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How To Have The Best Trip In Moscow | Cafe Chat with Jonathan - Duration: 5:01.Yeah
ready? you're obviously the first
hello everyone today it is not my first time
outside my room today I with my friend
from England from London Jonathan say hello
today we're gonna talk about
how to have the best trip in Moscow
you lived in Moscow for one year
yes about 10 month what tips can you say like
to share with other foreigners who will go to
Moscow so obviously it helps if
you have a friend who is already
russian and you can show you some things
so yes I can suggest a few ideas
obvious the most stereotypical the most common
that people think is the Red Square and
i know you to talked to it Nastya about Red Sq.
she loves it I love it too
but I also think it is a good idea to
visit Red Square at different times a
year and also at different times of the day
so for example Red Square looks
beautiful during the day but it also if you
go at night that is a lights on GUM
and on
a cathedral, on the Kremlin
it looks beautiful then so even if you're
visiting for three days
it's nice to visit one day and then
visit the Red Square again just for
one hour just to see it
you had an opportinity
to visit the Red Square
in winter and in summer
which one is the best for you which one you like more
I think it has to be winter
because we went ice skating on the Red
Square which is definitely one of my
favorite experience from Moscow at all
ok completely it was just amazing
and the fact that it was very
chip it was an extra bonus because I
expected it to be really expensive on a
tourist attraction and it wasn't yeah
okay what the next
what else? apart from Red Square
the cathedrals in Moscow are besutiful
which is your favorite cathedral?
also on Red Square
because it looks unbelievable perfect and
its just amazing architecture
and amazing history and I love that fact that
this St. Basilts Cathedral
Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to demolish
yeah exactly check out Alex's
video also want St. Basils Cathedral you can
to find out more with that
yeah I love all of them but i think it's
interesting that in Russia wherever you
go you get very different types of
cathedrals exactly so like in Arkhanglesk
there is different 'chasovni'
which are a different smaller church instead
just really very very interesting as well
what else do you have in your list?
well Russians love to walk to go
strolling even it doesn't matter how cold
it is they say ok we have some free time
lets walk somewhere so VDNH for example great
place to walk Gorky park
another great place to walk especially
for summer so if you're visiting in winter
go to Red Square to ice skate and if it's
summer go to Gorky park
what kind of like maybe what if your
favorite museum which you recommend
so you were in St. Petersburg
you were in Arkhangelsk
you visited many places in Europe
what is the best museum for you in Russia?
in Russia I mean the best one
just because how big it is and how
amazing the collection is the Hermitage
and i know it's in St.Petersburg
it's not in Moscow yet but what about Tretyakovka?
that is also great I really
like the old Tretyakovka because there are
all of these old masters of painting so
if you want to see people who
are excellent
at painting then go to Tretyakovka
what do you think about smiling on a street?
well I do anyway because I'm English and
I forget that it's not really normal but
what do you think? I don't care about it
dress in mind evaluated I know that
I know that many foreigners think that
it doesn't work very well and it's quite
strange for us to have a smile of course it depends on
the smile if it's just a nice smile and
that's fine if you if you're sort of laughing
like you're crazy then
that a different thing then everyone will think
you are strange
thank you very much
for watching this video
i hope you liked it don't forget to subscribe and
see you soonish thank you for having me
see you bye bye
there are so much I could say
oh it's ok
I can just talk about Moscow for ages
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