Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017

The Future Plans Of The Malevolent ET's

by Nikki Colombo,

What saddens me so much is our world is in such peril and so many don�t give a damn,

they just go about their unawakened little lives drinking their zero coke aspartame and

junk food, fighting their petty differences for these elites and the cabal, not bothering

to ask questions dumbing themselves down in consciousness with chemicals , while the Facebook

algorithms censor our posts full of vital knowledge.

A few years ago when I was admin for Feed Your Brain Magazine and the Australian affiliate

for The Enigma Channel located in southern France (France still provides easy access

to the ancient occult libraries ) we used to have 10 admins and were posting every 30


The thirst for sacred knowledge was so great we had to eventually use Publer to schedule

our posts!

Us Lightworkers, Indigos and Starseeds especially those with The Crystal/Krystal/Christ Code

� Yes You Know who you are!!!!!! have been working really hard on this for a really long

time and our gifts are being ignored.

Ignorance might be bliss for a while, but ultimately it leads to our own annihilation.

Our consciousness will have no container to dwell in if we choose to digress in consciousness.

If most of humanity knew what was really going on at the upper echelons they wouldn�t be

concerned with separation, racism, selfishness and �whats in it for me� mentality and

we would UNIFY as a race.

All of our bibles and religious books have been distorted as most of you know!



COVERTLY , so STOP LOOKING to the sky for spaceships thinking they are going to save

you or annihilate you.

They- the unawakened ET�s are ALREADY here and they have diabolical plans to enslave

us and exploit our planets resources, which they have already done in some parts of our


(Look around , just take a moment, have a bloody good look, and start asking questions)

Yes our universe and solar system is a mess down here and some of us have the power to

restore the balance but we cant do it with out ALL of us contributing in some way.

The Fourth Dimension

The events in the fourth-dimensional world directly affect manifestations within our

3d reality.

Here, the Secret Government has chosen to barter the organic resources of their planet

to intrusive ET factions within their galaxy.

Energy is being siphoned from their planet and their people, and is being directed into

other planetary systems.

This destructive agenda must be healed from above, within and below its frequency, that�s


A �puppet government� maintains the illusion of freedom for the people there which includes

hybrids , humans and ET�s.

Nuclear energy is also used in this fourth dimensional system, and the Draco�s are

planning to discard this waste through our stargates onto out beloved mother Gaia planet


Chemical elements are added to the water and food supply, the air is �drugged� with

ionic �enhancers�7 and inaudible sound and frequencies are being employed to manipulate

and control the biological and mental processes of the people.

The population has no idea these things are taking place �no idea that slowly their

bodies are being destroyed and cut off completely from their Soul.

They cannot receive telepathic communication and intuition like we do.

Their minds have been controlled through the use of electromagnetic interruption and they

think they are free but they have lost their own sovereignty.

Events in our present time directly affect conditions in that future time continuum,

and it is for this reason that the unenlightened Zeta currently desire to place our populations

under mind control.

Most of the manifestations within our system stem from this fourth- dimensional system.

They are attempting to infiltrate our system, and if successful, turn it into another version

of what they have created within that 4D reality.

Everything seems beautiful and harmonious the people seem to be blissed out , the illusion

of beauty is a perpetually maintained by a holographic insert, that the humans there

believe is reality.

If an individual somehow begins to sense that something is wrong and starts to wake up,

starts to question, becomes driven with such concerns the government is fast to assist

with �healing drugs� , if not successful in reprogramming his thoughts (and realigning

him with the propaganda program), the individual is sent away for �rehabilitation.� Family

and friends are allowed to visit.

However, the person they visit is also a hologram, as the human who entered so called �treatment�

has been destroyed.

Puts things into perspective doesn�t it?

We can now appreciate the freedoms we have here and stop whinging about our �prison

planet� . Gratitude is a light technology that recodes our DNA known as The Isaiah Effect

so appreciate everything you have despite your sorrows and circumstances .

Call On Your Ascension Guides

You can see mine here in my wedding photo inside my veil as I am singing, see the beak

above my middle finger and run your eye along to the right and you can see her eye, she

has human hands as well, she is known as an Aethien, part Human and part Mantis.

Usually whitish or golden in color and can stand up to twelve feet tall.

Aethien are not of the Zeta species but often work with them and assist humans in their

encounters with the Zeta.

They also work with those from other dimensional systems.

The Aethien are not organic to our three-dimensional frequency band, nor are they from parallel

or adjacent Earths.

Rather they originate from galaxies existing within the dimensions of adjacent Earths,

which places them in our inter dimensional/extraterrestrial category.

Aethien work with humans and other sentient life forms both in our dimension and in others,

and throughout the Time Portal Systems in those dimensions.

They represent a species superior to that of the Zeta, and come as emissaries of peace

and growth toward brotherhood for all species.

Note � you can see her eye and hand here as well.

Stand in your power and don�t be afraid, our galactic family are in their gazillions

and are waiting for your call which they can only do so as not to impose on The Universal

Law of Free Will, the reason many of us starseeds incarnated here ready to awaken when the time

is right.

That�s Right NOW!

Deep down we really do have a lot of love in our hearts, us humans are really not that

bad and we are not responsible for most of the atrocities on our planet, we have been

manipulated into those atrocities!

The line in the sand draws near and those unawakened will find themselves feeling compressed

with all their unbalanced issues, judgements and distorted information coming up and out

all at once!

Those asking the right questions and wishing to seek answers will have a chance at raising

their consciousness/intelligence /awareness which is

the greatest gift in our universe!

For more infomation >> The Future Plans Of The Malevolent ET's - Duration: 7:59.


Berlin 2017 - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Berlin 2017 - Duration: 2:22.


How Strong Is Ed, Edd, And Eddy? - Outside Of Edd, Edd N Eddy | Kaleb I.A. - Duration: 11:13.

There are characters created in the world of animation, characters imagine further than


Characters that were made to be stronger than anything we could imagine.

We put these characters against each other, who would be the strongest of them all.

(Cinematics) Ed, Edd, and Eddy first airing in 1998, the

show revolved against 3 preteen boys.

Originally, I had watched this show for entertainment, but now that I had grown and matured, I can

see the truth.

The truth of these individual Gods, portrayed as mortals to child audience.

Ed, he isn't strategic, he's known as the juggernaut of the group.

There aren't many beings that can match up to his level of strength and when he gets

angry then you're in "BIG TROUBLE".

Edd, known as double d.

There's a reason why he has two D's in his name.

(Is it because of his parents).

Well, yes, but the two D's stand for Destructive Database.

Because of Double D, he had granted his friends the power of logic bending due to the notes

he had created.

People will never know what knowledge was written in those papers to grant these beings

the power of Gods.

And lastly, Eddy.

Eddy is what I aspire to be, he shows you that you can take so much pain and survive

so many trials just so you can get to your one goal.

How strong are these characters?

Welcome to the Outside of series, where I go through and over analyze everything and

add to a list of feats for a specific character to see how strong are they in their respective


For the feat, we're going to be covering Strength and what examples they have for it.

[Introduction starts] STOP, he's holding up his whole body with his tongue.

Now Eddy being pretty young and short would probably be around 80 pounds, but to hold

up 80 pounds is pretty insane.

Thomas Blackthorne had set a world record for lifting 27 pounds with his tongue.

Now he had to hook the weight up to his tongue to do so, and I'm begging you it may sound

interesting to see, but it looks like the most painful thing ever and I hope to never

see it again.

Eddy does 80 pounds plus with ease, well along with that his tongue is the size of him honestly.

Comparing Eddy to this garbage can, and garbage cans are usually around 40 inches in height,

we can make the assumption that his tongue is about 10 times larger than the average.

Double D isn't really the one to be doing the heavy lifting, so we're going to leave

the rest of the strength category to Ed.

Even though you do have that one time on the episode "Party at Kevin's House" where

they (Eddy and Double D) were pushing up a trailer while it balanced on a fence, and

on the other side was Kevin who for some reason was stronger than the both.

I'd say that the fence is stronger than all three of them because that's not how

fences work.

In that same episode, you have Ed lifting up the whole trailer with a tree added onto

that, but let's go to earlier Ed.

Not earlier episodes, but actually earlier Ed.

Well, Ed at a young age could still lift an entire house.

Then you have a form that I'd call Berserk form Ed, this mode is only activated when

Ed is severely angered by something.

With this form, Ed uproots a tree stump, uses said tree stump to smack these playground

toys so hard that they end up flying off the ground.

He also takes the slide off of some sort of slide set or something just with his teeth.

With his teeth he also throws said slide set, a tree, swing set, and a teeter-totter.

The tree alone when it hit the ground had stabbed through the ground and to do that,

it had to be pretty heavy I assume.

The weight of a tree can go from 2000 to 20,000 depending on the size but that was around

12 feet so I'd probably say 1,000 alone.

Ed also shows that he's still able to lift houses in "Cry Ed", so pretty sure that

Ed has gotten stronger over time.

There was also when Eddy told to use some more muscle in his jumps and he ended up jumping

3 miles into the air.

That's the distance from ground level to cloud level, or well at least a well rounded


Just with jumping with some effort, Ed could jump 3 miles into the air.

What is the full potential of Ed?

Well, I'm not sure.

But, I do remember him pulling out a huge part of a sewer system and running like he

normally would.

So the next stat to take into account, Speed.

Now there's been instances where Ed, Edd, and Eddy had show their very high speeds.

They had ran away from mobs, bikes, uhhh they drove in a car except the car was Ed, and

there's a few examples, but one the one main one I have outdoes the others.\

Along with manipulating time to jump between flashbacks, Ed had the ability to run backwards

in time to where they were all younger.

When running you see that Ed is taking steps backwards in time and you see moments of time

passing by as he's running.

Ed alone also has the ability to eat his whole bed and a TV when he was a baby, but I have

no clue where to put that.

Now for the highlight of the Toon Force, Durability.

Cartoons have to be the most durable and most busted characters most of the time, the whole

getting destroyed in once scene and be fully recovered in the next one.

The Toon Force is a very strong one.

Well, there's "The Good, The Bad, and The Ed".

The episode where Rolf had challenged Eddy to get the toughest Urban Ranger badge ever

available: The Hairy Chest of Resilience Badge.

The second challenge "Bumping of the Funny Bone", which involved both Rolf and Eddy

slamming their elbows into a file cabinet.

The episode progressively got worse and worse where they had even got through this challenge

called the Pendulum of Protest where they would be smashed between boulders.

They also get hit by a train.

That's the easiest example of their Durability, but if you remember back when I was talking

about Berserk Mode Ed, they survived the all out wrath of that and then some other instances

of regular Ed.

Being a close friend of Ed would be a difficult one honestly, just to say.

Especially with having to survive certain things like getting a house smashed on top

of you, an imaginary friend that was ridiculously strong for no reason, getting spun out of

proportion by a rubber band satellite, and that said friend eating you on multiple occasions.

AYE, AYE, AYE, you keep your fanfictions away from this internet.

But basically, you can't kill cartoon characters.

No matter what logic you try to throw at them, it just doesn't exist.

The biggest proof of this example, Ed, Edd N Eddy, Season 2 Episode 4.

One + One = Ed, this episode in my opinion was one of the best ones, I'd probably say

Top 5 episodes.

In this episode, they completely destroyed logic itself.

They broke perspective, but the aspect of weight had still applied.

Along with the displacement of perspective, Ed's mishaps had shown the aspects of the

cartoon itself to where the asphalt road had adapted with fabric like qualities.

The destruction of perspective had now added onto Eddy's new ability of what I would

say reality bending?

He turned the sun into the moon by taking a bite

of it.

After doing that, Eddy had shown his ability of reality bending onto Jimmy.

Where the thread of his shirt had became the thread of his body as a whole and had completely

destroyed his 2D existance.

Watch your favorite 2D hero go against the Ed boys, see how that goes.

Ed also had shown that he's able to cut a hole in space to where it's a portal to

who knows where, the first hole had opened up into the Kanker's bathroom and… they

shower together.

Wait hold on.

"Based on 7th Graders, and 7th graders are usually between the ages of 12 and 13.

Uhhhhhhhh, *Ed pushes portal away*.

Yeah I didn't want that thought, and oh apparently this is a portal to another dimension.

Since that's how that works..

He just gave her speed off of the image or something?

He ripped her mouth off, what?

*An original transition* Ok, you guys can watch the rest of this episode


They go across multiple dimensions, destroy more laws, perspective doesn't exist, and

all of this just gets out of hand.

This all because of the notes of Double D. So basically, the Ed's can win any fight

due to Double D creating notes.

So I guess, Double D with notes is winning any fight if that's what's going on.

But oh Kaleb, nothing in that made sense, and this is their imagination.

Who is to say, who is to say about anything in cartoons.

Law doesn't exist here, what is perspective, what is gravity, what is reality itself.

So how would I tier the Ed's against any character from a fictional standpoint?

Busted, and I will further go into into the light of not making sense with any of this.

If you guys had a problem with this video, I want you to take a quick moment to look

at the date that this was posted.

I would love to say I don't care about what you say, but (comments hurt my feelinghs urrrr).

Thank you for watching me analyze my life away as I watch shows like this, the next

one is going to be a more serious version I'd say?

Not going to be like this one, I can tell you that.

The next video involves us going back, because gotta get back.

Until then, I'm Kaleb I.A., peace out and God Speed.

For more infomation >> How Strong Is Ed, Edd, And Eddy? - Outside Of Edd, Edd N Eddy | Kaleb I.A. - Duration: 11:13.


Lucrosa Pro Review | Lucrosa Incorporated - Duration: 5:57.

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For more infomation >> Lucrosa Pro Review | Lucrosa Incorporated - Duration: 5:57.


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For more infomation >> Top 10 Bar Trick Bets You Will NEVER LOSE! - Duration: 10:12.


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For more infomation >> MidOne • Queen of Pain • 25 kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 33:50.


Goku's Super Saiyan White Omni-God Transformation - Fan Animation - Duration: 4:07.


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