Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

so I started off my channel with 5

subscribers and all five of them being

me and my first upload being problems with

Christian hip-hop and looking over that

video and I guess all my other videos I

wish I had been a bit more graceful

about it and I think and that especially

in the earlier ones not so much the

later ones I think I kind of a dehumanized

them in a way especially the problems

with Christian hip-hop and i even went

into that video with that mindset of not

to dehumanize them and when you get some

exposure and you have your name and face

out there your beliefs get put to the

test pretty fast especially with videos

like problems with Christian hip-hop and

is NF prideful? and back then I'd read

every single comment and I wish in those

videos I would have put my point across

a bit better and I call this video was I

wrong about reach records because I

watched a documentary by this is me on

GAWVI it's their latest video it'll

probably be playing in the background of

this video so the link will be in the

description and although I still stand

by most of what i said i think my

delivery could have been a bit better

and at the start i think i had a bit of

a small perspective on everything with

regards to Christian hip-hop because I

listen to people like saiko woods and

even though his views on it may be right

and biblical his delivery on it is very

harsh and I realized with a lot of

people that isn't the way to deliver it

and recently a lot more of my comments

have been a lot more reasonable actually

have a proper conversation and there'll

be a lot of you guys who keep coming

back and commenting which is very


there's definetly people that Ive noticed

like Chris like I believe GA prank calls

he was they're almost from the start and theres

probably a lot more of you who have been

commenting over my last 14 videos which

is pretty crazy but with regards to

reach records obviously I've made a lot

of videos with there artists in it so

problems with Christian hip-hop I talked

about Lecrae and andy mineo i did a

video called dear Lecrae where I talked

about Lecrae kind of similar to problems

with Christian hip-hop, christian hip

hop's identity crisis i talked about

Lecrae I've done a lot of videos about

them i did a video on GAWVI and

watching the documentary on GAWVI

it kind of opened my eyes a bit to see the

human side of them because with the

reach records guys you don't really see

much behind the scenes stuff and I guess

that kind of hurts them in a way I mean

obviously there's behind-the-scenes

stuff about them but with the public

perception with them taking away their

mission statement taking out the Romans

verse and what 116 is all about and I

guess the mainstream collaborations and

I still stand by all those things that

I've said about them but I just think

the delivery of it could have been a bit

better could have been a bit more

compassionate towards them and when I

first started doing these videos I've

always done it from a good place I guess

some some of them may have rubbed people

the wrong way obviously people always be

rubbed the wrong way but I think I could

have delivered it a bit bitter and i

plan to in the future like colossians

4:6 says let your speech be always with

grace seasoned with salt that ye may

know how ye ought to answer every man

now obviously that's a king james

version but i think that point of your

speech always being was grace but

seasoned with salt that that was kind of

my goal and i plan to be like that in

the future and I know some of you will

think oh your last videos we're fine but

watching over that last problems with

Christian hip-hop I think I could be a

bit better and just seeing that human

side with that GAWVI documentary think

open my eyes of that go and check out

that documentary it will be in the


and highly recommend it very very well

done and I have them on my recommended

channels as well with I believe I've

trackstarz, Joseph Solomon, Ruslan and

then this is me TV so go and check out

those channels but specifically this

video go and check that one out it's a good

one and although I still stand by most

of what I've said maybe with the GAWVI

not having as much God in his music may

it may have not said that if I made that

video now because seeing his vision

behind it and it is EDM where there

aren't that many lyrics anyway but other

than that I still stand by what I've

said about reach records artists because

that's most of what I've talked about

ive talked about iNF quite a bit

and Brandon p a tiny bit in the using

God's name in vain video but yeah that's

just some things I wanted to get off my

chest and top 10 Christian hip-hop songs

should be out in the next 3 3 to 4 days

maybe even two days after this video

comes out I know it's been requested

quite a few times so I'll get that one

out to you guys and a Christian Hip

Is kind of boring at the moment

because it hasn't been there much music

but i'll try and keep content coming out

pretty regularly until music starts to

come out and a lot of people are waiting

for in NF and lecrae's albums so i'll

keep you guys posted on that and ah yeah

let's have a discussion in the comments

I enjoy your guys comments I don't know

how long this video will be but I'll

leave a like have you enjoyed subscribe

if you want to see more and go and check

out that video in the description it's a

great video and yeah go and subscribe to

this is me TV as well they're a great

channel and ah they do all these

documentaries about Christians whether

they're in music or fighting or motocross

so you go and check them out subscribe

if you want to see more of my videos and

I will see you guys in my next video

For more infomation >> Was I Wrong About Reach Records? | Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Gawvi - Duration: 6:18.


reponse video !! - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> reponse video !! - Duration: 2:11.


6 Reasons Men Disappear (#4 is SO COMMON) - Duration: 4:00.

If you're wondering why men up and disappear from you and you don't know why, stick around,

you're watching the right video!

Hi, everyone… my name is Amy North and in this video, I'm going to talk about 7 reasons

why men pull away and vanish.

And, by the way, if you have any questions about this topic of this video, then just

comment below and I'll do my best to get back to you.


Let's begin.


You're a big time clinger.

If you text him too much, call him too much, or always want to hang out 24/7, then you're

unknowingly pushing him away faster than you can say "Amy North".

Remember that having extra space in a relationship is good – it allows him AND you time to

breathe, and it allows both of you to pursue passions and interests that you wouldn't

be able to do as a couple.

Not only this, but giving him some space allows him time to miss you, and this is a fundamental

part of creating and keeping attraction with a man.

So instead of smothering him, set him free and let him realize how amazing you are when

you aren't around!


The sexual attraction is fading.

Remember how it was in the beginning of your relationship… everything was exciting and

new and your bodies were overflowing with dopamine (aka the love drug).

You felt high and like nothing could bring you two down.

But after a few months, the lust began to fade and the sex got a little boring.

This fading of sexual attraction can be a big reason why men pull away.

To prevent this from happening, check out some of the other videos on my channel and

hit the subscribe button, or simply go to and watch the free video presentation

on there.

In that video, you'll discover some helpful tips for making you irresistible to men for

as long as you want!


He has other things going on in his life.

Yes, surprise surprise, not everything is about you.

Sometimes your guys might have just a little bit too much stuff on his plate to concentrate

on a relationship.

Believe it or not, it happens.

So if he's really busy with work or school, or something personal is going on in his life,

then it's time to simply back off and let it ride out.

Just like in tip one, putting too much pressure on him will make him run for the hills!



Yes, boredom is a huge relationship killer.

It can turn a perfectly good relationship into something stale… when something is

too comfortable and boring, people leave.

If things just aren't spicy enough in your relationship, then don't be surprised if

you find your man looking elsewhere for his kicks.

So what's the cure for boredom?

Fun, of course!

Try and keep things fresh and new by trying out new things and going out on interesting


Maybe pick up a new hobby or passion and invite him to do it with you.

Do your best to keep things new and your guy will be addicted to you in no time!


He's got too much responsibility elsewhere.

Sometimes a man just doesn't feel good enough to be in a relationship.

Whether it's because he doesn't have any money, or he simply doesn't feel like he's

giving you enough time, a feeling of inadequacy and make a man disappear from a perfectly

good relationship.

The cure?

Make him FEEL like he's contributing to your relationship.

A man needs to feel like he can provide for his family and loved ones, and when he feels

like he's not doing his job, he'll feel like part of his manhood got chopped off…so

be sure to shower him with compliments when he does something for you and always make

it known to him that you appreciate him!


Finally, he may not be right.

If a guy is pulling away from you and you don't know why, maybe it's simply because

you guys just aren't right for each other.

I know this is something that you probably don't want to hear, but not everyone is

compatible with everyone.

Sometimes, letting a guy go is the best choice.

So there you have, there are 6 reasons men disappear.

Again, if you want to learn more about why men pull away (and how to prevent it), then

simply head over to

Again, the URL is – in that free video, you'll learn a ton of amazing

tips and tricks that will keep that one special guy into you for as long as you want.

Anyways, that's all and talk to you soon!

For more infomation >> 6 Reasons Men Disappear (#4 is SO COMMON) - Duration: 4:00.


Conker's Bad Fur Day SECRET in Yooka-Laylee (Easter Egg) - Duration: 1:57.

Yooka-Laylee's hub world, Hivory Towers, is a pretty big place--and it's chock full

of all kinds of things to find.

Including Easter Eggs--and we stumbled upon a pretty cool, but subtle one in the Tower's

Archive--a room that's packed to the rafters with reading material.

Now most of the books don't appear to have anything written on them at all--but a few

of them do, and if you get close enough you can even read their titles.

So let's go ahead and rotate the image here so they're a bit easier to read.

And among the books, we have...

50 Shades of Games--a spoof on the real-life novel 50 Shades of Grey

How to Use Hexicons in All Your Home Doctoring, which sure enough, there are hexicons all

over Hivory Towers.

Then there's Capital B's Guide to Red Nectar, a book apparently written by the owner

of Hivory Towers, and the game's antagonist, Capital B

Followed by My Way or the Fly-Way--get it, instead of highway, it's fly-way, because

insects, like Capital B, can fly...

And finally, that takes us to the reason for this video...Jetpacks & Butlers...Your First


Now on the surface, that's already a pretty solid book title--who wouldn't want a jetpack

and butler?!

And as it turns out, Conker the Squirrel is among those who'd agree--as he requests

exactly those things after acquiring a particular stack of cash in Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Yeah, we're pretty sure Conker would agree with making that your first investment--hell,

maybe he wrote the book!

Now Conker's Bad Fur Day, was of course, developed by Rareware, which is the same studio

that the bulk of the developers working on Yooka-Layee came from, now as part of Playtonic


So it's just a fun little callback to the history of studio--pretty fitting that it'd

be found in the Archive huh?

Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe for more on Yooka-Layee and other things gaming


For more infomation >> Conker's Bad Fur Day SECRET in Yooka-Laylee (Easter Egg) - Duration: 1:57.


Creepypasta | [#1] | [5K] | Grafik4K - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Creepypasta | [#1] | [5K] | Grafik4K - Duration: 3:31.


Tim Taler - On and On (Official music video) - Duration: 3:28.

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Before I met you, girl,

I didn't know

The meaning of the word...

"Love", baby!

I love the color of your eyes,

I love the odor of your skin...

Ohh baby!

And maybe something`s wrong,

Just tell me what you want!

You know, Tim Taler gives you everything,

That you deserve!

And when you feel so long,

Just listen to my song!

It makes you feel right, baby,

On and on, and on and on!

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

I sought you, girl,

Around the world

And hold you close cause finally found...

You baby!

You feel the groove,

Make sexy moves

You break the rules,

And show the truth...

Yeaa baby!

And maybe something`s wrong,

Just tell me what you want!

You know, Tim Taler gives you everything,

And when you feel so long,

Just listen to my song!

It makes you feel right, baby,

On and on, and on and on!

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!








And when you feel so long...

Just listen to my song...

It makes you feel so right...

On and on

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel right!

Wanna make you feel...

Just wanna make you feel...


For more infomation >> Tim Taler - On and On (Official music video) - Duration: 3:28.


FREE Webinar on Producing DIY Video In House for Your Business - Duration: 1:11.

More and more businesses are looking to do more videos in-house

and we think that's great.

Online video technology has enabled businesses to expand their video efforts beyond TV ads,

and the price of creating videos continues to decrease.

Meanwhile, social video apps like Snapchat and live video tools are changing behaviour

by lowering the barriers to entry for shooting video

and feeling comfortable on camera.

We're confident that 2017 will be the year of video for the web,

and we want to help businesses like yours learn to use video throughout your organization.

Videos, just like the one you're watching now.

Join us for a free, live webinar where we'll provide an action plan for getting started

producing videos in-house yourself.

It will be packed with take-aways, as we cover not only strategies for using video,

but the steps you'll need to take for setting up your own production capabilities,

as well as when we'd recommend that you still bring in outside help

from professionals like us.

If you can't make it to the live, interactive session, not to worry

we'll provide you with a recording which you're also welcome to share with your colleagues.

So reserve your spot now, and make 2017 your year of online video.

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