Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 30 2017

Competition has motivated almost everything I've ever done.

I grew up as a twin. My sister and I would compete and everything just because we were always there, together.

Whether that was competing in grades, competing in sports,

competing in who could get to the van the fastest and put their seatbelt on.

There was always something that we were trying to beat each other at

And so video games was another outlet for that competition for me.

The thrill of being better than somebody talking trash to somebody when you beat 'em,

especially if it's people that you know and it's your friends that's just a lot of fun.

I guess I can remember playing video games for the first time with my dad like regular Nintendo (NES)

Duck Hunt, Double Dragon, Contra.

Once it got more complicated you started having Super Nintendo

then Nintendo 64. That's my when my dad kind of fell off and and I kind of just took over from there.

I was a big, big Halo guy and would go with friends to some local tournaments.

I had to ask coach Stevens if it was an NCAA violation because

you never know what some of that stuff, as far as money is concerned

And then once I got to college I kind of transitioned into computer games.

So I was big into Starcraft, played Starcraft 2, and then after that I kind of transitioned in the League of Legends.

And I'm still kind of stuck on League. I really enjoy playing League.

In basketball it's good to be a couple steps ahead of the play,

to know how the defense is gonna guard you, where they're gonna be at.

I think the same thing can be said with video games.

A lot of it is mental speed, how well you know what your opponent's gonna do, the strategy behind it.

The quicker you are as far as thinking, the better you'll be.

You got to be comfortable when you're playing video games.

So having a headset that fits you well, that you can wear for a lot of hours at a time is extremely important.

I feel like I have relatively big ears.

So, the headset really does a good job of encompassing my ears without there being discomfort.

I think also communication is huge in video games, especially in a team game

where you need to be telling your teammates where you're at.

They need to tell you what's going on, what they see.

So you've got to have a headset and a mic that work,

that functions so that you can be at your best when you're playing.

Sports people, when they see video games,

they get intimidated I think, because there's a lot that's going on. It's pretty complex.

But the thrill that you get from watching a basketball game or a football game go down to the wire,

you can get those same feelings and emotions from video games.

There's there's always intense situations. That can be very exciting, for sure.

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