White Balance Start to Finish - GoPro Video photography - Duration: 6:07.whitebalance why should we even bother with this balancing act when capturing
video the main light source changes from blue white yellow will leave an orange
in color so what causes this color shift overcast days when the light filters
through the clouds and shadows cast the blue light from the midday Sun the light
will be white yellow light is from the morning or afternoon Sun but some light
bulbs will also cast the yellow light from them and candles cast an orange
light white balance is the process of removing unrealistic color cast said
that white objects in real life will be seen as white in your video in your
camera settings under white balance you'll notice some of the white balance
settings are in Kelvin Kelvin is primary used for temperature readings but with
video and photography Kelvin is used to measure the color temperature of light
sources and roughly ranging from 2000 Kelvin to 9000 Kelvin
my GoPro camera has auto white balance which does a good job for 80% of the
time but if you wanted to get the best white balance straight from your camera
you'll have to look at some of the other settings 3000 Kelvin is good for light
bulbs indoor lighting 4000 Kelvin can be used in early morning or late afternoon
Sun 4800 Kelvin is used for fluorescent lights 5500
Kelvin is average daylight conditions 6000 Kelvin is the midday Sun 6500
Kelvin is used for shade or cloudy days but you'll have to experiment a little
bit to get the best results if you come across a situation where the above
settings are close but it doesn't quite look right this is where you use the
native setting the native setting adds a little color correction to the image so
the user can adjust the white balance later in post editing other camera such
as DSLRs in addition have preset such as
incandescent or tungsten direct sunlight and the cloudy preset white balance
card the white balance card is used for white balance so if there's any
adjustments needed later on this will make the process really easy when
recording video and there's no white objects in this shot to help you with
the white balance and post edit you can hold up a white card at the beginning or
an end of your clip another option is to shoot a short video holding the white
card up this is a separate video which you can still get the white balance
correction from later now I will show you how to adjust the white balance
using DaVinci Resolve and this will be similar for other editing software there
are three basic ways to adjust the white balance in post editing software the
software can automatically apply the correction for you you can use the white
balance tool or you can take full control and do it manually today I will
show you all three ways for automatic white balance go to the auto white
balance button click it and as you can see the correction has been made for you
but sometimes it takes it a bit too far to dail it back go to the key tab gain
which really dials back the opacity now you're just eyeballing this to where it
looks good
and that's the before after before and after before using the white balance
tool I like to add some contrast and this helps later on to tell how
effective the white balance has been so now I grab the white balance tool now
you want to click on something in the shot that's white in this case I'm going
for the top of the swimmers and as you can see the correction has now been
applied this is the before and after to manually adjust the white balance I'm
just going to add a little bit of contrast again now make sure the curve
tab is selected custom has to be selected and if all your channels are
linked together just unlink them by pressing the chain now grab the
qualifier tool click on something white in your shot now as you can see is put
three colored dots on the line now these have to line up horizontally so when you
move them you have to move vertically only so I'm just going to grab the green
Channel bring it down to where the other ones are just take the blue up a little
bit now as you can see the correction has been made this is the before and
after before after now that you know a couple of different ways to white
balancing the software it's really up to you which method you use
but just have a little play around to see which one gives you the best results
hopefully that sheds some light on white balance and stay tuned because there are
a lot more videos on the way
Video: Mild day, spot showers possible - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
The Powerpuff Girls Still Maning Part 3 - The Powerpuff Girls Video HD - Duration: 3:07.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Videos! Thank you very much!
that's how I'll take care of you I hope buttercup shows up soon yeah she loved
someone's on my lawn yeah me also there's a pile of dog doo over there
what you're going down man boy dinner boys
it's a really nice lawnmower
time for the main course huh things are about to get hairy quit
taking my line
looks like this rodeos over partner not yet it's not
I'm not but you are what
look who finally showed up sorry I I was being selfish well you gave up your
bottle cap to save us yeah cuz I finally decided to focus on the right things
let me Jack you why do I bare my soul to you bubbles three girls while you were
gone the leg came back on
no problem mr. mayor you can finish your back now laughs what bath
My Edited Video - Duration: 0:16.-------------------------------------------
The Powerpuff Girls Viral Spiral Part 1 - The Powerpuff Girls Video HD - Duration: 3:53.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Videos! Thank you very much!
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