fleeing the tower of Karazhan.

He pushed Medivh to destroy Aegwynn once and for all, but a small part of the guardian

was able to resist and instead she was banished.

Not even Medivh knew where he had send her, but he could not sense her presence anywhere

on Azeroth.

The only person to survive this brutal attack was the human Moroes who was driven half-mad

by what he had witnessed.

Medivh tried to ease his suffering by purging the memories of that day but even so, the

poor man was never the same and neither was the tower since it was now haunted by many

spirits of those who were used for the spell.

"Hmm, I've gone and made a mess.

Now where was I?"

Garona has a fair few changes in her story arc mainly with Gul'dan being able to see

what she saw.

She had a gift for learning new languages and from the human prisoners she found out

about Karazhan and Medivh.

She hoped to inspect the tower without being noticed, but her timing was pretty bad since

Medivh was in a dark mood after his deadly battle with Aegwynn and captured Garona the

moment she stepped in sight of the tower.

The assassin thought that her life was over, but Medivh felt sympathy for her seeing how

she was an outcast and he was intrigued by her intelligence, by her entire existence.

It was clear that Garona was no threat to him and thanks to Gul'dan's endless cruelty,

she had no real love for the Horde. he decided that it would be more valuable to have her

as an ally or even a friend among the orcs than another spirit haunting his home so he

set her free and even invited her to come back whenever she liked.

She did just that, something that Medivh's new apprentice Khadgar could not appreciate

at first but over time they developed a friendship and even discovered that it was Medivh who

had opened the dark portal.

they quickly escaped the tower to get help from Stormwind and when Gul'dan realized

that Garona was in the same room as king Llane, he tried to use his magic to force her to

kill the king but Garona was actually able to resist this murderous urge.

Lothar, Khadgar and Garona confronted the guardian and in that battle, Medivh assaulted

her mind tried to take control of Gul'dan's mental chains and use her against her allies,

but it was only partially effective.

Confusion rippled through the half orc and she soon found it impossible to differentiate

between friend and foe.

She fled the tower and made her way back to Stormwind to inform king Llane of what had

happened, but standing near the king, something snapped in her mind.

"Bad news sire."

She had resisted Gul'dan's order to kill the king before, but her fight with the guardian

had scrambled her thoughts.

The line between friend and foe blurred, her willpower faltered and with tears streaming

down her face, she obeyed the command and plunged a dagger into Llane's heart.

Garona escaped the keep in the confusion that followed

and without their king, stormwind eventually fell to the Horde, but as we know it was the

alliance of lordaeron that would win the war for Azeroth, shut down the dark portal and

build nethergarde keep to keep an eye on things.

It was there where Garona made contact with Khadgar after fighting her way back into control,

shrugging away as many of gul'dan lingering mental chains as she could.

She confessed to killing the king and Khadgar believed her when she told him that she had

no choice.

He could see the shadow councils spell work still woven through her thoughts and the next

few months they worked on unraveling the councils hold on Garona.

They were successful and for the first time in her life, she was free.

Ingratitude, Garona offered to do whatever she could to hunt down the shadow council

on azeroth, an offer Khadgar gladly accepted.

The dark portal re-opened and the horde came back for a second invasion.

Despite wishing to join the alliance forces as they took the battle to Draenor, Khadgar

requested her to stay behind and keep on hunting the shadow council.

Her journey would eventually put her on the trail of cho'gall to the mysterious lands

of Kalimdor while the sons of Lothar did their best to prevent the Horde from invading more

world, eventually being forced to shut down the dark portal on Draenors side.

What's interesting is that there's no mention of a love relation between Medivh

and Garona, there's no mention of a pregnancy or Med'an.

We already knew that blizzard had made the decision to retcon the events with Medan in

the comics, but they haven't explained what did happen.

Cutting out Med'an is fine and all, but that doesn't explain what happens with Cho'gall,

the twilights hammer and the events of Garona and C'thun as they're written in the comics.

Hopefully that will be explained in the next chronicle and I've said this many times

now, but I can highly recommend picking up the chronicle for yourself.

There are a lot more details that I haven't touched upon yet and those storylines will

be incorporated in future videos.

If you want some more details or read up on what we talked about today then check out

the related wowhead article in the description down below.

As always thank you very much for watching everyone!

Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time

guys....see ya !

For more infomation >> Rise of the Horde - Warcraft Chronicle Vol. 2 [Lore] - Duration: 27:06.


My Hero Academia: TCG! Japanese HOW TO VIDEO TRANSLATED - Duration: 20:17.

Yeah! You made it here, My Hero Academia Card Game!


Last time I lost, though

This time,

I was going easy on you

I'll get serious this time

I won't lose today either!

So this time

You are using Midoriya, yeah?

Of course! This time also the same deck, Deku Deck!

As for me, of course...What deck? Team Bakugou Katsuki I'll be facing you with!

Because you lost..?

Because last time you lost?

Nonono, because I want to win!

What don't believe me?

Whats different about it this time?

My main guy is of course Bakugou.

This Bakugou's effect is during your standby phase, discard a Bakugou from your hand, and put an opponents character in the trash.Then get +2 Power

Wow so strong!

Yup, that's Bakugou.

I also have Aizawa Sensei Extra card.

And that is...?

Aizawa sensei lets me draw 1 card if I have less than three when it enters play.


For Bakugou, you need to gradually draw more Bakugou's and use them for his effects, power up, throw them in the trash, then go for a direct attack! Thats the Bakugou deck!

Deku Deck is completely different. Yup. He relies on his effect to get stronger.

For Bakugou, just get rid of the ones you arent using and go right in.

Okay, well then , let's decide who goes first before we battle.

by playing Rock Paper scissors!

Lets go!

Rock paper scissors! Tie, again! Seriously...? Haha. I won! Ok lets shuffle!

The battle sheet is all here! Each of the players turn phases. It's in the starter deck, make sure you check it out!

First we both draw 4 cards! 1...2...3...4

So whaddya think of your hand?

I will mulligan! I will too...

Ooops...Hey now!

These cards are very precious, man


OK, Battle START!

Go after you draw 2!

I will put Yaoyorozu in my battle area!

Energy 1! (The stars on top of the card)


What should I doooo

Then, Deku!

Oh Deku came out! His energy is 2!

Now you have 3 Energy to play with

Ill end my turn!

Ok, my turn!Draw two

Okay, lets get this started. Bring it!

Ill start with this! 3 Energy !

Thats a lot!

Then, Tokoyami!

Ill put him in my battle area're not going to put down for his energy?Nope. This time I wont, because I already put down 3 before.

Now I'll put out this extra card! Aizawa Sensei

If I have 3 or less cards, Idraw 1

So for the battle, Ill use Aizawa sensei to attack Deku

Power 10!

Damage phase, go!

Ah man no good! Deku to trash!

Okay, I take you 1 damage! Just 1! You mean you gave me 1 damage? Yeah 1 damage! Haha

Okay this time...

Now Tokoyami will use his ability with a Tag Attack

When he tag attacks, I draw one and he gets +2 Power

So altogether becomes 11!


Damage phase!

Ah, too bad!

Damage successful!

Okay, my turn is over.

Draw 2

What will you do?


Ill put him in the battle area

His energy lets me put down 1

Youre saving up your energy huh?

And now...

Im coming for you!


His energy is 2!

Man more energy?

Now then, I still have more!


He came, that sensei!

Okay going to battle phase!

All might will attack Tokoyami!

Damage phase, YES! I HAVE COME! HE CAMMMEEE! My guard is successful!

My all might goes to the trash after attacking

His power is 15 right?Well ill tag attack

ill use kirishimas battle phase power. for 1 energy

his power gets +3

he is now at 9

Ill use dekus power

It costs 4 energy


And his power gets +4

and critical +1

In other words, altogether they are now 15

attack all might!

so with critical plus 1, that means an extra damage

damage phase,


Ill end my turn

Okay this time its my turn

Ill ready my cards first, then draw 2

This time, he will do a single attack

and I will support him

using her support points with his attack power, it becomes 8

attack deku

damage phase!

Yesss! Recovery girl! Ugh I've been foiled!

This aint good

Oh 10 points huh...

Ill end my turn...

Thanks recovery girl!

Ill put another recovery girl from my hand into my extra card zone

Recovery girl will attack Tokoyami

Okay, damage phase


Okay 1 damage (3 altogther now)

Deku attack, using support


With his support, deku becomes 7!

Ugh, no one came!

Kaminari to trash! (Support to trash after use, can use support again on another character, but not on EXs)

Here I go! Direct attack! Thats no good!

Kirishima attack!

Come on...HECAME!

Guard successful

end my turn...

Thanks sensei!

For more infomation >> My Hero Academia: TCG! Japanese HOW TO VIDEO TRANSLATED - Duration: 20:17.


mindfulness at work: 3 practical exercises - Duration: 2:55.

in today's lesson I want to show you

practical ways you can implement

mindfulness practices at work these can

be very powerful activities that can

bring about numerous health benefits and

allow you more focus in your job most

importantly these simple exercises can

be done in the workplace and only take a

few minutes to complete so you'll want

to stay tuned there's no excuse for not

being able to have a mindful existence

at your place of work exercise 1 be your

one thermometer sitting peacefully with

your feet flat on the ground and without

using physical touch try and send the

temperature of your own skin it's not an

answer you're going to come too quickly

don't even attempt to come to our number

but spend a few minutes doing nothing

but internally investigating how hot or

cool your skin is think about your skin

how it feels literally on the outside of

your body consider the different parts

of you and how each of them feel

exercise to do nothing literally spend

several minutes not doing anything

nothing physical nothing mental that

means not tapping on your keyboard and

no planning for the meeting that

afternoon literally let your brain and

body breaks if you find yourself getting

distracted by thoughts and focus on your

breathing notice how long your intakes

are and your ex hear how your lungs fill

up with oxygen but how long it takes for

your lungs to deflate again exercise

number three consider your pain

take any item from your desk and your

mouse a mouse pads etc and take a few

minutes to really focus on it feel the

material is made from do the grooves and

bumps through the temperature is it warm

to the touch or cool soft or hard feel a

band or live around in your hand these

practical exercises can if you use

regularly really improve your main set

and focus of work along with all the

health benefits that come from regular

axial meditation we are simple can be

conducted anywhere and in just a few

minutes I recommend completing each of

these exercises every day spread out

over the course of your working day if

you found this video helpful please like

and subscribe to our channel that way

you'll never miss another mindfulness

relaxation and stress management video

again and if you love this check out the

links in the description for lots more

videos and stress management and main


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