I don't want to be a President or even a Governor.
That's not my business.
I'm an academic, an educator.
I don't want to rule or govern anyone.
I would like to help everyone if possible.
And the first step to doing that is to take corporate and dark money out of politics.
We all want to help one another.
Our community is like that.
We want to live by each other's happiness
not by each other's misery.
We don't want to hate and despise anyone,
even those who only want to look after themselves.
But we need politicians that serve all the people
and not just their corporate masters and their super-wealthy donors.
Greed has poisoned the system we are currently living in,
where the many pay for the obscene wealth grasped by the few.
Where insatiable greed is rewarded by status and statues.
Greed has barricaded the entitled few with hate
and left the rest of us struggling,
with many people living in poverty.
You see, poverty is man-made;
poverty can be unmade.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will be a better place.
We are the richest nation on earth ever,
but we have appalling health issues and terrible child mortality rates.
The internet age has brought us closer together,
able to communicate with each other in an instant.
But what do we say?
Who are we?
We are going to vote in our most important State election ever.
An election that could start a tidal wave of real change in our country.
If you elect me as our State Senator, we will be demanding a fairer society.
Where each resident has an opportunity.
Where health and education are a priority.
And where equality and diversity are enshrined in law.
This election cries out for the goodness in all of us.
For self-interest to be less of a priority than the needs of the State as a whole.
We must be brave.
We are taking a step into the unknown.
Confident in the knowledge that the two-party system that we are leaving behind is broken.
Even now, as I speak to you, there are thousands of people that are undecided.
I'll say this: if you vote for any of the other candidates
you can be certain what the future will bring.
More of the same, more of the shame.
Continued rule by the corporations, the super-wealthy and their bought-and-paid-for political stooges.
Everyone is watching us.
Let us in Senate District 40 set an example to our brothers and sisters throughout this great country
and show them that things can be done differently.
To those who listen, I say: do not despair.
Our vote has been ignored many times,
but the power they took from the people can be returned to the people.
I paraphrase Charlie Chaplin.
Men and women don't give yourself to brutes,
who despise you, enslave you,
who regiment your lives,
tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel.
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men.
Machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts.
You are not machines.
You are not cattle.
You are human beings.
You have the love of humanity in your hearts.
You don't hate.
Only the unloved hate.
The unloved and the unnatural.
Don't put up with the status quo.
Fight for freedom.
In this election, let us use our power.
Let us unite.
Let us fight for a chance to give our youth a future, our seniors a security.
Let's say goodbye to a political system
where the privileged few make decisions about the lives of us all.
We want to become decision makers, not decision casualties.
Now let us fight to fulfil the promise we undoubtedly have.
Let us fight for a country of reason, where talents and hard work can lead us all to happiness.
Let us fight to free this country and not accept the status quo,
to do away with greed and hate and intolerance.
All we have to do is pick up a pen and mark one box.
On September 26, let's stand together to start to reclaim our democracy
from corporations, the super-wealthy and their politicians.
On that day let us say to the rest of our great Nation
that when we stand together
"We have the Power!"
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