Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

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[music fades]

Hey guys, it's Trina and this is my

reading wrap up for the month of March.

Let's check in with what my March TBR

was. So I had five books on my TBR this

month and I really thought I was going

to do it, but I only read three of these

this month. I haven't even picked up The

Handmaid's Tale yet, and as for

Or Fire and Stars, I have started it. I'm like

this far through it, which is about

two-thirds of the way through. I just

waited too long in the month to pick

this one up but I will be finishing it

soon. I did read a total of nine books

this month so let's get into those. In

the description I will put links to all

the books I talk about today in case

you want to find them very easily, and

there are also timestamps in the

description in case you want to jump

straight to one of my reviews. I kind of

rated almost across the board this month.

I had some 2 star reads, 3 star reads,

4 star reads and just one 5 star book.

I will be doing this like usual where I

start at the lower end of my ratings and

then work my way up to my favorite book

of the month. So my 2 star books, the

first of those was Wayfarer by Alexandra

Bracken. This is the sequel to Passenger

and it is the finale of this duology.

This is a YA science fiction series about

time travelers and our main character,

Etta, she's a musical prodigy and she

finds out that her mother passed on the

ability to travel through time to her

and so in this series you travel to a

ton of different places around the globe

and you also travel to a bunch of

different times and there is a pretty

prominent romance in it. If you guys

remember how I reviewed Passenger when I

read it last year, I said that I had a

lot of trouble getting into that book. I

had the same trouble getting into

Wayfarer and now that I have read

Passenger and Wayfarer and I've also

read The Darkest Minds by Alexandra

Bracken, this is something that I have

encountered in all of her books. This is

a very plot-driven story. There's a lot

happening here and I love it when heavy

plot books give you a lot of fast pace

and a lot of action, and I feel like the

pacing of these books just keeps getting

slowed down because Bracken's writing is

really bogged down with a lot of

descriptions. So I got about halfway

through Wayfarer and then I decided

to put it down and once I put it down it

was a chore to pick this book back up. I

just was dreading it. I was not looking

forward to it. I would pick it up and get

really invested again. I'd be like, 'yeah!

This is really fun!' And then after like

a chapter it would lose my interest

again. So this was kind of like an up and

down ride for me. I actually really

enjoyed the side characters in Wayfarer

more than the main characters.

Sophia is a character from the first

book. I loved her character arc! And

there's a new side character introduced

in Wayfarer, Li Min, who I really loved

her. She is, I believe she's lesbian and

she is Chinese. This story was very

interesting. It's something that I should

have liked but I just think I don't get

along with Bracken's writing. Overall, the

feeling that I have when I think of this

book was boredom, so that's why this one

got 2 stars, because by the time I

finished it I was just kind of over it. And

since this one was the finale I will be

posting a full series review of the

Passenger duology on my channel soon, so

keep an eye out for that. The other book

that I gave a two-star rating to this

month was American Street by Ibi Zoboi.

This is a YA contemporary story about

a girl who has been living in Haiti her

entire life and she and her mother

travel to the US to visit some family

but at the airport her mother is

detained by U.S. immigration and the

main character, Fabiola, ends up going to

live with her aunt and her cousins by

herself. I enjoyed the main character in

this book. I enjoyed her voice, she was a

very engaging main character. And I did

enjoy the Haitian culture and

spirituality elements. But I did not

enjoy that the main conflict and the

characters felt kind of underdeveloped. I

also really hated that this book seems

to normalize girl hate and violently

abusive relationships. I have done a full

video review on American Street so if

you want to hear more of my thoughts in

depth with like examples then you can

check out that video. This is an #ownvoices

book so of course it does have

value. Of course I want to see more own

voices books and debuts being published,

but I don't want to see more books that

normalize abusive relationships and

perpetuate the stereotype that girls are

mean and catty to each other, so that is

why I rated this one so low. Now we are

into the books that I gave 3 stars

this month and the first one I'm going to

talk about is one that's kind of odd, it's

not a book that I would normally read

but it is How To Win Friends And

Influence People In The Digital Age by

Dale Carnegie and associates. The

original was just How To Win Friends And

Influence People, which was published in the 1930s

and more recently they did the updated In

The Digital Age (version), so this book talks a lot

about how to connect with people online

with social media. It's basic stuff like

nobody likes to be told that they're

wrong, nobody likes to be attacked. I do

think that this book has useful

knowledge and information but it is kind

of just common sense stuff. Nonetheless,

it was kind of good just to have that

reiterated that this is how you should

deal with people. But this book was not

engaging to read. It was very dry, very

boring. It took me a long time to get

through it. And my biggest gripe with it

is that although this book tells you a

lot of here's what you should do and

here's WHY. Here's all of these studies

and all these anecdotes and personal stories

about WHY this one thing doesn't work.

You should not do that, you should do

this instead, but I did not feel like it

gave you a lot of practical information

on HOW to implement those things. It's

good information, it was a good reminder,

but I didn't really enjoy reading it and

I feel like you can really just read the

table of contents in this book and

that's basically all you need to know.

Next up is A World Without You by Beth

Revis. This is a YA novel about a

young boy who thinks that he has the

ability to travel through time but his

parents think that he is delusional and

they have sent him to a school that is

for kids with mental illness but he

thinks it's a school for kids with super

powers. I really struggled with this book

because there's such an emphasis from

page one the last page on that question

of does he really have a superpower or

is it all in his head? And the thing is,

is that the book tells you the answer in

the first couple of chapters. So the

reader knows the answer but the

character doesn't and if you enjoy books

where you know information that the

character doesn't and then you watch

them figure it out and put it together, I

think that you would enjoy this one, but

for me, I ended up just kind of finding

myself bored while reading most of the

story because I already knew the answer.

My favorite part of this book is that we

have a couple of chapters that are told

from the main character's sister's point

of view. She's only got like six or seven

chapters in the book and I wish we had

more from her. That was what I found the

most interesting, like the whole family

side of it and how the whole family unit

was affected, but overall I just kind of

felt very middle of the road about this book.

Next I read City Of Saints And Thieves by Natalie

C. Anderson. This is a 2017 debut novel

and it is a mystery set in Kenya and

it's about our main character whose

mother was killed five years ago and she

believes she knows who the killer is.

Since her mother's death she's been

living on the streets, she's a homeless

teen and she works with a street gang

and she has this really incredible

reputation for being the best thief in

the city. So at the beginning of the book

she and her group are pulling off a

heist, they're breaking into a house and

in this house she finds some information

about her mother so she sets out to

discover what the truth really was. I

have a whole video book review up of

this book already so if you want to hear

more of my thoughts you can definitely

check that out, but overall I really

enjoyed the setting and I enjoyed the

characters but this one just really fell

flat for me as a mystery. I didn't think

a lot of suspense and intrigue was built

in the writing, and just a heads up to

any readers who may not want to read

about this, rape is a pretty heavy

prevalent theme in the book. I hear this

one compared to Oceans Eleven and The Girl

With The Dragon Tattoo. I did not get either

one of those vibes from it personally.

But if you're looking for a book that is

set in Africa then this one definitely

will evoke that setting. Now on to my

four star reads. First up is A Darker

Shade Of Magic by V. E. Schwab. This is the

first book in an adult fantasy series

and this is about a world where there

are four different Londons. They are

parallel worlds. There are only certain

people that are able to travel between

these worlds and our main character that

we follow is Kell, who is one of these

travelers and he likes to smuggle items

between each London and that is

something that is very forbidden. And because of

his smuggling he finds himself in

possession of a very very dangerous and

dark artifact. This was a reread for me. I

first read this book like when it first

came out, so it's been a couple years. I

reread this one because I'm hoping to

continue to series soon. I really hope

that happens because I own the other two

books in this trilogy and I just need to

finally continue it. I don't have a ton

of thoughts to say about this one

because it's one of those worlds and

stuff where I feel like this is all just

set up and I want to see where things go

from here, but I do really enjoy the main

character Kell and our other main

character Lila and rereading this made

me remember how much I do actually love

Schwab's writing. Next is The Sun Is Also A Star

by Nicola Yoon, also a four-star read.

This is a YA contemporary romance story

about two characters and just the day

that they meet and all the time that

they spend together on this day. This is

a really important day because our main

character Daniel, who is a Korean

American character, is on his way to

interview to go to a prestigious college

that he doesn't actually want to go to

and so he is just trying to find things

to do in the city to distract himself

from this interview. And our other main

character is Natasha. She is a Jamaican

character and this is actually the day

that she and her family are being

deported and she's also trying to

distract herself on this day because she

doesn't want to pack and leave the

country that she considers home. This is

an #ownvoices story. The author and the

main character Natasha are both Jamaican.

I really really loved these characters.

I felt like they were really well

developed and that I really got to know

them. I particularly loved how much of

opposites that they were because Daniel

is like this poetic, hopeless romantic

character and then Natasha is this very

scientific minded girl who doesn't think

she believes in love. Instalove is a huge

trope used in this book and I do want to

say though, this is one of the best cases

of instalove that I have ever read

because you're spending so much time

with them you can actually see a reason

for why they are developing feelings for

each other. In comparison to Nicola Yoon's

first book, Everything Everything, I

definitely prefer this one. This one was

not as problematic as Everything

Everything. I like Nicola Yoon's writing. I

definitely want to read more from her.

Also at four stars was Their Fractured

Light by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner.

This is the third and final book in the

Starbound trilogy, which is a young

adult science fiction romance series. The

three books in this series are companion

novels so each of them do follow two new

characters but the overall plot of this

is that there is this mega space

corporation and the business owner of it

has been doing some really shady things

and has ripped a rift in the universe

and discovered alien beings. The

characters that we follow in this book

are a hacker and a con artist and both

of these characters are wanting to

infiltrate this business and take it

down from the inside and these two

characters are working separately but

they end up thrust together to get out

of a sticky situation. I do already have

a full series non-spoiler review posted

for the Starbound trilogy if you want to hear

more of my thoughts on this series

overall, but I did really enjoy this one

as a finale and what I really loved

about it was that we got to see all the

characters from books 1 and 2 make

kind of a reappearance in this one. You

got to see all of them interact together

and work together so I really did love

this one as an ending and how everything

wrapped up. And the last book that I read

this month, which I gave 5 stars to, is my

favorite book of the month and honestly

this book is my favorite of the year

that I have read so far. It is The Hate

U Give by Angie Thomas. This is an

#ownvoices book about a young black

teenager. One night after a party Starr

is riding in the car with one of her

childhood friends and he gets pulled

over for having a busted taillight. He's

also a black teenager and the white

police officer that pulls him over ends up

shooting and killing him, claiming that

this guy was threatening his life, that

he's a basic thug, and that he had a gun.

But Starr knew that there was no gun

involved, her friend was unarmed. So the

book is exploring police brutality and the

#BlackLivesMatter movement, and although

it does tackle a lot of really

important issues there is so much more

to it than that. I loved the family and

the community aspects of this book. I

love the way this book handled

friendships because you see Starr having

some very supportive friendships and

some very toxic friendships. It's such a

raw, and refreshing, and realistic, and

relatable story and just I love this

book so much. If you want to hear

more of my thoughts on it I did do a

video recently on six reasons why I

think you would enjoy this book. There's

nothing that I disliked about this book

and I feel like everyone could get

something out of it. So that's it! Those

are the nine books that I read in

March. There are links to all the reviews

that I mentioned in the description. If you

have any other questions about these

books that I talked about today please

ask me that down below. Thank you guys so

much for watching and I will see you in the comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> March Reading Wrap Up | 2017 - Duration: 12:25.


" Just a Glimpse " Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> " Just a Glimpse " Miraculous Ladybug Comic/Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:30.


Beautiful Memories from LAOS - Nếm TV - Duration: 3:26.

Hello everyone.

I'm Tung Nem.

I will take you around Lao

by my motocircle right now

right now

I have been very worried about this trip.

I'm afraid of robbery.

Afraid of food which may not suit my taste.

And the most importance

is the disagreement between language.

However, you don't need to worry.

I'm sitting to tell you with a happy mood.

I believe you will enjoy it, too.

Lao food is delicious.

The sunshine in Lao is very beautiful.

Rain is beautiful, too.

I like the pagoda here.

I like the smiles that Lao people give to each other on the road.

And so on.

If there were a chance I'd love a Lao girl.



I like driving in my own country.

If taking about Lao,

I'll take about this place until I'm old

tell about my family

my wife

my children

my grandchildren

And even those who haven't been to Lao.

Sincerely speaking

Lao is very peaceful.


I really miss Lao.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Memories from LAOS - Nếm TV - Duration: 3:26.


【配音】星期天的喵喵時間(11)-多比的棒球賽! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 【配音】星期天的喵喵時間(11)-多比的棒球賽! - Duration: 1:53.


GTA 5 SONG WITH [2:05] OF TIME LEFT [2017 ROBUX=ROBLOX] - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> GTA 5 SONG WITH [2:05] OF TIME LEFT [2017 ROBUX=ROBLOX] - Duration: 2:06.


Gimp Desintegration / Shatter & Crack Effekt Tutorial | KOSTENLOSE Bildbearbeitung | Tutorial #02 - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> Gimp Desintegration / Shatter & Crack Effekt Tutorial | KOSTENLOSE Bildbearbeitung | Tutorial #02 - Duration: 13:18.


Celebs You Had No Idea Were The Same Age - Duration: 7:15.

Everyone ages at their own pace, and there's nothing wrong with that!

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and the last thing we're here to do is shame anyone.

Still, it's amazing how genetics, lifestyle choices, and even movie roles can shape how

a celebrity changes over time.

Just take a look at these side-by-side comparisons of celebrities you had no idea were the same


Kate Upton vs Selena Gomez

Kate Upton has been an icon of the fashion industry for years, from shows on the hottest

runways to multiple appearances on the cover of Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition.

Clearly, she's a beautiful woman, but there's something about her face that's just so…

mature for her age.

After all, she was only born in 1992!

It's easier to see when you compare her to Selena Gomez, who just so happens to be the

same age.

It's been awhile since the Gomez appeared on Wizards of Waverly Place, but maybe some

of the show's magic had a lingering effect on her looks.

She looks years younger than Upton!

Jennifer Lawrence vs Sarah Hyland

Jennifer Lawrence got her big break with The Hunger Games, but she's gone on to become

an Oscar-winning actress with huge roles in Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle,

and Joy.

Maybe it's because she's taken on such serious roles but, it's not hard to argue that she

looks a little older than her birth year of 1990 would seem to indicate.

Meanwhile, Sarah Hyland, an essential member of the ensemble cast of Modern Family, was

born in the same year, but somehow looks a lot younger than Lawrence.

It could be that her role allows her to be more fun-loving than J-Law's Katniss Everdeen,

which, in turn, makes her appear younger.

But there's also something about those plump cheeks that give her a more youthful look!

Taylor Swift vs Dakota Johnson

When Taylor Swift broke into the music industry with her self-titled album in 2006, she was

just 17 years old.

It's been more than a decade since then, and she doesn't look like she's aged more than

a day.

With her girly style, carefree songs, and steady stream of whirlwind romances, it just

feels like she's in a much earlier stage in life.

Dakota Johnson may not have as long or big a career as Swift, but she does have deep

Hollywood roots.

Her mother is Melanie Griffith, her father is Don Johnson, and her grandmother is the

legendary star of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, Tippi Hedren.

The budding actress has been captivating audiences with her risqué portrayal of Anastasia Steele

in the Fifty Shades movies but, despite the innocence of Ms. Steele, we can't help but

notice that Johnson looks...wellll, a bit older than Swift does.


Emilia Clarke vs Lena Dunham

When she's not busy wearing an elegant toga-gown as the "Mother of Dragons" on Game of Thrones,

Emilia Clarke goes about her life as a normal person with homes in both London and Venice


You know.


And then there's the fact that she doesn't look at all like she was born three decades

ago, in 1986, especially without her Khaleesi wig.

Meanwhile, her same-age counterpart, Lena Dunham, looks several years older, at the

very least.

The creator and star of HBO's hit show Girls tends to opt for a more organic, down-to-earth

look, and takes on roles that are a bit grittier.

Maybe her more subdued persona adds to a more mature look, but it's hard to accept that

she and Clarke are really the same age.

Katherine Heigl vs Rachel McAdams

For years now, Katherine Heigl has been dogged by rumors that she's difficult to work with.

As a result, we haven't seen much of her lately.

Citing bad writing on the part of the Grey's Anatomy staff, she declined to be considered

for an Emmy Award back in 2007 and famously clashed with Seth Rogen after making disparaging

remarks about Knocked Up.

They say that a bad attitude can age a person.

Combine that with the fact that Heigl smoked for years and you can see how she might look

a little older than her 1978 birth date would make it seem.

On the other hand, Rachel McAdams is the same age but looks much younger.

Yeah, she wasn't the nicest character in Mean Girls, or the smartest…

"Is butter a carb?"


...but after over a decade of stardom, there has been very little controversy surrounding

the actress.

Over the years, the Canadian star has won the hearts of audiences in films such as The

Notebook and more recently made the leap into the Marvel Universe in Doctor Strange.

What's really strange is how many years apart these two same-aged actors look.

Jim Parsons vs Andrew Lincoln

Anyone who has watched The Big Bang Theory will be familiar with Sheldon Cooper.

Neurotic and clever, the character's love for trains and video games makes him seem

plenty youthful, and despite being born in 1973, and already in his forties, Jim Parsons

is more than able to bring a childlike enthusiasm to the thirtysomething man-child that's won

him so much recognition.

That's why it's so shocking to look at a picture of Jim Parsons next to Andrew Lincoln and

accept that they are, in fact, the same age.

And judging by his appearance in 2003's Love Actually, this is a guy who didn't receive

the gift of Hollywood immortality that guys like Keanu have enjoyed.

Maybe it's because of all of the sun-drenched days he's spent filming The Walking Dead in

the Atlanta sun, but Lincoln definitely looks older.


Paul Rudd vs Rory McCann

Now, on the subject of Hollywood immortality, look no further than Paul Rudd.

The man has barely aged in two decades!

Most people first saw him in Clueless back in 1995.

Compare that to how he looked in 2005 when The 40-Year-Old Virgin was released!

Leap ahead another 10 years to 2015 for Ant-Man and, well, now we're getting suspicious.

Compare Rudd's youthful face to Game of Thrones' Rory McCann and you'll be shocked all over

again to learn that they were both born in 1969.

Again, this is more about Rudd looking young than it is about McCann aging badly.

But isn't it a little hard to believe that these men were born in the same year?


John Stamos vs Mike Myers

Back in 1982, General Hospital viewers swooned over the new character, Blackie Parrish, handsomely

portrayed by John Stamos.

The actor really came into his own, however, in the role of Jesse Katsopolis on Full House.

Today, having crossed the half-century mark with his 1963 birth year, he's still making

hearts beat faster...even if it's just in commercials for Greek yogurt.

By comparison, Austin Powers actor and creator Mike Myers looks every bit of his five-plus


The former Saturday Night Live cast member has since gone gray and is usually photographed

wearing a pair of glasses, or at least looking really, really tired.

He's still got that great funny man persona he always had, but it's hard not to wonder:

What happened?

"Throw me a freakin' bone here!"

Chuck Norris vs Michael Gambon

Let's just get one thing out of the way — Chuck Norris is not a normal human being.

So is anyone really shocked that the martial arts expert and action star looks a lot younger

than his seven decades-plus?

Father Time came looking for him but, but Father Time's the only one who got clocked.

Meanwhile, Michael Gambon looks exactly like the kind of guy you'd expect to have been

born in 1940.

This is precisely why he was such a good pick to take over the role of Albus Dumbledore

in the Harry Potter series, after the original Dumbledore, Richard Harris, passed away in


On a side note… who wouldn't want to see a battle between Chuck Norris and Dumbledore?

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Celebs You Had No Idea Were The Same Age - Duration: 7:15.


How The Cast Of Riverdale Should Really Look - Duration: 5:26.

The CW's Riverdale promised a sexy, updated take on the classic Archie comics series,

and thus far, the show has delivered.

Taking the comics' central group of teens and placing them smack dab in the middle of

a burgeoning murder mystery, Riverdale has the intrigue, sass, and fun of a bona fide


It also has taken a lot of liberties with how the characters appear and act compared

to the comics.

Here's a peek at how the cast of Riverdale should really look.

Archie Andrews

Archie is one of the most famous redheads in pop culture, so of course actor K.J.

Apa would have to dye his naturally brown hair red for the part.

However, despite the fact that Apa spent ten hours in a salon struggling to get the "right

shade of orange," it's nowhere near as light as Archie's hair from the comics.

Apa is also missing the character's signature freckles.

They did get the eyebrows pretty much perfect, though.

Of course, the show also had to CW-ify Archie a little.


My God!"


"Game changer!

Archie got hot!

He's got abs now!"

The comic version of Archie wasn't exactly running around Riverdale showing off his six-pack,

and, while he rocks some pretty great cheekbones in the newer comics, classic Archie was much

more of a baby face.

Still, the show's fans don't seem to be complaining.

Jughead Jones

Cole Sprouse made a huge transformation from Suite Life child star to the angsty version

of Jughead Jones shown on Riverdale.

The actor had to dye his naturally blonde hair dark brown for the part, although he

keeps it slightly longer than Jughead does in the comics.

Still, Sprouse did a great job of adopting Jughead's signature squint and beanie.

The only real thing keeping him from being a dead ringer from the character is the nose.

In the original Archie comics, Jughead has a Pinnochio-style nose, which Sprouse — thankfully

— lacks.

Fred Andrews

Archie's dad Fred in the comics is overweight and nearly bald.

But The CW decided to give Poppa Andrews a little bit of an upgrade, casting former Beverly

Hills, 90210 heartthrob Luke Perry in the part.

Perry's Fred is pretty buff, with a bit of a beard and a messy hairstyle to match.

He's also definitely not sporting the tiny mustache Fred has in the comics.

Which is fine.

While we don't mind Perry's facial hair at all, a bald Perry with a beer belly isn't

really what anybody wants.

We feel old enough as it is just seeing him be a dad.

Cheryl Blossom

Cheryl Blossom gets a much bigger role in Riverdale than in the Archie comics, where

she mostly just serves as a supporting character and further romantic rival for Archie.

On the show, Cheryl and her brother Jason are at the center of the show's murder mystery,

and what Cheryl knows could end up being the key to solving the crime.

Like her comic book counterpart, Madelaine Petsch is a redhead, although her hair is

a bit darker than the character's bright locks.

Petsch also has brown eyes, while Cheryl is usually shown with green eyes in the comics.

But we're not criticizing.

After all, we've all seen what happens when you end up on Cheryl's bad side.

Kevin Keller

Kevin is fairly new to the comics, introduced in 2010 as the series' first openly gay character.

In the comics, Kevin is blonde, as opposed to actor Casey Cott, who has dark brown hair.

Cott also has green eyes, while in the comic, they're blue.

So… he pretty much looks nothing like the comics version of Kevin.

But who cares?

He just better keep making those snarky comments directly to the audience.

"Should we maybe re-binge Making a Murderer on Netflix tonight?"

Betty Cooper

Riverdale's resident brilliant blonde is played on the show by Lili Reinhart, who's shown

she already has the character's sweet persona down pat.

However, while the actress does sport Betty's signature blonde ponytail, her hair is a little

darker than the comics' yellow.

She also doesn't have the bangs that Betty is usually depicted with.

Other than that, though, Reinhart is pretty much a dead ringer for her classic character.

Veronica Lodge

Actress Camila Mendes said she wasn't planning on auditioning for the part of Veronica until

she found out producers were making the character Latina, a departure from her Caucasian background

in the comics.

Mendes, who is Brazilian, said she liked that the character "wasn't a stereotype" of Latinas,

which ended up attracting her to the role.

Aside from Riverdale's change in Veronica's background, Mendes is pretty much identical

to her comic book counterpart, with the same striking beauty and dark hair.

Reggie Mantle

Archie's comic book rival Reggie is played by former Disney Channel actor Ross Butler

on Riverdale, changing the character's Caucasian background to Eurasian.

However, Butler definitely has the slicked-back dark hair, cocky attitude, and good looks

to bring Riverdale's resident bad boy Reggie to life.

Now if only he'd get more screen time...

Josie McCoy

Riverdale made the decision to make the entirety of the Josie and the Pussycats lineup African-American

— unlike the comics, which featured two white characters.

Ashleigh Murray leads the band as Josie McCoy, embodying the character's signature sass,

spunk, and musical talent pretty much perfectly.

In the comics and cartoons, Josie is a yet another redhead, only she also likes to wear

cat ears and a cat suit while rocking out — naturally.

Riverdale moved away from the character's outlandish style into more toned-down, fashion-forward

outfits, which reflects the character's transition from sweet girl to ambitious rocker.

Which, y'know, rocks.

Bah boom, sssss!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> How The Cast Of Riverdale Should Really Look - Duration: 5:26.


REAL FOOD Vs GUMMY FOOD Challenge 2! Giant Gummy Worm v Super Gross Food Candy Challenge Kids React - Duration: 14:06.

Oh that is so gross


Hey Guys its Elena and Clara from CupcakeSurpriseToys

We have a super fun challenge for you guys.

It's the Real Food versus Gummy Food candy challenge! Part two

On our first Real Food versus gummy food challenge we got quite a shock.

There were real live wriggly worms


So were hoping this candy challenge is really fun!

So lets get started.

Dish number 1

I got watermelon. And I got watermelon Gummy.


This is a good start.

Now Dish no 2

Its a Banana. I got the Banana Gummy and I got the real food banana.

They taste like real bananas.

Guys I got the real banana and I don't like bananas.

Well you gotta try it.

This is the Worlds Largest Giant Gummy worm.

Thats gianormous!

It tastes like cherry

It would take us a whole month to eat all that gummy.

If you got the Giant Gummy Worm then that means on this plate I got the real worms

In the last video those worms totally freaked me out wiggling off the plate

OMG I'm out of here.

Don't be such a baby Elena

I let them touch my face.

So its your turn to do it now.

Elena they are not real worms they are chocolate worms.

Mom that was a total April fools prank. You got me.

These are caramel.

For more infomation >> REAL FOOD Vs GUMMY FOOD Challenge 2! Giant Gummy Worm v Super Gross Food Candy Challenge Kids React - Duration: 14:06.


Em Có Yêu Anh Không !! [ Nhạc Của Tui ] [Zinh Mp3] [Yeah1] [Vpop] [Network] - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Em Có Yêu Anh Không !! [ Nhạc Của Tui ] [Zinh Mp3] [Yeah1] [Vpop] [Network] - Duration: 3:42.


Plague Inc: Board Games under a Minute - Duration: 0:51.

In Plague Inc, an adaptation of the popular digital game you control a bacterium with the goal to infect and destroy the world.

On your turn, you'll earn more DNA.

Get accesses to new countries.

Develop new traits.

And play event cards.

Will you develop the most dangerous bacteria and get the world on its knees in Plague Inc.

For more infomation >> Plague Inc: Board Games under a Minute - Duration: 0:51.


How To Make A Free Gaming Intro For YouTube Or Twitch Videos (No Software) - Duration: 15:03.

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