Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

It's the third stop of our big road trip.

Huge halls, many machines and vehicles...

There's much to be discovered and barely any vandalism here.

This steel giant is an urbex dream come true!

And we've found the reason why everything is nearly untouched…

But let's start at the beginning.

On a forum we saw impressive photographs of this industrial wasteland.

Next to old railway waggons you can find a lot of transport and construction vehicles in the outdoor area.

Inside the building there are huge factory halls and a big spare parts depot in the workshop.

This site is an abandoned sugar plant.

It's a dangerous place - you should always look carefully where you step next.

Here it's not unusual that the next level is several meters below you.

There's plenty to discover on this vast site and we didn't know where to look first.

After a couple of minutes we lost ourselves in these impressive dimensions…

…until the moment we got caught.

Suddenly there was a security guard in the factory hall shouting at us.

We didn't want to make this bad situation even worse so we cooperated and he walked us out.

Initially he was armed with a baton but he had become friendly really quick when he realized that we were just taking photos.

A week ago he had caught another group of photographers in the building, he told us.

Security had become necessary here because there have been more and more thefts.

He escorted us to our car and took down our personal data.

Police didn't get involved but we were barred from the place.

He said we will receive a letter with a bill - because we had to pay for the security operation

Up to 150 Euros – probably for all of us.

Reviewing the footage we could figure out what crucial mistake we had made.

The guard told us that we triggered a silent alarm and they saw us on camera.

While looking through the GoPro-footage we noticed this weird object which looks like it don't belong here.

Probably it's some kind of motion sensor.

No twenty minutes later after this shot the security arrived.

The hallway to the huge halls was so tight that we had to come by this motion sensor.

However, no letter arrived till today.


I guess we were pretty lucky.

For more infomation >> CAUGHT BY SECURITY! Urbex went WRONG - Abandoned Sugar Factory - Duration: 4:22.



For more infomation >> КРУТЫЕ И ПРОСТЫЕ ЛАЙФХАКИ - Duration: 5:07.


#1 مفلسف التشهير الإعلامي ولي {{نبذة صغيرة}}😂😆 - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> #1 مفلسف التشهير الإعلامي ولي {{نبذة صغيرة}}😂😆 - Duration: 5:48.


Steven Universo - Possíveis Fusões (Fan Fusions) #1 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Steven Universo - Possíveis Fusões (Fan Fusions) #1 - Duration: 2:54.


[NEW] Evil Trap Rap Instrumental "Scary Sight" Trippy Trap Beat 2017 (Prod. By Cyrov) - Duration: 3:27.

Lease/Buy This Beat At:

For more infomation >> [NEW] Evil Trap Rap Instrumental "Scary Sight" Trippy Trap Beat 2017 (Prod. By Cyrov) - Duration: 3:27.


How Persona Was Changed Outside Japan - Duration: 6:12.

Hello everyone, Tom from Censored Gaming here.

The Persona series, and by extension the Shin Megami Tensei franchise as a whole, had a

rocky launch in the Western world.

Back in 1996 a then inexperienced Atlus USA would handle the localization of Megami Inbunroku

Persona, a title which literally translates to Goddess Odyssey: Persona, a derivative

of its parent series' title, Shin Megami Tensei, which itself translates to True Reincarnation

of the Goddess.

It seems Atlus deemed this title a little too complicated as it was changed to Revelations:

Persona in the US.

"Revelations" was clearly intended to be the Western branding of Shin Megami Tensei,

as it was the title of the first localized SMT title: Revelations: The Demon Slayer for

Game Boy, known as Last Bible in Japan.

The efforts to westernize the first Persona game don't end with just the title, however.

Many alternations were made to remove its Japanese origins.

Many of the characters have radically different redesigns from their Japanese originals, and

they have been given different names.

The protagonist has been given lighter skin, a different hair style and colour and his

ear ring removed.

Kei Nanjo, renamed Nate Trinity here, has also had his skin lightened and his hair colour


A similar treatment was also given to Eriko, renamed Ellen; and Maki, renamed Mary.

The main cast that retain their original character designs are Brown, renamed Brad; Ayase, renamed

Alana; Yukino, renamed Yuki; and Reiji, renamed Chris.

Most of the minor cast have had their names changed too.

The list is slightly too long to go through individually [a scrolling list will go into

the video here] but the main ones are the villain Kandori being renamed Guido Sardinia

and the names of the two little girls Mai and Aki.

Both names are an anagram of Maki since they are both part of her in the story.

In the English version they are called Mae and Maggie instead, using the first two letters

of Mary.

Humorously, some of the names changes are likely Batman references.

Nate's butler is named Alfred, and a couple of its minor cast are named Bruce and Selina.

The biggest and most controversial of these changes is the character Mark, who is, ironically,

one of the few characters to retain his name from the Japanese version.

Mark is black in the US release and everything about his design, sans his pose, has been

radically changed.

Since black people are significantly more common in the US than Japan this is suspected

to be another result of transposing its setting.

The original setting was a fictional, yet very Japanese town called Mikage-cho.

Here it's renamed to Lunarvale, possibly as a reference to the moon phase mechanic

in the game.

This trend of renaming aspects of the game is absolutely everywhere and doesn't apply

exclusively to Japanese words and names.

The Agastya tree is now the Augustus tree, and many of the demons, personas, skills and

items have different names.

This video would be far too long if we went through them individually but you can read

many of them onscreen now.

A recurring theme with the name changes is that they are somewhat 'dumbed down' and

trade their original name, which usually has mythological roots, for a name that is easier

to understand.

For example, Titania, the queen of the fairies from A Midsummer Night's Dream, becomes

simply "Queen Fly".

Moh Shuvuu becomes Kimono, Leprechaun becomes Ghoul, possibly because of its appearance,

Duergar becomes Dwarfen, and so on.

Although some of the changes seem to come from lack of research and are direct Romanized


For example, Armati is called Allmighty.

Armati is the wise patroness of the earth in Zoroastrianism mythology.

It is not a clumsy Japanese rendering of the word almighty, as the localizers may have


Anyone familiar with more recent Persona or Shin Megami Tensei titles may be confused

by the different skill names.

Agi, bufu, zio and garu are now fire, chill, force and wind respectively.

Mudo and hama skills are now also holy and death skills.

Changes were also made to the game balance itself.

The encounter rate was lowered and the amount of experience gained was increased, possibly

to make the game easier for new players.

Also, the in-game currency was changed from yen to dollars and the price of items has

been dropped.

Many lines of dialogue are different from how they are in the Japanese version.

A plot point in the original game about Nate wanting to become the number one in Japan

has been removed.

The riddle outside of the school is a particularly infamous localized line.

In order to get into the school your party must prove they are not the demons or zombies

that have invaded Lunarvale.

To convince them they use the poem, "Roses are red, zombies are blue, but my face is

white, so you know I'm true."

This line is slightly unfortunate with the race change made to Mark.

In the PSP version, which is a much more faithful translation, that part of the poem is rendered

as "I don't want brains,".

Finally, we get to perhaps the biggest change from the Japanese version; the removal of

the snow queen quest.

The snow queen quest is the game's second route that is completely different but just

as long as the main SEBEC route.

It follows a different story and has different dungeons and characters.

That's right, owners of the game back in 96' were essentially missing half the content

from the Japanese version.

Remnants of it still remain in the game, such as this FMV cut scene showing the three towers

from the quest.

The content still remains on the disc but it is untranslated and dummied out.

There are two reasons why it was removed.

One reason is that Atlus wanted the game out before Christmas and the snow queen quest

was simply too time consuming to translate.

The other reason is that Atlus themselves found it too difficult, and the method the

player uses to use to unlock the quest was found to be too obtuse.

The quest was restored in the 2009 rerelease for the PSP, titled Shin Megami Tensei: Persona.

This new version sports a more faithful localization than its 1996 release, with all of the names,

portraits, demons and items retaining their original names and appearances.

The series has since embraced its Japanese roots, with later games making no effort to

disguise its Japanese setting.

In spite of its highly criticized localization, Revelations: Persona remains something of

a cult classic, with copies of the game being highly sought after by collectors.

With Persona 5 releasing April 14th 2017, with a confirmed faithful localization and

zero cut content, it's interesting to go back and see how the series was initially

launched in the West, and how Atlus USA has improved its localization practices.

For more infomation >> How Persona Was Changed Outside Japan - Duration: 6:12.


[ENG SUB] 하이라이트 공식 유튜브 채널 오픈! Highlight official YouTube channel open! - Duration: 0:24.

Hello! We are Highlight!

Yes! Our Highlight official Youtube channel is now open!

From now on, we will be posting music videos and various videos and content,

So I hope you really look forward to it!

- Yes - Yes

Up to now, it has been Highlight! Thank you!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 하이라이트 공식 유튜브 채널 오픈! Highlight official YouTube channel open! - Duration: 0:24.


MGS4-Raiden SAVE Snake!(Fandub ITA)- RaVe TuBe w/LOLFUN - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> MGS4-Raiden SAVE Snake!(Fandub ITA)- RaVe TuBe w/LOLFUN - Duration: 5:25.


طريقة أختراق جميع حسابات عبر الهاتف ك facebook آو Gmail أو snapchat - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> طريقة أختراق جميع حسابات عبر الهاتف ك facebook آو Gmail أو snapchat - Duration: 7:11.


Honky Tonk Somewhere - Duration: 0:34.


Got a little treat for you

Honky-Tonk Somewhere

That is the 1st cut

On Garth Brooks' Gunslinger album

If you haven't heard this song

and you would be interested in hearing this song

Check the link in the description below


this is a secret link, the only way to access this page is through this link

so, you may wanna hang on to it

if you like what you hear


That is gonna do it for now


and i am


For more infomation >> Honky Tonk Somewhere - Duration: 0:34.


Asperger's or Autism? | WAAW17 | invisible i - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Asperger's or Autism? | WAAW17 | invisible i - Duration: 10:45.


Sucker Punch ''Nazi Zombies Part-2'' - Sucker Punch-(2011) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 5:08.


BABYDOLL: Come on, guys. The bunker's this way.



- Cover! -Rocket!

ROCKET: Sweet Pea! Help!


Unh. Sweet Pea!





Are you okay?

BABYDOLL: It's right here.



SWEET PEA: Rocket. That's enough.









For more infomation >> Sucker Punch ''Nazi Zombies Part-2'' - Sucker Punch-(2011) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 5:08.


LUCIFER A SERIE - EP 2 - AS CAUSAS DA REBELIÃO DE LUCIFER (Livro de Urantia) - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> LUCIFER A SERIE - EP 2 - AS CAUSAS DA REBELIÃO DE LUCIFER (Livro de Urantia) - Duration: 9:03.


Who Helped Write My Book? | Hannah Witton - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Who Helped Write My Book? | Hannah Witton - Duration: 7:18.


Films With Great Beginnings That Fell Apart After Only Minutes - Duration: 5:42.

A great beginning is important, but it isn't everything — and that definitely applies

to the movies.

Plenty of films get off the starting block just fine, but sometimes those interesting

opening acts are just a prelude to a series of stumbles that end in utter collapse.

Here's our list of movies with great beginnings...that fell apart after minutes.

Jonah Hex

Who doesn't love a sci-fi Western?

It's a genre that keeps on giving where the small screen is concerned.

Consider the lasting popularity of TV shows like Firefly and Westworld.

The full-on disaster Wild Wild West made it seem like a good sci-fi western might never

make it on the silver screen...but Jonah Hex had a shot at turning things around.

Its comic book origin provided rich source material about a troubled antihero who was

accused of being a "a turncoat and a traitor" to his Confederate army unit.

There's enough content right there for a solid movie all on its own.

However, the movie's numerous last-minute changes dogged the film's production and turned

the final product into an unintentional disaster movie, despite few solid intro scenes.

"Searched you pretty darn good, didn't they?"

"Wouldn't you?"

The Last Airbender

M. Night Shyamalan's live-action take on The Last Airbender should've been good.

The cartoon series certainly was.

But the film version was plagued by accusations of cast white-washing, and the actors who

wound up in the film were misused anyway, and largely made into movie mockeries.

Pretty much the best thing about the movie is its opening credits which show people using

tai chi to manipulate the elements.

And that dimly lit 15-second demonstration is as good as this movie ever gets.


What a shame.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Let's face it.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace makes Battlefield Earth look like A New Hope running

on a crooked projector.

Much has been made of the fact that Jar-Jar Binks and a number of new aliens come across

as thinly disguised ethnic stereotypes.

But bad as that definitely is, this thing barely hangs together as an actual movie.

All things considered, the movie does open on a high note.

The screen is black and the comforting mantra, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…"

appears onscreen, accompanied by silence, then the classic epic fanfare.

Star Wars was back!

After 16 years!

What could be a better beginning to a movie than that?

The first sentence of that old, familiar Star Wars crawl is pretty enticing, too: "Turmoil

has engulfed the Galactic Republic."

Turmoil, you say?

What sort of turmoil, Mr. Lucas?

Fans were awful excited to learn the specifics, but then … womp.

The whole thing basically turned into an intergalactic vision of the Boston Tea Party with a crazy

costume game.

"It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions."

No kidding.

Good thing The Force Awakens breathed new life into this series by getting back to basics

because this movie — and the two prequels that followed — were a hot mess.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

While the Wahlbergian Age of Extinction gets a lot of hate and Dark of the Moon isn't exactly

a work of art, it's not much of a stretch to pick Revenge of the Fallen as the ugliest

of the subpar Transformers sequels.

It starts out in the usual course with a follow-up to its robot action predecessor by going back

in time to the start of these robotic renegades.

But then things start to fall into some shady territory with a racist robo-thread running

through the entirety of this itchy CGI sweater of cinematic sin that, if pulled, causes Bay's

movie to completely collapse.

From the unflattering characteristics of its stereotypically primitive tribesmen to the

minstrelsy of the Twins Mudflap and Skids,

"What are we going to do with this shrimp taco?"

"Let's just pop a cap in his ass, throw him in the trunk, and nobody gonna know nothing,

know what I mean?"

to the pervasive racially tinged one-liners, Revenge of the Fallen retrofits a beloved

sci-fi franchise with deplorable racist tropes — and then only gets worse from there.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Director Zack Snyder has some explaining to do.

The widely derided Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice wasn't his first superhero movie,

so there's no excuse for why he got this one so wrong.

Putting Batman and Superman together for the very first time in a live-action movie was

a sure thing by any measure.

Then, the fact that Wonder Woman was also added to the mix, made half the blockbuster

battle won even without a script.

And that's kinda how Dawn of Justice met its downfall, really.

Instead of a sensible narrative, it's just a collection of stuff that happens, much of

which doesn't make a lick of sense if you spend more than a couple of seconds thinking

about it.

Even the rock 'em sock 'em fun inherent in the title gets steamrolled by a grim, loud,

and utterly preposterous final showdown between our two main heroes that's ultimately settled

because both of their moms are named Martha.


And things started off pretty well.

Sure, there was the Terrible Poetry Corner, courtesy of Ben Affleck:

"There was a time above, a time before.

There were perfect things."

But once we get to Bruce Wayne, zipping around Metropolis as it's being turned into a smoking

crater thanks to Superman and Zod, it's tough not to get excited about the high-stakes drama

to come.

And then?


"She gave me faith that there's good in this world.

She was my world."

So yeah, in terms of concept, brand legacy, and overall anticipation, Batman v Superman:

Dawn of Justice got off to an excellent start — and then the rest of the movie showed


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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Films With Great Beginnings That Fell Apart After Only Minutes - Duration: 5:42.


How To Paint The Cover of Batman Forever From Memory - Duration: 33:55.

- Hello and welcome to another episode of, you guessed it,

The Shirtless Painter.

Anyone can paint and anyone can paint anything

and today we're going to be painting something from memory.

I'm going to be painting the cover of Batman Forever

the movie as best I can from memory.

So I encourage you to take off your shirt

and, whether you've seen the movie or not,

join me and paint along at home, won't you?

Let's get started.

All right, so we've primed out canvas

with sort of a spooky, not Tim Burton-esque,

keep in mind he abandoned the franchise at this point,

but just sort of a nice spooky backdrop here

and we'll be listing some of the colors

we'll be using on the screen

for you to follow along at home.

Let's do it.

Okay, so there's a lot of,

the cast got pretty big for this film,

so we have a lot of work to do.

But the first thing I'm gonna do

just to sort shed a little light on the situation

is to do a nice big old bat signal

because I know that was involved.

When in doubt, always just do some sort of bat signal.

Here we go.

Okay, so we're gonna get some of our bat white here,

just some basic bat white

and we'll just sort of start...

Shloppin' it in there.

You could add a little wetness, a little water,

give it sort of a nice misty Gotham City look

and as you're painting if you wanted to turn on

the soundtrack to Batman Forever,

it's actually a pretty good soundtrack.

A lot of songs that weren't used in the film,

but nonetheless they're good songs.

Look at that.


Okay, so we got our bat signal round here.

It's time to add our bat.

How about that?

It's a little rhyme I say whenever that comes up.

Whenever adding a bat comes up,

that's a little rhyme I like to say.


So we'll just mix up some of our Batman black here.

I'm gonna grab a smaller brush here.

Batman's a subtle character,

so go ahead and grab a smaller brush.

We'll dip it in the wet and here we go.

I like to start with the ears when I'm doing a Batman signal

but you could start with anything you like, the wings...

The little points...

Anything you choose

and the white might mix in there,

but that's actually our friend in this case

because, again, this is a nice misty Gotham night.

The kooks are out at night

as Batman knows all too well.

They just won't let him rest.

So the cops...

Cops down at Gotham PD are of course...

Ill equipped to handle anything on their own apparently,

so they gotta call in Batman.

All right, look at that.

So a Batman bat is different

than a bat you'd find in nature.

Instead of disgusting little claws and stuff,

they have just a series of points.

So just go ahead and...

Just go ahead and fill in the series of points.

This could be, I don't know if this is a tail

or a penis or what this little big point is,

but this is the master point.

This sort of anchors everything together.

And we'll just finish up that little guy there.


Getting excited already.

I feel like I'm going to the movies.


So it's not perfect, but let's be honest,

neither was the film.

I enjoyed it.

Did you?

All right, so we've got our bat signal there

sort of sending out the message to call,

you guessed it, none other than Batman himself.

So Batman usually answers the call.

So why don't we go ahead and start plotting out our Batman.

What do you say?

All right, so we're gonna take some of our bad boy blue here

'cause Batman is a bit of a bad boy

and we'll add a little bit of white because he is white.

I think America's ready for a black Batman, an Asian Batman,

but in this film he was a white man, Val Kilmer.


Okay, so we're gonna get the nice Batman blue going here.

And before we darken it up, we'll just start it with,

oh what the hell, there's already some black on here,

so we'll incorporate that.

Painting is as much about fun and beauty

as it is about shortcuts, taking shortcuts.

So always try to find shortcuts for yourself.

Work smart, not hard.

All right, so if I remember correctly,

Batman was sort of taking up...

The lion's share of the frame or should I say...

The bat's share.

You knew where I was going.

You know me too well.

All right.

So we just kind of get his whole dumb head in there.

Starting with one ear.

And this is sort of an Adam West colored suit,

but I don't give a shit.

All bets were off with this film.

It took more of a campy turn,

definetely more of a nod to the '60s Batman,

so instead of a nod we're gonna do a big old head shake.

All right so...

Add his other ear in there, his little side ear.


His bat nose.

And then of course the mouth hole.

No Batman is complete.

This is where the actor...

This is the only real evidence of who's playing Batman,

this muzzle area here so...

This is where Kilmer can really shine.

So make sure to leave room for that.


I'm gonna give him a little under chin area.

And his head.

Okay, great.

All right.

So we've got the bat head here.

Now they say Batman is blind as a bat,

but that's not true, he needs to see.

So let's give him some eyes.

Now, you can go...

You could use sort of cartoon rules here

and just give him plain white eyes,

which you'll notice is what he has

when he's a cartoon in his mask,

or you could, if you're more of a student of realism,

you can go ahead and add...

Pupils and stuff.

So we'll start with the whites.

I'm gonna give him a little bit of,

just make it a touch angry, Batman's a little angry boy.

Great, look at that.

We'll start with that

and let's get the nice Caucasian bat flesh going.


Help, Batman, I dropped my brush.

Just kidding, you have better fish to fry.

Like the Joker.

In this case, the Riddler,

but that's a story for a little bit later in the show.

Okay, so we're mixing up sort of a pink color here,

which isn't quite right, but that's okay.

We'll add just a little more white.

And just a dash of Catwoman yellow.

Maybe just a little more white.

And just a little more white.


Nice, so we got our nice Kilmer tint going here.

And from here we just sort of fill in the gaps.

Look at that.

So Kilmer's got those sexy Kilmer lips.

So we definetely don't want to forget those.

The man played Jim Morrison.

Let's not forget.

Not quite the same chin as Keaton, but...

A decent replacement.

I believe that was some of the reviews of the film.

"A decent replacement," Gene Siskel.

Rest in peace.


Again, we can add definition

and we could sort of fill out those beautiful Kilmer lips

a little bit more in a second,

but right now just get your basic bat shape down there.

Great, okay so we got our bat shape.

And what do you say we sex him up a little bit?

Hello, ladies and men.

The little lip cleft.

Look at that.

And those delicious Batman lips and a little butt chin.

I believe he's got one.

Great, looks like Val Kilmer to me.

Okay, fantastic.

All right, so we got our main Batman shape here

and what the hell.

I don't know what color eyes Val Kilmer has.

I don't have time to learn that kind of stuff,

but we'll go ahead and give him some nice green eyes.

I've decided to go the eyeball route, but again...

It's your choice, don't let anyone tell you

how to paint your Batman.

Paint your own Batman, that's what I say.

Paint your own Batman.

March to the beat of your own Batman.

And we'll add the blackness in his eyes

and while we're at it,

we'll just give him some sort of Batman highlights.

Don't forget the nose, he's got a pointy bat nose.

Fill out those beautiful lips.

Look at that.

Look at that.

And of course, we all remember Batman has

right around the eye holes he's got

just a little bit of black makeup,

which means before he goes out to bust the bad guys

he's got to put on a little makeup.

Think about it.

I've been saying this for years.

No one listens to me.




Nice, perfect.

All right, so we got our Batman face here.

Now it's time to round out the cast.

This is a wacky one, so buckle your seat belts.

Okay, pardon my French.

All right, so we're gonna go ahead and add in our...

One of the biggest stars of the era,

Mr. James Carey.

The Riddler himself.

All right, so let's go ahead and get our Riddler brush here.

Of course Batman gets top billing.

Though in Batman and Robin,

Arnold Schwarzenegger got top billing.


So we get some of our Riddler color

and we'll just sort of plop him in right here.

He's got sort of a long, wacky face

if you remember Jim Carey of course.

Give him sort of an America's funny man type of chin here.


And of course the Riddler had sort of

a shock of orange hair.

He was a real kooky bird in this one,

so go ahead and give him that.

Have fun with it.

I mean if you don't want to give him orange hair,

you don't have to, you could do...

Green hair.

Orange or green.

But have fun with it.


He's a true wild man.

All right, speaking of green,

Jim Carey starred in The Mask,

but he also wears a mask as the Riddler.

So let's give him his mask.

Look at that.

Nice eye holes there.


And if I remember correctly,

he was doing sort of a crazy thing with his hands.

So we'll just start getting some crazy arms in there.

He's almost shrugging as if to say

"You don't know what I'll do next."

And boy, was that true.

Just ask this guy.

Just ask Batman.

Okay, so we got his arms, he's sort of shrugging.

Look at that.

Long, spindly arms.

And of course these hands that seem to say

"Hey, I don't know.

"I'm just the Riddler."

Or "Hey, I'm gonna get ya."

That might be what he's trying to say.

I believe the Riddler killed Batman in this one,

but I don't...

Remember the film.

Sound off in the comments to confirm

that he killed Batman, but again I don't know.

Great, look at that.

Okay, so we got our spooky Riddler arms here.

Don't forget the eye whites.

They say don't fire it till you see the whites

of their eyes, well open fire 'cause here they are.

And speaking of whites, Jim Carey is known for two things,

making people laugh and those big, white chompers.

So let's...

Let's show some teeth.

James Carey.


All right and we'll take a little bit of green.

What's the Riddler without his signature...

Question marks.

And just add several of those.

Just sort of on his little PJs there.

Great and then what the hell,

we'll just give him some green teeth.

You've heard of green tea, but green teeth?

Maybe it's a riddle.

Maybe it's a riddle.

Okay, great.

That's enough of that guy.

We got plenty of characters to get to.

So let's see, who else do we have in here?

We got Batman, the Riddler.

Ah who could forget Two-Face?

So we got Harvey Cadtale, what's the guy's name?

The guy who played Two-Face, PJ Harvey.

What is his name?

Grumpy guy.

We'll figure it out.


He's a purple man.

I believe he was half purple,

his bad side or his wild side if you will.

So we'll just take a little bit of our white,

a little bit of our purple

'cause, again, I can't remember the guy's name,

but he was a white man of course, Hollywood.

Get it together.

We're doing better.

This was 1995.

All right, so we'll start with...

Well I guess we'll start with half the face.

So just split it right down the middle.

There he is, there's that bad half.

Harvey Dent is the character's name.

Still drawing a blank on the actor's name.

I'm sure you guys will help me out.

Tommy Lee Jones.

Okay, so there's his other half of the face there.

Got the Riddler sort of getting up in his personal space,

but hey that's just the Riddler.

All right, so now it's time to have some fun.

We're gonna...

We're gonna add his face.

So it's quite simple, we got one mean guy...

One happy guy...

One happy eye, one mean eye.

And he's got some crazy hair on one side.

And some nice boy hair on the other side, I guess.

Some nice blonde hair, we'll say.

Who cares?

Okay, there's our nice boy.


Okay and of course we also have Nicole Kidman was in there.

Beautiful actress.

Gorgeous actress, Nicole Kidman.

So we'll just get our main Kidman shape here.

I don't know what her role was,

maybe usually it's a reporter.

Something to that effect.

Okay, so we got our nice Kidman shape

and we're just gonna take some of our Riddler's,

Riddler hair orange.

And some yellow and of course some of our Kidman color.

K-O-L-O-R, Kidman color.

Little more yellow, she's a blonde.

And we'll just add in our Kidman locks.

It's already looking like Nicole Kidman.

Nicole Kidman, if you're watching,

I hope I got your hair color right for this film.


Feeling pretty good about that.

Just smooth this situation out here.

In Hollywood, they call this a nip and tuck,

but I just call it painting.

Look at that, 10 years younger.


Kidman lips.

Kidman eyes.

I don't remember what color eyes she has,

but as far as I recall they're deep black.

Okay so we got our Batman, we got our...

Jim Carey as the Riddler,

we got our Mr. Two-Face, Tommy Lee Jones,

now let's not forget king of the '90s, Chris O'Donnell,

the big screen's first Robin.

Again, he is another white actor.

They're getting plenty of work this year.

We'll add him in there.

And the great thing about Chris O'Donnell

is that he's just sort of a plain man.

So this one is really easy.

There's not really much you could do with him.

Just a plain round head.

He's almost like a living Charlie Brown.

Great, so you get his round old head in there.

And what color hair does he have?

Probably some kind of brown I would guess.

So we'll just mix up some...

Well this will actually work great

for the maroon of his mask.

So we'll just give him his nice updated Robin mask,

which was very sleek.

And give him sort of a Robin signal there,

very similar to the Batman signal.

Symbol, excuse me.

Just sort of a plain mouth

and what the heck, we'll just give him black hair.

It doesn't really matter.

And we'll fill in some of his old Robin suit.

If I remember correctly,

he's sort of sticking his arm in the air

like he's saying "Hey, I'm with Batman now, so cool off."


And here's his fist.


Okay, so no movie cover is complete without...

The title of course.

How the heck are people gonna know what they're watching?

So let's go ahead and add the title.

And it's I don't remember the exact font choices.

But it's Batman, so you know it's gonna be cool,

you know it's gonna be sleek.

So just have fun with it.

Maybe create your own font.

That's the beauty of painting

is that it's sort of a custom font every time.


Sound it out.



Get the little...

Little serifs on there.


All right, well we ran out of room there.

We'll just sort of, nothing's really going on here,

so we'll just sort of stick that over there.

And of course, Forever,

which is how long people remember this great film.


And again, sound it out if you're having trouble.

Okay great, so we've got our main cast of characters here.

But there's one more character in the movie

that isn't in the movie,

but she's the number one top billing in my life, my wife.

So we're just gonna give my wife a little cameo here.


So we'll just mix up a little wife color here.


And we'll put here right up here above Chris O'Donnell

because in my heart and in my view,

my wife is way above Chris O'Donnell.

I got nothing against Chris O'Donnell,

but I love my wife more than him obviously.

And now this is a Batman movie, everything's a little crazy,

so we'll just give her some kooky villain hair.

Maybe her name is Slimewoman.

I would never call her that, but...

And I hope no one else would.

All right, so we'll give Slimewoman.

Let's see, Slimewoman can wear.

What color mask does she want to wear?

How about a nice purple?

New superhero alert for all you nerds out there.


Slimewoman issue one coming to stores very soon.


And give her those Kidman lips.

And of course the whites of her eyes.

Look at that.


And we'll just give her the hint of a little outfit,

which is...

Does the outfit match the mask?

The answer is yes.

Maybe she's saying "Hey Chris,

"get your hand out of my face."

She would say it politely though, but firmly.

She doesn't put up with any BS, even from Chris O'Donnell.

Great, look at that.

All right.

All right.

Well I don't know about you,

but I would say that that's one spicy painting.



Thanks for joining me.

I encourage you to take off your shirt

and paint along with me

and of course...

Check out Batman Forever only on...


See you next time.


(dramatic whooshing)


For more infomation >> How To Paint The Cover of Batman Forever From Memory - Duration: 33:55.


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For more infomation >> Best Dinosaurs Cartoons for Children Full Episodes | Funny Dinosaurs Cartoons for kids 2017 - Duration: 1:22:34.


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16-year-old Dragon/Lion Dancers [Chinese Proud Tradition] - Duration: 5:24.

[ Mandarin] My name is Chen Xipeng. I am 16 years old.

[ Mandarin] I've been learning lion dance for more than 3 years.

Only in the third year, I was allowed to learn how to dance on the pole.

Swiss Man lost in China.

Get lost in China with us~

Today we are going to see something that is part of an ancient tradition in China, the lion dance & the dragon dance.

[ Mandarin] Audience, time to touch the dragon for good luck.

[ Mandarin] Auspicious dragon brings blessings.

[ Mandarin] Dargons in pursuit of pearl. Sign of good luck.

Dragons are in the shape of written "China"

What people don't know, is that it is a real investment in time & exercise.

A real work of athlete.

Do you want to know more about this tradition?

[ Mandarin] My name is Yu hongyuan. I am 16 years old.

16 years old.

[ Mandarin] I've been learning dragon dance for 3-4 years already.

[ Mandarin] I've been learning Kungfu for 8 years.

I want to know, if they think that

it is very attractive for new generation to do this tradition, Chinese tradition?

[ Mandarin] It depends. But after all, it is part of our traditional culture.

[ Mandarin] As a Chinese, we have the responsibility to inherit it.

We learned recently, and many people are curious to know that

there is a championship of the lion dance or dragon dance

A world cup or something like that. Can you explain us what it is?

[ Mandarin] There are many different teams from different countries for the contest.

[ Mandarin] Including Malaysia, Thailand, etc.

[ Mandarin] It seems that they all have many Chinese immigrants.

[ Mandarin] Because these teams are taught & developed by Chinese immigrants.

[ Mandarin] Auspicious lion harvesting fresh plants. Sign of good luck.

Scroll: Guilin Dragon & Lion Dance Association wishes great success to Guilin Sanyuesan Festival.

[ Mandarin] Let's hold our breath for the incoming fantastic show

[ Mandarin] Even the stage is a little bit wet, it seems that the lion dancers are doing well.

[ Mandarin] Our little lion had such a great performance.

[ Mandarin] Bravo! Bravo!

And then the last, perhaps the most important question.

They have time for the girlfriends or not?

[ Mandarin] Let our professional lion dancer be the first one to answer

[ Mandarin] I don't have a girlfriend.

[ Mandarin] Don't have time for girlfriend? Why?

[ Mandarin] Because I think I am still too young

[ In mandarin] It is not the time for having a girlfriend yet.

[ Mandarin] Yes. I got a little bit time for girlfriend sometimes.

[ Mandarin] I think actually he is wondering

[ Mandarin] except the training & practice of dragon and lion dance.

[ Mandarin] whether you still get time for anything else.

[ Mandarin] Such as develop other hobby or interest

[ Mandarin] Or, is it that you can only concentrate on the training?

[ In mandarin] If you really want to complish something

[ Mandarin] then you have to take it seriously, you have to concentrate on it.

[ Mandarin] Since I have already chosen it as a my career,

[ Mandarin] I must spare no effort.

[ Mandarin] Cool.

[ Mandarin] Shake hands.


[ Mandarin] Thank you.

[ Mandarin] Thank you for you time. Thank you indeed.

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