Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

Hi, everybody! I'm Maya and it's time for a new vlog.

Many of you asked me about how I managed to go to Las Vegas and how was there.

That's why I decided to make the first episode with the story about how everything started.

It was my father's fault 

He signed me up for an online music contest which lasted one year and which envolved thousand of contestants from all over the world.

I'm so happy I won this contest and this was the best present for my 14th birthday because The Most Famous Award's winner was announce exactly on the 1th of June.

This is The Most Famous Award trophy and I'm very proud to be the winner.

As the Global Winner, I was invited on September 2015, for two weeks, in Las Vegas and again on November, last year, when I sang in the show awards.

It was the greatest experience on my entire artistic career until now, especially because there, I had the chance to meet and become friends with well-known people from American showbiz

Michael Airington, well-known actor, especially for playing Ester Goldberg. You can see Ester at the end of this vlog, during the interviews.

Matt Gallant, the host of the show. You know him, for sure, from The Planet's Funniest Animals on Animal Planet Channel and from MTV shows.

Wayne Newton, very well-known singer in Las Vegas. Merv Griffin said: "Las Vegas without Wayne Newton is like Disneyland without Mickey Mouse."

Frederic Da Silva, a great mentalist. He has his own mindreading magic show in Las Vegas. This is amazing.

Vudis, a lithuanian composer. He is the one who composed "Do some good (The power of we)" and I was so happy to meet him in person and to have the chance to work with him for the next song in a studio in Las Vegas

And the last but not the least, Pete Demas, the producer of this show, ex executive director at MTV Networks

and the most important person, Dan Settgast, Perfect Internet founder.

He is the one who organized the contest and I'm greatful to him for this, because this way I had this great opportunity to sing in Las Vegas. Without him, nothing was possible.

Let me show you how was my performance on the stage of Bally's Hotel!

I hope you enjoy this vlog.

If you did, don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel, Maya Pop, and if you want, give a Like&Share on Facebook and 'till next time, I send you lots of kisses!!!

For more infomation >> AM CANTAT IN LAS VEGAS || MAYA Pop Video Blog - Duration: 13:20.


Leute am 1. April im Supermarkt pranken :D - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Leute am 1. April im Supermarkt pranken :D - Duration: 4:18.


JETLAG - Repül az idő _ OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> JETLAG - Repül az idő _ OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO - Duration: 3:19.


Video ( net ) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Video ( net ) - Duration: 3:44.


Best Free Online Video Creator 2017 - Duration: 2:10.

Best Free Online Video Creator 2017

For more infomation >> Best Free Online Video Creator 2017 - Duration: 2:10.


Amazing Benefits Of Aloe Vera || Top 6 Benefits Of Aloe Vera - Duration: 1:04.

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Thanks for watching the video for more videos subscribe the channel

For more infomation >> Amazing Benefits Of Aloe Vera || Top 6 Benefits Of Aloe Vera - Duration: 1:04.


Video (net) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Video (net) - Duration: 3:44.


Closed Caption: Why I do It and You Should Too | Sophie - Duration: 10:33.

[Volume Muted however I am saying] Well Hello Everyone and welcome back to my

or if you are new, welcome to my channel.

I hope you are doing super duper well today.

And yeah… can you hear me?…

[Volume back on] So for today's video i thought we would

just have a little chat together about why i close caption all my video.

why i thin kit is important to talk about it.

And if you're a creator that you should do it aswell.

And also i get asked a lot why i know ASL and not BSL

so American sign language and not British sign language

even though i am British and live in the UK.

So if you want to find out why, i do these things,

or if you just want a video to have in the background whilst you clean your room

or you're doing your make up, i'm okay with that but carry on watching.

So i think we should kick off this chat with closed captioning.

now for those of you, closed captioning are the little subtitles that are at the bottom

of the screen in videos, tv shows, movies that kind of thing.

and it just basically says what is being said.

So people that are deaf or hard of hearing can join in

and understand what is going on.

it makes sense to them.

and it is something i have never really thought about fully although i sometimes used them.

i never thought, hey i should do that on my videos.

and it's only been in the new year that i

you know, new year new start i decided you know what

i'm going to close caption all my videos. and people have asked why i've started doing

it. and the reason is just

i always say to people and i believe in my self and in general that,

anything is possible anything you want to do is possible

you just have to make it accessible and you know, find a way around the obstacle.

And, a way round an obstacle for deaf/hard of hearing people are subtitles/closed captioning.

Now, a lot of tv shows, or youtube videos have closed captioning but they're not

done manually or properly.

they're just the ones that kind of youtube or the tv will just pick up.

And, it doesn't always make sense.

i don't know if you've ever tried it but, i have put closed captioning on before and

I've been like, that does not say what that person just said.

and that's because they're not done manually.

so they're just kind of you know, not guessed but

it's whatever the i don't know what it is,

the system i guess picks up? i don't know

all my videos that i upload now are closed captioned and they're done manually so that

exactly what i am saying is what is being shown on the screen.

And that just makes it accessible to people that are deaf/hard of hearing or

do you know what, even if you're in a place where you can't have sound

you can still watch videos because you can see what's going on.

not that you should be watching videos where you shouldn't be watching videos,

but i'm just saying that if you wanted to do that,

you totally could.

i think that when you look at it from a point of view that

a lot of people see the deaf community as one.

And although there are things within that community such as ASL that are kind of

for the deaf community, there's no reason why the hearing world

and the deaf world can't merge together.

And by captioning videos, and tv shows and movies

is kind of helping to merge the two together.

it's not making it so separate.

it's making them you know together, and i think that is a really great thing that

the two worlds can combine together as one

[singing] when two become oneeeeee

So a lot of people ask why i suddenly started close captioning it and what suddenly kind

of changed my mind I think it is just that i have personally

have got a lot more interested, not that i wasn't interested before

but I've got more clued up and i watch more things about kind of the deaf community

and that kind of thing so i think i've just become a lot more interested

in it myself and i've learnt a lot more

my mind's been open to a lot more and then it all just suddenly kind of like

i was like why haven't i been doing it because i know i use them sometimes

be it whether i'm in a loud place and i can't hear

because i am hard of hearing and a lot of people don't know that

because i have become very good at lip reading especially coffee orders.

Phones have features to make it more accessible, so why aren't you making it more accessible.

If you are a creator, or you kind of know creators,

i totally think that you should go and tell other youtubers to do it.

i know Tyler Oakley captions all of his videos. and i think that is absolutely amazing.

And, i think more people should follow in his steps

and i know i am.

So, Hi 5 Tyler not that you're watching my video,

but it would be cool if you were.

Many moons ago, probably about 7 years now maybe,

when i first wanted to learn sign language, I had no reason to actually need to know sign

language at the time.

And, i just thought it would be cool to learn another language and sign language interested


And so i decided to try and teach myself sign language.

i didn't want to go to a course because i wanted to kind of give it a go first.

uhmmm, and at the time there wasn't really much online that was for British Sign Language.

I couldn't find any free courses, because at the time i didn't want to pay for anything

because i didn't know how i would personally find it

and whether it was something i would carry on doing or just try and know the basics.

So, I didn't want to at this point pay for anything and there weren't really many apps

to help you so it was kind of what i could find online.

And at the time, i couldn't find a lot of British sign language.

a lot of it was american sign language i could find youtube videos of people signing

to songs, i found like an online dictionary thing that

was free that you could literally type in any word

which also had mini courses of like 100 first signs, baby signs, numbers, you

know basics, your who,what, where why's.

All that kind of thing.

so i started to learn it because it was more accessible at the time to find.

Uhmm, and at the time i didn't realise how different america sign language was to British

Sign Language.

So i thought, you know i could start learning that and then i could kind of switch.

I actually fell in love with it.

i loved it and then it wasn't long until Switched At

Birth came around and then i found it even more accessible to find things

that were in American Sign Language.

I mean now there is so much British Sign language.

there's apps, there's things online, there are youtubers that are British.

that use British sign language.

i know that there are a couple that i do follow.

But, at that point i actually really enjoyed america sign language

i have actually used it a couple of times in like hospital tests when i wasn't allowed

to talk.

I have my mum, i remember once i gave her the picture of american sign language alphabet.

I literally just spelt out every word.

And that's how we had a conversation cuz i wasn't allowed to talk for like 4 hours

and it was just me and her in a room.

but i kind of fell in love with ASL. i fell in love with the whole, kind of,

deaf culture and stuff like that.

i started learning it more and more and i found it even more accessible as time went

on and youtube got bigger.

And by that point i knew too much ASL to feel that I was like i'd be able to just go over

to BSL.

And, I am american obsessed so i mean it does kind of make sense!

And yes, now i actually do use it with a couple of my friends.

because i actually need to at times if i'm in in a busy setting

or like on a plane or even if we are across the room.

So like my two closest friends do know like a bit of sign language.

and kind of a mixture of me helping teach and

then kind of learning online or using courses that i used online or still use online.

because there are some really great courses.

Even free ones.

so if you want to try learn as but you're not sure like i wasn't,

there are so many free things online.

i'll try put some links in the description box below of websites

or free courses or other youtubers that i watch that you might find helpful.

i know that in America, sign language you can learn basics sign language.

i think there are classes you can take (at school).

i know that in the UK, I don't know of a school that offers sign language classes.

If you don't know sign language, i really think that you need to start.

And I think that you will love it.

And if you wanted me to do like, i'm not a teacher and i'm not you know

fluent in sign language but maybe i could do like a video on like

the basics of sign language.

i know i've done a couple sign songs or songs in sign

however you want to call it.

like years ago.

but yeah, if you wanted me to do the basics in sign,

then just let me know in the comments and maybe i'll do it.

because i love sign language.

so if you like this video or if you found it eye opening

or whatever, be sure to give it a big old thumbs up so that i know.

and if you're not already i would love for you to subscribe.

then we can have so much more fun together.

we can learn a ton more and if you press that little bell button next to the subscribe button

you can even get told when i upload which i personally think is the coolest thing.

like i said i will try below any links of free courses or other you tubers that i watch

that use ASL or closed captions and please spread the word

whether it's spreading my video or going over to another youtuber and like commenting

on their video just spread the word that closed captioning

is so important.

and makes things so much more accessible to people that are feeling like they're in

a different world.

it can bring them in and connect them into 1 world.

So up in that corner i'm going to leave the link to my last video

and down there, i'm going to leave…

mmmm i'm going to leave a surprise video.

i think we are going to leave a surprise video because we all love a surprise

so until next time keep watching

stay strong and stay safe

bye guys

For more infomation >> Closed Caption: Why I do It and You Should Too | Sophie - Duration: 10:33.


I need to tell you something (crying) - Duration: 0:53.


hey guys

i making this video to tell you guys something

its verry important for me to tell guys whats going on in my life

yesterday i had a accident at home

i dont think that i can handle it anymore

maby from the outside im looking normal

from the in side im broken

i never want to put someone else in my position

because its so horible

so yesterday this happened

if you already noticed this was a skit

so if you enjoyed this video drop a like subscribe PEAS

For more infomation >> I need to tell you something (crying) - Duration: 0:53.




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