Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

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Hey guys, Maxim here.

The doppler skin is a marbleized skin which comes in many different colors.

To me it's one of the most interesting skins cause there's so many different

finishes for it.

The doppler "family" is so big, it consists out of grades.

The three grades are Mythical, Legendary & Ancient.

There's a high chance you'll recieve a mythical skin, a medium chance for legendary, and a

very low for ancient.

If we start with the first grade, the Mythical grade skins, this is where we find the original

doppler series and the gamma doppler series.

There are 4 differents skin phases for both these series.

A phase is a mixture of different colors.

First i'm going to show you all the phases for the original doppler series.

Here's how the different phases look on my knife with close enough values.

The least rare being Phase 3, and the most rare being Phase 2.

You can get one of these by opening a case which has the original doppler skins, for

example, the Spectrum case.

Now if we look at the gamma doppler series, here's how the different phases look with

again, approximate values.

The least rare being Phase 1 and the most rare Phase 2.

And you can get these by opening a case which has the gamma doppler skins.

I can't tell you how much they are worth cause it obviously depends on the market.

So that's the Mythical grade, now let's move on to the Legendary grade.

The legendary grade has 3 doppler skins, aka Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald.

Ruby & Sapphire are from the original doppler series.

To get one of these you would need to open a case which has the original doppler skins

and to get an Emerald you would need to open a

case that has the GAMMA doppler skins.

As I said before, these knives are worth a lot more than mythical skins cause they're

harder to get.

So, what's next?

Now let's talk about the final grade.

The ancient grade has one doppler skin called Black Pearl.

It's the only knife skin classified as Ancient.

Which means, it's the most rare knife skin of the whole game.

To get one of these you would need to open a case which has the original doppler skins,

that is if you're very lucky to get one.

There's also a newer version of the Black Pearl for the newer knives.

Here's a factory new bowie knife Black Pearl.

So that's my Doppler Skin guide.

Hope you learned something new, I'll see you guys soon but in the meantime

go bananas.

For more infomation >> CS:GO - Complete Doppler Skin Guide - Duration: 3:08.


Man Reportedly Electrocuted After Falling Asleep While iPhone Was Charging - Duration: 1:24.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

The Samsung Galaxy note 7 may be off the hook for freak accidents for the moment.

A man in Alabama nearly died because he fell asleep next to his charging iPhone.

Wiley Day fell asleep with his charging phone next to the bed, a habit that a lot of us


While sleeping his dog tag necklace reportedly slipped between his charger and an extension

cord, making contact with the exposed prongs and sending roughly 110 volts of electricity

through his body.

Just 100 volts is enough to kill someone.

Day's chain became a small conductor for the electric current traveling between the extension

cord and the phone.

The shock threw him from his bed to the floor and shocked him unconscious but was still

able to break the chain from his neck.

Day woke up in shock and noticed smoke emitting from his extension cord.

He had a numbing sensation throughout his body and burn marks on his neck and hands.

His shirt was burned in areas, and his hands also bore burn marks from when he tried to

rip off the electro-charged chain that nearly killed him.

Day was treated for second- and third-degree burns at Huntsville Hospital.

Now that Day is expected to make a full recovery he wants to speak out on the dangers of sleeping

next to your charging phone and hopefully save some lives.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For more infomation >> Man Reportedly Electrocuted After Falling Asleep While iPhone Was Charging - Duration: 1:24.


MC Lan - Pente Exclusivo - Música Nova 2017 (DJRamonMix) Lançamento 2017. - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> MC Lan - Pente Exclusivo - Música Nova 2017 (DJRamonMix) Lançamento 2017. - Duration: 3:20.


The Gorburger Show with T.J. Miller - Series Trailer - Duration: 1:05.

(bouncy dance music)

- Welcome to the Gorburger Show!

- [Man] The Show

- I, of course am Gorburger.


You throw a corn cob in a human man's butt.

- But how would that fit?

(speaking in a foreign language)

- That is is the highest of highs.

- And you've tried heroin.

- No.

- Oh, oh boy.

- Did somebody say chicken?

(bird noises)

- Maybe heroin's a good idea.

- Hot dog!

- Fart.

- Fart?

- Someone'll die?


- Could do a musical collaboration with Thundercat.

- Like you!

- Sure.

- [Gorburger] Yay!


(audience exclaiming)



- Freedom!


(bouncy dance music)


- Jesus Christ!

(jazzy theme music)

For more infomation >> The Gorburger Show with T.J. Miller - Series Trailer - Duration: 1:05.


LOL Surprise Doll Blind Bag Opening Wets Cries Color Change Spits - Duration: 7:47.

Happy Family Fun Time

For more infomation >> LOL Surprise Doll Blind Bag Opening Wets Cries Color Change Spits - Duration: 7:47.


The Kinematic Sequence Of A Golf Swing Explained Simply - Duration: 4:01.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

There has been a lot of talk lately about the Kinematic Sequence.

Today I am going to attempt to explain the Kinematic Sequence as simply as possible.

Stay tuned.


So what is the Kinematic Sequence?

The Kinematic Sequence is a very scientific name and a very impressive name for basically

how the different parts of the body work during the down swing.

So we get to the end of our back swing and generally the first thing tht moves is the


The second thing that moves is the shoulders.

And the third thing moves is the hands.

That essentially is the Kinematic Sequence.

But I am going to explain to you in very simple terms.

Why all that happens.

So I have got some little things here fashioned into a three stage rocket.

So if we imagine we are at a launch pad and the count down commences.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, blast off.

The first thing that happens is the big bottom stage the big blue bit.

Full of fuel fires up and it starts moving off the launch pad.

Now it doesn't last long it burns up it's fuel very quickly.

So that when that happens it falls off, and comes back to earth.

So then this white section starts firing up.

And it then gets the space ship or the rocket up higher.

So it burns for a little longer.

But then eventually it comes off.

And then we are left with the ah little module.

Which is the last thing.

In terms of how we relate this to golf.

Stage 1 this blue bit is actually our hips.

So our hips fire but they don't last very long.

They don't move very much.

And then they only move for a short time.

And then they stop working.

Effectively, that drops off.

So the next thing that happens is the shoulders start coming down but they don't move for

very long.

And then they stop working.

And then the last stage is this little luna module we will call it.

It's travelling at great speed and it fires last.

And that is what the hands do.

If we can relate that to we are up here.

The blue foam starts first.

The white foam starts second, stage 2 of the rocket.

And the next thing is the hands kick in and that really is the kinematic sequence.

Unfortunately, most people focus too much on Stage 1 and stage 2.

So they are getting this bit going but they over do it.And the last thing that fires is

the hands.

And that doesn't really kick in until after they have hit the ball.

SO if that was the rocket.

The rocket is going to come crashing down to earth.

As we need each of those three sections to fire at the right time.

So we need to focus a lot more on the hands.

You will find your body wants to do the right thing most of the time quite naturally.

But we have to make sure stage 3 occurs.

That we get those hands firing through.

And if we focus on that I think you are going to play a lot better golf.

So I hope that makes sense.

The Kinematic Sequence.

It sounds scary but it's actually not.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And if you like my videos you can subscribe by clicking the round avatar down there.

You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.

And you can sign up to my electronic newsletter at

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