This was me five years ago. これが5年前の私。
I uploaded my first video to help out a friend 英語のレジュメを書いていた友達のために
who was working on her English resume. 初めて動画をアップしました。
So embarrassing!
So this is the last video of the year! 今年最後の動画です!
And! This is our 500th video!!
That is crazy! 信じられない!
and I should let you guys know そして、言っていた方がいいかな
It's my birthday today! 誕生日なんです!
It's actually my 32nd Birthday!
I am getting so old! 年取ってきたな〜
So to celebrate our 500th video 500本目の動画ということで
I thought we should go back and take a look at 昔の動画を見ながら、
some of my older vids 昔の動画を見ながら、
and reminisce on our history together on YouTube! 私達のYouTubeでの歴史を振り返りたいと思います!
We're going to watch a bunch of video tonight!
Good morning!
I'm Chika the Bilingual Blogger.
I lived in the states for 16 years.
and came back to Japan 4 years ago.
I currently work at a consulting firm.
I would wake up early and film before work. 早起きして仕事に行く前に撮影したり。
I really shouldn't be vlogging right now.
I want to do a lesson really quickly
I'm running a bit late. ちょっと遅刻気味です。
I'm at my parents' house in Seattle.
This is the way your pronounce Seattle.
Whenever I come back to the states
I always start craving cereal.
For those of you who have been in Japan all your life
You might think you've never had anything so terrible
I think I've gotten a little better at food vlogging lol
Around my 40th video, I realized I had "subscribers"
People that didn't know me were watching!
I was so shocked!
I felt like I needed to start taking this seriously
and start branding!
So this was when I came up with
the name Bilingirl.
Today's lesson is something you all have trouble with
Pronouncing Ls and Rs!
But then! そしたら!
I got my first hater comment! 初のネガティブコメントが来ました!
You're so boring, you piss me off!
That is so rude! That's so mean! 超失礼!なんて意地悪!
I was really hurt, but at the same time
I kind of agreed with them.
I wasn't sure how to make my videos more entertaining
so it kind of fired me up.
and motivated me to try harder.
not sure if this was the right direction, but...
I remember being so reluctant to click the publish button 公開ボタンをクリックするかためらいました。
I was just so scared as to what all of you were going to think! みんながどう思うか怖くて。
Only my mom knew this part of me! 母親しか知らない私の一面!
But because of this video I was able to show a part of myself I hadn't been able to.
and things started to change.
I used to be able to upload videos without thinking much about it.
I am quitting my job at the end of the month!
It is the year of the horse! 午年です!
My New Year's Resolution is 新年の抱負はフルタイムでYouTuberになること!
to become a full time YouTuber! 新年の抱負はフルタイムでYouTuberになること!
I quit consulting job to do this このためにコンサルの仕事を辞めました!
I started a new channel where 新しいチャンネルを始めました。
I will be sharing lots of unique things about Japan. 日本のユニークなことを沢山シェアしていきます。
Japanagos? What?
For those of you who watch my Japanagos channel ジャパナゴスを見てくれているみなさん、
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to upload videos 全然投稿できていなくてごめんなさい。
But it's definitely on my to-do list. 確実にto-do listに載ってます!
Keep your fingers crossed for me. 祈ってて!
My first collaboration with a brand. 初の企業コラボ!
I had to get creative!
We've had some good times together. 楽しい時間を過ごしました。
Especially recently in Hawaii. 特に最近は、ハワイで。
They played this video at an event and Max Murai (YouTuber) was like
You really go all out!
Yeah, I go all out!
See, it really was me. 本当に私だったんですよ。
Furugitune-san (chikatomo) drew the background.
So it was a collaboration with a chika-tomo.
I'd be fun to collaborate with more chika-tomos in the future.
This took forever to edit!
I think it turned out really good.
Yeah, I think so.
Thank you Co-san for writing such a good song! 素敵な曲を書いてくれてありがとう!
You make an imaginary girlfriend.
You have to be aggressive
and get their attention.
You have unnecssary converstions
Yeah, I make something up and start talking
and purposefully put myself in a tough situation.
These people say "i love you" like "good morning"
and now I'm going to tour around Berlin! これからベルリン観光!
Earrings perfect for Bilingirl!
Wow, that looks good!
I am in Sydney! シドニーに来てます!
I am in London! ロンドンに来てます!
It's actually pretty deep!
The mountains here in Hawaii are insane!
The view is amazing!
This view is so epic! 雄大な景色!
I am in Vienna! ウィーンに来てます!
Welcome to Los Angeles! LAにようこそ!
You can be Fiona today.
That's a little embarrassing lol
I have such supportive friends!
I'm so blessed!
Thank you guys! Love you guys!
Who would have thought this video would get この動画がまさか
over 2 million views now! 200万回以上再生されるとは!
That is insane! 信じられない!
You just never know! 本当に分からないですね!
I am getting married! 結婚します!
Do you really need the mask?
Wasn't that embarrassing? Everyone is watching.
Someone is like "You don't need to come out as a monkey!"
I think we could sell those shirts!
We're about to start the ceremony!
I got married last November (2015) and this was definitely the year of the Monkey lol
We had a lot of opportunities to work together
Videos I couldn't make by myself, I can now make.
I feel like I've reached the next level.
A little weird, but I'm writing a letter to myself. ちょっと変ですが、自分に手紙を書いています。
I'm always like "hey guys!" and all happy, but
of course I feel down at times,
Everyone does.
Everyone goes through these phases.
There are times when I open my Twitter account ツイッターを開いて
and I see something that gets me down for the whole day, 一日落ち込むようなコメントがあったり。
and I'm not quite myself. 様子がおかしくなったり。
I'm going to take a break from uploading videos.
This was actually a difficult decision for me to make.
Sometimes I get comments saying my older videos were better.
and I can see that.
I understand, but
it's so hard to go back.
As a creator, I want to make better, higher quality videos.
But on the other hand, you guys that are watching
might think my older, more casual videos were more interesting to watch.
and I can understand that.
It's just so hard,
that balance.
Some people say that I feel far away, less close to them
I'm still right here. 今でもここにいますよ。
I really haven't changed. そんなに変わってませんよ。 (髪の色以外w)
I have better equipment and I can edit better. 機材がよくなったり、編集も上手くなったけど
but it's still... それでも
me. 私だよ。
Your likes and your comments
all of your support
all of that
is what makes this channel.
Thank you so much for everything.
Thank you guys so much for all of your love and support いつも温かく見守ってくれてありがとうございます。
Because if it weren't for you guys, as I always say, みなさんがいなかったら、いつも言いますが、
I would not be here. This channel wouldn't exist. バイリンガールはいません。 このチャンネルも存在しません。
and all of these videos, all of these 500 videos そして、この大勢の動画も、500本もの動画も
would not be here. ないです。
So thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. なおで、心の底からありがとう。
Watching my older videos has actually been very inspiring.
like "these casual videos were kind of nice,"
Maybe it's okay for me to upload more casually at times.
So I want to take that all in and
keep moving forward, but not forgetting the past.
I've uploaded a variety of videos
I would love it if you'd tell me your favorite!
Let me know which video is your favorite. お気に入りの動画を教えてください。
My favorite?
That's a hard question. 難しい質問ですね。
I'm asking you guys a very hard question. みなさんにかなり難しい質問をしてますねw
It's my bday so that can be a little present for me. 誕生日なのでちょっとしたプレゼントとして♪
Next year, I really hope I can figure out a way to work more efficiently lol
But I'll probably be saying the exact same thing next year.
But I'm going to try my best
and I'll definitely be uploading a lot more videos
Alright guys, thank you so much for watching. 見てくれてありがとう!
There are so many more things I want to tell you guys もっともっと伝えたいこと
that I want to talk to you guys about 話したいことが沢山あります。
but this is probably already a video that is way too long すでに長過ぎる動画なので。
and most of you guys are probably not even watching by now. もうほとんどの方が見てないんじゃないかな。
Are you guys watching still? まだ見てますか??
Have an amazing countdown to 2017! 素敵なカウントダウンを!
and I will see you guys next year! そして来年お会いしましょう!
Thank you for everything this year!
Isn't he nice?
You went and bought this because you knew I was vlogging, huh?
Wow! 500!
Thank you!
Thank you guys for 500 videos!
Gotta aim for 1000 videos!
Another 5 years?
I'll be 37.
You'll be?
Shut up!
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