The Eccentric Family represents a marvel, not just in regards to the P.A. Works library,
but also in regards to creative adaptation.
At AnimeExpo 2016, P.A. Works President Kenji Horikawa, stated that one of the big reasons
the studio only produces original series and adaptations of novels,
is that they want that freedom to be able to express a product themselves.
The ability to be able to develop a world from scratch and no manga editors slapping
their wrists whenever they come up with something visually extravagant.
And that's what The Eccentric Family is, extravagant, magical, yet is formed out of
the very real city of Kyoto.
It's not a comfortable show at times, but there's love in it.
That's an odd sentence and an even odder sentiment, but the clash of inhuman concepts
is yet another remarkable part of this show and with the second season being released
next season, I'm glad to have an excuse to talk about not just the show, but the
people who helped us fall in love with it.
I've spoken about P.A. Works in the past and even interviewed thestudio's president, but it bears repeating
that the studio is on a quest.
A quest to be able to recruit and train animators so as to be able to produce anime without
having to rely on other companies to chip in and instead using their own contacts and
their own staff to be able to make something that they all can really stand behind and
say "We did this!"
And what could be more "We did this!" than a show not only directed by one of the
founders of the studio, but that founder also leads the studio's animation department.
Masayuki Yoshihara.
There are directors that have a very clear defined vision of a show and will get everyone
to fall in line and pursue that particular vision.
Hayao Miyazaki was famous for this and in reaction, it's now very difficult to find
animators that worked under Miyazaki who actually liked him.
But one of the big reasons that P.A.
Works wants to recruit and train animators and do things in-house is to create a collaborative atmosphere.
"In the future, I want animators who can proactively work on projects like a team and
staff who can discuss the best course of action among themselves.
But these days I've realized that when people work together—especially in a mentor/student
kind of relationship—they feel extremely stressed.
Nevertheless, I understand that the reason why animators feel so mentally fatigued is
because they don't feel that they're actually contributing to the project.
As much as a person can individually temper their skills through work, I believe it is
essential for many staffers to engage with the creators of anime through dialogue.
I want to foster that kind of environment.
I want to create a team that can convey those kinds of ideas.
It's impossible if we shy away from dialogue, after all."
Determining a studio image is vague and generally inconclusive, but the words of its president
tell us a lot more about the aspirations behind every product.
Yoshihara is the other founder of P.A.
Works and after being on loan at Production IG, he returned in 2010, to train the young
animators at the studio and strive for this sort of atmosphere.
The first production they worked on together was Mai's Magic and the Family Day, a 30
minute TV special funded by the local government to show the importance of family bonds, distributed
to schools and kindergartens within the area.
But that wasn't it for our returning hero, because as a part of training young animators,
he participated in the government funded, Young Animator Training Project with a short
called "All-Purpose Vegetable Ninninman" and two years later, he took the animation
director of that show, Kousuke Kawazura and made him the character designer of his first
TV series directorial debut, The Eccentric Family.
But let's cycle back once again, because to understand The Eccentric Family's production,
you've kind of got to understand where P.A.
Works came from.
Both founders are heavily connected to Production IG and during the 10 years where they were
setting up the studio and doing contract work for other teams, they were working with a
lot of people, many of whom ended up working with them on future projects.
The future background director of The Eccentric Family and True Tears, Yusuke Takeda is one
of them.
But the character I wanted to explore more thoroughly is one of the people who worked
alongside both Kenji Horikawa and Masayuki Yoshihara on Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone
Complex, Toshiyuki Inoue, the Perfect Animator.
There's some animators that kind of reach a legendary status within the industry.
A point where seeing them attached to a project is a genuine surprise and the only jobs they
end up taking are incredibly high profile.
Or, they're invited by a good friend.
Anime is an industry of connections and Masayuki Yoshihara is very good friends with Toshiyuki
Inoue, meaning that even though, Inoue almost exclusively works on films, he'll also take
the time to work with his friend on P.A.
Works TV shows, a platform he's objectively too good for.
"Toshiyuki Inoue attracted attention in the industry when he debuted with Gu Gu Ganmo.
Since then, he has participated in many renowned projects, including Akira, Memories, Ghost
in the Shell, Jinrou, Blood the Last Vampire and Millennium Actress.
Because of his thoroughness and the level of quality in his animation, he's referred
to as "the perfect animator."
"Instead of becoming a character designer or animation director, Inoue apparently prefers
to work as a solo key animator, investigating the "movement" part of anime.
Currently, he is focusing on recreating human movements faithfully and creating realistic
He is also working on advancing his deep, abiding love and knowledge of anime, as well
as guiding others towards improvement."
That was a quote from AnimeStyle Magazine Editor in Chief Yuichiro Oguro, the journalist
who personally inspires me the most. It was Mamoru Oshii that called him the perfect animator
and very shortly after his key animation debut, he had gathered attention, particularly from
those that wanted to represent realistic timing and weight on screen.
Satoshi Kon, Hayao Miyazaki, Katsuhiro Otomo, here was this incredible animator that just
a few years after his key animation debut, was being scouted out by industry legends
who wanted to capitalise on his ability to portray realistic weight and timing.
And thanks to his friendship with Yoshihara, all of the skills and hard work that contributed
to Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Kiki's Delivery Service is making a home at P.A.
Works, primarily on The Eccentric Family.
But one of the other interesting things about Inoue isn't just his marriage of surreality
and reality, but the speed in which he creates it.
In an interview with P.A.
Works President Kenji Horikawa in 2005, he said this:
"The current trend seems to be to not worry that much about the volume and only focus
on quality.
That really worries me.
It's not a fair match if you can't achieve the same level of quality with the same amount."
Toshiyuki Inoue is fast.
He started out in a generation where people were constantly saying "Draw faster, draw
faster", yet everyone around him was producing really simple cuts, whilst he was making stuff
like this.
And as Horikawa notes, an animator doesn't go from quality to quantity, but rather, a
good animator sets goals and knows how much time to spend on each cut and practise knocking
that time down.
Yoshihara once told an anecdote of how he kept a stopwatch at his desk to constantly
improve the speed of his drawing and would often peek into the booths next to him to
see if he could match their pace.
Mamoru Oshii may have been referring to the quality of Inoue's work when he referred
to him as the perfect animator, but his strive for quantity as well and the refusal to accept
the balance is what has turned him into the person he is today, someone who can work on
the greatest theatrical films, but still be able to create great work for the shows that
his friends are making.
And so if there's one message to take from this second P.A.
Works Studio Spotlight, it's that there's nothing more important than friendship.
I've legitimately always wanted to say that in a video.
Thanks for watching The Canipa Effect and I would like to thank frog_kun and Bloosakuga
for their translation help for this video.
Also, I'm now closing votes on the Patreon poll for the next video.
The results are 27 votes for a second Studio Trigger Studio Spotlight and 13 votes for
a video on Pokemon: Sun and Moon.
The next video will be on Studio Trigger and the Pokemon video will be made later down
the line.
But before I go, I'd like to give a special thank you to these people for supporting the
In particular, I'd like to thank the adaptable Albireo, the knowledgeable KayAnimations,
the ideal Isaac Woo, the hardy Hadiz, the proactive Petra Clothier, the meritable Mankoto
LePlant, the selfless Sam Liddiard, the mythological Martin Grazina and the adamantine Abel Toy.
Check out The Canipa Effect Patreon for all details.
For more infomation >> The Eccentric Family, P.A. Works and the Perfect Animator | Anime Studio Spotlight - Duration: 10:48.-------------------------------------------
Conker's Bad Fur Day SECRET in Yooka-Laylee (Easter Egg) - Duration: 1:57.
Yooka-Laylee's hub world, Hivory Towers, is a pretty big place--and it's chock full
of all kinds of things to find.
Including Easter Eggs--and we stumbled upon a pretty cool, but subtle one in the Tower's
Archive--a room that's packed to the rafters with reading material.
Now most of the books don't appear to have anything written on them at all--but a few
of them do, and if you get close enough you can even read their titles.
So let's go ahead and rotate the image here so they're a bit easier to read.
And among the books, we have...
50 Shades of Games--a spoof on the real-life novel 50 Shades of Grey
How to Use Hexicons in All Your Home Doctoring, which sure enough, there are hexicons all
over Hivory Towers.
Then there's Capital B's Guide to Red Nectar, a book apparently written by the owner
of Hivory Towers, and the game's antagonist, Capital B
Followed by My Way or the Fly-Way--get it, instead of highway, it's fly-way, because
insects, like Capital B, can fly...
And finally, that takes us to the reason for this video...Jetpacks & Butlers...Your First
Now on the surface, that's already a pretty solid book title--who wouldn't want a jetpack
and butler?!
And as it turns out, Conker the Squirrel is among those who'd agree--as he requests
exactly those things after acquiring a particular stack of cash in Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Yeah, we're pretty sure Conker would agree with making that your first investment--hell,
maybe he wrote the book!
Now Conker's Bad Fur Day, was of course, developed by Rareware, which is the same studio
that the bulk of the developers working on Yooka-Layee came from, now as part of Playtonic
So it's just a fun little callback to the history of studio--pretty fitting that it'd
be found in the Archive huh?
Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe for more on Yooka-Layee and other things gaming
Pornhub Wins April Fools' Day, Gives Millions Collective Heart Attack - Duration: 1:16.
For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
April Fools, or as it's know on the internet, don't believe anything you read online day,
has become the dumping grounds for brands to try their hand at dull attempts at jokes.
Whether it's Burger King dropping Whopper Toothpaste or Jim Beam churning out an image
of bourbon flavored baked beans brands love to get into it online every April.
Pornhub, celebrated April Fool's day by winning yet again when it comes to brands attempting
to behave like actual people.
Users who pulled up a video to watch on the website received a message informing them
that Pornhub had activated a new, automatic video-sharing feature.
Users across the internet flipped the f*ck out thinking they're last session on Pornhub
had been pushed out automatically through their social accounts.
After the collective heart attacks of millions of porn consumers subsided, users were greeted
with this notification letting people know that ebony GILF hunter, or whatever you're
into, didn't actually get pushed into your parents' Facebook news feed.
This isn't the first time Pornhub messed with their audience on April Fool's Day.
In 2016, they turned the page into a landing spot for vegetable enthusiasts, redesigning
and renaming their site "Cornhub for fans of all things on the cob.
"Just to be safe don't believe anything you see online till mod-week
That's all for now, but for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create an Awesome Poster with Wrap-around Text - Duration: 16:14.
Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.
I'm going to show you how to create a powerfully compelling poster
with gradient text, a beautifully-effected photo and body copy that wraps around your subject.
Open a photo of someone that you'd like to use for this project.
I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.
Before we begin, I want to mention that I'll be moving a bit quicker for more advanced users.
The first step is to separate the subject from its background by making a selection
around your subject.
For this example, I'll use the Quick Selection Tool, which I covered how to use in many of my tutorials.
Refine your selection by using Select and Mask filter
or Refine Edge filter depending on which Photoshop version you're using.
I did in-depth tutorials on both filters, so if you want to watch them, I provided their
links in my video's description below.
Output it to a "Layer with Layer Mask".
We'll convert it into a Smart Object , which will allow us to modify or adjust the filters
that we'll be adding to the image.
Click the icon at the upper right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".
Make a new layer below it, by Ctrl-clicking or Cmd-clicking the New Layer icon.
We'll fill the empty layer with black, but first, if your foreground and background layers
aren't black and white respectively, press "D" on your keyboard.
Since black is your foreground color, press Alt or Option + Delete to fill the empty layer
with black.
Make the top layer active and click the Adjustment layer icon.
Click "Hue/Saturation"
and check, "Colorize".
For the Hue, I'll type in 209, the Saturation: 53 and for Lightness, I'll keep it at 0.
Feel free to adjust these settings for your image.
Make your image active and go to Filter and Filter Gallery.
If you want to see more of your image, press Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard.
Open the "Distort" folder and click "Diffuse Glow".
I'll keep the Graininess: 0, the Glow Amount: 2 and the Clear Amount: 10,
but again, feel free to adjust these amounts.
Click the "fx" icon and click "Outer Glow".
The color is white, the Blend Mode is Normal and the Opacity is 100%.
The technique is "Softer" and the Spread is 0.
For this image, I made the Size: 20 pixels, however, you may want to adjust the size amount
depending on the size and resolution of your document.
Click Inner Glow.
The color is white, the Blend Mode is "Color Dodge" and the Opacity is 50%.
The Technique is Softer and the Source is Edge.
I'll make the Choke 10% and the Size: 250 pixels, but again, you may want to adjust these amounts.
To save space in the Layers panel, let's collapse the effects.
We're ready to add our main text.
Open your Horizontal Type Tool.
We'll make our text temporarily white, so we can see it over the background.
To do this, invert the foreground and background colors by clicking this icon or by pressing
"x" on our keyboard.
Pick a font.
I'm using Bank Gothic Bold.
If you'd like to use as well, I provided its link in my video's description or project files below.
Make its size temporarily 100 points, so its large enough to see.
Click the "Center Alignment" icon.
Click on your document and type out your text.
We want to increase its size to near the edges of our poster.
To do this, click your Move Tool and press Ctrl or Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool.
Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option
+ Shift as you drag it out.
Then, press Enter or Return.
To center it over the document, press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select our canvas
and click the "Align Horizontal Centers" icon.
To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D. Go to View and make sure Rulers and Snap are checked.
If they aren't just click on them.
Go to the left ruler and drag out a guide line until it snaps to the left edge of your text.
If you don't see the guide line, press Ctrl or Cmd + H. Go back to the ruler
and drag our another guide line to the right edge of your text.
Scroll to the top of the Layers panel and drag your text layer to the top.
Click the "fx" icon and click "Gradient Overlay".
Click the gradient bar to open the Gradient Editor.
Click the "Black, White" Preset and the lower, left Stop.
Click the color box to open the Color Picker.
Pick a color for the bottom of your gradient text.
Since I already know the color I want, I'll type it into the hexadecimal field: 12D0FF.
Once you pick your color, to accept it, press Enter or Return three times to close all three windows.
Make a copy of the text by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J.
Go to the text and press and hold Shift as you drag the copy straight down.
Press "T" to open your Type Tool and highlight your text.
If your new line of text has more characters than it has now, go to the "T" icon at the
top and drag your cursor to the left.
Now, type out your text.
To increase its size, click your Move Tool and open your Transform Tool to increase its
size to the guidelines.
To move your text over 1 pixels at a time, press the left or right arrow key on your keyboard.
Once your text is lined up with the guide lines, press Enter or Return to accept it.
Use your up or down arrow key on your keyboard to slide your text up or down equidistant
to the the bottom of your document as your other text is to the top of your document.
Scroll to the bottom and make the black layer active.
Above it, we're going to place another line of text, which will appear behind our subject
and our other lines of text.
Open your Horizontal Type Tool again and click on the background.
For this text, I'll use "Dense Regular".
If you'd like to use it, I provided its link, as well.
I'll increase its size and type out my text.
Since, I'm going to ultimately increase its size to the edges of my poster, I'll zoom
out of my document by pressing Ctrl or Cmd plus the minus key on my keyboard.
Open your Move Tool and drag your text to the center.
Open your Transform Tool and increase your text to the edges of your poster.
Before we give this text some color, we first need to clip our subject's adjustment layer
to just the subject, otherwise the adjustment layer will affect all the layers below it
including this text.
We'll make the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer into a clipping mask by first, making it active
and pressing Ctrl + Alt + G on Windows or Cmd + Option + G on a Mac.
Now, the Adjustment layer is affecting only our subject and no other layers.
Double-click your bottom text to highlight it.
At the top, click the color box to open the Color Picker and pick a color for your background text.
I'll type in: 00498C.
Open your Move Tool.
To fit your document back onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.
To make our bottom and top text pop more, we'll add soft black gradients behind them.
To do this, make the adjustment layer active and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer above it.
We want the foreground color to be black, so press "x" on your keyboard to invert your colors.
Open your Gradient Tool and make sure your Linear Gradient icon is active.
Click the gradient bar to open the Gradient Editor.
Click the "Foreground to Transparent" preset and click OK.
Go to the top of your poster and press and hold Shift
as you drag the Gradient Tool to approximately here.
Go to the bottom and repeat the process as you drag the tool up.
Next, we'll add text that wraps around the outside of our subject.
Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the thumbnail of our subject to make a selection of its shape.
Go to Select, Modify and Expand.
I'll expand it 20 pixels, but you may want to adjust this amount based on your document's
size and resolution.
Invert your selection by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + I.
Open your Rectangular Marquee Tool and place your cursor on the left guideline below your top text.
Press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag your tool to the lower, right guideline
above your text.
Then, release.
Your selection now should look similar to mine.
Open your Paths panel.
If you don't see it, go to Window and Paths.
Open the fly-out list and click "Make Work Path".
Keep the default Tolerance of point 5 pixels.
Then, save the Path and click OK.
Before we add the text that will wrap around the outside of our subject, we need to temporarily
hide the large text behind our subject to avoid activating the large text when we click
on our document.
Open back the Layers panel.
Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer and scroll down to your large text.
Click the eyeball icon to hide the text and scroll back up to the empty layer you just made.
Open your Type Tool again and invert your foreground and background colors.
I'll pick Bank Gothic Bold.
Once you pick your font, click this icon, which opens the Character and Paragraph panels.
I'll make its size 16 points and the Leading 15 points.
Leading is the space between lines of text.
You can change these amounts later if you like.
Open the Paragraph panel and click the "Left Align Text" icon.
Hide the guidelines by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + H.
We're ready to add paragraphs of text to the left of our subject.
Click inside the path.
There are 3 ways you can add text inside a work path.
One way is to actually type your text inside the path.
Another way is to copy and paste text from an outside source
and the third way is to paste in or generate "Lorem Ipsum".
This is essentially filler text, also known as "dummy text".
It's meant to serve as a placeholder for the actual text that you'll ultimately use.
Version CS6 and later already comes with its own Lorem Ipsum generator, however, if you're
using an earlier version, I included a few links of free, online Lorem Ipsum generators.
If you're using CS6 or later, go to Type and "Paste Lorem Ipsum".
Automatically, it pastes in the font, size, Leading and alignment you chose.
When we click on "Right Align Text", our text justifies to the right edge of our path.
I'll click back on "Left Align Text", however, feel free to experiment with the alignments.
Click your Move Tool and open back your Paths panel.
Click the thumbnail of "Path 1" and open your Type Tool.
Click inside the right path.
I'll click the "Right Align Text" icon and go back to Type and "Paste Lorem Ipsum".
Click your Move Tool and close the Character and Paragraph panels.
Open back your Layers panel, scroll to the large text and make it visible.
This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.
Thanks for watching!
Evil rides dinosaur to attack Anna. Spiderman rides the dragon to save Anna - Duration: 5:01.
Evil rides dinosaur to attack Anna. Spiderman rides the dragon to save Anna
MATUMBAMAN • Ursa • 20 kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 43:55.
MATUMBAMAN • Ursa • 20 kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2
「Google マップ」のリアルタイムな位置共有機能 "現在地を共有" の基本的な使い方 - Duration: 3:12.
Basic use of real-time location sharing feature of the "Google Maps" "Share your location"
Hello everyone
This time, we will explain the basic use of real-time location sharing feature of the "Google Maps" "Share your location"
"Google Maps" to "share your location with" new ability to share real-time current location in 2017 the end of March, has been added
"Share your location" is is basically the features that are available in the smartphone version of "Google Maps" app,
Also it can now be able to see the desktop version of the current location of the user making the position shared even "Google Maps"
This time newly added "share your location" is, for example, "hang out" has been implemented location sharing feature to Messenger app is different from, such as,
There is a point that the user can dynamically share the position you are now
From the start to the end of sharing your location, also state that the user is in motion is not able to track on "Google Maps"
As a result, such as whether to come to the set conditions and what the current position to the meeting place, in addition to the users sharing your location, you can tell the real-time location information
First, the basic use of the "Share your location" in the "Google Maps", to touch the menu icon to open the "Google Maps" app or,
Touch the blue icon that indicates the user's current location
And then touch the "Share your location" is displayed
"Share your location" pre-configured for performing are two user of actually performing the shared with the period in which the shared
Period setting is 15 minutes after the current time, after 30 minutes, 1 hour, after 6 hours, after 12 hours, you can set a separator, such as that after one day
If the "until the user to OFF" was selected, please be aware that much You are here If you forget to turn off location sharing becomes remains to be shared
The choice of users who share your location can be done by specifying such as contacts and e-mail address
In addition it is possible to achieve that to get the URL for the location sharing to share it
Also to be able to be newly designated other users after the other start sharing
Users who received a URL that opens by touching it, the position of the user who is sharing your location will be displayed as an icon on the "Google Maps"
Basic use of "Share your location" in the "Google Maps" is over
You can also like to know the current location of each other with each other by establishing a shared location on the other to each other also
Please by all means try to reference
Above, it was the explanation of the basic use of real-time location sharing feature of the "Google Maps" "Share your location"
Being Friends With Marina | Marina's Miles 5K - Duration: 1:44.
MARGOT: She was incredibly supportive.
When I first came back to UNH I was not very happy
Because I was overcoming an eating disorder
And so, at one point I told Marina this
And she was always very supportive of me
So, one day, Marina was actually helping me with Spanish homework
I think she realized that I needed to hear something helpful
And have some support
She just really-- I remember I was crying, even
But she completely reframed or changed my thought
And helped me to see things in a different way
I remember that moment and just thinking how lucky I was
To have a friend like Marina
Like, someone who's always there to support me
And could always bring a smile to my face
Even when I was going through something so painful
One day, I called Marina on the phone
And I think she had just come back from studying abroad
So I hadn't seen her in a while and I was so excited
To catch up with her
I feel like the way Marina and I would talk sometimes
Is like, literally with exclamation points
Like, we'd just be so excited about everything
So I was like, "Oh, how are you?"
And she's like, "Great! I just got a new pair of shoes!"
I'm like, "Oh, cool! Me too!"
I say, "What color are yours?"
And she said, "Hot pink!"
And I said, "Oh, cool! Mine are hot purple!"
And then she just pauses for a second, she's like,
"Is that a color?"
[laughs] It just made me laugh so hard!
But we were just so excited about new shoes.
It just--little things in life.
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