Nefra Who Bars The Way
This is probably the easiest boss in the entire operation, Nefra is fairly simple to kill
okay so starting off with group placement, now the positioning here is only really important
for the tanks.
Both of the tanks will need to keep Nefra's back facing the rest of the group.
This is tanking 101, keep the boss turned away.
The most important thing for you tanks is that they need to be stood together.
The things is, Nefra deals a lot of damage.
When one of them has threat of the boss they will both share the damage.
You will know when you are sharing the damage because there will be a green circle appear
underneath both of the tanks.
So when this green circle is underneath both of the tanks we know that they are sharing
the damage coming from Nefra between them.
This is virtually all the tanks need to do, just keep Nefra faced away and stay close
As for the rest of the group, it's not going to matter too much where you're going to stand.
However the most convenient way to do this especially for your healers is if the rest
of the group stands together.
This can make good practice for Veteran Mode if you plan on doing that later.
Being stood behind the boss is going to be much better for your healers to reach everybody
via AoE heals.
So the next mechanic for Nefra is going to be the "Overload Assault Droid" this is an
add that is going to spawn 30 seconds into the fight, it will then keep spawning again
every 30 seconds after that point.
Now this add will normally target the person with the highest amount of threat in the group
however it can also seem very random at times.
All this droid is going to do is run towards one of your group members, plant a large AoE
underneath it's self and explode.
Now, in Story Mode it doesn't really deal that much damage but it should still be avoided.
So when this add does spawn, just move out of it's AoE.
Now if you want to practice a different mechanic for Veteran Mode then you can assign one of
your group members to attack this droid when it spawns and kite it away from the group
so it can explode away from the entire group.
Because in Veteran Mode, this droid, will KILL YOU.
Okay so the third and final mechanic for Nefra is going to be the debuff that you get during
the fight now this debuff is called "Voice of the Masters" this is what it looks like.
Now this debuff will tick for roughly 2k damage so it's not a massive threat to the group,
but if your healers are under geared or if your tanks are under geared you might run
into trouble.
So the best thing to do with this debuff is to just cleanse it.
Healers should prioritise cleansing their tanks, if any Dps in the group have their
own cleansing ability then they should cleanse themselves.
If not it's no big deal, you'll likely be able to heal through it.
If you are planning on moving onto Veteran Mode later then be sure to practice cleansing
this debuff because in Veteran Mode it does a lot more damage and if nobody is cleansed
you will likely wipe.
You will know when the debuff goes out because Nefra will do this kind of scream animation
you can also time it if you really want to, the first debuff will appear 15 seconds into
the fight and then it will reappear every 30 seconds after that point.
And that is how you kill Nefra that is all you need to know.
Gate commander Draxus,
Draxus is relatively difficult to a new player, this is likely because it isn't a simple,
"just dps the boss down" kind of fight.
This entire encounter is based on waves of adds, in total there is 9.
The boss it's self, Draxus, leaves the fight on multiple occasions leaving his adds to
fight you.
However you can use this to your advantage as
Draxus leaves the battlefield when he hit's a certain amount of HP.
Draxus will leave three times in total, first when he hits near 80%, second near 55% and
lastly near 25%.
Before I go through the fight, lemme explain the first debuff you need to look out for,
"Corrosive grenade" Draxus throws this out to random group members
and it ideally needs to be cleansed, it ticks for around 4.5k damage so it is quite dangerous.
This is what it looks like.
Now, the main focus in this fight is the waves of adds and how to deal with them, so let's
go through that.
I'll explain what to do with Draxus as we go through the waves.
To begin with, Draxus will be alone, as normal, tank him faced away from the group, when he
hits near 80% HP he'll leave and Wave 1 will enter.
Wave 1 is easy, a bunch of Subteroths will spawn from sides A and B, the best way to
deal with them is to group them up and AoE nuke them.
If you plan on doing this Veteran mode, the Subteroths will explode upon death and deal
huge damage to anyone close by, so practice killing them from afar.
Once they're done, Wave 2 will enter.
Wave 2 is Dispatchers, these adds are more annoying than they are threatening, they will
spam force lightning on random group members, kill them ASAP.
Once they're dead, Wave 3 will enter.
Wave 3 is Dispatchers and Corrupters and Draxus will also return.
There will be one Corrupter at either side of the room, these are the adds you need to
kill first.
They will cast a debuff on the group called "Mass Affliction" and it can be interrupted,
in Story Mode this debuff doesn't deal too much damage, roughly 2k per tick, but should
still be interrupted.
Mass Affliction can also be cleansed, so all is not lost if an interrupt is not performed
in time.
In Veteran mode, this debuff will wipe you if not cleansed or interrupted.
Okay, once your Corrupters are dead it's important that your Dps shift their focus to Draxus.
Leave at least one dispatcher alive so Wave 4 doesn't begin yet.
You can place a marker on a Dispatcher to let people know not to kill it, like this.
When Draxus hit's near 55% HP he will leave once again and you can return
your focus to the waves of adds.
Finish of your last Dispatcher to begin Wave 4.
Wave 4 is Dismantlers and Subteroths.
As before Subteroths are easy to kill, so shift your priority to the Dismantlers.
Now, the Dismantlers are only dangerous for their ability "Strong Swipe" this ability
will knock the target flying across the room.
In Story mode, that's all they do.
In Veteran mode, they will give the person they swiped a debuff, which makes them take
1000x more damage when hit by the same dismantler again.
So, practice stealthing out of combat after being hit by this or have someone with a taunt
take the Dismantler off you.
Once your Dismantlers and Subteroths are dead, Wave 5 will begin.
This is where it starts to become more difficult.
In this wave we have 2Corrupters stood in the south and 2 Dispatchers each in the East
and West, Draxus will also return for this wave.
Have the tank face Draxus away once again.
Have all your DPS move to the South and interrupt and of course kill the Corrupters first.
Once they're dead, repeat what you did in Wave 3 and leave at least 1 Dispatcher alive,
marked if needed, so you can Dps Draxus down until he leaves again.
Draxus will leave at 25% HP, then finish off your last Dispatcher to begin Wave 6.
Wave 6 as before with Wave 5, becomes a little more difficult.
this we have 1 Corrupter, 1 Despoiler and 1 Dispatcher in the South.
There will also be 1 Dismantler= each from the East and West.
First off here, have 2 dps take a Dismantler each.
They can keep it busy while the other Dps handle the Corrupter in the South.
If possible, have someone cc the Despoiler or stun it.
The Despoiler will likely run into the middle of the battlefield, it needs to be CC or stunned
to prevent it from healing the adds.
Once your dps in the south have killed the Corrupter move onto the Dismantlers and kill
Then finish off the Despoiler and remaining Dispatcher.
Now, Wave 7 begins.
This Wave is a little different.
But not necessarily difficulty.
In this wave we have 2 Guardians and 2 Subteroths.
Focus your attention to the Guardians.
You can have your tank taunt them but they will switch targets often.
The important thing with the Guardians is their "Slam" ability, it's a large cone shaped
AoE that will deal a lot of damage to anyone stood in it.
You have 2 options, interrupt it or move out.
They also have an ability called "Thundering blast" this can also be interrupted and will
only deal damage to the person targeted.
Since there is 2 Guardians, it's important that you avoid their Slam ability, because
being hit by one is bad, being hit by 2 at once is deadly.
Try to practice moving out of the AoE rather than interrupting it, as in Veteran mode,
they can not be interrupted.
Once they're dead, Wave 8 will begin.
Wave 8 has 2 Corrupters each in the East and West, 1 Despoiler which spawns in the South
but will likely once again run into the middle.
For this wave split up your dps once again, 2 dps at each side of the room interrupting
/ killing the corrupters, tanks can also help with this.
Try and have your healers cc / stun the Despoiler, because if the Despoiler is allowed to roam
free it will heal the Corrupters.
Once all are dead, Wave 9 begins.
This is the final wave.
In this wave Draxus will return of course, but will spawn in the middle of the room this
There will also be 2 Guardians as seen in Wave 7, along with 2 Dispatchers and 1 Corrupter
in the South.
There is 2 ways of beating this wave and the fight.
You can immediately focus Draxus and finish him off, which will win you the fight, but
the adds will stick around.
Or, you can send 2 dps to the south to kill the Corrupter so it doesn't make the final
fight to hard on your healers.
While having your tank face Draxus away from the group and having another tank and or Dps
with a taunt kite the guardians away from the group.
Once the corrupter is the south is dead which should happen fairly quickly, move onto the
guardians and finish them off, this gives you plenty of breathing
room for finishing off Draxus without having a bunch of adds attacking you.
The Dispatchers are not important and weak, leave them till last.
Doing this the second way is good practice for Veteran mode, as when Draxus spawns in
Wave 9 he has a shield absorbing all damage for 30 seconds, so attacking him
is futile.
And that is it, that's all you need to know for Gate Commander Draxus.
Grob'Thok Who Feeds The Forge
This boss is easier than Draxus, and will take much less time to explain so don't worry!
Okay, to begin with I'll explain how the group should place it's self.
The positioning should be similar to what we went through with Nefra, The tank keeps
the boss faced away, the dps and healers stack behind the boss, pretty simple
however, this boss needs to be moved around a lot, so keep that in mind.
Now, the first mechanic you need to look out for is the mining droid.
This isn't actually a droid or an add, it's a debuff which targets any random group member,
excluding the tank on Grobthok.
The debuff looks like this.
When you have it, pools of lava will start spawning underneath you until the debuff wears
It can not be cleansed.
You have two options when you get this debuff, the first is to move
out of your group and run around the sides of the room until the debuff is gone, the
second is to run through the adds with the debuff since the lava
pools you drop will also damage them, the second way is a good way to practice for Veteran
mode as that is what you'll be doing there.
Speaking of the adds, they spawn roughly every 15 seconds, from a random point around the
room, they're fairly weak so don't worry too much about them, try to aoe them down and
turn your attention back to the boss.
When you don't have the mining droid debuff stay focused on healing the group or damaging
the boss, and never stand in the magnet that circles the room...
Speaking of the magnet, let's get into the real mechanic here.
So, this is the magnet, it circles the room and sucks anything up that walks into it,
including you.
The idea is to lure the boss into the magnet, however, you must only do this when the boss
is using "pipe smash".
Timing is everything on this one, luckily in Story mode, failing to put the boss into
the magnet doesn't mean you will wipe, however, in veteran mode, you absolutely will.
Basically, when Grobthok uses pipe smash, he takes less damage, which is bad because
you need to kill him.
It's actually pretty easy to do this, let me explain exactly how to do it.
This mechanic is of course, for your tank.
When the fight starts you'll notice that Grobthok uses an ability called "Roar", it's a conal
aoe that deals damage to anything inside, it also throws the ugnaughts about which is
pretty funny.
Counting the roars is how we time when to put Grobthok into the magnet.
Now, when the fight starts, begin counting the roars, once the boss has performed 4 roars,
he will use pipe smash.
At this point, we drag the boss into the magnet like this.
Now, after the first magnet, the boss will use pipe smash again every 3 roars.
So count 3 of them, and drag him into the magnet once again.
Rinse and repeat.
And that's it, that's all you need to know for Grobthok.
Corrupter Zero
This boss is also fairly easy, but can go wrong very quickly if you don't deal with
your adds
To begin with, we have a bunch of adds that need to be killed before the boss enters the
These adds also spawn during the fight at random locations in the arena, but with fewer
For example, to begin with we get two elite adds, and during the fight only one elite
add will spawn at a time.
Speaking of the elite add, this is one you need to look out for, it's called "D-15 Corruption
droid" and is a ranged attacker, the other version of this droid
is called "D-13 Corruption droid" and uses a melee weapon.
Forget about the melee version and focus on the one using a canon, this one.
This add can be an annoyance as it casts an ability called missile salvo, which places
an aoe under it's target and stuns them while dealing damage.
Try to stun this droid or interrupt it, if it grabs your healer, it could make things
A good way to deal with this add, the ranged version or the melee version, is to have your
tank pull it and then stun it while tanking the boss, this way
your group can AoE nuke it down while still damaging the boss.
The other adds to look out for are the repair droids, these droids will heal the other adds,
so logically, kill them first.
Any other add must also be killed of course, but leave them till after you've dealt with
the Elite add and the repair droids.
Now, after you've killed the first bunch of adds, Corrupter Zero will join the fight,
in Story mode, he is easy.
The best way to handle him is to bring him to one of the inside pillars as you see on
screen and have your group stack on top of him.
Corrupter zero does deal aoe damage with his smash ability often, but it's nothing your
healers won't be able to handle.
Now it's just a case of rinse and repeat with adds until Corrupter Zero reaches near 25%
I should point out that during the fight, it's more manageable
to group up the adds around the boss, you can do so by using line of sight with the
pillar you're tanking Corrupter Zero next to, just like this.
One of the boss' abilities you should look out for is "missile barrage" this is what
the cast looks like.
When the boss uses this a small aoe will be placed under all group members, missiles will
fire at you dealing roughly 3k damage per hit, it's best to spread out while this is
When Corrupter Zero reaches near 25% HP, he will begin jumping around the room, he does
so in a clockwork motion.
So, he'll jump up, then land, then he'll cast unified beam.
This attack is a large laser that deals little damage in Story mode, but I still recommend
avoiding it, you can do so by standing in one of the sections around the room that doesn't
have the line of sight of the laser, he'll jump 4 times in total, so just keep avoiding
the laser until then.
Once he stops, you can begin attacking him again.
Nothing has changed with his attacks so just finish him
off and claim your loot, this fight is more complicated in Veteran Mode, but that's a
video for another time.
And that's it, that's all you need to know for Corrupter Zero.
Dread Master Brontes
This is by far my favorite boss encounter in the entire game, it is my pleasure to teach
you how to do this.
So, Dread Master Brontes has 6 phases.
I'm going to go through each one and explain what to do.
When you enter the boss room, Brontes will be stood in the south.
However, when you attack her she disappears, and Phase one begins.
Phase one consists of 2 large adds named "Left hand of brontes" and "Right hand of brontes"
The idea is to have 1 tank on each of these adds.
You can use a damage with taunt instead of 2 tanks if you want to, this is not recommended
for Veteran mode.
These big adds slam their target and anyone in front of it so make sure you tank them
facing away from the group.
During this phase, small adds called "Finger of Brontes" will spawn every so often, they
need to be killed ASAP by the dps, as they deal more damage the longer they're alive.
Now, the two big adds will burrow underground and swap sides when they hit a certain amount
of HP, this is roughly every time they lose 20% total HP.
It's easier if you assign your tanks to control one side of the room each in this phase, that
way they don't have to run between both sides to keep their add.
So long as you're killing the small adds when they appear, this phase will go smoothly,
keep attacking the two big adds until they both finally reach near 20% HP, at which point
they will both disappear and Phase 2 begins.
Phase 2 is fast paced, during this phase adds called "Reach of Brontes" spawn in pairs,
when they spawn they target each other and cast a lightning beam.
The tricky thing is, they will only spawn on top of a player, so you need to be quick
and move away from them because if you get caught in the beam, you're dead,
After 4 pairs have spawned, Phase 3 begins.
Phase 3 is relatively easy to manage.
Here we have Brontes spawn in the middle of the room, have your tank face her towards
the north side.
The dps and healers should stack behind Brontes.
Now, in story mode Brontes doesn't do anything that will wipe you, but the add that spawn
in this phase will.
The add spawns here is called "Corrupted Clone" and will enter the fight roughly every 30
This add is fairly weak, however it does throw out a debuff called "Corrupted nanites" which
will need to be cleansed, it should only hit one person at a time.
The debuff deals roughly 4k damage per tick.
Aside from the debuff, the add will also use laser blast, which can be interrupted.
The add also takes priority so kill it ASAP when it spawns and return
to damaging Brontes.
Once Brontes reaches 50%, phase 4 begins.
In this phase 6 droid adds spawn around the room, at the same time Brontes casts a huge
lightning beam in a clockwork motion.
This beam will one shot kill you if you get caught
so avoid it at all costs, I should also point out that Brontes herself will be enveloped
in lightning, so going near her is also a big no no.
The aim for this phase is to destroy the droid adds before the lightning beam hits them,
because when the beam hits them they will explode and deal a lot of damage to the entire
group regardless of where your stood.
However, in Story mode you can skip the 1st droid add, which is this one here.
Letting this one be consumed by the beam is completely acceptable, just make sure
your group makes it way around the room killing the other droids.
When you kill the final droid, phase 5 begins.
Brontes leaves the fight in phase 5.
What we have here is very similar to phase 1.
The two big adds have made a return, and 6 small adds are placed around the middle of
the room.
Luckily, in Story mode this phase is easy.
Once again have your tanks take one big add each, this time around the big add
will cast a slam ability that throws you back, so be sure to face it away from your group.
The dps need to focus on the small adds first, killing them off one by one before they start
dealing too much damage, as mentioned before they deal more
damage the longer they're alive.
Something to point out here is these new small purple aoe's that spawn,
they need to be avoided as they deal roughly 20k damage and only spawn underneath a player.
Once the small adds are dead, take down the two big adds, making sure that you only stand
behind it.
Once both big adds are dead, phase 6 begins.
Phase 6 is known as the burn phase, only Brontes is left now, and it's time to
burn her down.
The idea here is to have anyone with a taunt, mainly the tanks, lure brontes to one of the
walls around the room, this way she stays in one place.
Otherwise, she will run around the room constantly making
it difficult to damage her.
When Brontes targets you, she will pick you up and throw you across the room.
Use this to your advantage and aim yourself at a wall.
It's important to point out the purple aoe also spawns in this phase, except this time
it's bigger and deals more damage.
So avoid it at all costs.
Keep burning down Brontes until, she is no more.
This is everything you need to know for Dread Master Brontes
and the operation, Dread Fortress.
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