The DNC Is Broke
wasn't that long ago in fact just last year Donna Brazile was a dutiful soldier
for the Democratic Party if actually ran it now a year after that party's
election defeat she is sticking a knife in Hillary Clinton in a piece in
Politico today taken from her forthcoming book Brazil describes how
Clinton engineered a quote secret takeover of the Democratic National
Committee Brazil says Clinton's campaign was effectively funded by the DNC even
though it was supposed to preside neutrally the DNC was over the
Democratic primary race dozen fedora was a staffer for the Bernie campaign she
may have suspected something like this was going on now she knows for sure and
we couldn't resist getting her reaction to a Tesla great to see you I remember
months ago a year ago you said you believe something like this was afoot
how do you feel now that you know you were right oh you better believe what we
said it a year ago repeatedly over and over and over and folks just like to
pretend that we were asking them to believe in Santa Claus as if we were
just completely delusional when we've said over and over that the
system was rigged and this is again it's important to remember Tucker that I
actually worked on the national campaign traveled all over the country for seven
years I wasn't just sitting back on Twitter being a Twitter warrior our
Facebook bandit these were things that we were actually seeing out in the field
that we knew to be true and so now that the chickens have finally come home to
roost like we're saying around here in Houston it looks like she's earned
history and did something that no other candidate has done through presidential
elections not only did they give her the the money she gave the DNC the money to
buy the cookies she baked the cookies bought the cookies ate the cookies in
the cookie jar and it's pretty clear on who had control of the party so me
Sanders supporters and surrogates are all sitting around this evening saying I
told you so as a lifelong Democrat how does it make you feel that your party
according to Donna Brazile rigged a primary election I mean it made me feel
the same way that I did when I initially joined the campaign you know like you
and I have talked before previously I went to the independent side because I
joined the Bernie Sanders campaign not because I'm a socialist because I'm not
I joined him because I wanted someone to speak up against the establishment so it
feels the same way did in 2008 in 2010 and 2012 and now
this is just we have the evidence to finally show what we've been talking
about this entire time kind of obvious though in retrospect I mean do you
really think in a free and fair open primary of all the potential Democratic
candidates Hillary Clinton who lost in 2008 in the same scenario would have
been chosen as the nominee you know I think that the way it was set up what
Bernie Sanders not having the name recognition that he did that did hurt
him in some respects but to look at people who didn't even know who Bernie
Sanders was to now be according to some polls one of the most popular
politicians in America a lot of more ground could have been made but Tucker
we actually went particularly in the south I was a national racial justice
director and we went to churches we went to local communities that wouldn't even
give us the time of day not even a appointment to even share our platform
so I can't say what it would have been whether he would have won the nomination
or won the presidency what I do know is they did not receive a fair shot just
like the people who ran on the state level didn't receive a fair shot that
all the money was pulled to the Hillary Clinton campaign in addition to the
President Obama campaign Donna Brazile was very clear and we have to ask
ourselves why would Donna Brazile a 30 year veteran in the game turn on her
establishment friends I'm looking to see more that's gonna come out out of this
scandal well she's coming on this show next week and she'll tell us oh he'll be
watching Tesla forgot thanks all for coming I will thank you we wanted to try
to get reaction on the Donna Brazile revelations this morning Mr Sanders
senator Bernie Sanders had no comment on Donna Brazile former interim Democratic
National Committee Chair whose forthcoming memoir alleges in an excerpt
in Politico that under her predecessor congresswoman debbie Wasserman Schultz
quote the DNC was rigging the system to throw the primary to Hillary
the great convention that we've had Brazil reports the Clinton campaign
raised ten million dollars to retire 80% of the party's bank debt but exacted a
steep price the agreement brazil rights signed by Amy Dacey the former CEO of
the DNC and Robby Mook of the Clinton campaign with a copy to the campaign's
general counsel mark Elias specified that in exchange for raising
money and investing in the DNC Hillary would control the party's finances
strategy and all the money raised her campaign had the right of refusal of who
would be the party communications director and it would make final
decisions on all the other staff the DNC also was required to consult with the
campaign about all other staffing budgeting data analytics and mailings
this victory fund agreement had been signed in August 2015 just four months
after Hillary announced her candidacy and nearly a year before she officially
had the nomination there are lots of things that were shocking about it one
the the financial condition of the DNC - the way the DNC then had to rely on
the Clinton campaign for the money and the resources to continue even operating
in a statement Wasserman Schultz told Fox News she is proud of her work at DNC
and urged Democrats to remain focused on a progressive agenda Madam Secretary any
response - at Donna Brazile is saying the Clinton campaign did not respond to
our query nor would the Federal Elections Commission disclose whether it
is investigating Brazil's allegations Brazil said she searched for other
evidence of a rigged primary and found none I'll be asking some questions as
well along with my friend Roland Martin of TV one yet the excerpt neglects to
mention that Brazil used her dual role as a CNN commentator to steer CNN debate
questions to Clinton in advance for months Brazil denied having done so
where did you get you know as a Christian woman I understand persecution
but I will not sit here and be persecuted because your information is
totally false but in an essay for Time magazine last May Brazil belatedly
acknowledged having done so and called it a mistake she'll regret forever the
DNC's new leadership told reporters they've restructured the party's
fundraising and are now committed to electing Democrats every year in every
zip code joining us now the author of Clinton cash the president of the
Government Accountability Institute Peter Swire
or Fox News legal analyst Greg Jarrett I start on the legal side she stole a
primary she funneled money into a law firm both controlling the DNC and her
funds to pay for a phony dossier and she now admits it crimes a lot of crimes
this would appear to be an elaborate clever scheme by Hillary Clinton the DNC
was broke so Hillary bails him out with 20 million but in exchange she gets the
DNC to sign an agreement that she gets control over their finances their
strategy their support so then they go out on these joint fundraisers during
the campaign they raise up to a hundred million dollars and here's the other
deception the states take their share but immediately kick it back to the DNC
which kicks their share and the state's share back to Hillary Clinton for her
use that could be a violation of three laws campaign contribution limits the
finance reporting laws and it looks to me like money-laundering illegally money
being moved around to look legitimate I gotta ask where is I've always liked
Jeff Sessions I am now at the I am now at the limit where is he what is he
doing because there's so much crime so many crimes we have put the crimes in
play on the screen that you have identified and you've been a great
lawyer great investigator great researcher I don't see that the same
attention and effort of known law breaking is even being followed nice man
Jeff Sessions incompetent attorney general I think he's being manipulated
by Rod Rosenstein his Deputy Attorney General and I think he has recused
himself so many times the Trump Russia case anything related to Hillary that
now he is intimidated too intimidated to make the right legal move you know when
you wrote Clinton cash number one New York Times bestseller I'm proud we had
the first interview we put you on many times Peter I do
think we ever imagined this bad but it's worse than bad it's worse than this bad
stealing an election taking over the DNC admitting to funding the the phony
Russian lies propaganda dossier she funded the whole thing either through
her campaign or through the DNC shoes controlling now the whole thing she's
admitting the whole thing then the uranium one deal and you know everyone
the media says well Hannity why are you talking about Clinton because we have a
constitution rule of law equal justice under the law
and they're not living by the same rules as the rest of us they do whatever they
want they smash blackberries they bleach Pitt subpoenaed emails they delete
emails and then they get kickbacks for selling out America security this is not
a game this is not funny and then poor Bernie Sanders the sucker sap he is he
accepts all of this and says nothing he covers it up for her your thoughts yeah
I know you're right Sean I mean look the Clinton message has always been that you
know the attacks on them are sort of from the right wing vast right-wing
conspiracy can't say that about Donna Brazile i mean she was one of their most
loyal lieutenants for a very long time she said she'd never take the job if she
knew yeah yeah and and here's the thing Sean what do all of these scandals have
in common money the Clintons have been since
they've been in public life going back to the days in Arkansas they've been
about controlling money acquiring money using money as a weapon using money as a
means to power and they really are the one political machine left at the
national level in American politics I think they're under assault right now
from the Obama team from the Bernie Sanders supporters but all of these
things come together as it relates to the infrastructure of acquiring money
and using money and what they ran into in 2008 with Barack Obama and in 2016
were basically populist or popular campaigns that that defeated their
attempt to buy the nomination and the election in 2008 and 2016 let me go back
to Greg after all this talk about the dossier and all
the denials that's like on the Iranian one news will break in a minute all
denials all lies and she stole an election and she says there's a
difference between the dossier she funded Russian lies propaganda
misinformation disinformation that was widespread to manipulate the American
people and she's rigged an election stolen election well she's right about
that there is a difference between her pain for the dossier and Trump Russia
so-called collusion but not the way she means what she did appears to have been
a crime it's a crime to give money to a foreign national in a political campaign
that's what she did it's not a crime for Donald Trump jr. to talk to a Russian
lawyer or George papadopolis to talk to a Russian during the cases bought this
is difference this isn't oh I've got information do
you want to hear it this is I'm paying for the false information
it's the exchange of money that the law prohibits the Trump campaign there's no
evidence there was an exchange of money it's not a crime to talk to a Russian
but Hillary Clinton it could be a crime not only paying the money but then
hiding it by filing a false misleading finance remand they funneled it through
the same law firm the whole thing oh yeah mark Elias who represents not just
as General Counsel the DNC he's also a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign
and he represents the Podesta group were the Podesta's talk about a conflict of
interest let me go back to you Peter Schweitzer because we have this new news
on uranium one John Solomon Sarah Carter gonna be here I want to get your
thoughts Wow because the number one excuse they have been using it never
left the United States well first of all we import uranium the idea that we're
going to give 20% of uranium to Putin never made sense we don't have enough
for ourselves we have to bring in uranium to this country your reaction to
that yeah no that's exactly right this is another devastating development in
the Clinton narrative and look Shawn let's remember who is Rossa Tom rasa
tahn the Russian state atomic agency is not like our Department of Energy Raza
Tom in Russia it controls the Russian nuclear arsenal
involved in nuclear programs in Iran North Korea and elsewhere so it's not a
surprise it's not a surprise that if you give them control of uranium assets
they're not gonna worry about export licenses or promises that they made to
the Obama administration about what they were going to use with the uranium it's
just laughable and there's another reason it needs to be investigated all
right thank you both
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