Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel!

In today's video I'm going to show you all the artworks that I made so far,

for my "365 days of drawing".

I started this project on January 1st, of 2017

and the purpose of this challenge was to make me draw every day.

and... I have to admit, it didn't always work.

At the beginning I set up some rules and themes for each day of the week, such as "Fanart Friday", "Magic Monday", and more.

But I ended up ditching them because there were days when I just didn't wanted to stick to the rules...

and ended up not doing anything...

So anyway, I'm all caught up now, and I don't have any "rules" anymore.

I just want to draw something, anything, no matter the size or the complexity, every day.

So first, I have my Sailor Moon folder, with my January art inside it.

Here we go.

Next I have my sketchbook with my February sketches.

Here we go.

And finally I have my March doodles, and another piece.

So let's start with January!

For February, I wanted to be free of rules and themes, and draw projects that were less time consuming,

so most of what's inside are little and simple sketches.

So in March, I took part in Sea Lemon's March Doodle Challenge.

The idea is to doodle something by following the prompts on the calendar.

So, there's a prompt for each day, and I completed it on time.

In march, I also did another piece, for International women's day.

So that's it for my art folder and sketchbook tour, I hope you liked it!

I'm still drawing everyday and I will post on instagram my drawings each time, so you can follow me there if you want to.

And I will do another recap video in three months, when I'm done with more drawings.

Thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed!

If you have a favourite drawing, let me know in the comments below.

And subscribe and like this video if you enjoyed! I will see you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> 🖍 365 days of art! Art Folder & Sketchbook tour - January to March 2017 📖 - Duration: 8:53.


Top 5 Online Personality Test Everyone Should Take Once - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Online Personality Test Everyone Should Take Once - Duration: 7:29.


HE FINALLY DID IT!!!! - Duration: 11:23.

good morning everyone today is Monday

morning and before I even get started

talking I want to say thank you so much

to everyone of you who helped us reach

thirteen hundred subscribers it really

means a lot to us. The number went up

while we were out of town this weekend so

it was a kind of a nice surprise to come

home and see that number so thank you

thank you thank you to all of you. Davis

is in here enjoying the kitty cat.

Because the cats so skinny she might starve if he

doesn't help her eat, but I'll

catch you guys later so first up today

is going to be going to the grocery

store because we need a few things to

make taco salad with and it's so very

hot today it's like 70-something degree

today but we're giving storms to move in

around 4 this afternoon and it's going to cool us

off just a little bit of them are hitting

back up into the very warm temperatures

Luke's being a helper today he's cleaning

aren't you are you spring cleaning huh

are you spring cleaning? Is today Spring?

The other day was Spring..the first day of spring.

So guys, we made it back from the grocery store.

and the boys are eating

lunch so i am taking the time while they are

eating lunch to come out here and get

the van cleaned out this is what I'm up

against it's not bad this is just three

days from being on the road so

basically just cleaning it out sweeping

mopping no big deal it'll be much less

traffic through here when we get the bed

done because the boys have a tendency to

climb in from the back side and walk all

the way up which of course gets it muddy

so once we get the bed in basically they

won't be using that door as a thru way

they'll be using a side door

so that'll be nice but time to get


alright guys van is clean that is one

thing off my list today and now by this

time the boys should should be finished

eating and so now we are going to get

started with some school and it's still

really really really hot out here it is

time to shorts on it is over 70 degrees

right now so anyways crazy crazy weather

but I will catch you guys later so guys

I'm pretty excited I just got an email

from my daughter and she finally got the

video from her wedding back she got

married as most of you know in October

and she just got her wedding pictures

back in February...the first of February, and

she's got one portion of her wedding

video back and so i'm going to show you

guys just a few clips of that because it is

her wedding was so beautiful so here are

the few clips for that

guys I hope I didn't bore you to death with

showing you those little clips but

we're just so excited to finally get

those back and and the look I had to put

that in when it showed her husband's

face when he saw her on their wedding

day when she first that first pulled the

curtains you could just see the love in

his face for our daughter and you just I

broke down and I guess it was just I

know he is the guy for her... So guys

lunch has finished they are all finished

with her schoolwork Davis is finishing

up one thing. He has to make a

a book cover for his readers in residence

and then once that's completed he's

going to be done with his work weeks

just kind of chilling in there you

watching dantdm on youtube. He's picked up

his toys so he's just kind not

doing anything and it is a gorgeous day

out today absolutely gorgeous gorgeous

gorgeous. The sun is shining but it is a little

cool because of the wind. You can

probably hear the wind in the camera

but I decided to come out and get Luke's

bicycle so that he can practice riding

his bicycle

how often do you see someone eating a

whole head of mini cabbage. Is that pretty

good?It smells... Is it tasty

Show everyone how tiny that little cabbage head is

I ate pretty much all of it.

You have ate almost all of it.

If you're wondering about the

little head of cabbage my cabbage as

I've mentioned before in the garden

actually planted in the fall and it's

been a slow grow but I've been able to

harvest throughout the winter months and

normally it's not going to last

through the winter month and so it's to

the point now it's basically stopped

growing. I mean it's been planned since

August. Anyway I went ahead

and pulled it and then you know these

little cabbage heads are like this big

and that's why Luke's eating one like it's an apple

and here's the other little guy. He's

going to show is daddy

Your glasses are gonna fall on my face....

whoa it's Superboy away

I thought you were gonna land on my face.

a very good climber how long can you go

you're too tall for that

too big yet he's too big no I'm walking

on visitor that was gonna say

For more infomation >> HE FINALLY DID IT!!!! - Duration: 11:23.


Nuevo Dibujos Animados para Ninos - 1 Horas Capitulos Completos - Duration: 2:09:14.

For more infomation >> Nuevo Dibujos Animados para Ninos - 1 Horas Capitulos Completos - Duration: 2:09:14.


Funny Tanks - Military Vehicles - New Cartoons compilation for Kids - Duration: 16:13.

Funny Tanks - Military Vehicles - New Cartoons compilation for Kids

For more infomation >> Funny Tanks - Military Vehicles - New Cartoons compilation for Kids - Duration: 16:13.



For more infomation >> APLICAÇÃO DE ÁCIDO HIALURÔNICO NO JOELHO - Duration: 1:28.


Tanks Cartoons for Children - Kids Cars in Army - Warfare funny animation - Duration: 2:12:12.

Tanks Cartoons for Children - Kids Cars in Army - Warfare funny animation

For more infomation >> Tanks Cartoons for Children - Kids Cars in Army - Warfare funny animation - Duration: 2:12:12.


Chuck Liddell, Anderson Silva and Anthony Johnson | Knockout Artists | UFC Top-10 - Duration: 6:48.

VOICEOVER: Number three, Chuck Liddell.


MICHAEL JOHNSON: Iceman will go down in history as, you know,

one of the best knockout artists.

JOE ROGAN: Oh, big leg kick.

What's that?

KHABIB NURMAGOMEDOV: He is legend for this sport.

JOE ROGAN: Oh, he got rocked.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Randy Couture is out.

THIAGO ALVES: Chuck Liddell is an animal, you know,

a party animal, a fighting machine.

JOE ROGAN: That guy has dynamite in his hands.

MICKEY GALL: had the mohawk.

He had the tattoos.

JOE ROGAN: How much does this crowd love Chuck Liddell?

IAN MCCALL: He has the posture and the face to just really

scare the [BLEEP] out of you.

Chuck Liddell is just a quintessential predator.

RASHAD EVANS: That stare at you where

you felt like you should say sorry, even

though you didn't do nothing.

JOE ROGAN: Nice right hand, again.

Down goes Horn.

TONY FERGUSON: You could feel the Iceman coming for you.

You know what you got when you're

locked inside that octagon.

I mean, if you let me stand in front of you that long, sooner

or later I'mma catch one.

And put you down.

JOE ROGAN: Oh, he's hurt bad.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Liddell, exactly as advertised.

IAN MCCALL: With the war cry after he knocks people out.

JOE ROGAN: What a psycho.

MIKE GOLDBERG: He is so intense.

DUSTIN POIRIER: When Chuck was on top,

the light heavyweight was a division to watch.

It was what everybody was talking about.

He was able to knock guys out he was moving backwards.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Liddell retreats.

Liddell with an uppercut.

MIESHA TATE: Everyone was saying, oh, keep your hands up.

JOE ROGAN: Oh, he is out.

MIKE GOLDBERG: That happened so fast.

MIESHA TATE: Well, Chuck Liddell was the exact opposite,

and he was knocking people out.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Tito covers up.

Chuck [INAUDIBLE] to Tito.




MICKEY GALL: When he knocked out Tito.

Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, just in Chuck Liddell style.

JOE ROGAN: These are vicious combinations.

ANTHONY JOHNSON: And Tito backed up,

and that was the wrong thing to do.

But Chuck is just weird.

You can't stalk him, and you can't back up.

He'll get you either way.

BRIAN STANN: You could lift weights for years,

and never, never, get anywhere near the kind of power he had.

Some guys are just born with it.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Oh, big left, and down goes Randy.

JOANNA JEDRZEJCZYK: He's the living legend,

and, for me, he's a guru.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Chuck Liddell.

MICKEY GALL: He was a fighter.

He was the champ.

He was knocking people out.

Royce Gracie put the UFC on the map,

but Chuck Liddell blew that bitch up.

JOE ROGAN: He clearly knows that he can knock out anyone alive.

VOICEOVER: Number two, Anderson Silva.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Let me just say this,

that man is the greatest of all time.

MICHELLE WATERSON: Anderson Silva is a legend.

He's able to do things that not a lot of people in this world

can do.



defended his title ten time.

He greatest UFC fighter.

TONY FERGUSON: Anderson Silva, GOAT, greatest of all time,


JOE ROGAN: Oh, what is this?

This is just confidence crushing clowning.

STEPHEN THOMPSON: The reason why they

call him the GOAT is because he's

knocked so many people out.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Just like that.

Anderson Silva.

MIESHA TATE: Anderson Silva is one

of those guys that can knock you out with any one of his limbs.

MICKEY GALL: Maybe that's why they call him the spider.

MICHELLE WATERSON: He's able to utilize his reach in a way that

is kind of creepy.

STEPHEN THOMPSON: His striking is just phenomenal.

Almost reminds you of a, like, Muhammad Ali.

Almost does it with a smile on his face.

ANDERSON SILVA: Yeah, my first fights

in UFCs, I like knock out.

MIKE GOLDBERG: The debut of Anderson Silva

lasts less than one minute.

JOE ROGAN: This is a different kind of striker.

ANTHONY JOHNSON: Everybody was cheering for Chris Leben

because he was the man.

Everybody knew him from the show.

CHRIS LEBEN: I'm a better fighter than everyone

else in this house, period.

And I will say that out loud to everyone in there.

ANTHONY JOHNSON: They fell for it.

JOE ROGAN: I don't think anybody thought

that was going to happen.

ANDERSON SILVA: I think this is my favorite knockout

in my career.

JOE ROGAN: Man, that was impressive.

MIESHA TATE: I still remember his push kick

knockout against Vitor Belfort.


He front kicked him in the face.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Absolutely rocked him, trying to finish.

He made that big.

JOE ROGAN: By the way, that's the first time Vitor has ever

been knocked out like that.

STEPHEN THOMPSON: The crazy fights

that I've ever seen him do, he wa so elusive,

when he fought Forrest Griffin.

MIKE GOLDBERG: The former light heavyweight champion

of the world.

Goofing around like, hey, hey, hey, hey, just kidding.

Look over here. Pop.


MIKE GOLDBERG: Are you kidding me?

JUNIOR DOS SANTOS: He knocked him out with a jab.

JOE ROGAN: He just slapped him, and that was it.


JOE ROGAN: Complete disdain for the striking ability

of Forrest.

RASHAD EVANS: And then you're laying on the floor,

looking up, and about to run out the arena, like Forrest.

Oh, I'm sorry, Forrest.

Forrest, I'm sorry.

ANDERSON SILVA: You lose your focus

for one second, [SNAPS] done.

This is the MMA, you know.

This is the greatest sport in the world.

VOICEOVER: And the UFC's number one knockout

artist, Anthony Johnson.

RASHAD EVANS: Rumble Johnson is just a big, grizzly bear,

ape strong man.


URIAH HALL: Thank God, I'm not a two oh fiver.

I hope to God he never comes down to my weight class.

JOE ROGAN: There's a level that he's

at, that no one else is at.

KHABIB NURMAGOMEDOV: If I want bodyguard, when I pretend,

I pick Anthony Johnson.

JOE ROGAN: It's a "I touch you, and you go to sleep" level.

RASHAD EVANS: I've been training AJ ever since he was at 170.

Through the years, he's gotten bigger and bigger.

JOE ROGAN: That's a terrifying man.

DENNIS BERMUDEZ: Everything about him is, is--

just can hurt you.

If I was close enough to him when he walks,

everything would kind of shake a little.

JOE ROGAN: Be careful what you ask for, folks.

GRAY MAYNARD: He looks painful.

JOE ROGAN: I do not think he understands

that he got knocked out.

DIN THOMAS: He's got 16 knock outs.

And all of them are dynamic, most of them

are in the first round.

I mean, this guy delivers more pain than a French baker.

JOE ROGAN: My God, what a terrifying human being.

BRUCE BUFFER: Rumble Johnson.

ANTHONY JOHNSON: My UFC debut, I knocked

the guy out in 13 seconds.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Big combinations early by Reiner.

JOE ROGAN: Reiner's hurt.

MIKE GOLDBERG: And now he's down, and it is all over.


JOE ROGAN: Oh, that's it.

ANTHONY JOHNSON: I was mad at him,

because he made the Ultimate Fighter that year,

and I didn't.

So, when I had the chance to fight him,

I actually took out all my frustration and anger on him.

I think the one guy that was ready to fight me, for sure,

was Glover Teixeira.

MIKE GOLDBERG: Here we go.

Blue trunks for Anthony Johnson.

Yellow trunks, for Glover Teixeira.

Oh, my.

Just like that.

JOE ROGAN: Good Lord.


RASHAD EVANS: The uppercut that he hit him with,

and his tooth just flying in the air.

And that's just like a visual in my mind, just like, wow.

JUNIOR DOS SANTOS: I don't know what happened, man.

I saw that and I said, what?

My God, that guy can knock people out, man.

ANTHONY JOHNSON: It's crazy the things

that a knockout artist can do, and it takes a very

special individual to do that.

JOE ROGAN: One shot is all it takes.

Boom, the lights go out.

ANTHONY JOHNSON: And it's simply,

is you have it, or you don't.

JOE ROGAN: Anthony Jonhson, ladies and gentlemen.

VOICEOVER: Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Chuck Liddell, Anderson Silva and Anthony Johnson | Knockout Artists | UFC Top-10 - Duration: 6:48.


FIFA Mobile 'Best' Plans Pack Opening ! Quicksell VS Out of Position Packs! Are they WORTH IT? - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> FIFA Mobile 'Best' Plans Pack Opening ! Quicksell VS Out of Position Packs! Are they WORTH IT? - Duration: 3:56.


🆕Cemu 1.7.4 | Multi-Thread Shader Cache Compilation Demo | Preview - Duration: 2:06.

Welcome back to the REGNR8 channel!

This is a quick and dirty video demoing the new multi-threaded support for shader cache


Of course the BIG Updates + Changes Build analysis of Cemu 174 is in production right

now so hang tight and I'll have that to you shortly.

In the means time, I want to share this with you because it's pretty amazing what Team

Cemu done here.

All of us with multi-core/multi-threaded CPU's are going to be celebrating this accomplishment

as it means the wait time to start a game has now been substantially decreased.

And as you can see here the first time Cemu 1.7.4 begins to compile your shaders, all

of your threads will crunch through your previous Transferable Shader Cache data.

If you close Cemu out once this process is complete, and re-open the app and load the

same game, you'll see that this process has exponentially sped up and on the second compilation

pass multiple threads are no longer needed.

So I'm convinced.

Team Cemu are Wizards.

If you're playing any game with a huge Transferable Shader Cache like Zelda: Breath of the Wild,

then you're going to be loving this update.

It's reduced a painfully long wait time down to just 1 minute.

Like I said, the BIG Updates + Changes Build Analysis video of Cemu 1.7.4 is in production

and will be posted within the next couple of days once all of the testing is complete.

So keep it locked to the REGNR8 channel for updates.

And if you want to be notified first before anyone else, JOIN the REGNR8 Discord Server.

We have a big contest coming up and you'll want to be a part of the community to participate.

The Link is in the description below.

I hope to see you there! :-)

Until next time: I'll see you in the next one!


For more infomation >> 🆕Cemu 1.7.4 | Multi-Thread Shader Cache Compilation Demo | Preview - Duration: 2:06.


Sucker Punch ''Nazi Zombies Part-3'' - Sucker Punch-(2011) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 5:06.


SWEET PEA: Rocket. That's enough.














For more infomation >> Sucker Punch ''Nazi Zombies Part-3'' - Sucker Punch-(2011) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 5:06.


Dora and Friends - Super Soccer Showdown Game on Nick Jr – How to play game - Duration: 13:15.

Dora and Friends - Super Soccer Showdown Game on Nick Jr – How to play game

For more infomation >> Dora and Friends - Super Soccer Showdown Game on Nick Jr – How to play game - Duration: 13:15.


Viktor & Yuri | Castle Walls - Duration: 0:35.

Viktor Nikiforov is dead.

Did you want to compete against me?

Don't be so full of yourself.



What are you staring at?

Let me go!


You'll be my coach!

That's what I want!

You're too funny, Yurio!

For more infomation >> Viktor & Yuri | Castle Walls - Duration: 0:35.


Slide Show | Videohive After Effects Templates | Video Displays - Duration: 1:39.

Slide Show works with CS4 and higher.

Project does NOT require 3rd party plugins.

More AE templates in Video Displays playlist.

I`m also holding a cute little kitten.. subscribe now or the kitty will become grumpy.

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