Me: Hello, everyone!
Me: Welcome back to my channel.
Me: It's that time to do something! (Sorta my tagline...)
Me: Guess who's here with me?
Me: And as you can see, I'm not alone.
Me: This my friend, Hon Mun.
HM: Hi, everyone!
HM: Hi, everyone! Girl: YASSSS!
Me: This is how you spell his name. In case you're wondering.
Me: You can call him, HM.
HM: You have to use my initials, do you?
Me: Why not?
HM: Fine. I'll let you pass on this. Me: Cool, cool.
Me: Alright! So, what we're doing today, HM?
HM: Hmm...
HM: Hmm.. I'm pretty sure we're having snacks.
HM: And drinks.
HM: From Korea. Me: *loud gasps*
Me: YES!
Me: That is what we'll be doing today.
Me: How do you say hello in Korea?
HM: It goes like this.
HM: And usually you have to bow. At least you have to bow, so it looks more polite in one sense.
Me: Ok, I'm gonna try. 1,2,3...
Me: I got that right!
Me: I'm not an expert in Korean music culture and all that.
Me: I do listen to Kpop songs few times.
Me: HM here has attended Korean language class before.
Me: He's interested. He's more into Kpop than I am. He knows how to find the nooks and crannies of all the Kpop gems and recommend it to me.
Me: If you're interested to watch what's next. Then, keep on watching.
HM: Yeah. Me: *weird gasping sound*
Me: The first snack that we shall be trying is... HM: (Spicy Rice Cake - 辛 당동 떡볶이)
Me: *trying to pronounce in Korean*
HM: Yes, that's it.
HM: This is the one.
HM: Looks very red as far as I know. So, it's covered in those like, usually with tteokbokki, red sauces. And apparently, it's dry (Interesting).
HM: We never try this before. So, we're gonna give it a try. Me: Yes!
HM: *impressed*
HM: Would you look at this?
Me: Oh, my godddddd. That looks so red!
HM: It's not (real) tteokbokki. It's just like a potato snack.
Me: Is this potato? HM: I... possibly!
Me: But it comes in this cylinder shape which is very like... tteokbokki?
HM: And then it has all those lines so the sauce is able to cover the thing (snack). So, yeah.
HM: Well, it's a bit spicy. But it's actually very sweet.
HM: But I wouldn't mind going for it. Me: I'm going for second! I love it, it's not spicy to me though.
Me: You know I love to eat spicy food eventhough I almost died from that (K-Nuclear Fire Noodle).
HM: Really?
HM: But I've seen you dying from that Nuclear Fire Noodle and then that wasabi + chilli challenge.
*someone's pride/ ego is hurt*
Me: I just love how sweet this is. The spiciness is like a bit of kick. It's not really a kick to me
Me: It's like someone just caressed my tongue with chilli oil...
HM: Ok, that description sounds very, very wrong!
HM: 'Caress your tongue'...
Me: Yeah! HM: Interesting how you put it that way...
Me: I always go down!
HM: Ok! (Yes, HM!)
Me: Out of 10, how's your rating?
HM: I would give it an 8.
Me: 8 out of 10? HM: It's actually pretty good. To me, I do really feel.
HM: On to the next snack. Tadah!
HM: Potato Dip! Ranch Sauce - 오! 감자 딥 랜치소스
HM: So, gamja basically means potato. And there's a dipping sauce to it. But I'm guessing there's no dipping sauce. It's just ranch-flavoured.
HM: It's actually one of our favourite sauces. Me: YAASSS!
Me: Can I pronounce the name again? HM: Sure, sure.
Me: *trying my best here*
HM: It sounds very English but whatever it is.
Me: Ok! I mispronounced it because...
Me: Oh, wait. I Mizz Pronounce-d it.
HM: If you're wondering, I HATE PUNS. Me: I, on the other hand, LOVE PUNS.
HM: And she always tortured me with puns.
Me: That's what best friends are for.
Me: *evil triumphant giggles!*
HM & Me: Oooooohhh!
HM: Look at the shape. Yeah...
Me: That looks like those really fancy-ass fries you get at fancy Western restaurants in Malaysia.
HM: It's actually pretty good. I'm going for seconds.
Me: We're almost finished. HM: Wait, wait, wait!
HM: Oooh, there's this thing. Me: What's that?!
HM: There's ranch in it. I think this is ranch sauce. I need to open and see...
Me: They weren't kidding when they showed you this bottle of thing.
HM: I thought it was just like ranch-flavoured.
HM & Me: *we're damn impressed*
HM: Now, you dip first. Me: Lay it thick and heavy, son.
HM: The ranch sauce makes it even better.
HM: What would you give the rating for it?
Me: I would give this 9.5 out of 10! (Cos me LOVE it!)
HM: Well, that's really high.
HM: I'm gonna give it a 9 (pretty high too!)
HM: Now, we move on with this third snack...
HM: Chicken Legs/ Drumsticks - 닭다리
Me: Wait, before we open. Let us acknowledge how it looks like it's spicy.
HM: The other two characters are like some sort of like a hunter or something. And the chef is like so excited cos the chicken is finally facing some troubles.
HM: *whispers* I do not know what this is...
HM: Look at this. They have like a drawing here. It looks very cute.
Me: Yeahhhhhh
Me: So fancy! HM: So cuteeee
Me: Look, look!
HM: *already eaten one piece*
Me: Look at that. It's like a chicken drumstick.
HM: But not as strong-tasting as it is. I mean it has a bit of that chicken flavour. But...
HM: Not to say I don't love it. But it's just okay for me. For the snack.
Me: Do you think it's spicy?
HM: Nah.
Me: It's not spicy.
Me: They put the chicken like it's on FIRE!
Me: How can you be on fire? This doesn't tingle. Ok.
HM: Maybe for you. You're a spicy person.
HM: That's what she is. But to me, it just tingles nicely in my mouth.
Me: What kinda rating would you give this?
HM: I would just give this a 6.
Me: I'll give it a 4. HM: That's pretty bad...
Me: Taste-wise, it has abit of chicken taste. HM: I wouldn't mind, maybe they make it like it crunches down (texture).
Me: Time for some drinks' break. HM: Yes.
HM: Korean Traditional Rice Punch - 비락식혜
Me: But basically, sikhye is like a rice kinda drink. Sweet rice kinda drinks?
HM: Oh, this one is Korean Traditional Sweet Cinnamon Punch - 비락수정과
Me: Let's try this one first. Looks like the OG here.
HM: If you're in Korea, you have to serve the other person first. Whether it's alcohol or any drinks, you should serve the other person first.
Me: How do you say when you wanna toast?
HM: I have no idea what to say. Me: No 'kanpei' or something like that?
Me: This tastes like barley.
HM: Yes, it tastes a bit like barley.
Me: Is sikhye barley?
HM: I have no idea...
Me: It might just be barley. And I didn't know it.
Me: By the way, barley is also a very popular drink here in Malaysia.
HM: They go like at least under 2 Ringgit (RM) per glass.
HM: And you can at least opt for when you want it sweet or not. It is a choice.
HM: I'm gonna give it a shake first so everything is evenly distributed.
HM: You sound very disturbing though.
Me: That's me!
Me: It tastes cinnamon-y (no s***, Sherlock).
HM: Yes. It's very cinnamon-y.
Me: What is this?
HM: Oh, boy.
HM: It's not something I like to drink. I would rather have cinnabon.
HM: It tastes very weird. I felt like sadness all over.
Me: Yeah! Cinnamon sadness.
HM: Now we're looking at this one.
HM: And it is called...
HM: Pepero Blueberry Yogurt - 뻬뻬로 블루베리요거트
Me: Is this pokey stick?
HM: Somewhat equivalent. But I'll say this is the Korean one (K-Pokey).
HM: We bought this flavour cos she thinks it's interesting.
Me: You have chocolate, green tea, and all the good stuff. But it's seldom that you come across this.
Me: But I thought why don't we give it a try? HM: Fair enough.
HM: Yeah, let's try this.
Me: By the way, you can get all the snacks and drinks from your local Korean grocery stores.
Me: In Malaysia, you can find them around Ampang or... (HM) Solaris Mont Kiara.
HM: Solaris Mont Kiara has a lot of expats mainly from Korea and Japan. There's a lot of restaurants there, so you can give it a try.
Me: Where's my cream?
HM: It's okay.
Me: Tastes like medicine.
HM: Have to agree on that. It's like those strawberry medicine.
Me: Cough syrup.
HM: Sometimes, it tastes like cough syrup. Me: Exactly.
HM: I don't really like the skin though. It feels very flaky. The moment you bite, it doesn't have that kinda crunch.
HM: I would just give this like a 5.
HM: Not to say I like it. Not to say I hate it. But yeah.
Me: 5 as well. I would eat this when I'm hungry or when I'm craving something sweet.
HM: On to the next one... Me: So excited!
HM: Why is this opened?
HM: Did you have it before that?
Me: *groans in despair*
HM: Someone's really tempted right here.
Me: It looks like brownies. (Wut?)
HM: I shall take all of it then.
HM: I shall take all of it.
HM: Market O Real Brownie (no translation needed).
HM: Fine.
Me: *excited little me*
Me: How do you say thank you in Korean?
HM: Pretty small also like for brownies. It's actually pretty nice.
Me: I thought it be as big as this.
HM: False advertisement! Me: *grunts in disbelief*
Me: Market O, why?
Me: How do you say why in...
HM: My god, that sounds very Korean all of the sudden.
HM: Smells very chocolate-y (good observation, HM!)
HM: And you're already munching into it.
HM: I'm gonna give it a try.
HM: It's actually pretty good. It's so chocolate-y. It's really dense, so it's like chocolate all over your mouth.
HM: It feels so sinful and so comforting.
Me: This is recommended by our BESTIE as well. NATALIEEEEE :3
Me: Yeah, she recommended this one. So, good choice. :)
HM: This is from Lotte. And it's read as custard - 카스타드.
HM: So, it's actually like a muffin. So, there's a custard filling inside. And it's really HUGE.
HM: So fluffy. Pre-packaged kinda thing, this is actually pretty good.
HM: I didn't get much of the custard. But yeah.
Me: *discovers lil custard* Yeah, me too. I can't seem to find much custard either.
HM: Someone's being a piggie. Let's just put a piggie icon here.
HM: We're gonna drink something a little bit more fancy.
HM: That's why there are like two glasses here. Me: YAASSSSSS!
HM: Choem Chereom [Like the first time] Peach Flavour - 처음 처럼 순하리 복숭아.
(14% actually. Sorry!)
HM & Me: Cheers, everyone!
HM: Tastes pretty good.
Me: Tastes like toxic peach.
HM: I like it though. (of coursie, HM!)
Me: OMG, you downed it in one (shot).
HM: It's GOOD. I like it!
Me: I mean, it's peach-flavoured toxic.
HM: You wanna play Britney Spears' 'Toxic'?
(Due to copyright issues, we shall present you with Mizz P's exclusive cover!)
HM: An exact representation.
HM: I would give this like 7. I like this flavour as well.
Me: In terms of fruity flavour, I give this 8.
Me: In terms of alcohol... taste? I give this 1.5!!!
Me: Take that, Korea!
Me: What am I doing with this glass of Coca-cola? As you can see, I need to wash the toxicity down.
Me: OK, guys! That's it and that's the end of our Korean snacks tasting session!
Me: And I also wanna thank HM a lot for coming over to become the translator of all the snacks' names. Korean names.
HM: I didn't really translate. I just pronounce.
Me: Till the next video.... BYE!
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