a//Intro Pokemon is an extremely popular franchise,
dominating the handheld gaming scene.
Up until recently mobile gaming had never seen a true pokemon game, and arguably they
still havent.
Pokemon GO and the Pokemon TCGO apps may bear the pokemon logo but they stray from the rpg
elements of the pokemon handheld games.
So to fill this void on mobile games, various companies have risen to the challenge to be
the new pokemon, or first pokemon on handheld.
Some companies have just straight up ripped off pokemon and changed a few sprites, while
others at least attempted to have some sort of creativity implemented into their knock
So without further adieu, lets get right into the video
Alright so when researching this and doing all the boring stuff I set some criteria for
what exactly I would consider to be a rip-off of a pokemon game.
I decided to count games with a) fake monsters that you collect and capture.
b) a battle system in which you battle other players that are collecting the same monsters
by issuing moves in some fashion, and c) if it just looks like a rip-off.
Some of these games are more blatently obvious than others, youll see as we progress through
the list.
Also just in case I offend anyone by labeling their favorite mobile game as a rip off most
of these games are quite good looking and are very high quality.
Im just pointing out the inspirations they got from pokemon.
//Number 5 Coming into the #5 spot we have a game that
actually seems to be ripping off a rip off of pokemon.
Pixelmon Hunters is a 3d pixel game, appearing to be a rip off of the minecraft mod pixelmon.
In fact thats literally what its doing, its just basically a mobile pixelmon.
The concept of typings and collecting the monsters remains the same, the only difference
really being the fighting.
Fights consist of getting dropped into an arena where you make your monsters fight your
opponents and you wield a weapon of your choosing.
Weapons can range from swords to staffs that shoot balls of energy that damage your opponents
or their pokemon.
Since the fighting style isn't completely pokemon like I decided to drop this lower
on the list but it's still a rip-off nonetheless.
//Number 4 Working its way into this next spot is Workemon.
Workemon is an app where you, the ceo of a hit new company get to go and collect your
very own workemon.
This puts a rather interesting spin on the concept of pokemon.
Replacing the 8 Gym leaders are your 8 Siblings, and instead of 151 pokemon you have 151 workemon.
For a rip off game its actually very well designed, has some nice music, art, and ill
even give it props for its unique design and concepts.
Its even got some dark humor, which is my favorite type of humor.
All in all Workemons pretty good.
I mean I cant say I'd play it religously but hey maybe you want to give it a shot.
-Uses Pokemon Music -intro is standard pokemon
//Number 3 Micromon is another very well made Pokemon-esque
My only complaint with this one is that is iOS only, and its also 99 cents.
99 cents for a cheapskate like me for a game thats a ripoff is outrageous and enough to
turn me off from the game forever.
Not that it even matters anymore because im rocking andriod now.
Anyway this game looks great froim videos and screenshots I've seen.
Its another one of those games with really good graphics, and even has a bunch of animated
monster sprites.The battle system kinda gives me this neopets vibe.
Thats not really important i guess but I thought I'd mention it anyways.
Moving on
//Number 2 This is one that I actually tweeted out about
a few weeks ago, and really what got me interested in even making this video.
The game is called Bokemon, and what I find most comical is the games mascot is just a
fusion of pikachu and machoke.
The description for the app is just comical, as you can clearly see that the creators first
language isnt english, not that theres anything wrong with that, it just adds to the hilarity
that is the app overall.
The goal of the game is to progress through the 9 stages and collect these new and unique
Wait... those look familiar but I cant seem to put my finger on where I've seen them before
Anyways, my favorite part of the description of the game is these 3 lines right here:
Deafeat the enemy by tapping!
Collect EXP and Level Up!
Lets do a powerful evolution!
It seems like it was game dialogue just ripped straight from the tutorial or something and
just makes me giggle a little
//Honorable Mentions Since there are so many mobile pokemon ripoffs
in the various app stores I though it would only be fair to drop a few honorable mentions,
and by a few I mean 2.
Like seriously theres probably enough pokemon rip off apps to make a top 50 or something
it's that insane
First up is called Neo Monsters.
This ones really only an honorable mention because it reminds me a lot of the pokemon
rom hacks that use fakemon, or fake pokemon.
The game looks great and is one of the few on this list ive actually played myself.
Like most games on here (besides Bokemon) its pretty alright.
I mean I cant say id devote hours into it but if you've got time to kill id say go for
Following that up is one that actually got taken down, but if you know how to google
and install an apk its still up for grabs.
This game was called Pocket Battle, and I think what sets it apart from every other
ripoff on this list is that it actually used the pokemons artwork in the game.
I havent gotten a chance to play it bug going off of reviews its actually a pretty unque
take on the pokemon battle system, and overall probably the most well made rip off pokemon
But #1 has to take the cake.
//Number 1 I dont think I would have ever even seen this
game had my friend HeroVoltsy not posted a video about it, which I'll link below so if
you want a closer look you can check that out.
This game is called Monster Park and wow is it to the teeth the definition of ripoff.
It uses pretty much everything from pokemon models, to the same music, and even the same
Its basically just an mmo pokemon game that looks like its really based on pokemon red
or blue, but with newer 3d models.
I wouldnt advise downloading it either, as the reviews seem to point to it being some
kind of scam with microtransactions so uhh dont do that thanks.
//Outro Alright so thats going to wrap up the video
for today guys, I hope you did enjoy and maybe you found yourself a new game
to play.
Feel free to let me know of any blatant rip offs you've played down in the comments
As always a like rating is greatly appreciated, subscribe for more pokemon content and feel
free to check out any of my other videos.
Ill see you guys in the next one.
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