Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 2 2017

hey guys I would like to just start off by reading my disclaimer there is no

nudity or sexual content no harmful or dangerous content the violent or graphic

content no copywriting no hateful content no threats no spam misleading

tags or scams in my description tags title video and thumbnails with further

ado we shall begin I just want to start off by saying I try to be as

honest as I can you know with people I don't like Isaac the channel be our


channel I don't like him at all now he's got this hour and 20 minutes

and 45 seconds

unnecessary long video talking shit now he's trying to pick apart the Charlie

chill update of that he has 20 more days and rehab and what his thoughts are

which we don't care what your thoughts are he's making jokes at the beginning

somebody said to him in the video adopt me and he said I don't even give people

in Ethiopia a penny which I don't even find it to be funny is like

Isaac get a joke book your not funny

I just hope that he does not stay on this Charlie Chill thing or anything about

the green family because as far as im concern

his credibility is there's no credibility as far as I'm concerned I

don't feel as though he knows the green family as well he's making himself think

that he knows them I think that it's all imagination in his little head Oh big

head that he knows the green family because he's trying to cash in just like

the rest of them did he's trying to stay on the back bandwagon

he's trying to really make his viewers think he knows the green family and I

don't believe personally he knows Michael Green aka kid behind the camera

as well as he says he knows

and I don't like to talk about people weight or try to make in front of

anybody but I just want to understand I mean I gained weight I actually gained

about 80 pounds in a year and I'm losing it now I lost a lot of it but how can

you be looking like almost like a sumo wrestler and have so many jokes that you

want to tell on everybody else when you are always going to be a target for

people criticizing you because look at how you look you're somebody who has let

yourself go to the point of this is didn't happen overnight that weight gain

you didn't just wake up and you was just like that a person who is as big as

Isaac is has issues we all already know it's an eating issue as one of them but

I think that he has deeper issues than just an eating issues I think sometimes

people eat and get the size that he is there's other underlying issues that

he's not gonna talk about about his own life that's why he tries to bash

everybody else's life because he's really not happy with his own life

my attitude is right now whatever Charlie chill is that and I do believe

currently I don't know if when he got on that plane

he went to rehab right then and there but I currently believe in my heart that

Charlie chill is a rehab and I think we should just leave it like that because

as long as we nit pick and pick and pry and make our own assumptions about

something that we know nothing about and we will never know nothing about cuz

even with Charlie chill gets up and makes a video we don't know how much of

his life he's going to share with the public and you can't be mad at him for

that because that's his right he doesn't owe you anything but a youtube upload

and to be a dedicated Youtube subscriber while he's on YouTube what he does in

his life outside of YouTube he does not owe that to anybody

long as he pays homage in when he's on his channel then that's all that he owes

us I just don't understand why Isaac came from he had a dusty channel your

channel was on the Shelf with with dust you got to kids behind the cameras on

video because you called yourself being the cleanup man bringing your whole

family to another state to get arrested with you acting like you're 50 cent and

Snoop Dogg and those dudes live that kind of life they live that kind of life

they're rich but they lived the gangbang life and you're not a gangbanger because

gangsters don't bring their whole kids to go see some dude in another state and

put their family in jeopardy

Isaac get your mind right because right now you're clowning and people are

entertaining you but I'm not get your mind right I know you're thirsty right

now but nobody wants to hear what you have to say you're not a factor you're a

non-factor and that's all I want to say for now guys I'm sorry if I'm coming off

like you know real harsh but you know it's like sometimes people need to just

sit down if you're looking down on somebody you better be picking them up

that's how I look at it and he's always looking down on somebody and what he

needs to do is is do some exercise

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