Hispanic Owned Businesses Dominate Bids For Trump's 'Xenophobic' Border Wall - Duration: 4:28.Hispanic-Owned Businesses Dominate Bids For Trump's 'Xenophobic' Border Wall
by Tyler Durden
Trump's proposed border wall has been described by many of the left as everything from "xenophobic"
to just plain "racist" and pretty much everything in between. That said, perhaps "equal opportunity
employer" would be more accurate in light of a new analysis from the Wall Street Journal
that took a look at who has submitted bids to help construct the wall so a little
dose of irony for the left, hispanic-owned businesses currently lead the charge with
32 bids.
More than 200 companies have expressed interest in submitting plans to help design and build
a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, as the Trump administration seeks to fulfill
a key campaign promise despite significant obstacles.
The companies, whose names were published on a federal contracting website, vary widely
in size and capability�from construction giants like Kiewit Corp. to smaller, family-owned
Among those interested at this early stage are more than three dozen businesses owned
by minorities, a Wall Street Journal analysis shows. Roughly 13% of the companies expected
to submit proposals for the wall, for example, are owned by Hispanics.
Border Wall
One such immigrant-owned business bidding on the border wall is run by Mario Burgos
whose father immigrated to the U.S. from Ecuador.
Mario Burgos, the son of an immigrant, owns an Albuquerque, N.M., construction logistics
company and plans to submit a proposal. He said he viewed the project as more geared
toward border security than immigration, and a surefire way to boost employment in job-strapped
New Mexico.
�I am not against immigrants by any stretch of the imagination,� said Mr. Burgos, whose
father came to the U.S. from Ecuador. �There isn�t a country in the world that doesn�t
have borders and doesn�t want to enforce them.�
Mr. Burgos noted that his company, Burgos Group LLC, which holds various defense contracts
with federal agencies, has handled projects in southern New Mexico near the border and
was familiar with operating in remote, rugged locations.
Meanwhile the owner of Helix Steel said he's not worried about the potential political
fallout, saying "if fighting for American jobs is wrong, I�ll take that risk."
Other interested businesses have niche specialties, like Leesburg, Va.-based Helix Steel. Chief
Executive Chris Doran said Helix�s products, which make concrete more resistant to blasts
and other stresses, would suit what he called a �massive opportunity.�
Mr. Doran, whose company has about 50 employees, said he wasn�t concerned with fallout from
participating in the project. �All I can say is I�m fighting for American jobs, and
if fighting for American jobs is wrong, I�ll take that risk,� he said.
Of course, as we noted last week, just as Trump sent out RFP's for his impenetrable,
yet "aesthetically pleasing", 30-foot border wall, Mexico's government warned Mexican companies
that it would not be in their best "interests" to participate in the project even though
there will be no explicit legal restrictions or sanctions to stop them if they tried. Per
"We're not going to have laws to restrict (companies), but I believe considering your
reputation it would undoubtedly be in your interest to not participate in the construction
of the wall," said Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo.
"There won't be a law with sanctions, but Mexicans and Mexican consumers will know how
to value those companies that are loyal to our national identity and those that are not,"
Guajardo added.
His comments echo those of Mexico's foreign minister Luis Videgaray, who said on Friday
that Mexican companies that see a business opportunity in the wall should "check their
conscience" first. Seems like the list of 'racist' companies
in this country is growing very quickly.
How to Break Free from the Archonic Programming - Duration: 8:43.How to Break Free from the Archonic Programming
The definition of archons has been described as being an artificial Intelligence (AI) program
that has enslaved humanity over millions of years.
In order for humans to beat the �system� during the final showdown, we need to know
a few simple things that can be done to break the programming.
What is the origin of the archons?
When the divine feminine aspect of Source sent out �the call� to souls to come be
a part of this great ascension experience, many responded.
Not only was there an opportunity to rapidly grow spiritually but it was a chance to be
a part of the grandest template of biological creation ever.
The archons did not hear �the call�, and out of fairness some souls told them of their
plans to incarnate into the densest but most polarized environment created thus far.
The archons did not believe the souls because they had not heard the call themselves.
They already had exhibited greed, domination, and control tendencies which had pushed them
farther away from the vibration of Source.
The archonic entities became jealous of the souls� decisions to embark on this journey
and vowed to follow them down into the experiment and to give them the extreme polarity difficulty
needed to push humanity toward waking up when it was time to make the journey back home.
The mind that controls the archon system is cunning and brilliant.
Once the archons realized how easy it would be for them to control beings in such a dense
environment, they did not want souls to be successful in breaking out of their system.
They realized that they could have this experience for a very, very long time as they fed off
of the negative, dense energy created from their control systems.
The archons supposedly have 800 billion units assigned to the almost 8 billion people on
the planet.
These units cannot physically incarnate, so they use other beings in the galaxy to mind
control in order to have a vehicle with which to control the human population.
They can also create mind control programs to directly affect humans via television,
radio, internet, magazines and newspapers, education, pharmaceutical, health, finance,
computer games, music, and advertising.
The Archons do not have human consciousness or emotions.
They are parts of a mind being that is a brilliant programmer.
This being had the ability to go back and forth through timelines in order to see what
choices humanity would make and to always be one step ahead in order to keep humans
Now that we are on the precipice of a shift in human consciousness, we are aware of what
has happened and we are able to make conscious decisions to break free from the programming.
Facebook monitoring
Part of the system put in place involved computer programs that can monitor humanity via face
recognition and social status updates on Facebook.
There is accelerating evidence of �truth monitoring� on Facebook postings as prime
�truther� articles and statements are being �buried� by the paid Facebook employees.
One way they do this is by creating a �more posts� section where they can hide the �good
Another way is that one�s Facebook wall is no longer chronological- they can shuffle
posts around any way they wish on a person�s wall.
The Facebook police have also been proven to remove �likes� on articles that are
a threat to the agenda.
Their major goal on Facebook is to distract people with either mindless junk or to flood
people�s walls with war images and animal cruelty while making otherwise popular truther
articles seem to be not �liked� very much at all.
Breaking the programming
The archon programming system can be broken by turning off the television, reducing the
time spent on cell phones, limiting time on the computer including Facebook (especially
the Facebook games), and spending more time on nature.
The archons did not plan for us disconnecting our consciousness from technology and instead
connecting with Mother Earth.
Meditation and focusing on your breath within are steps to relaxing enough to tune in.
In fact, many beings have time traveled back from the future to warn humanity of a future
where humanity was suckered into a technological dream that ended up being a zombie nightmare.
Until humanity is free of the archonic control, technological advances are serving as part
of the program to suck our consciousness out of our bodies.
When we vacate the human body consistently we could allow other beings to enter while
we are off in virtual reality heaven.
Gaia, the consciousness of Planet Earth, has important messages for us right now.
Grounding, turning off, and tuning into her is one of the most important things we can
This will raise your vibration above the frequency of the archons, and they will not be able
to find you in the matrix.
If we realize that this intelligence is program based, then breaking the program will break
the system.
Human behavior has been studied for hundreds of years in preparation for this time.
Up until now, actions and choices have been easily predicted by minions who have either
used remote viewing or �Looking Glass� technology to study the future in order to
create control systems in the present.
If we make the alternate choice than what we have been robotically following, we can
put a kink in the system that will change the future.
If enough people begin doing this we will inevitably break the whole system down.
This could be as simple as breaking your morning routine.
If you normally take the same route to work, seek an alternate route a few times to break
up the monotony.
If you have coffee in the morning, try tea or water instead.
Have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast.
If you make your bed every morning, try leaving it unmade or vice versa; be a slob for a change.
Other things you could do would include moving your furniture around in your house or even
move houses.
If you move, you could give some things away to homeless shelters.
Reducing the attachment to �things� and consumerism is a great way to break the pattern.
Many people have felt the itch to change something in their lives and as they made these changes
they have changed future timelines.
That urge to change has already changed many timelines for the better and has caused a
great concern to the minions as things are not panning out as the expected.
As long as you are not hurting anyone else, be as creative as you can in changing things
Raising vibration and consciousness
If the archon programs created for our reality are 3d based, then raising our vibration to
a higher frequency out of their range will be a way to escape from their talons.
As we continue to raise our vibration, we increase consciousness, which is our trump
Within higher consciousness lies the ability to know the truth of who and what we are as
well as how powerful we truly are.
The power of the light within us can never be controlled once we remember enough to keep
from being coerced and tricked into succumbing to comfortable and numbing routines.
While chaos ensues on the planet, small changes can be made to ensure that we do not continue
to live like robots as we change our routines.
As the consciousness of the planet rises in frequency, all that live on her do as well.
This seems to be slowly changing our reality on an individual level right now, and eventually
the individuals combined will change the whole.
We are co-creating this change with everyone on the planet whether we realize it or not
just by following our innate urges for change.
The future of humanity depends on the choices we make in the �now�, which will ultimately
the forecasted future probability.
病嬌模擬器 (Yandere Simulator) - 情敵介紹 (男版) - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
【DAICHI'S CLASS】#4 人の名前を忘れちゃった時! How can you identify someone's name? - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Benjamin Fulford March 27th 2017 Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come a - Duration: 10:48.Benjamin Fulford March 27th 2017 Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe
will come after final cabal defeat
by Benjamin Fulford
Last week somebody hacked into my computer so that the video at the link below started
playing as soon as I turned it on.
It purports to show the destruction of the Black Night Satellite that many people in
US intelligence agencies like the NSA insist has been stopping humans from leaving the
planet earth.
This news coincides with announcements by NASA of age reversing pills and faster than
light travel technology that will allow us to go to visit newly discovered earth like
CIA sources are also saying a secret presidential order was given to release free energy technology
as well as existing anti-aging technology.
The only thing that is blocking humanity from this future of immortality and exponential
expansion into the universe is now a small group of people clinging to control of financial
computers at the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and
the BIS.
These computers need to be physically seized in order to allow the issuance of unlimited
funds to let humanity spread its wings and fly.
The individuals who have been forensically identified as blocking the funding for a new
age are Janet Yellen at the Fed, Mario Draghi at the ECB, Haruhiko Kuroda at the BOJ and
Agustin Carstins at the BIS.
Special Forces need to go and seize these individuals and occupy the computer centers
at the central banks ASAP in order to ensure the liberation of funds for the planet earth.
If these computers and the parasites who control them are removed, multiple sources in various
charitable foundations are saying that not just trillions but actual quadrillions of
dollars could be released to finance an end to poverty and environmental destruction as
well as research into immortality and unlimited expansion into the universe.
The battle against the controllers of the Babylonian debt slavery system these central
banks oversee is continuing towards final victory.
Former US President Barack Obama has vanished from public view and is probably undergoing
Also last week the body of Bill and Hillary Clinton�s long term associate Vincent Foster
was exhumed and was found to have two bullet holes to the back of his head meaning the
cause of his death was changed from suicide to murder.
Pentagon and CIA sources say this finding will lead to the Clintons being prosecuted
for murder.
The death of the big Kahuna, David Rockefeller, was also formally announced last week by his
CIA sources say Rockefeller was kept in stasis in a vegetative state for months at an Antarctic
base before the family finally gave up and announced he was no longer with us.
When this writer was first informed by the Japanese authorities of a plot by the Western
elite to kill 90% of humanity through disease, starvation and nuclear war, they handed me
material showing that Rockefeller sat at the head of the Bilderberg Group, the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and other top groups of Western power brokers.
Thus he was a prime suspect as the originator of this fiendish plan.
However, when I actually met Mr. Rockefeller I had the impression that, deep inside, this
man thought he was doing good for the planet.
The question that upcoming truth and reconciliation investigators need to answer now is how was
how his vision for a united planet earth in harmony with nature got distorted into a nightmarish
genocidal plan.
The forensic trail that started with Rockefeller led to George Bush Sr. and his Nazi faction
of the Khazarian mafia.
These were the people linked to 911 and the Nazi take-over of the United States in 2001.
From there the trail led to P2 lodge in Italy and the worshippers of the black sun.
Since then the White Dragon Society, the Pentagon and agency white hats and their Asian allies
have systematically dismantled the top ranks old Western power structure.
It started in 2013 with the resignation of Pope Maledict, followed by the abdication
that year of Queen Beatrix of Holland, Sheik Al Thani of Qatar, King Albert II of Belgium
and King Juan Carlos of Spain in 2014.
Then the Clinton/Bush faction lost power in the US last November and are being pursued
for their crimes.
Now the Japanese Emperor has announced his abdication and his secret controller David
Rockefeller has died.
Queen Elizabeth of England and King Carl Gustaf of Sweden remain on the throne because they
were not part of the genocidal plot, CIA sources say.
The abdications and loss of power of these high level people has exposed new, previously
hidden layers of the world power structure.
Japanese imperial family sources point to the mysterious Cabot family in Switzerland
(the controllers of North Korea�s Kim Jong Un among other things) and their high ranking
bagmen with names like Eisenberg and Rosenberg.
The battle to liberate the planet earth now rages most fiercely in the US and Japan as
hold-outs of the New World Order struggle to remain relevant.
In Japan, Henry Kissinger has been giving orders to the politician Ichiro Ozawa to ensure
continued cabal control of South Korea and Japan, the royal family sources say.
Ozawa has been telling people here that he and Kissinger are now the heads of the committee
of 300.
Unfortunately, some people in the power structure still believe them.
However, the truth is that they are both now ronin, or masterless Samurai destined to wander
without purpose.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Japanese Finance Minister Aso Taro, for their part, are on
the verge of being removed from power since their Bush/Clinton bosses have lost power
in the US.
Abe went to Europe last week where he tried to meet the pope but was denied an audience
meaning his days in power are numbered.
Japanese finance bureaucracy types are pushing for Aso to be the next Prime Minister but
Aso is detested by the Japanese military and police because he has been taking bribes in
exchange for selling Japan�s water resources to his French Rothschild masters.
The Jesuit run CSIS has been trying to put Aso in power because Japan is an important
money machine through its secret budget.
Japan�s official government budget for 2017 is 97.45 trillion yen.
By contrast its secret budget is worth over 250 trillion yen.
This budget comes from things like taxes on gasoline, alcohol and tobacco that generate
revenue that is not subject to scrutiny by the Parliament.
Of that 250 trillion yen, 200 trillion (about $2 trillion) �goes to the Americans,�
and 50 trillion to the finance minister, the royal family sources say.
The CSIS people in Japan as led by Henry Kissinger wish to preserve this secret Japanese revenue
stream at all costs now that their boss David Rockefeller has passed away, the sources say.
The US military white hats should stop Kissinger et al and redirect this revenue stream towards
more beneficial goals.
Whoever is behind the CSIS is also behind FBI head James Comey and Vice President Michael
Pence�s secret efforts to oust Donald Trump, CIA sources say.
It now appears it was Comey who was helping Barack Obama illegally eavesdrop on Donald
Trump when he was running for president.
There are also disturbing signs that US President Donald Trump is in way over his head in the
battle against the controllers.
This was shown by his defeated attempt to pass a health care reform act that utterly
failed in any way to deal with the criminal gang that has established a parasitical hold
on US doctors and the American people.
The graph in the article in the link below shows in red how much American blood-money
these people are leaching,
Until we see raids on the American Medical Association headquarters and the mass arrest
of Pharmacidical company executives, US healthcare costs are only going to go up while the American
people�s health and longevity are going to keep going downhill.
The US military and white hats are doing a better job outside of the United States these
Pentagon sources say.
Their war on Daesh took on a new financial dimension last week with the banning of laptops
in planes originating from Daesh sponsoring countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the
Gulf Cooperation Council, the sources say.
The Israelis, for their part, have been forced to withdraw their fake Muslim Daesh army to
Lebanon as Israel finds itself under serious threat from multiple fronts, Mossad sources
Israel was also exposed to shame last week after Mossad was identified as the source
of fake bomb threats to Jewish community centers in the US, the Pentagon sources say.
The Khazarian Nazis in the Ukraine were also dealt a huge blow when a nuclear weapon was
set off in their ammunition dump, creating massive explosions and depriving them of vital
weapons supplies, the sources say.
A video of the explosion can be seen at the link below.
The Pentagon sources are now saying they expect some sort of end game to the battle for the
planet earth around July.
The �[Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] Trump summit in April is to set the stage for a
Trump [Russian President Vladimir] Putin summit in July to end conflicts in Syria and the
Ukraine and impose a two state solution on Israel so that the global currency resent
can happen,� the Pentagon sources say.
DIY - Earrings and Rings with Caps - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Nuclear Ticking Time Bomb 28 Miles From NYC - Duration: 8:06.For years, environmentalists have been fighting to shut down the Indian Point nuclear plant,
and this year, they finally got their wish.
The plant, which opened more than 40 years ago and is located only 28 miles from New
York City, has had dozens of sketchy safety events since 2012 from bird droppings landing
on electrical equipment and triggering a shut down to the discovery of damage and missing
bolts holding together the interior of one of the plant's reactors.
But earlier this year, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the state had come to
an agreement with the operating company to close the plant facility by 2021.
Joining now to talk about this long-fought battle, the guy who fought the battle, Robert
F. Kennedy, attorney and President of Waterkeeper Alliance.
Bobby, why have the environmentalists like yourself been so concerned about this plant
for so long?
What's been your major concern here?
Mike, it was an environmental ... From the beginning of the Riverkeeper movement actually,
it was just an environmental catastrophe on the Hudson.
It was killing a billion fish a year.
It was sucking out a million gallons a minute of Hudson River freshwater into its intake
screens and just massacring the fish population of the Hudson River.
It caused many of the species to crash at one plant.
More importantly, it posed a really existential threat to the entire region.
The plant is only 22 miles north of Midtown Manhattan.
Every bit of spent fuel, all of the rods that have ever been used in the plant since it
was opened almost 50 years ago are still on-site, and they're packed ... They were never intended
to be left on-site, and they're packed denser and denser in these very small spent fuel
poles, which are not fortified.
They have the structural integrity of a Kmart-
What happens if something goes wrong?
Are we able to go after them?
If you have a catastrophe, who pays for that catastrophe?
In fact, the nuclear industry was-
What happens there, Bobby?
First of all, the catastrophe would be horrendous.
If those spent fuel poles caught on fire, if the water dropped, the zirconium coatings
of the spent fuel rods would combust essentially spontaneously.
It would all burn.
You would release, according to the Princeton study, 37 times the amount of radiation that
was released at Chernobyl.
Around Chernobyl there's 100 miles that are permanently uninhabitable.
I would include the workplaces, homes of 20 million Americans including the Financial
District in New York City.
There's no evacuation plan.
The whole thing is ... And it's sitting on two of the biggest earthquake faults in the
You asked the question who would pay for it.
The nuclear industry was able to use its clout with Congress to pass the Price-Anderson Act,
which limits the liability to those companies for nuclear accidents.
So they have a very, very small cap on liability.
If you go home, Pap, and look at your homeowner insurance policy, every policy in the country,
it says "This policy doesn't insure you against acts or attack on a nuclear power plant because
of radiation contamination to your home."
So you are liable.
You're self-insured for that.
This is the only industry that has been able to externalize its costs.
Many people say to me, "Isn't nuclear power's" ... If I say "Listen, I'm for nuclear power
if they ever make it safe and if they ever make it competitive."
Right now, it's 10 times the cost of solar or wind.
"What about safe?
Isn't it safe?"
The final arbiter of safety is the insurance industry.
The insurance industry has said to nuclear power, "You are too dangerous for us to insure.
We cannot insure you."
So they had to go to Congress and get a special law written in the middle of the night in
a sleazy legislative maneuver that just exonerates them from the cost of their bad behavior.
Why did it take so long for there to be a reaction?
Why did it take so long for government to take action knowing how dangerous the potentiality
of this is?
What was the hold up here?
As you know, Pap, these industries, they own Congress.
The power incumbents, the nuclear industry, the coal industry, the oil and gas, and pharmaceutical
industry, we have a Congress that is working for those industries rather than the American
This facility should have never been built.
Once it was built and we figured out how dangerous it was ... Lamont-Doherty laboratory at Columbia
University said that this was the most dangerous nuclear power plant in the country.
They said it's highly likely that we will have a 7.0 quake on that site.
You know what the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said to that?
"Don't worry.
We're prepared for a 6.1 quake."
That was their only response.
They said, "We're not even going to look at it."
Let me move to another topic.
The union representing the workers at Indian Point criticized the deal saying there's no
infrastructure in place to provide clean, zero emission energy to New York, and there
won't be by 2021, and therefore, this is risky to New York and the surrounding area.
We've heard that argument over and over again.
Every time the industry wants to say "Well, you really need us," we hear this argument.
What's your response to it?
I like the fact that people are making that argument, and I think it's important that
we build as much and incentivize as much zero emission energy generation as possible.
The fact is right now with Indian Point, we're going to lose 2,000 megawatts.
There are already 6,600 megawatts of clean, green wind and solar either being in the final
planning stages, or under current construction, or already built in New York state.
We just built two years ago at 79th Street, a brand new power line across the Hudson River,
660 megawatts.
That can carry all of this huge surplus of green energy from New Jersey from the whole
PMJ grid, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Jersey, 13-state grid, which has an abundance of clean
If we wanted to, we could power all of New York from that energy.
In addition to that, there are-
Bobby, I've got about 30 seconds.
There's a lot of other sources of energy.
I've got about 30 seconds.
There's also this major issue with spent fuel being stored in storage pools.
What's the plan to deal with that nuclear waste?
I got about 30 seconds on this.
Pap, the plan is that there is no plan.
The plan is that the likelihood is it's going to be permanently stored at Indian Point.
The federal government is never going to open a repository because ... And it's so unsafe
to transport this stuff.
So they're probably going to have to dry cast it.
Take it out of the water where it's really dangerous right now, put it in dry cast, fortify
the dry cast, and permanently store it there.
And that beautiful section of Hudson River Park is going to be permanently off-limits
to the public.
Bobby, thanks for being out there.
Thanks for another successful fight.
This fight is not over, as I'm sure you're aware.
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Những Dạng Sống "Siêu Việt" 50.000 Năm Tuổi Được Tìm Thấy Trong Các Tinh Thể Khổng Lồ | Khoa Học Hu - Duration: 3:23.Hey guys, happy Friday, it's Mikey Chen.
Have you ever heard of the Cave of Crystals?
It's a cave located 2625 feet within Mexico's Naica Mine.
And it hosts some of the largest crystals in the world.
The beautiful gymsum crystals that lie within the cave are enormous,
standing up to 39 feet and weighing up to 61 tons.
In fact, if you stand next to the crystals
and you're sick, you're going look like a Smurf.
But what's most shocking about this cave
isn't the size of the crystals themselves,
but the fact that researchers have recently made an amazing discovery in the cave.
They found that not only is the cave home to endless amounts of crystals
but it's also home to a brand new form of microbial life.
This discovery according to scientists is groundbreaking
and could change our understanding of biology forever.
Now before we get into the details,
here some history and information about the cave.
The so-called Cave of Crystals was discovered in 2000
when two miners who in pursuit of silver
drilled an excavation tunnel beneath Chihuahua.
And instead of silver, discovered rows of [rows] of of huge crystals.
And it was considered one of the greatest mineralogical discoveries of all time
and it simply baffled the miners.
As a result, they named the cave Cueva de los Cristales or Cave of Crystals
And although the cave is beautiful,
it is also very deadly, that's because the cave is very very hot.
And the air temperatures hover around 136 degrees Fahrenheit
with humidity values up to 99 percent
due to the magma pool beneath the cave.
And that's why the cave remains largely unexplored.
Because, well, if you stay in there for more than 10 minutes,
you're probably gonna die.
Now back to the exciting findings.
Recently, BBC News has reported that NASA microbiologist
have found tiny microbes
that are trapped inside the fluid regions of these behemoth crystals.
These microbes are believed to be ancient
and are up to 50,000 years old.
And the most amazing part is
they are a completely new form of life
that has never been seen before.
And if you're wondering how they're able to live in such a hot and humid environment,
Well, they're extremophiles are able to tolerate harsh temperature conditions
and are apparantly able to use manganese, iron
and a few other metallic elements to produce nutrients needed to live.
The researchers who discovered the microbes
have already extracted them from crystal
in order to test them and see if they are really alive.
It has been confirmed
that these microbes are indeed living creatures or super-life.
And according to Penelope Boston,
chief of NASA's Astrobiology Institute
it has been confirmed that these microbes are indeed living creatures or super-life.
Unfortunately, at this point,
no further information has been given about this new discovery
as all the data is still being withheld by NASA
which isn't surprising,
consider all the other information they're probably holding in that place
Also, what's really interesting is that
although we're making breakthroughs every single day,
we're searching for life outside of our own planet.
We should remember that
we're just one species out of an estimated 1,000,000,000,000 that's on this planet.
And that guess how many we do not know,
we haven't found yet.
Yeah, over 99.99%.
So, those are all the different species, different forms of life
that still on this planet that
either we haven't discovered, or we aren't able to see them,
which is just absolutely mind-boggling.
So, theoretically there could already be alien life on this planet
and we don't even know.
Anyway, something crazy to think about
Alright guys, thank you all so much for watching this video,
I'll see you later.
How Goldberg Prepares For WWE Wrestlemania 33... | WrestleSketch #19 - Duration: 1:22.VINCE: Happy Wrestlemania day everyone!
SHANE: I'm going to play on the roller coaster set!
GOLDBERG: Hey everybody.
TRIPLE H: Are you alright, Bill?
GOLDBERG: I guess.
I'm just-I feel a bit low on energy.
I've given up the locker headbutts.
TRIPLE H: Oh, well, that's good.
It seemed to be affecting you pretty bad.
GOLDBERG: The breaking point was when I jackhammered some dude in an orphan hospital.
Well, that's assault.
GOLDBERG: I thought he was Buff Bagwell, but it turned out to be a elderly black woman.
VINCE: You wanna give up the headbutts now!?
On Wrestlemania day!?
GOLDBERG: I thought about holding off, but then I proceeded to go on a 150+ match winning
streak through the hospital and surrounding area.
I'm wanted by several States right now.
VINCE: But this is Wrestlemania, Bill!
Surely, you can treat yourself to one little headbutt?
GOLDBERG: Don't you guys test for concussion stuff like that, though?
It would stop me competing.
TRIPLE H: Oh, yeah, umm...we do, and we take that very, very seriously.
But part-timers get different treatment.
VINCE: Headbutt the locker, Bill.
GOLDBERG: Are you sure?
Well here it goes…
[HEADBUTT] yeah, that felt good, actually [HEADBUTT] f*** yeah!
[HEADBUTT] I ain't stopping.
TRIPLE H: Goldberg-
TRIPLE H: I'm not-
VINCE: Now you're ready for Wrestlemania!
GOLDBERG: Let's [HEADBUTT] f****ing [HEADBUTT] do this [HEADBUTT] WCW Hog Wild 1998 [HEADBUTT]
here I come!
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