Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017

Hello everyone !!

As i have told you i make again a honey spoon !

with deferent way of slider for the honey

so we make this and in the end of the video i will put some photos and video from my presentation in Athens

So lets start

first i grab the wood with the chuck

after i secure it with the tail stock

then i check if my toolset is in good position

i start with the roughing gouge

i check with this way if the wood is round

with spindle gouge i will give a basic shape

with skew chisel make finer the handle

here i have a lot of vibration !!!

i add some more details with the skew

with parting tool i will make space here

now i will make the slider for the honey

we try to make the axis into the slider with the same thickness

with Parting tool i round the edges

this part is ready and i will go to the back part

i use my detail gouge to clean here

and i start to sanding with 240 grit

320 grit

and 400

now is time to cut it

for this i use my detail gouge

my honey spoon is ready

this was the second way

i prefer this way than the other

i hope you like it also . And now i have some photos and video to share with you from my presentation !

And we speak again next Sunday until then .... Take care !!

thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Ξυλότορνος - κατασκευή μελόξυλου #2 / Woodturning - Make a honey spoon #2 - Duration: 5:21.


INSETO em RESINA, BALISTES e MARSUPIAL - Bichos da Coleção - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> INSETO em RESINA, BALISTES e MARSUPIAL - Bichos da Coleção - Duration: 2:54.


「感動」動物を救出する信じられないような動物たち Animals cannot believe rescuing an animal - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> 「感動」動物を救出する信じられないような動物たち Animals cannot believe rescuing an animal - Duration: 5:51.


AFI Jim Carrey Tribute to Steven Spielberg | AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE AWARDS | 1995 - Duration: 2:25.

The people of the AFI

asked me if I would say

something nice about Steven Spielberg

and I said NO

why should I?

the guy has never casted me in anything

I went out for E.T.

he opted for the puppet

I had all the moves down

And let me tell you something

people knew it was a puppet

It hurt that film...

It hurt it

Then there was Jurassic Park

check this out

Perfect velociraptor RIGHT?!


Now he started this new company

this fancy pants corporation

I don't know what it

Dreamweaver or something

ah... with this other two guys

who, frankly I've never even heard of...

And ahh...

I call them up, I ask them if there's any future proyects

that maybe I might be right for

You know

He says they're still trying to get financing for company

The guy can't even lie good

And so I think

in closing, I would like to speak

for any other

young actor

who is YET

to experience


with the great Steven Spielberg


For more infomation >> AFI Jim Carrey Tribute to Steven Spielberg | AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE AWARDS | 1995 - Duration: 2:25.



In this video, we'll go through all of the sniper rifles you can spend your research

data on in Mass Effect Andromeda, their uses, performance and drawbacks as well as the best

augments for them and why

This is the first of the weapon series going through all types of weaponry ending with

my top picks for the ultimate loadout.

remember guys if you like this content, be sure to hit the like button so I can better

provide the videos you want to see.

Without further delay, lets get right into it.


A sniper Rifle should be something that is super powerful, accurate but also be balanced

with a slow rate of fire, reload speed and small clip size,

Clip sizes don't matter hugely provided it is more than one, there's nothing worse than

surprising the enemy with a hit only to have them run behind cover and stay there forever

because you reloaded,

A great sniper rifle needs the leeway to miss one every 5 or so when there's heavy movement

and not screw you on that.

Another point is ammo capacity, while the clip size of 3 is perfectly acceptable, a

decent amount of extra ammo needs to be available if you are sniping, there's an almost definite

chance that you are not where the ammo units are.

These tests will be performed on all sniper rifles in their rank 1 form using no augments

or modifications,

We'll be testing for Range, and damage versus clip size on multiple enemy types.

The rifles in question are:

Vanquisher, M-90 Indra, N7 Valiant & Black Widow from the Milky Way tree of research,

Isharay and Naladen from the Heleus tree,

& the Shadow & Inferno sniper rifles from the Remnant research tree.

In order of worst to best, the 8th slot is taken by the M-90 Indra,

The first thing you will notice about this gun is it's tiny damage but medium to high

rate of fire, this is placed in the bottom position due to the fact it is essentially

a scoped assault rifle,

The damage to rate of fire is well balanced for an assault rifle and at mid range without

the scope performs well but as it's in the category of a sniper rifle and force the scope

on you not really allowing for the accuracy buff at medium range from the scope it is

a bit silly and pointless to have.

This is the worst choice for a sniper rifle and no augments or mods will make it better

than our other offerings.

For our 7th slot, we have the Shadow Remnant beam Sniper Rifle,

I would consider this an acceptable assault rifle if it weren't for the aforementioned

scope situation from the M-90 being present here also,

It is a beam weapon that actually does very good damage when kept up on the target, the

range is acceptable also, the problem in this weapon is the instability, the gun pulls up

when you hold down the trigger and when pulsing the trigger while the stability is there the

damage is not.

It is usable, but certainly not worth crafting.

It is possible that certain stability buff you can gain through augments and profiles

and skills may make this weapon usable but I don't think it is worth the investment,

even if that was fixed, I am not a fan of constant weapons, it requires you to be out

of cover constantly instead of a quick shoot and duck.

Our 6th place Sniper Rifle is the Naladen,

This Ultra-Rare weapon is quite cool but only because it's rounds explode on impact, it's

damage is medium at best but it's explosive nature does appear to cause the enemy to stagger

slightly, allowing you more time to accurately bombard them,

being somehow both satisfying with the explosions but unsatisfying with its damage.

I would advise staying clear.

For number 5 it's the N7 Valiant,

At medium damage with good range, this Sniper rifle is where it starts to get usable, it's

rate of fire is on the low side and ammo capacity is simply not enough for the seasoned sniper,

Its medium damage is very apparent and not really good enough, it cannot one shot a chosen

at rank one which if it could, would make this a very good weapon if a little scarce

on the reserve ammo.

Number 4 is the Black Widow,

With good range and a clip size of 3, it's damage is high, that mixture makes for a well-balanced


It is not much lower in damage than the isharay yet has a high clip size, though if partnered

with the vintage heatsink, it's clip size is sent to 1 making it worse,

You can regain the clip size with the vintage heatsink by getting the clip size rank which

is number 7 in the sniper rifle skill tree.

But if you are going that route there is a better option.

These last 3 weapons could all be considered number 1 pick dependant on circumstance.

Coming in at number 3 we have Isharay,

Isharay is a beast of a weapon with an insane damage hit,

for the precise sniper who likes to take his time, this is most probably the one for you,

it's single shot clip puts it at number 3, but for those patient masters who take all

the time for the perfect shot, that is not an issue, the big issue here is the ammo capacity,

but that can be solved.

If augmented with the Vintage Heat Sink, this weapon gains all of the pros of unlimited

ammunition and as it only has a 1 shot clip, to begin with, the Vintage Heat Sinks tendency

to obliterate the clip size is rendered moot.

The Isharay is a rare sniper rifle giving it 3 augment slots by default, Vintage Heat

Sink takes up one of those slots, the other 2 should be taken by Double Mod Slot augment

giving it a total of 4 mod slots and a Kinetic Coil augment for +3% weapon damage to fill

the last.

the better option to the black widow is number 2, the Vanquisher,

This weapon is beautiful, if only a little lacking on the ammo side, but as has been

stated before we can fix that, for this weapon, however, to be number 1, you must have that

clip size Sniper Rifle skill, with that and the Vintage Heat Sink Augment, Double Mod

Slot Augment and a Kinetic Coil to fill the gap, you have a beast weapon,

its rate of fire is 90 which feels about nice for a sniper rifle, its damage is in the medium

to high range, enough to one shot a chosen at rank 1 with ease and it's clip size with

the rifle skill and heat sink is 3, it's accuracy is fantastic at 96 and has one of the longest

ranges of all.

If you are far enough in the game, this is the ultimate purely long distance Sniper rifle,

The distance is where the top pick comes out on top,

As the number one is the Remnant Inferno,

As a base weapon, it is not better than about 3 of these other weapons, but it's natural

heat sink ability, giving it unlimited ammo from the get go, and its 180 rate of fire

making it good for both long and medium range gives it the top pick,

The fact you don't need to use the vintage heat sink means that you can use a Battlefield

Assist Module which increases your damage by 20% when shields are full, now this still

puts it at about 50 damage below the Vanquisher, but it has 5 shots per clip at standard and

8 with the clip size skill.

At the higher ranks this weapon has enough damage to keep up and stay satisfying with

it's higher rate of fire, it's effective at up 100 meters but also usable at 15-20, it's

higher rate of fire also makes it far better for medium range shooting of fast moving targets,

you have room to miss every so often.

The Augments on the Inferno should be the Battlefield Assist Module, The Double Mod

Slot augment and 2 kinetic coils for a total of 26% extra damage when shooting long, not

including the mods.

Due to adding even more circumstantial choices to the mix when adding mods, they will come

in a separate video, mods are more powerful than most augments and far more diverse, they

are also usually extremely specific to a playstyle, so keep an eye out for that in the coming


If you felt I missed anything or didn't explain something well enough then please don't hesitate

to mention or ask in the comments and I will reply to you as soon as humanly possible,

Feedback on these guides is very important so if you liked or disliked, there are appropriate

buttons below, and or give me detail in a comment, let me know what YOU want to see

or know, and I'll prioritise my video creation around that.

This recent surge of activity on my channel has been very well received and motivates

me to make better and better content, thank you, everyone, for watching.

Have an awesome day folks.



Spirituality May Be Underused Tool in Treating Mental Illness - Duration: 5:31.

Spirituality May Be Underused Tool in Treating Mental Illness

New research suggests spirituality may offer benefits for people with mental health issues,

but people may encounter barriers when reaching out for this help.

Investigators from the University of Southern California School of Social Work discovered

that spirituality is often an underused resource in urban communities.

To resolve this shortcoming, and to cultivate spiritual resources that might have therapeutic

value, associate professor Dr. Ann Marie Yamada worked with the Los Angeles County Department

of Mental Health (LAC-DMH) to design and test a new spirituality-based treatment program.

�Stigma prevents many individuals experiencing schizophrenia or bipolar disorders from seeking

spiritual or religious support from a faith-based community organization.

It is difficult for some people to find a community where they feel comfortable and

accepted,� said Yamada, co-author of the study with Dr. Andew Subica of the School

of Medicine at the University of California, Riverside.

�These concerns may not be shared with mental health providers as they may perceive spiritual

needs are not appropriate to discuss.�

This stigma creates a gap when patients are unable to find spiritual support from either

a health care provider or religious community.

�Within the urban community served by LAC-DMH, spirituality has been an underutilized resource.

It is a great tool for addressing the health and recovery needs of the largely African-American

and Latino patients served by the participating LAC-DMH agency,� Yamada said.

It is essential, she noted, that investigators understand the significance of spirituality

and religion in these cultures and respectfully acknowledge the philosophical differences

in practices between both groups.

In the program, �The Spiritual Strategies for Psychosocial Recovery,� spirituality

is used as a therapeutic tool to teach practical coping skills.

�After learning that there are few well-documented interventions that incorporate spirituality,

Dr. Subica and I wanted to take the best practices already being used and add greater emphasis

on coping skills that have been shown to be effective,� said Yamada.

Participants attended group therapy sessions that included breathing exercises, goal setting

training, and group discussion to build both social and coping skills.

When people find the strength to improve their coping skills, they are more likely to adhere

to their treatment plans and see themselves as active participants in their health and


�When people find the strength to improve their coping skills, they are more likely

to adhere to their treatment plans and see themselves as active participants in their

health and recovery,� Yamada said.

Yamada hopes more innovative providers like LAC-DMH will explore the potential of spirituality-infused


Many of the LAC-DMH-affiliated wellness and recovery centers already offer some type of

spirituality-related activities that involve meditation, mindfulness or support groups.

It�s just a matter of time, given that 80 percent of the adults sampled across California

community mental health centers support integration of spirituality into mental health services,

she said.

The study included a small pool of participants, but early findings are promising and participants

were consistently satisfied with the therapy sessions.

Many patients described mood improvements and a feeling of empowerment and control over

their conditions.

�I like having these tools because it helps me feel less tense,� said one woman in the


�During the week when we don�t have group, I can use them.�

The success of the program suggests that health care providers and spiritual leaders could

work together to address the needs of their communities.

�Involvement of both clinicians and religious leaders is one way to reduce the stereotypes

held by both professions,� Yamada said.

�These stereotypes serve as barriers to developing mental health services that integrate

spirituality effectively.�

Understanding that spirituality can be a resource for many individuals, mental health providers

are better equipped to offer comprehensive treatment.

�Ultimately, this intervention is about strengthening coping skills,� she said.

�Spirituality enhances personal hope through connection to a greater power that could be

religious, but is fundamentally defined in whatever way has meaning to each participant.�

For more infomation >> Spirituality May Be Underused Tool in Treating Mental Illness - Duration: 5:31.


Top 5 Pokemon Mobile Rip Offs / Knock Offs - Duration: 7:00.

a//Intro Pokemon is an extremely popular franchise,

dominating the handheld gaming scene.

Up until recently mobile gaming had never seen a true pokemon game, and arguably they

still havent.

Pokemon GO and the Pokemon TCGO apps may bear the pokemon logo but they stray from the rpg

elements of the pokemon handheld games.

So to fill this void on mobile games, various companies have risen to the challenge to be

the new pokemon, or first pokemon on handheld.

Some companies have just straight up ripped off pokemon and changed a few sprites, while

others at least attempted to have some sort of creativity implemented into their knock


So without further adieu, lets get right into the video

Alright so when researching this and doing all the boring stuff I set some criteria for

what exactly I would consider to be a rip-off of a pokemon game.

I decided to count games with a) fake monsters that you collect and capture.

b) a battle system in which you battle other players that are collecting the same monsters

by issuing moves in some fashion, and c) if it just looks like a rip-off.

Some of these games are more blatently obvious than others, youll see as we progress through

the list.

Also just in case I offend anyone by labeling their favorite mobile game as a rip off most

of these games are quite good looking and are very high quality.

Im just pointing out the inspirations they got from pokemon.

//Number 5 Coming into the #5 spot we have a game that

actually seems to be ripping off a rip off of pokemon.

Pixelmon Hunters is a 3d pixel game, appearing to be a rip off of the minecraft mod pixelmon.

In fact thats literally what its doing, its just basically a mobile pixelmon.

The concept of typings and collecting the monsters remains the same, the only difference

really being the fighting.

Fights consist of getting dropped into an arena where you make your monsters fight your

opponents and you wield a weapon of your choosing.

Weapons can range from swords to staffs that shoot balls of energy that damage your opponents

or their pokemon.

Since the fighting style isn't completely pokemon like I decided to drop this lower

on the list but it's still a rip-off nonetheless.

//Number 4 Working its way into this next spot is Workemon.

Workemon is an app where you, the ceo of a hit new company get to go and collect your

very own workemon.

This puts a rather interesting spin on the concept of pokemon.

Replacing the 8 Gym leaders are your 8 Siblings, and instead of 151 pokemon you have 151 workemon.

For a rip off game its actually very well designed, has some nice music, art, and ill

even give it props for its unique design and concepts.

Its even got some dark humor, which is my favorite type of humor.

All in all Workemons pretty good.

I mean I cant say I'd play it religously but hey maybe you want to give it a shot.

-Uses Pokemon Music -intro is standard pokemon


//Number 3 Micromon is another very well made Pokemon-esque


My only complaint with this one is that is iOS only, and its also 99 cents.

99 cents for a cheapskate like me for a game thats a ripoff is outrageous and enough to

turn me off from the game forever.

Not that it even matters anymore because im rocking andriod now.

Anyway this game looks great froim videos and screenshots I've seen.

Its another one of those games with really good graphics, and even has a bunch of animated

monster sprites.The battle system kinda gives me this neopets vibe.

Thats not really important i guess but I thought I'd mention it anyways.

Moving on

//Number 2 This is one that I actually tweeted out about

a few weeks ago, and really what got me interested in even making this video.

The game is called Bokemon, and what I find most comical is the games mascot is just a

fusion of pikachu and machoke.

The description for the app is just comical, as you can clearly see that the creators first

language isnt english, not that theres anything wrong with that, it just adds to the hilarity

that is the app overall.

The goal of the game is to progress through the 9 stages and collect these new and unique


Wait... those look familiar but I cant seem to put my finger on where I've seen them before

Anyways, my favorite part of the description of the game is these 3 lines right here:

Deafeat the enemy by tapping!

Collect EXP and Level Up!

Lets do a powerful evolution!

It seems like it was game dialogue just ripped straight from the tutorial or something and

just makes me giggle a little

//Honorable Mentions Since there are so many mobile pokemon ripoffs

in the various app stores I though it would only be fair to drop a few honorable mentions,

and by a few I mean 2.

Like seriously theres probably enough pokemon rip off apps to make a top 50 or something

it's that insane

First up is called Neo Monsters.

This ones really only an honorable mention because it reminds me a lot of the pokemon

rom hacks that use fakemon, or fake pokemon.

The game looks great and is one of the few on this list ive actually played myself.

Like most games on here (besides Bokemon) its pretty alright.

I mean I cant say id devote hours into it but if you've got time to kill id say go for


Following that up is one that actually got taken down, but if you know how to google

and install an apk its still up for grabs.

This game was called Pocket Battle, and I think what sets it apart from every other

ripoff on this list is that it actually used the pokemons artwork in the game.

I havent gotten a chance to play it bug going off of reviews its actually a pretty unque

take on the pokemon battle system, and overall probably the most well made rip off pokemon


But #1 has to take the cake.

//Number 1 I dont think I would have ever even seen this

game had my friend HeroVoltsy not posted a video about it, which I'll link below so if

you want a closer look you can check that out.

This game is called Monster Park and wow is it to the teeth the definition of ripoff.

It uses pretty much everything from pokemon models, to the same music, and even the same


Its basically just an mmo pokemon game that looks like its really based on pokemon red

or blue, but with newer 3d models.

I wouldnt advise downloading it either, as the reviews seem to point to it being some

kind of scam with microtransactions so uhh dont do that thanks.

//Outro Alright so thats going to wrap up the video

for today guys, I hope you did enjoy and maybe you found yourself a new game

to play.

Feel free to let me know of any blatant rip offs you've played down in the comments


As always a like rating is greatly appreciated, subscribe for more pokemon content and feel

free to check out any of my other videos.

Ill see you guys in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Pokemon Mobile Rip Offs / Knock Offs - Duration: 7:00.


15 Aberturas mais Épicas e Marcantes do Anime Naruto | Canal TOP 10 🙌 - Duration: 10:03.

Save Family!

Well today's theme was pretty much asked on the channel, so I'll bring the top of the most

Naruto anime fucks, remembering it's my personal opinion if you have a different top

Just comment with us

I am Heber you are in the top 10 channel and welcome to another video.

First I put some "Honorable Mention"

The Mention is already FODAS imagine the TOP kkkk

The voice of Ayu is Linda of more "Seloko"

It is very difficult to make such a small list with such a large number of striking openings.

But I got my favorite ones here so go there!

I think the only half melosinha, but I admit that I liked her kk

This is a good opening but I will admit that sometimes she jkk kkk

Opening I do not even know what you're saying but I knew you could not miss it at the top it's cool

Cool opening, I'm not sure why I identify with her but she sticks to the mind

Another fucking opening but I started to enjoy it more after a while without listening

In the anime season I jumped a lot too ..

I could not leave it out either.

Still of the classic phase was one of the first of the anime and gives me such a good nostalgia

I could not leave out, very Fuck this Opening!

Another opening of the classic phase even more Fuck comes to be epic

A great opening fuck, too addictive music if I listened for hours

You know that calming opening, but you can hear it and you can not do it anymore because it's okay.

That exciting opening that you are encouraged to see just too fuck too

This other opening that could not jump from so epic one of the best of the classic phase

Speak what of that first opening of the shippuden phase that opening fuck

Like a rap, I always liked it a lot.

Heber: - Always singing Together, all wrong but singing kk

What does this opening say, Fuck?

Is the best of every classic phase without thinking twice a lot of fuck

I do not need to talk about the reason just to hear this opening and it excites me that music fucks to

A more fucking part of anime. This is a remarkable opening!

Heber: - Jiraiya because he had to "die" ??

Well today's video was this family now comment on what your personal top would be like, and let's go to the salves

Comment #BicicletaVerdeComPneuFurado

For more infomation >> 15 Aberturas mais Épicas e Marcantes do Anime Naruto | Canal TOP 10 🙌 - Duration: 10:03.


WE BROKE UP! - Duration: 15:38.

hey guys umM Tony tornado here this is

one of the the hardest videos that I've

had to make in a while really everyone's

been asking where's Millie been you know

sorry it's just hard


Billy and I aren't together anymore and

if it was a long time coming we just

didn't really talk too much about it I

want everyone to know that that Millie

and I are still really good friends

we're we're really good friends believe

it or not we stay friends we stayed good

friends and we text we call each other

almost every single day

she she stayed in California obviously

for everyone that was wondering about

that because I know some of you guys

were asking is merely coming back to

Vegas with you and I just had to wait to

tell everybody when the time was right

so thank you everyone for understanding

Millie and I just we were better off as

friends I just don't I don't want anyone

to go after me I don't want anyone to

get mad at Millie because like I said we

are still really good friends he texts

and we call every single day

it's just it just wasn't going to work

guys you saw everything that happened

when we were in Vegas and when we got to

California wasn't much better Millie's

living with a couple of her friends like

I told you guys before and I didn't

really have anywhere to go or anything I

couldn't live like that anymore I didn't

really I'm not sure if I talk too much

about it guys with my my shoulder right

here it hurts really really bad and it's

just jeez oh this is a harder than that

this is harder than I realized it was

going to be um it's just it's really

really really really hard like I said

guys I don't want you to get mad at me

Lee I don't want you guys to try to find

out anything about Millie she has her

own she has her own life she just didn't

we didn't think it was good to be

together anymore we just tried as hard

as we could to fix things and there was

no resolving it

now I want to also say to you guys too

that this is not the end of you seeing

milling that being said i'm not sure

what she's going to do as far as any

social media or not I still don't know

it as of this point um if she does

decide to make anything social media

related a YouTube I know she has

Instagram but she doesn't really use it

that often anything like that I will put

it the information in the in the channel

descriptions and stuff like that so you

guys can see that information it's that

way you guys can go subscribe and follow

and that kind of stuff

but I I just want you guys to know that

for sure this is not the the end you

will see Millie at a vid con for example

because I'm still going to go to VidCon

really said she's going or she said

she's going to i'm sorry i said she said

she's going to try to go so even if she

doesn't go i'm going to try to get her

in a few things for you guys to see my

friend mike is coming back into town as

well around that time so you for you

guys that watched a few videos ahead

Mike in them Mike will be coming back

into town too so i'll try to get him in

the videos as well yeah guys this is

just really hard video I just didn't

want to have to make this I put it off

for a little while told me to say about

that and I I couldn't I couldn't stay in

California guys I just couldn't and I

think at this point as you guys are

watching this video and you are seeing

how many more videos i'm uploading for

you guys and how much more how much more

the channels growing and stuff it's just

very obvious that this is where at least

for the time being I'm supposed to be I

can't really explain what it is but

every time I I vindicate Southern

California before this time I lived

there I lived there before and it's just

something weird that happens to me every

time I go there I just don't even

understand what it is but I don't know

it's just I'm a strong believer in if

you're supposed to be doing something

then it's right and yeah it's going to

come with a little bit of hard work but

ultimately you can make it happen if

you're trying something so hard and

you're working yourself to the core and

nothing you do works and everyone

standing in your way trying to make you

not do it and then it just then that

becomes a completely different issue and

that's what I really feel like was

happening in California nothing and

nobody was cooperating and yeah but

that's um that's the story on the

California Adventure guys but for the

time being I'm going to be residing in

beautiful Las Vegas I love the western

states I really do the ones I've been to

any way of Benden Nevada in Arizona I've

been to California I still want to go to

Utah and what's it called or Oregon and

Washington in those western states i

have not been there yet i would love to

go to those states as well but

I just want to reiterate that with them

when I said earlier I don't want anyone

to go after me leke all the bad names

that kind of thing I just want everyone

to understand that Millie and I mutually

agreed that it's just best that if we're

not together that we're friends and it's

been great believe it or not us being

friends it's been hard because like I

said she lives in California and I live

here now and we had a lot of stuff

together we were attached pretty close

and it hasn't been easy on Millie it

hasn't been easy on me either it's been

really hard I don't know if I got a

chance to show you guys this but I

bought Millie this is why I still have

her her things she got me here everyone

remembers this I'm sure the world's best

boyfriend thing no the trophy she got me

and then I got her her Harley Quinn

bendable keychain from the Batman series

we used to watch and I got her another

poop emoji and trying to open this here

too I've shown you guys this before i'm

sure but kirby's dreamland kirby is her

favorite and i love this game is

actually really fun and I thought Millie

would like it too so when I saw that I

was really taken back so I've already

just in the short amount of time that

I've been in Vegas I am I got Millie

there's couple things and that just goes

to show you how much she still means to

me I'm sure she got me a couple things

too she was we were talking on the phone

today she got me she got me a couple

things is really nice so I'm

but guys ultimately to I want you to

understand that this was a huge

sacrifice but it was also a huge gain it

was kind of like I lost Millie as a

girlfriend but we're still friends and I

had to come back here which wasn't

exactly what I wanted to do but i'm i'm

not saying that i'm thrilled to be here

I'm kind of okay to them here just

because I know that I can be way more

successful here and I can bring you guys

way more videos than we were doing

before I don't know if you guys were

watching but we were only getting maybe

two to three videos a month and it was

not good and it wasn't good and it was

hard to bring you guys any kind of

content at all because anything that was

long ish to a degree I'd have to sit in

the library for hours trying to upload

it and it just wasn't working I got so

much done already just in the short

amount of time I've been here guys so

it's weird it's kind of like I'm happy

that I'm here I'm getting a lot done and

that's great for you guys too that's

great for me I'm getting a lot of stuff

done in my life just a little bit of

time I was here and I feel like in

California I ran in circles with that if

I was a millionaire I would love to live

there I would I'm not sure things would

be any different because I know a lot of

people say that money changes things but

really money doesn't I could potentially

if I made enough money I'd buy a house

and I wouldn't have to work what at the

work is hard and I would just be filming

videos of you guys and I wouldn't be

here you know in a house that's not mine

and all this other stuff so

but ultimately we're going to get there

guys we're doing really well we're doing

really well I'm very excited about the

things that we're going to be doing and

the more I work the easier it is so I

just want to say thank you to everybody

that's been there for as long as you

guys have if you haven't watched all the

videos if you're a new subscriber I

would highly recommend you go watch all

the videos from start to finish a lot of

people there's a lot of content in there

guys a lot of content and I know you

guys would love it it's like my life

story in a nutshell basically on video

then we've been through a lot guys we've

been through a lot and I'm sorry is it

turning into such a long rambling video

but basically to reiterate again me and

Millie are no longer together we were

friends best friends pretty much we're

going to be in each other's live as much

as we can and whenever she decides or

whatever she decides to do with her life

if she decides to make any social media

like like YouTube and stuff like that if

she ever does i will give you guys the

links to that and i will let you guys go

over there direct you there i should say

so you guys can subscribe and follow and

all that good stuff so without being

said ladies and gentlemen if you haven't

subscribed already please do so like the

video if you liked it give it a thumbs

up give me some comments give me some

comments wishing me good luck that's

what I really would need from you guys

more than anything is some good luck and

wish me luck guys I love you guys to

death we are building the biggest

YouTube channel of all time my name is

Tony tornado and I love my subscribers

For more infomation >> WE BROKE UP! - Duration: 15:38.


Why Does My Poop Float? - Duration: 2:57.

Have you ever looked down after doing your business and noticed that your poop is floating?

Maybe this comes and goes,

or maybe your poop is always buoyant.

You might have even worried that this was a problem.

Like, if you look it up online, a lot of reputable websites will mention that one reason your

poop floats is because of fat.

Fat is less dense than water, and so, the thinking goes, if you have enough of it

in your poop, that's probably why it floats.

But fatty stools—what doctors like to call steatorrheic stools—

happen because you aren't absorbing the fat you eat.

And that's usually a sign of a really serious problem,

like pancreatic cancer or cystic fibrosis.

Back in the early '70s, Michael Levitt and William Duane, a pair of researchers at

the University of Minnesota, were annoyed by this assumption that fat is why feces float.

They suspected that trapped gas was the more likely culprit.

After all, about 15 percent of perfectly healthy people—including Duane—

consistently had bobbers.

So, they decided to investigate, and kindly wrote up their results in the prestigious

New England Journal of Medicine in a paper called, "Floating Stools —

Flatus versus Fat."

33 healthy volunteers, some with floaters, donated samples, along with 6 patients with steatorrhea.

The scientists put the specimens in flasks with water to see if they sank.

If not, they added pressure to squeeze out any gas and checked to see if anything still floated.

But even the fattiest poops sank to the bottom when degassed.

In fact, the scientists determined that it's almost impossible for a bowel movement

to float just because of its fat content.

You would need it to be half fat.

So gas creates most of the uplift.

But what is it, and where is it coming from?

Luckily, our gutsy duo also analyzed the poo samples with gas chromatography

to separate out the compounds and identify the mystery gas.

It turns out that a big part is methane, the same stuff in natural gas.

It's made by special bacteria in the colon called methanogens.

Everybody has some of these bugs, but some people seem to have way more—

like William Duane, who admitted in his paper that he produced methane at 'near record proportions.'

Methanogens run on hydrogen, and can ferment fiber in the gut, a bit like a cow can.

That means you get more energy out of fiber-rich foods like beans.

So, don't believe everything you read online about your poop.

If you have floaters, you could be just gassy.

And if you have fatty poop that happens to float? Well, that's because of gas, too.

Thanks for asking, and thanks especially to all of our patrons on Patreon

who keep these answers coming.

If you'd like to submit questions to be answered, just go to

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Why Does My Poop Float? - Duration: 2:57.


İşteSurvivor Yarışmacıları Yarışmacılarının Değişimleri - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> İşteSurvivor Yarışmacıları Yarışmacılarının Değişimleri - Duration: 3:37.


Срез волос для наращивания 60 см Цвет 04 ❤ Срез волос для наращивания видео - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Срез волос для наращивания 60 см Цвет 04 ❤ Срез волос для наращивания видео - Duration: 1:05.


Экспедиция в Унгоро - Лучший легендарный квест в HEARTHSTONE (ЧАСТЬ 3) - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Экспедиция в Унгоро - Лучший легендарный квест в HEARTHSTONE (ЧАСТЬ 3) - Duration: 5:41.


Facebook Live Baby & Toddler Q&A #14 + Win $100 voucher to Hello Night kids ... - Duration: 1:00:02.

Hello everybody, and welcome to another Facebook Live with Karen from Nurture Parenting!

I hope there's lots of people out there listening to these answers to these questions today

because I've got some fabulous questions that have come in, these, these are amazing.

You always send in some great questions for me. So just a reminder, you can send in any questions

each week on baby sleep, on toddler sleep, on anything to do with parenting.

On anything to do with feeding of babies, right from newborn, right to 5 years old. On anything

to do with child behaviour stuff, anything to do with how, mum life. Anything. So, you

can send your questions in each week to me Karen at Nurture Parenting, and I've got

heaps this week. So, I'm so excited! Now last week we did a little competition to win

2 of my favourite books, and the lucky winner is… Peta Crawford. So, congratulations Peta,

well done! Now Peta's won my toddler book, 'My Big Shouting Day', which is one of

my very very favourite books for toddlers. This gets read 6 times a night. Toddlers love

it, and it's very dramatic. It's about Bella having big emotional issues. As you

know, we need to teach kids about emotion, so that's winging its way to Peta. And because

Peta's also got a little baby, so for the baby, for the baby we're going to give this

book away by Nancy Tillman. Now, Nancy Tillman does some great books. And this one is

'On the Night That You Were Born', so she does lots of really really great bedtime books.

So, I love her books intensely. So, bedtime books really really important for setting

the bedtime routine and scene. They're a great sleep cue, and as most of you know

that know me, I love particularly a book with a sleep theme directly before bed. That makes

a massive difference. So I'm a fan of doing 2 or 3 books for a toddler, for a baby 1 or

2 books. And I like to do story, feed, story with a sleep theme, and then bed. Because

that really really helps that transition and, like I said it's a sleep cue. I like to

do it in the bedroom, because when you take a child down to the front room, again it's

like, it's like daytime again, it's playtime. So, my recommendations for books for children

at bedtime, sleep theme no more than 2 or 3 books for a toddler, 2 books or 1 book for

a baby, and I hope you enjoy these Peta. So, congratulations these are winging their way

to you. So I've send you an email. I just need your address and they will be with you

very shortly. So I hope you enjoy both of these books. Exciting! So, this week's competition

is a very very exciting competition. Now as most of you or some of you will know, I believe

in helping support local businesses, businesses that do amazing things for babies and for

parents. I'm all about doing really positive, really kind, really good things that really

make a difference to people's lives. Now this competition is coming from 'Hello Night Kids'

and the business owner of 'Hello Night Kids' is a lady called Tu, and I met

Tu probably about, about maybe about 4 or 5 maybe 6 months ago? And Tu's got a couple

of children, she goes to Montessori so she's big into attachment parenting, but with a

Montessori sort of twist. Very much into helping kids to learn to become independent and helping

teach them how to achieve that independence. So, that is so important because if we always

do things for children, it creates this learned helplessness and then children never ever

want to do things for themselves. And the ultimate sort of role, aim of any parent,

I'm sure that most of you will agree, is to make your child independent, and able to

go out into the world, and to problem solve and for themselves, and look after themselves.

They'll be able to meet all their own needs. So our job is to help break it down, and so

what — Welcome Peta, that's okay love — So, we need to break this down into little

simple tasks and most kids around the age of 2 or 3 can start to learn how to dress

themselves, how to feed themselves, about toilet training, about lots of, or toilet learning

lots of things. So we need to help children learn how to do these things, because

if we keep on doing it for them, they're never ever going to learn how to do it, and

when they get to the age of 10 or 15 and they're still asking you to dress them or to feed

them, it wouldn't really be much fun. And I think it's at the age of 4 and 5, asking

to be fed, asking to be dressed, asking to have everything done, so, it's a critical

age, around the age of 2 or 3 that you just have to teach these little life skills. Okay,

and it'll really help your child, and really help you, and get them ready for school and

life etc. So, back to Tu and 'Hello Night Kids'. So you're probably wondering 'What

is Hello Night Kids?'. So Tu came to me and she said 'I've got this great product

Karen, it's really really really amazing. And it helps kids keep warm all night'.

Now as you know, I do a lot of baby sleep and toddler sleep, and children get really

cold in autumn and winter, and the seasons are starting to change now, and these little

children start to feel a little bit chilly. Now most of you out there will not know about

temperature control and children. So, I discovered when I started doing things with with other

people and families etc what my knowledge base is like. And, as most of you know, I'm

a geek, I'm a nerd and I love to know so much about sleep and children and just how

I can make life better for them. So, I often like to improve things with sleep in a big

way, because sleep is, you know it's massive, it helps the immune system, it helps self

regulation, it helps resilience. It keeps children healthy. Babies that sleep well,

they feed better. They just do so much better in life. I meet babies at 8 months old that

can't sit and roll over. Within a, within a night of sleep training, suddenly these

kids are able to stand, never mind roll over! I meet toddlers who can hardly put a sentence

together, who have massive tantrums, within a night again they're turned around and

they're just, happier people, much happier people. So when we're sleeping, everything

is better. And as somebody who gets lots of broken night night sleeps because I help people

families, I can vouch for this. Now kids, if they get cold, they really struggle to

get themselves back to sleep. Now body temperature drops, and the air temperature drops around

3 o'clock in the morning. It's a classic time when kids will start to wake up, and

you'll start to notice this if your kids aren't dressed in enough layers. Now kids

need layers. So a lot of what, what I've seen in Australia is in particular, that we

tend to crank our heating up, and cranking heating up with babies and children, it doesn't

work. It is the opposite to what you think. So, as you can tell, I'm from the North

of England, and I obviously grew up in very cold Northern English winters and autumns.

We didn't have heating in our house at night time. Not that my parents were poor, maybe

they were. But we didn't have heating. And we actually even used to have the bedroom

window open can you believe it? But, my mum used to dress us really warmly, so our bedding

on our beds, the things that we dressed ourselves in, so crucial! So kids need to have something

that keeps their, their body, have you heard of thermo nuclear regulation? It's where

we keep our body temperature constant. So, thermo regulation is really really important.

And kids lose their body temperature 4 times as fast as an adult would. So 4 times, massive,

huge. All this informations on Tu's website, on 'Hello Night Kids'. So, I wrote a heap

of stuff for Tu to help her with her product. I used all my little geeky inner nerdy-ness

to give her a lot of really interesting sleep facts, and about body temperature, and about

toddlers in particular. So kids don't realise until the age of 3 that they need to pull

the blankets back on themselves. And so Tu created this product that is called a wearable

blanket which I think is like genius. What it does it it just keeps that body temperature

constant and it is made of merino wool. And kids, Tu's kids have got eczema. You can

use merino wool for eczema, it's fabulous. Most of you out there will have heard that

I have eczema myself, so when I wool, I either wear merino wool, or I wear cashmere. Yes

you heard that correctly. So I like really fine wool for my skin, otherwise I get really

bad skin reactions. But the finer the wool, the better it is for their skin. But also

marino wool has this amazing capability of great heat exchange. So kids don't sweat,

they don't overheat, and that is so important with children, that we need to help them with

their temperature regulating. Now this 'Hello Night Kids' with starting to develop some

gilets, which is like a little waistcoat thing which I gave to some of my knowledge from

the North of England about if we layer the core, the top half, that is really important.

Also arms, arms are really important. So we're looking at maybe looking at some thicker arms,

or maybe even some quilting for winter. We might even look at some arm warmers because

I think they're such a great idea. And I just love her product. I think it is really

really amazing. The good thing about them as well is they're not a sleeping bag, so

they're safe. Kids can't trip up in the cot or their bed. And they they can be a real

hazard can can sleeping bags. So even though I love sleeping bags, there are sort of risks

with that as as well. That kids can bang, bump their heads. These are actual proper

sleep suits. They can be zipped up at the top or the bottom, so kids can't zip themselves

out of them, but they can get themselves in and out of them if they need to, if you want

to zip it that way round. Easy to change kids, easy to look after and launder and they are

in really funky colours, really funky designs, they're going to be going into Nurture Parenting's

online shop at some point soon. But I can't say enough about Tu and 'Hello Night Kids'.

I am a big believer in her product, so she's got a big background in design, and I'm

going to tell you now what the competition is. So, to win a $100 value Australian Dollar

value gift voucher for the winner, then you need to like this video and like 'Hello

Night Kids' on Facebook, and then I will or Julie will or the machine will draw out

the winner and we will notify that person through either email or through Facebook messenger,

and then we'll notify you all next week as to who has won the $100 gift voucher. $100

Australian, I think it's a lovely level gift prize, very generous from Tu. She's

put so much effort and thought and you know her knowledge of of fabric is like incredible.

She has passion behind what she does, and I really believe in people that have passion,

that add value to children's lives and parent's lives. So I am very excited about 'Hello

Night Kids'. I'm so excited for Tu and I can't wait to see who the lucky winner

is. Now, something extra, and there is an extra to today. Everybody who buys from 'Hello

Night Kids' via Nurture Parenting's online shop or via 'Hello Night Kids' online

shop, they get a 10 percent, sorry 10 per, put teeth back in, 10 percent discount code

K1SLEEP. So it's K, letter K as for Karen, 1 and then SLEEP, all in uppercase in capitals.

So, you get a a 10 percent discount, anybody who buys using that voucher, either from Nurture

Parenting's online shop when they eventually go in the shop, and also via Tu's website

'Hello Night Kids'. So it's And like her on Facebook, like this video,

and you get to go into the prize draw which is very exciting! So, it's been a long time

coming I know from Tu and it is well worth the effort that she's put into this, because

she's made it into something really remarkable and excited! 'Hello Night Kids'! Yay!

Now, oh also as well just a reminder that we have an affiliate relationship with 'Hello

Night Kids', and that's important for transparency reasons that I tell you that.

Anything that I have an affiliate relationship with, I always disclose. So, as you know Karen

can't be bought, and this is a benefit to parents and to children. So, I only believe

in things that are really amazing and it helps eczema, it helps sleep, and it is a lovely

lovely product that really makes a massive difference. And, we don't want our children

getting cold in winter or autumn, and not able to sleep properly. So, to be able to

maintain your temperature, so so so so vital. So, there you go, that is the competition.

So this week I had another busy week. So this morning I've been out to see a little premature

baby. Now I'm not sure whether any of you know, or some of you know that my background

is I've been a midwife for 28, maybe even 29 years, maybe even 30 years now, something

like that now, 29 years I think. So a long time. I've got a massive background in neonatal

intensive care unit, in special care nurses, and I've I've got years of background

in that. So, my knowledge of premature babies and of small for dates babies is vast. And

you don't sort of realise until you go and see a mum with a baby that's premature,

small for dates, it's like wow, I actually do know quite a bit of stuff. And I made a

big difference to this mum today. So she's been really struggling with the feeding, this

baby was 2 kilos born at 36 weeks, and the the feeding was becoming overwhelming. This

baby was born conceived through IVF, everything around the birth was was fairly straightforward,

and this baby came out healthy, she just needed a little bit of fattening up. So mum tried

to breastfeed and we've, she's on been on Motilium, she's seen a lactation consultant

and she's tried extremely hard. This babies now about 8 weeks old, and she has really

struggled as a lot of mums do. But it's even harder when you've got a premature

baby who is small for dates. Now when you've got a baby whose premature small for dates,

they struggle with their temperature control, they struggle with their blood sugar control.

And so what who can do with a breastfeeding baby at term, you can't quite apply the

same rules to a baby that's small for dates or premature. Now, something huge that this

mum hadn't been told was when you're feeding a baby that's small for dates and premature,

they need to get their feeds down them really quickly, and I mean within 20 to 30 minutes.

If you do it past 30 minutes then you're then into calorie control, and you're then

eating up those calories that should be used for gaining weight to maintain their feeding

and their uptime. So we need to really manage feeding really really well. Babies that are

small for dates as well don't have a lot of fat on them, they're quite waisted babies,

they don't have much much layering on them. So they have big temperature control issues

as well. But they also have blood sugar problems as well. And it's really easy to cause issues

with their health if we don't manage their feeding correctly. So, I showed this mum this

morning how to feed her baby to maximise that feed time, to maximise the the actual weight

gain, because this baby hadn't been gaining weight to start with. So we need to look first

at feeding, how we manage our day, how we manage you know night time, how we manage

sleep time, how we manage up time, everything. So, that's a little tip for you out there

if you've got a premature baby or a small for dates baby. We also looked at how many

mls per kilo per 24 hours this baby needs. So she did a bit of mix feeding now because

we had to pull back on the pumping because it was getting out of control and it just

wasn't becoming fun anymore. So, we've moved down from pumping 7 times a day to 3

to 4 times a day, which I think is a lot more manageable for mum. She can then still breastfeed,

and that babies getting then the best of both worlds, it's having either breastfeed, or

expressed milk and formula. So then we just helping getting this baby fattened up, and

when this baby's fattened up it's going to be a lot happier. Mum was, you know, this

baby was was not a happy baby for the last few days. And I think as a mum you really

want to enjoy your baby don't you, so to go through all this pain, to get this baby

and then things not work out, it is heartbreaking, it's really hard. But we need to look at

things really objectively, and from a very practical point of view. So that's what

I've been doing this morning. So I've been looking after this little baby called

Rosie whose so cute, and I had the best fun, and I love little little babies as you know,

I love all babies, all children. I taught her how to wrap baby, swaddle baby, I talked

a little bit about sleep as well, but sleep is not the prime thing here. Because sleep

will come later, it's about, it's about feeding and it's about gaining weight, and

it's about calorie control. So that's what I've been doing this morning. Now,

what else did I do this week? So, I went down to Bowral. So, most of you will know that

I call myself the modern day Mary Poppins or other people call me the modern day Mary

Poppins which I can understand why. And, — I know Rosie, she was gorgeous Julie, really

really gorgeous, really beautiful beautiful baby. I, she gave me the best smiles! She

smiled loads at me! So I had her there infant of me, and I said to mum "Every time you

look at a baby, I talk to them in a real positive way and get eye contact, it makes a new connection

in that brain". It's like massive, it's huge stuff. So cuddling, talking in a positive

way, you know, maximising the up time to do some really nice positive, you know relationship

building stuff. Oh, and I also took her out for a cup of cup of tea down the street, so

I got her out for the first time in 8 weeks. I showed her how to use the Ergo Carrier.

Now, it's a long time since I've used an Ergo carried because the last time I had

to use one was was with my sister Lesley when she had her first baby Freya. So that was

quite interesting, Karen showing mum how to put the Ergo carrier on. Had to get the YouTube

video out on the Ergo carrier and we had a little play around with it. But, we got the

baby in the carrier with the newborn insert, and we got her down the street in the Ergo

carrier. So I felt very proud of myself this morning. So that was really great fun. So,

my job involves lots of things. It's not just sleep training. I get to help mums get

their confidence as a new mum and do things that are good for them and good for their

baby, and put some positive stuff back into their world. So, I really love my job. I think

I have the best fun. I meet the most amazing amazing mums and parents and babies and I

call this work. And I got a sea view as well as I walked down the street with the mum.

So, it was all just lovely lovely lovely. So I know I've really helped that mum and

I've really changed her life this morning. So, what else did I do this week? I went to

Bowral. So I went to Bowral to do the modern day Mary Poppins, and I didn't realise but

that's where PL Travers lived in her childhood, so I went to the statue of Mary Poppins from

the Disney film, and I went and took my photograph with her, it's on Instagram, so if you want

a little good laugh, Karen was doing some selfies, which I'm not the best at, but

it was quite good fun. I'm sure people were wondering what on earth I was doing. And then

I went to PL Travers' house and it was just like, just like a pinch me moment. And I've

been to Bowral before and I hadn't realise that's where she came from. But I took a

photograph outside her house and I'm going to write a blog about it because it was just

cool. And so when I do an overnight stay, because I went down to Moss Vale to do an

overnight stay, I like to fill my well afterwards. I like to replenish myself, so then I'm

able to give to other people and that's what I do, that's the sort of crazy thing

cookie la la crazy thing that Karen gets up to on her little trips round New South Wales.

So, there you go, that's what I've been up to this week. That's a part of it. So,

I think it's about time that I got into questions because I have been talking for

a little while. So, let's start first with Peta and Leo. [20:50] And Peta's got a 2

year 9 month old, and she's got a 4 month old little Evie as well. So Peta was the lady

who just won the prize. So, ironically she sent me in a a really interesting question

this week. So Peta lives in Country Victoria I believe. So hi Peta, I know that you're

listening today, and we've conversed through a few little emails. — Yes Tahren I went

to visit Mary Poppins' house, it was perfect, it was just divine. So thank you Tahren. Tahren

told me all about it, so I'm now up on the history and the the history of Mary Poppins

and Bowral. So I loved it Tahren, so thank you so much. Totally made my day, I was so

excited, I still haven't recovered. — So back to sensible things, Peta and Leo. So,

Peta says "I've been listening to your Facebook Live posts for a while now, but I

haven't contacted you before. So first time poster! Hi! You have already helped me get

my baby into self settling. Hopefully you'll be able to help me in your next Facebook Live,

or if needed I could give you a call. I'm from Regional Victoria so a visit isn't

possible". Well who, who knows in the future Peta but I think I can do a lot of good through

through Facebook Live. So, let's have a go at that. "I have a cheeky 2 year 9 month

old Leo", — and the name already says says says stuff to me, because I know quite

a few Leos. So you know how you get names of children and you go "hmm yes I know a

few of those and they are a bit like that", so I get the, I get the idea about Leo. But

I love little cheeky ones, — "and a beautiful 4 month old Evie. Leo since 6 months old has

always been a great sleeper and self settler. When he was in his cot he would often happily

play for around 30 minutes before falling to sleep. And when we transitioned to a bed,

he started getting out of bed, it became a game. A really exciting game, really hyping

him up. I was pregnant at the time and it was so physically exhausting to keep putting

him back into bed because this could go on for hours." — I hear you Peta. Yes. — "We

tried reading, but he loves, but he loves books so much that this would get him even

more hyped up." Oh dear. Maybe, maybe 'My Big Shouting Day', that could be interesting.

"We have now changed that to singing lullabies which gets him calmer. So as a solution we

put a baby gate on his door". — Which is a great idea — "He now puts himself

to bed and goes to sleep almost straight away again. He doesn't seem to mind the gate,

and only occasionally yells out for us, usually when he needs a nappy change. But as we move

closer to toilet training, an issue for another time, not showing any signs of being ready,

I know the baby gate is going to have to go. How do I keep him in bed? How do I stop the

getting in and out of bed being played as a game? I don't know if sitting beside his

bed would help, as he would just get off the bed and run past me down the passage". — Mmhmm.

You're totally right Peta. — "Like most toddlers, he's fast and strong". — Yep.

I can picture it. Ninja. — "Once asleep we have never had any problems with him getting

out of bed. It's just that initial going to bed in the evenings, even worse for naps".

— Yep because he's had all day and he's been running around and he's just got energy.

— "Again, love your work and hope you can help. I'll be eagerly watching your

next Facebook Live". So Peta, I meet lots of these kids doing this sort of thing. Now,

when my sister Lesley moved her baby, well toddler Freya from a bed to, sorry a cot to

a bed, for a toddler bed, Freya was a great sleeper until that point. And Freya jumped

out 50 times each night, and Lesley had to keep returning her. And Lesley was just exhausted,

so I feel your exhaustion. I know what it's like, it does become like a game. So we need

to stop the game because otherwise then he gets his second wind, his his adrenaline and

cortisol starts to rise, and it really is out of control, I totally understand. So my

sister and love my sister dearly, but she comes out with some classic lines, as probably

I do and all my family does. And Lesley would say to be "Karen, so Freya's getting out

of bed 50 times. Why's she doing this Karen? Why, why is Freya getting out of bed 50 times?"

And I'd say, I'd answer I'd go "Lesley, because she's 2, and she can." And she'd

go "No no, no no Karen. Why? Why is she doing this Karen? Why is Freya jumping out

of the bed 50 times?". And then I'd answer back again the broken record "Because Lesley,

she's 2, and she can." So, remember me saying before that kids have impulse control

issues until the age of at least 3, maybe even 4, maybe even 5. I have occasional impulse

issues as an adult, so I have a weakness for certain things. I'm not going to out myself

as to what they are. But sometimes my willpower ain't that great. So, I have to work on

it constantly. So toddlers have got a bigger issue because it isn't something that can

be achieved. And, you might have read about the whole brain approach to how kids learn

stuff, and how their brain is structured etc. And I'm a big believer that brain is really

immature for many many many many years, and it's just something that comes in stages

and in time. And we know that boys develop later than girls. And we know that even some

teenage boys don't have that maturity until they get to their early 20s. Some never get

it till their 30s or their 40s, and then they get the midlife crisis. So men really struggle

with a lot of a lot of impulse control issues stuff. Now, sleep training really helps with

impulse control. It really helps with emotional self regulation and physical self regulation.

So it's how you calm yourself down. It's how you cope with the ups and downs of life.

So being able to put yourself to sleep and re-settle is a really big part of this Peta.

So it looks like your little boy can do. So it looks like that isn't what the issue

is. So it's just that he's got, he's a little bit impulsive. So, I'm going to

suggest to you what what I suggested to my sister which was to do this method that is

about giving yourself to him. So it's about about, you are going to actually go and sit

in there if he keeps on jumping out okay? But I would manage this while you've still

got the gate their. Because the gate is like, it it's, it helps, it's a delay thing.

It just stops him from rushing straight out to your room. So I think gates can be really

usefully. And they're not negative. It's not like closing a door on a child. It is

just a safety device. Because we don't want him rushing in the kitchen or the bathroom

or the laundry or anything in the middle of the night. And like I say, kids are very very

impulsive. And I'm not really a fan of locking kids in their room or closing doors on kids

at all. Okay, so that's just my personal thing. As I child, I never liked the door

being closed or being shut. I just think it's just negative and a little bit of a barrier,

so I love the gates. Gates are good because they're safe, and they just create that

little bit of a barrier. So, if he keeps on jumping out and he's really struggling to

manage this, you can get a chair and sit by the side of his bed just to help him get off

to sleep. Now within 24 hours you'd have a very different child there Peta, and it

would really calm things down. So night 1 it's not calm. Night 1 is drama. The other

week I had a little girl running out of her room, down the corridor, and jumped into her

mum's bed, and thought I wasn't going to chase after her. I looked and I thought

"oh have I got the energy?", and I thought "Yeah yeah, come on Karen you've got to".

And so I took control that night. I actually had to pull the little ankles and get her

off the bed. Because then she realised that I actually did mean business then I was going

to put her back to her bed. She'd been in the bed with her mummy for a very long time.

But these kids, they just run like lightening. It is amazing. So, I've got to make sure

that I have my flat shoes on or no shoes on when I'm doing my visits, and very practical

clothes. So, because it does get slightly physical when you've got an older child.

But this about being kind, and this is about about doing things in a very kind way. So,

I would, if if say you remove your gate and you're really struggling with him jumping

out of bed all the time and running out, always return him to his bed straight away. Get him

to get into bed himself, so shoo him back into bed. Don't pick him up and put him

into bed Peta. Get him to put himself into bed. Say "Leo, I'd like you to get yourself

into bed now, come on, hurry up, chop chop". And ask him to put the covers back on himself,

to get hold of the doona and put it back on himself. Okay. If you're giving him water

in the night, put water on the little bedside table. But don't keep on going and replenishing

the water because again that can cause a sleep problem. So anything that you'd do that

he can't do himself, or is not doing himself, becomes a sleep problem. So he needs to do

all these things himself. And again it's this, we need to help him learn how to do

this. So making sure that he's really warm at nighttime, that is really really crucial.

But teaching him how to do this in stages. So, week 1 you can either sit on the bed or

sit on the chair, and you play dead. You do not talk to him, you don't look at him,

you don't pat him, you don't stroke him. You're literally sat there and you are asleep,

your eyes are closed. When he he talks to you, he pokes up your nose, and in your eyes,

pulls your hair, because they do, you ignore ignore ignore. You are so sleepy. And you

can actually say that "Oh I'm so sleepy!". But don't direct him what to do okay? Because

when we direct them and we put put them into bed, we're sort of forcing them. And I don't

think you're that sort of mummy Peta, you look like you're a really kind mummy. But

ask him to get into bed "Chop chop, come on come on Leo, into bed smartish". Because

at night time it is not lovely kind I've got lots of time mummy, it's mummy I am

tired, I need you to get to sleep Leo, okay? The gate on his door or your room, you could

even put a gate on on your room, that's like a delay tactic as well. Sometimes I use

a gate on the parent's room as well as the child's room, or vice versa. And over each

week, by the by by 6 weeks, she should be by the door. And that's how I would manage

that Peta so the toilet training, I'd sort out the sleep first. And you just keep on

doing this each night until you're out out of that room. And it takes at least 4 to 6

weeks till you're in the doorway. And if he ever regresses in the future with potty

training or whatever, just go back to sitting by the bed again, and each week gradually

move yourself out each week. Do it as a really slow thing. Okay. Do it too quickly, it won't

work. My sister didn't listen to my instructions, she did this method over 6 nights. So she

emails me "Dear Sis, dear sis. Can I just tell you your methods don't work. I'm

out of the room, it's night 6. Love Lesley, kisses." So I replied back to sister, "Dear

Sis. Which bit of 6 weeks weeks weeks did you not hear me say? Love Karen. Kisses".

So that proves if you do it too quickly, it doesn't work. Okay and these kids just need

a bit of de-escalating. But it is an incredibly normal thing Peta. So, I hope that's helped

you. But you have to take control, you have to help him to help himself, okay. But it's

a really really normal game. But once you start running after them — "Starting with

the gate still in place?" — Yes I would do absolutely. But once it, once it becomes

a game, it is a game. It's exciting. So this is going to take all the fun out of this.

Okay. Because he knows that you are not going to be running after him, you're not. There's

no game in place. And all he wants really is you. All boys want is their, you know,

and children want is usually their mummy or their dad or their parents. So, giving your

self to them actually sorts this out. So most parents go "But I don't want to sit in

there". But if we actually give ourselves to them, and particularly a boy at this age,

they often do have issues with emotions and separation anxiety, it'll actually calm

everything down. It'll de-escalate everything. Night 1, it'll be a drama. There'll be

2 hours, 1 hour Oscar performance. If he gets out of bed and starts running around his room,

starts playing with toys, remove them calmly, put them in the corridor, don't say a thing.

If he you know, is misbehaving, then you can move your chair to the middle of the room

and say "Until you're sat in the bed and lying down Leo and your eyes are closed, mummy

is not going to sit by the bed and hold your hand. When you lie in the bed, and close your

eyes, mummy will then move back and hold your hand". And that's what we did with this

little girl the other night, we moved backwards, then we moved back. She didn't like it when

we moved to the middle of the room, because we had taken control, the goalposts had moved,

okay. So they're things just to be aware of. But if you find that books are not his

thing, then because it hypes him up, then do the books in the day. Yep, so I hope that's

helped Peta, so, look forward to hearing how you go. Expect a lot of drama on night 1,

often by night 4 or 5 toddlers can escalate so don't worry if it gets worse before it

gets better, and usually within a month, 1 to 2 months, he should be sorted. Now, some

kids will take a couple of weeks to come good, but some will take longer. So I'm a big

believer in don't over promise and under deliver. The hardest kids I've taken have

taken 1 to 2 months to come good to become perfect. But you should start to see some

improvement within a week to 10 days. Okay. If you're doing sleep work and you haven't

seen any improvement within that week to 10 days, and certainly by 2 weeks, then there

could be some organic cause of that sleep issue. So it could be a sleep apnea, it could

be tonsils and adenoids, it could be, you know an ear thing and grommets needed because

they've got fluid on the ear. It could be a food allergy, it could be a reflux, there's

lots and lots of medical things. And I've got a blog about medical issues and sleep,

but most things are behavioural, and most sleep issues respond to this technique really

really well. So, there you go. Good luck Peta, waving the wand for Country Victoria! So,

hope all goes really really well for you and the prize will be coming to you very shortly

of those books. Exciting! [34:34] So next I'm onto Carmel and Audrey, and Audrey is

6 months. "Hi Karen. Question. Audrey's now 6 months old. She was on a relatively

consistent routine which is napping, 2 to 2 and a half hour between naps, taking 35

to 45 minute short sleeps, and one longer one, usually lunchtime. She's recently decided

to only do 45 minute naps. She still seems to need 1 longer one as she will wake up a

little grumpy from one, and won't re-settle herself or be re-settled". — So what I

would suggest, right, sorry, no, there's more, more to the question than that. Sorry.

Don't jump in Karen. Listen to the rest of the question. — "She self settles 90%

of the time really easily, so I don't think keeping her awake longer is an option. She

will give me eye rubbing, yawning and grizzle as tired signs, and then will still do 90

minutes to 2 hours here and there as well. Is this a sign I should be re-thinking her

naps? I don't think she's really ready to drop 1 just yet though. She sleeps generally

from 7pm till 7am at night without any wake ups". — Yay for Audrey! I went to help

Audrey when she was very very little, so just a few weeks old with her sleep, and yep, did

amazing so awesome work Carmel. — "I've been persevering with solids for 6 weeks now,

offering Annabel Karmel recipes, she takes only a little bit and seems very disinterested

in everything. Tried a couple of finger foods too, although I'm slightly uncomfortable

doing this, and she's even less interested in those of feeding herself. Not sure if there's

any correlation between the 2 issues and wondering if you have any ideas on if I need to change

anything. Many thanks in advance for your help, Carmel". It's a pleasure Carmel.

So, these are really common problems with around 6 month old babies. And I come across

lots of babies who are needing 3 naps so this 2 nap, 3 nap thing, it is a little bit of

a transition thing your 6 to 7 months of age. And I'm happy with you know, 45 minutes

to an hour, I think that's a reasonable sleep. But if she's taking 35 minutes or

less, that's not great. But she is to have at least 1 long sleep a day. Now I'd be

a bit worried about her having really short sleeps, 3 short sleeps, because when you have

3 short sleeps, you're not getting on top of cortisol, that stress hormone. So having

a long sleep, particularly in the afternoon, that's the one that helps you get to bedtime

not stressed. So it mops up that cortisol. And having a long sleep, it helps with appetite

as well, it helps with her eating. Because if she's had a little little sleep, it's

like, you end up snack eating and just not having an appetite. So I'm happy with the

long nights sleep, that's really good. Now, I'm thinking that she needs to be up a little

bit longer. I know you're not really sure about this Carmel, but that is what I'm

thinking. I'd like to just stretch her sleep out a little bit, her up time, that she should

be having about 3 hours of up time now. So, I'm happy with 2 and a half hours, that's

okay, but I'd like to get to 3 hours if we can do. And the way we get there is through

food. So, we need to look at this food thing and why she's only you know, why she's

not eating all that well. I'm thinking has she got a really sweet tooth? So I went to

help this little baby in Bowral and mum was trying some new foods with her, and new foods

was not really working out all that well. But, if we gave her blueberries first then

she would eat the new foods. So it was really really fascinating. So, imagine yourself,

you're really really hungry, and somebody puts some new stuff down or some finger foods

and you look and you go "Hmm, new stuff. I don't know whether I'll like that".

And then you go "Mmm, I've not really got the skills to be able to pick this this

stuff up. What is this this stuff?". And you're absolutely starving, you know, and

these babies at 6 months of age are really hungry. They get really low blood sugar really

really easily, particularly breakfast, lunch, dinner, you know you can do a couple of snacks

in the day as well to help her. But these these babies I would give them what they like,

and then give 1 new food each week. So, it takes about 2 weeks to get onto the finger

food little little bandwagon. So I'd start with looking at sweet things, because most

babies have got a really sweet tooth. Okay, and we're not going to really encourage

the sweet tooth, but we're working around the problem. Because once we go "I'm going

to give you broccoli and pumpkin and that's it", then Audrey will go "Uh-uh, I'm

not playing ball with this, I'm not going to do this!". And babies don't have the

ability to put the white flag up or to tell us what what it is that they want. They just

go into refusing mode, digging heels, and it gets really really messy then. So, I'd

look at you know you might even want to do desert first. I'm somebody that after a

nightshift, I'm notorious for going across to my cafe and having desert before I have

my savoury. So, some babies are just like Karen and they have a really sweet. But we

shouldn't really be, you know, over-encouraging that sweet tooth, but with healthy, healthy

sweet options. So, we can look, yes, I know Steve. I know what you're saying. I've

outed myself, Karen likes a little bit of cake now and again. But I do eat a healthy

diet as well I'd like to add. So, I'd be looking at things like pear and you could

even give pear followed by a savoury. You could even put pear in with the savoury. So

it's like when you have sweet and sour pork and or you have you know, those sort of like

sweet things and savoury things okay? I want you to mix things together because I think

that could be the solution. But you want to give a some dessert, some really sweet stuff

first before you move onto savoury. So not all of us like savoury for breakfast, some

of us like sweet. So look at the sweet, look look at something like pancakes and you can

spread them with a Nutella or a Nutella healthy equivalent of Mayvers who do a organic peanut

butter and cacao mixture that you can spread on there. And that can be a great solution.

Cut them into little pieces to start with and make bigger and bigger and bigger pieces

of pancake. You could even have them made up, and then you're ready to go in the morning,

because if you're waiting too long for breakfast, they just lose the plot. So finger foods really

really important. But I'd do the spoon as well Carmel. So I think it's food that's

behind this. But we need to look at calorie dense. So calorie dense really helps kids

space their naps out. And 80% of that, I can hear a cat, sorry! I've got a very cat,

cute cat called Ziggy. And let me introduce you to Ziggy, sorry. This is Ziggy, Ziggy

would like to be on Facebook Live today. He says hello to the people out there. He's

a little boy whose just 1 year old, and yes I named him after Ziggy Stardust. So, say

hello to the people Ziggy. He liked a bit of lap time. Alright, bye Ziggy! Back to question.

He's way too cute. Yeah, I know. That was shameless of me, I know. Slightly obsessed

by cats girl, as well as babies. So, I would like at this at this calorie dense stuff because

80% of your brain is grown by the age of 2. So, your brain needs fat because your brains,

you know, your brains made of fat. It needs a really high fat diet. So we need to look

at how we give more calories rather than volume. So volume should be about a cup to a cup and

half between 6, 7 months of age and a year of age. But we need to look at how we give

more calories. So, fat has double the amount of calories of carbohydrate. So for example

if you put some avocado on on on toast, if you put this organic cacao and peanut butter

onto pikelets or pancakes, if you made scrambled eggs and you put full cream in there as well,

thickened cream. So Bill Granger does this great scrambled egg recipe, and it makes the

scrambled eggs really firm, so they're not sloppy, so they're easier to be pick up.

And babies have a grasp reflex between 6 and 8 months. So we need to look at things that

they can grasp. Okay. The pincer comes later at about 8 months of age. So we need to look

at quite big bits of food as well. I'd be giving a whole banana, I'd be looking at

Cruskits that are spread with things like avocado and peanut butter. And I'd be spreading

these things on 3 times as thickly as what you would for yourself. So not talking about,

you know, keeping calories down, we're talking about keeping calories up. And kids will lick

this stuff off crackers and off Cruskits, so we need to lather the stuff on. The Philadelphia

cream cheese, the peanut butter, the humous, the tahini, everything that's really high

in fat, we need to just give plenty of it alright. You can't fir the arteries up,

you can't cause heart disease. So I hope that's given you some ideas there Carmel.

But we need to look and think how can we give really high fat stuff? Okay. Now maybe I need

to write a blog about this as well Carmel, so you've just given me an idea. I do have

a list of all these things that I give out to people on on home consults. So I'm going

to just put that into a little blog and I'll send the link Carmel when I've done it.

So I hope that's helped. But I'd be looking at doing a bit of re-settling with this nap,

but I'd be looking at the food because I think your food is your key to this. I don't

think it's the nap that's the problem because you're self-settling. I think it's

a food issue, and I think you're totally right. Just need to find Audrey's thing.

And you know, I think stretching those naps out a little bit, getting a little more up

time, but looking at what Audrey likes. I know everybody's obsessed, sorry not obsessed,

freaked out by food and choking. So the gag is noisy, the choke is silent. I think every

mum worries about about the food stuff, and I think it's massive, and the gag is actually

protective okay? So, it's so they don't choke. And it's about giving them some freedom.

Now I've got heaps of YouTube videos. My youngest baby eating chicken drumsticks and

lamb cutlets, he's 6 months old. And I think it's important that we allow babies to explore

and find their thing, okay? But if we allow that to happen, we have a better relationship

with them, and they'll have a better relationship with food. So, try and just keep yourself

cool and calm and collected although you might not be inside, and try not to panic if you

get a gag reflex. Just try and let it go, okay, it's all part of learning. Okay so,

let's look at the next question. So, I've got a question for Sophie. [44:50] And she

says "Hi Karen. So Harris is sleeping better, but Artemis my daughter 2 and a half years

old has recently had a 6 day fever that ended in a trip to emergency." — I'm just

going to have to pick Ziggy up and put him on my knee because he's doing a little bit

of miaowing. He's obviously missed me. Oh! Right, okay, I know. — "And she's recently

been feeling better on antibiotics including a dose in the middle of the night, but she's

now got into the pattern of waking several times a night for mummy daddy cuddles. She'll

hop back into bed quickly and without fuss after a 30 second cuddle. But she's just

calling for them too frequently throughout the night. How do we return to a good nights

sleep after sickness? Should we give it time? Should we wait until her course of antibiotics

has finished? She was a very sick girl, it was heartbreaking". — And I, Yeah I know

Carmel, here comes Ziggy, I know. He, he couldn't he couldn't help it, he liked to video bomb

rather than photobomb. So, slightly attention seeking some of my cats. So, so back to this

serious question of Artemis. It's really horrible when kids are really sick and I really

feel for you, it must have been very very stressful. And to be in hospital for so long

as well. Okay. I know Zig Zig, do you want to get down? Where do you want to be? You

going? No you're staying here right come and sit on my knee, right there we go. So,

I think if she's feeding better like you said that she was, she's eating her solids

better and you know, her temperature's come down, I think it's okay to start doing a

little bit of gentle sleep work with her. Be guarded by her, by Artemis. So, once kids

appetites are better, then it's a sign that they really are coming good and they need

to eat better to be able to sleep. So all this as you know is really connected together.

So she comes in for the wanting mummy daddy cuddles. So, I'd try and avoid too much

cuddles, because when you do cuddles it just reinforces the waking, okay, and that creates

can create, sorry cat on lap, right, right cat's gone thank goodness, right. Now, it

creates this, this waking thing. So, it really imprints that behaviour. So, try try and avoid

doing too much cuddles. Try and just get her back to bed quickly and go "Come on Artemis",

you know "Chop chop, get back into bed. And when you're back into bed I'll do

a little cuddle". So then you're rewarding the behaviour of getting back into bed, rather

than doing the cuddle in your room. Because I think when you do the cuddle in your room,

that's going to make her keep waking up more and come into your room. We want to avoid

that from happening. So again like I've said to Peta previously, you can use the the

gate on your room if you don't want to put one on her room. But get her back in into

bed quickly and just say "When you're back in bed Artemis, then I'm going to give

you a cuddle". So it's 'when' and 'then'. They're really 2 really important

words. And I use that a lot with toddlers. Because if you use 'if' and 'then'

that's like bribery. "When you're back in bed, then I will give you a cuddle".

So she knows exactly what needs to happen. Okay. Without communication with toddlers,

it's really important that we're really playing with what we're saying. But even

a cuddle in your bedroom and even getting her into your bed temporarily for a little

cuddle, can really imprint that waking up and coming into your room. So that's one

thing that I would look at. But I'd be looking at her food and increasing those calories

as well. So, giving her as much food as possible. Giving her things that she likes to start

with until you get her back onto food again. It might be things like you know, putting

putting cream into rice pudding desert, it might be things like banana splits with ice

cream, it might be things that you might not consider to be totally healthy. But, it's

about giving those calories to help her sleep. And when you've been ill, you lose a lot

of weight. So I think a bit of short term, a few little treats, special treats while

she gets better, you can always wean her off it later. It takes a week to 10 days to change

a behaviour, so just do it gradually. Everything we do with children we should do gradually

and it tends to work so much better. And, that's what I would do there so, I think

it's fine to start this before the antibiotics has finished. I think doing a little bit,

like I said, gentle work now will really help you long term. Because the longer we do something

different, this has been you know, she had a 6 day fever, and between a week 10 days,

we've not got much longer before this new behaviour's imprinted. So we've just got

to be really really careful about that. Okay so hopefully that helps Sophie. "She's

in a cot and just calls out for cuddles". That's fine you can cuddle her through the

bars, you can say "When you're lying down, you know, mummy will give you a little cuddle

through through the cot bars", okay, or give her a cuddle in the cot. But try and

just if, you know, sit by the cot, just put your hand in, and you can replace a cuddle

with that. And that will do least harm and least problems with sleep. So I'd try and

avoid cuddles really because cuddles eventually will cause a problem. And while they're

lovely, and we love our children and cuddles are really important, in the middle of the

night you don't want to cause a sleep problem by doing lots of cuddles. So I would try and

say "Lie down Artemis, sleepy time, mummy's just going to put my hand here, you can hold

mummy's hand". That will cause least harm than a cuddle. Okay. And certainly try and

avoid taking her out the cot because that's going to cause the biggest problem. So hopefully

that's helped Sophie, so waving the wand and I hope Artemis is, is much better soon.

She's such a little cutie. Very brave little girl. And tell her Karen's bringing some

little sleep dust to put in her cot and to make her better. [50:13] So next I'm onto

Bianca Gualtieri. So "Hi Karen. I'm just wondering if you can suggest how much a 10

month old should be eating at lunch and dinner. Also any meal suggestions that are 1/3 low

GI 1/3 protein. Thanks a lot". So, 10 month old Bianca, I would be looking at about a

cup to a cup and a half or even 2 cups of food at each meal. Okay. And they can eat

more than 1 adult male can eat. So I'd be looking at the equivalent of 2 to 3 Weetabix

at each meal, but also the calorie dense thing that I talked about about increasing the fat

because fat's got double the calories of carbohydrates. So, I'd be looking at things

like chicken, I'm a big fan of chicken, particularly bed or turkey at bedtime, because

that's got high tryptophan, and you know me I'm obsessed with my tryptophan, my favourite

word. And I'd be looking at giving something like low GI. I'd be looking at pumpkin or

sweet potato. You can do wedges and you can do chicken drumsticks, so that would would

give would tick all those boxes Bianca. You can do things like pasta spirals and particular

if you do them as wholemeal because again more high in tryptophan and — Hi Bianca

— And I'd be looking at, you could even coat them like Italian Nonna's do, and I

guess you're Italian with your last name in melted butter with parmesan, yay! What's

better than that? It's yum! Divine! So I learn a lot from all the different families

and cultures that I go to. But we want really high fat stuff. We're looking at things

like, you now, if you made lasagne, if you made moussaka. So, we could do a moussaka

and we could do something with, you know obviously it's going to have the eggplant in there.

We could put some low GI pureed cups, yeah you could still do purees still, but I'd

be looking more at finger foods. So, finger foods much better at 10 months of age, and

we want to get them eating, feeding themselves. But not all babies can feed themselves sufficiently

so we might want to do a bit of win win. So we're looking at things, something like,

I've got an Annabel Karmel recipe for for chicken, sweet potato or pumpkin, and dried

apricots with onion and chicken stock. It's on my blog. Really great recipe, takes 20

minutes to cook, really easy, freezes, yum yum yum. Something else that's really good,

I've got a great recipe for creamed lentils on there. You could serve that again with

some diced chicken in there as well, you could blend that up as well. So, the recipes is

on there for ocean trout or salmon with creamed lentils. You could also put chicken in there

instead, and blend it up, and then that way you can use it for the whole family as well.

So, lots of options there. So they're things I would be looking at Bianca. And other things

for low GI, I'd be be looking at even even things like sandwiches, looking at things

like jaffles, you know the sandwich press, because again that's finger food that you

can pick up really easy now. So they're just a few things I'd look at. So I hope

that's helped you Bianca. So, all good. And maybe I should write a blog about that

as well. Karen's got some work to do. Busy busy busy! So, what else have we got come

through? Okay from last weeks Facebook Live, oh Tahren answered last week Julie, so Tahren

had the answer to, I actually went to see her personally, Tahren got a personal visit

from Karen. She went to Bowral to see Tahren after she'd been to see the other little

little family over in Moss Vale, so I had a face to face with Tahren, and we had a lovely

little visit, so I enjoyed my cup of tea and she gave me some lovely rhubarb, so I'm

going to make some lovely organic rhubarb crumble. So I'm a bit of a sucker for rhubarb,

so thank you Tahren, and it was really lovely to see you and Jasper. And Jasper is just

gorgeous. So I'd sleep trained him about 2 or 3 months ago, and do you know what he

did, he came straight for me and gave me the biggest hug. And I sleep trained him. So,

that's a sign that sleep training has been done in a respectful way, in a very kind way,

and he does good hugs does Jasper. It was really really beautiful and yeah, really cute

boy. And he's gorgeous, really really gorgeous, and Tahren's lovely, lovely lovely, I had

a lovely little morning there. So, Tahren knows exactly what to do with the with the

cold and stuff. Lauren, hi, hello Lauren. I'm very spoilt. Just gorgeous, he's does,

he does good cuddles does Tahren, he does the best cuddles, so that was really lovely

was that. He just put his arms out for me and and gave me the biggest hug you know,

I don't ask for cuddles. They just, they just get given to me. I think I'm so lucky.

So, Lauren. [54:42] "Hi Karen. I'm back at work now and Hugo had his first full day

of daycare today and didn't sleep all day, 7 till 5pm. They said they put him in the

cot room in his sleeping bag etc and became very distressed, and tried to fall asleep

numerous times but other screaming babies woke him every time. They tried taking him

out and patting him." — Oh my God — "I told them not to. No patting as he hates it".

And as you know, I'm a big fan of the keep the hands off the baby, no patting #nopat

#nopatmovement. So, the amount of patting that goes on and as everybody knows and you

know as well, it drives me mad Lauren. So, we need to be educating daycares that patting

is not the way to go. It is the big undoing of sleep and causes massive sleep issues.

So I can understand why you're upset, I'd be upset too, particularly after all the hard

work you've done. "Thankfully Hugo is such a happy chilled bub". — It is. — "And

even when I put him to bed he was okay but very exhausted, and fell asleep as soon as

I put him down. I just feel terrible that he can't have his 2 sleeps he really needs

that he has at home. Thanks again Karen, and I'll watch the video tomorrow night".

And I can understand this Lauren. It is really frustrating. So I'd look at the daycare.

And I'd look at what he's eating at daycare. I'd look at the room environment. I'd

look at you know how dark that room is, how many other children are in there. I went into

a daycare last week as most of you know from last week, and it was just divine it was a

utopia. But I have to say that most daycares are not utopia when it comes to sleep because

some children are not sleep trained, some don't sleep very well, some babies are obviously

a little bit stressed in daycare. Sounds like Hugo is not a stressed boy and he's been

sleep trained and I did a phone consult with Lauren, so I know that Hugo has been amazingly

sleep trained and sleeps extremely well. I think eventually he will do it Lauren, but

tell them not to pat. So tell them if he if by you know half an hour he's not gone to

sleep, then to get him up, give him something else to eat, and then just try again. Are

they giving him the feed directly before his sleep? What exactly are they giving him? So

I'm looking at those foods high in tryptophan again, but I'd do the milk feed and then

pop him down because that sort of thing's going to help him with his sleep. But I'd

look at getting those other kids down first or either getting him down first, and then

getting the other ones down. Maybe they need to just work on staging when kids are going

to sleep. That either they put the best ones down first, and then sort the new ones that

don't sleep very well or the ones that don't sleep very well full stop down next. But I'd

be, you know, I'd be asking daycare a few little questions there. But I guess it's

something new so it takes a week to 10 days to change a behaviour like I said before so

he's going to take a little while for Hugo to get used to this daycare. But I would look

at how they're doing this. Because sometimes you know, logic can go out of the window,

sometimes they don't think of the most logical things. So, I'd be looking at a staged approach,

and just say that Karen doesn't like patting and you don't want to incur the wrath of

Karen. So, if you want to talk to me, I'm more than happy to talk to them about sleep.

I do help with daycares and sleep quite a lot. I don't charge for it, and particularly

know, when I've seen you at home, I've done a phone consult with you Lauren, it's

all part of my service and helping you. Because sleep doesn't just stop by me doing the

phone consult or you know, and I think it's really important that we look at things holistically,

and look at helping these kids in different sleep environments. So, I think that is enough

for today peoples, so I hope that's helped you Lauren, and waving the wand for daycare,

and you know, tell them to call me if you know, or you know, we can chat together as

well and problem solve this Lauren, and see what we can work out love. So I hope you all

have a fabulous week, I just wanted to remind you about the 'Hello Night Kids' competition

that we're doing on Facebook Live today, on Nurture Parenting. So you need to like

this video. You need to like 'Hello Night Kids' on Facebook, and then you'll be

entered into the draw to win $100AUD gift voucher, how awesome is that? So I think that's

pretty cool. And 'Hello Night Kids' are amazing. I think Tu has created an absolutely

incredible product. And I think, I think it'll be you know, the lucky person that's going

to win that. And you also get to have a 10% off voucher, 10% off coupon if you buy through

Nurture Parenting's code which is the K1SLEEP, and you enter that at their checkout, and

in the future 'Hello Night Kids' sleepwear will be on our website on our online shop.

And I'm so excited about that. And, I wish Tu all the best with this. It's really nice

to see this come to fruition after all the hard work that she's put it, and it's

going to really make a massive difference to children, toddlers, and their sleep. And

it's going to really help them learn to sleep through the night, particularly for

those cool months. So, have a lovely week and bye from Karen, and I will see you all

next week! Bye!

For more infomation >> Facebook Live Baby & Toddler Q&A #14 + Win $100 voucher to Hello Night kids ... - Duration: 1:00:02.


How to Get Rid of a Headache With Natural Remedies - Duration: 1:37.

Use natural remedies with caution. There are a number of natural remedies that might work to treat your headache. As with any natural remedy, always know the side effects and allergy potential of the remedy, as well any times you should not use the remedy (such as while pregnant, if you're already sick, etc.) Be aware that natural remedies are often not backed with scientific research or approved by the FDA or other licensing agencies.

Try herbal remedies. Look for standardized herbal supplements that contain a specified amount of the active ingredient in every dose. There are several herbal remedies that are considered to have value for getting rid of headaches.Note, however, that the scientific support for or extensive studies on the effectiveness of many of these supplements varies. As with any treatment, use with caution, and stop using them immediately if you experience unpleasant side-effects

Use aromatherapy. Aromatherapy preparations vary considerably, but some of the more commonly used essential oils for headache treatment include lavender, sweet marjoram, and chamomile. Use for neck massaging, in a bath, or to inhale

Use food-based remedies. Lack of food can cause a headache, so make sure you've eaten something recently. Some foods and beverages may also trigger headaches (red wine, MSG, and chocolate are common culprits). Be mindful about what you eat, and don't eat foods that you notice routinely cause headaches. You may also be able to help treat headache pain by eating certain foods.

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of a Headache With Natural Remedies - Duration: 1:37.


Sister Tag w/ My Sister Alex - Duration: 5:12.


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ant eaters -yw i just saved your eyeballs-

okay who keeps a clean around me what is

something weird that you eat she eats

everything I see Doug his wife

how long do we think about

what is something you like

I mean

wall Mart

like a friend there's like we lack like

the mac Iowa I like you to get for any

more what is your best

he owes me

okay contrary

laughing you talked about how are we

gonna get back there now are you close

pretty one thing that that you can do

your sibling can dance my fucking hair

reveal many things before we in the

video like guys are probably wondering

when we said how did we get back in the

house while we were swimming in our


and we don't know what happened but we

just I look like go back in and then we

try to yeah we don't know we love


and then so we cried absolutely



recording and then I'll be like I don't

know if you have her info

i'm doing a sister hey I look nut

For more infomation >> Sister Tag w/ My Sister Alex - Duration: 5:12.


「Google マップ」で "パックマン"!?そして iPhone 版「Google」アプリがネコちゃんワンチャンに最適化(エイプリルフール) - Duration: 2:37.

"Pac-Man" in the "Google Maps"! ? The iPhone version optimized for the "Google" app cat Wan Chang (April Fools)

Hello everyone

This time, Google has released, it will be 2 Tsuogo introduce the April Fool's joke to play on April 1, 2017

Google has announced a variety of story on April Fool's Day every year on April 1

This time of 2017, to be able to play in the "Google Maps" "Pac-Man",

Such as iPhone (iOS) version of the search has been optimized for cat puppy available in the "Google" app "Looking Nyan" and "Looking for one" was announced,

Now available for a limited time

It is possible to play with "Google Maps" "Pac-Man", if touch the "Pac-Man" icon is displayed to launch the "Google Maps" app,

You can play immediately on the map as a field

This "Google map" of "Pac-Man" is the Android version of the app and the iPhone version of the app there is a slight difference,

Android version of the app while it is possible to play a city that has been designated in advance as a field,

iPhone version of the app is now to be able to play your favorite map as a feel

That means that they can be more of the iPhone version of the app play in the field full of originality

iPhone version of the search has been optimized for the new on-board cat Wan Chan to "Google" app "Looking Nyan" and "Looking for one" is,

Since the menu is displayed by touching the "Google" app icon that is displayed in the drawer in the 3D Touch,

For the cat "Looking Nyan", touch each of the "one-looking" for one-Chang,

It will be displayed image, such as a commodity that has been in each of the pet by touching the meat balls icon that is already displayed

By get actually touch with meat balls of cat and puppy to try, it might be an image is displayed, such as rejoice

Google's April Fool's Day joke earlier, announced the game function to find the "Pokemon", there is an additional circumstances in which it is actually the game as "Pokemon Go"

It might also reborn as an actual product or service just maybe this time of the April Fool's Day jokes

Let's wait without hope

Above, Google has released, it was April Fool's Day story two introduce to play on April 1, 2017

For more infomation >> 「Google マップ」で "パックマン"!?そして iPhone 版「Google」アプリがネコちゃんワンチャンに最適化(エイプリルフール) - Duration: 2:37.


African sunset - Spray paint ART by Skech - Duration: 11:58.

Welcome to Skech's SPRAY PAINTING , Crafting and DIY Art.

For more infomation >> African sunset - Spray paint ART by Skech - Duration: 11:58.


Xiaomi Mi 5C Review - Duration: 18:12.

Hey guys this is Richard.

As you might have noticed, Xiaomi has released the Xiaomi Mi 5C, joining the family of the

Xiaomi Mi 5.

This phone is a little different though.

Instead of using the chipset from popular manufacturers, they are using the Xiaomi surge

S1, their first in house chipset.

The Mi 5C looks different from its counterparts.

It's nice that they are trying make the 5C have a refreshing design.

But I'm not entirely fond of the plastic strips at the back of the phone.

The back is made metal and has rounded sides, it feels quite good on the hands.

On the other hand it feels very slippery and I recommend a case along with it.

The front display has a 2.5D glass edge but I don't see any news about the type of glass

it's made of.

There is a piece of plastic in between the display and the metal body.

There are 2 antenna bands each on the top and bottom, but I prefer the design of the

previous Mi 5.

The form factor is small with the 5.15 inch display, using it one handed shouldn't be

a problem for most people.

Power and volume buttons can be easily located and have a nice tactile feedback.

A single speaker grill sits at the right of the Type C USB port.

It's small and has some loudness at maximum volume.

Holding the phone in landscape mode will definitely cover up the speaker.

In the Audio settings, there is an Equalizer option and you can also assign buttons for

compatible earphones.

The home button also acts as a fingerprint sensor, it's raised up and easy to feel with

the fingers.

The top right is where the LED light is and you can do simple customizations with preset


The camera module is placed behind the plastic strips and it's great that it's not protruding.

But what I am worried is that overtime the plastic strip will get scratches easily and

it's going to block out the lens.

I wonder about this design choice and hope that the strip will be resistant enough.

The Xiaomi Mi 5C packs a 5.15 inch FHD resolution display and it's rather refreshing to be using

a smaller device after being used to bigger displays.

The black bezels are quite minimal as compared to other Xiaomi phones and it doesn't really

affect viewing experience.

Xiaomi knows about the unsightly black borders and is taking steps to reduce it in size.

Small display with FHD means higher PPI.

The contents on the screen is full of detail and very sharp.

It's using a LED backlit display and the colors are very vibrant and the display is bright

enough to be used in direct sunlight.

There is an option to adjust the contrast and colors to your liking.

Viewing angles are great with little loss of detail and the capacitive buttons are backlit.

Both the navigation buttons are labelled as a dot and you can choose either one as Back

or Menu button.

The unlock speed of the fingerprint sensor is really quick and almost instant, almost


But merely tapping of the home button does not unlock the device when the display is off.

You will need to press the home button to wake the device to trigger the sensor.

It's kind of funny that their mid range phones has this feature but their flagship range does not.

Hope Xiaomi will fix this in future.

There is a IR blaster on the Mi 5C where you can control your home devices with the

Mi Remote app.

It's missing on the Mi5S and it's nice they brought it back.

The Xiaomi Mi 5C only comes with 64GB of storage and 3GB of RAM.

Out of the box it has about 53GB of storage free and there is no support for micro SD card.

This phone also does not support USB OTG and it does not detect the Type C USB Thumbdrive

when I plug it in.

It comes with dual SIM support but it only supports China telecom TD-LTE.

Initially, inserting my SIM card does not detect any network.

But after searching the internet for some work-around, I found an online thread that shows

how to unlock the FDD-LTE bandwidth on the Mi 5C.

After following the steps, my SIM card can now be recognised.

The link will be in the description below.

Other specs of the Mi 5C are, 2860mAh battery with fast charge, Bluetooth 4.1, Wi-Fi 802.11

a/b/g/n/ac, FM Radio, 12MP back camera, 8MP front camera, GPS and all the common sensors

like proximity, compass and gyroscope.

The main feature of the Mi 5C is the new in house chipset by Xiaomi, the Pinecone or Surge S1.

The GPU used is the Mali-T860MP4.

Running benchmarks on 2 different battery profiles, Balanced and Performance, yield

quite a significant difference.

42626 on the Balanced setting and 57537 on the Performance.

There wasn't any noticeable differences in real life usage though.

Gaming on the Mi 5C seems like it's able to take on demanding games quite well.

Loading times was relatively quick, no stuttering or slowdowns that I noticed.

Playing Dead Effect 2 with default settings was good.

But when I set it to extreme settings, it wouldn't load at the start and the menu started

to lag a lot.

While in the game I managed to change the settings and the game fails to render the scene properly.

Well if you don't mind gaming at default settings, I guess it's still quite alright, but Xiaomi

has to check on this.

The phone does get quite hot when gaming for longer durations.

Everyday multitasking was good with the 3GB of RAM onboard.

No signs of slowdowns but apps do launch and load a little slow.

Phone calls sounded clear on both sides with reception bars hovering around 4-5 bars most

of the time.

The Xiaomi Mi 5C is running MIUI 8.1 on top of Android 6.0.

It's a China ROM so Google Apps need to be installed.

The Google Installer can be downloaded from the Xiaomi App store.

MIUI is heavily changed by Xiaomi and the whole look and feel of the UI is nearly identical

to the other Xiaomi phones.

One obvious change is the absence of an App drawer, but that can be fixed with a custom


In the Themes App, you can further customize the UI with themes, wallpapers and such.

In the Security app, several tools and functions are combined together like Optimization, Cleaner

to clear unwanted junk, Battery function like getting a heads up if the device temperature

gets too hot.

There is also virus scanning and Permissions to control individual app permissions.

The scanner apps has QR Code, Shopping mode where you can take a photo of an item and

it search through Taobao (a Chinese Website) and displays the products.

Translate where you place a word or phrase into the frame and it translates on the fly.

Study mode where it solves Math problems, Business card and Document scanner.

At the lock screen, swiping left or right opens your favorite chosen apps.

You can also open the camera quickly by pressing volume down twice.

To protect your Apps from being opened by others, use the App Lock and set a password

before allowing the app to be opened.

Other features include changing toggles position and layout

do not disturb mode

child mode

Quick Ball

customize buttons

one handed mode

and Reading mode to reduce background glare.

2 features that comes with MIUI that I like are the Second Space and Dual App.

Second Space creates a 2nd workspace where you can share documents, photos and apps between

each other.

It's like having 2 different devices in 1 phone.

Dual App is where it makes a copy of a compatible app where it functions independently from

each other.

The 2860mAh battery seems a little small with the fact that the Mi5S with the same screen

size manage to pack in a 3200mAh battery.

I wouldn't mind if the phone was a little thicker for space to add in a larger battery.

It still lasted the throughout the day with moderate use.

My daily usage are the common phone functions like calls, messaging, gaming, web surfing

and stuff like that.

Usually, I unplug the phone at 8am and plug it back by 9-10pm.

By then I would have around 15-25% battery left.

If I have plans in the night, I needed to charge the phone mid day to last till around


The supplied charger comes with 5V/2.5A, 9V/2A and 12V/1.5A rating and took around 1 hour 15 mins

to 1 hour 45 mins to charge from 0% - 100%.

There is the Power settings to see battery temperature, usage time, Apps that have been

using the battery and Battery Saver mode that monitor background processes.

The Xiaomi Mi 5C has a 16MP back camera and a 8MP front camera.

The stock camera app has functions like Beautify, Tilt-Shift, Panorama

and HHT (Hand Held Twilight) mode.

Tap on the triple circle icon to access the camera filters.

Daytime photos with good lightning retains sharpness but the colors doesn't seem that

vibrant to me.

It would be nicer if the colors look more saturated.

Night shots looked pretty good to me but some noise and blurriness can be seen.

There is a button that looks like a film icon which becomes colored when active.

It apparently enhances the colors in the photos.

This option wasn't there when I was using it, until a software update came.

Manual focusing speeds is very quick and keep the focused object look sharp.

But for continuous auto focus, it can sometimes fail to focus on the target object.

Macro shots can be done with a maximum distance of 10-15cm between camera and object.

HDR mode takes longer to process photos and makes the scene look generally brighter.

The HHT (Hand Held Twilight) mode is to improve night shots but comparing the photo between

this and normal mode, I honestly didn't see much difference.

In Manual mode, you can adjust settings like White Balance, Focus, Exposure Time and ISO.

There is no OIS on the Mi 5C so videos will definitely be shaky.

Previously it can only record up to 1080p but in the latest update, 4K video recording

support was added.

Front camera works well as a selfie camera and helps to remove blemishes on my face with

the beautify tool.

At SGD338, it's relatively cheaper as compared to the other Mi5 counterparts at launch.

Maybe because Xiaomi wanted to test the market with their new chipset.

It's able to take on most games on the market but definitely not on the highest settings.

Daily usage was good, UI and app loading works generally well.

Quite disappointed with the battery life, not surprising with the size of it.

The Mi 5C is like the budget version of the flagship series.

If I were to choose, I will get the Mi5 or Mi5S over this, which should be cheaper by now.

That's all for this video, I hope it was informative for you and if you do have any questions,

please leave a comment below.

Feel free to leave a like if you enjoyed it and subscribe to see more of such videos.

Let me know the things I can improve on as well

Thanks for watching and see you guys in the next one.

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