• Who got himself fired for saving a customer's life?
Who lost her job after 10 years just for being attractive?
From dumb employees to terrible bosses, we look at 10 of the dumbest reasons people were
fired from their jobs?
10 – Threatening a Starbucks • A police officer tasked with checking
in on a robbery at Starbucks apparently didn't think one robbery was enough for them.
• Upon responding to the call, the officer demanded free coffee.
• When he was turned down, he may have suggested that the police would take a little longer
to respond to the next call.
• Obviously, the police aren't the mafia, and they're not supposed to ask for protection
So THAT officer was promptly relieved of his badge.
9 – Bathing in the Work Sink • Many of these are going to be someone
doing something totally idiotic, then posting it online for everyone – including their
bosses – to see.
• This one is no different.
A trio of girls at a KFC decided it would be fun to take a picture of themselves taking
a bath together.
• At work.
In the sink.
The dishwashing sink.
• They were let go for health code violations, because a work sink is not a hot tub.
8 – Saving Someone's Life • Juan Canales was working as a waiter in
Fort Lauderdale when he noticed a woman outside getting car jacked by a man with a knife.
• He immediately ran outside, wrestled the man to the ground, and saved the woman from
having her car stolen, or worse.
• Hours later, he was fired.
The restaurant's manager wasn't happy about the publicity, so he fired the heroic
father of three.
• No worries, though.
Canales had job offers pour in after his story got out.
7 – Peeing in the Elevator • This has actually happened more than once.
Elevators, it turns out, are very popular places to urinate.
• In 2007, IRS contractor Michael Hicks was charged with damaging government property,
because he decided he liked relieving himself in the IRS office's freight elevator, rather
than the bathroom.
• In 2004, a sheriff's deputy in Florida was fired for peeing in a public elevator
and also some nearby bushes.
6 – Sexting a 14-Year-Old • Hey, you know what you're really not
supposed to do when you're a teacher at a high school?
• Send nudes to your students.
Under ANY circumstances.
• But that's what Beth Ann Chester did with her 14-year old student.
And then she had sex with him in her car.
• She was fired, and obviously sent to jail, much to the surprise and dismay of her husband.
5 – Casual Racism • Hot tip: If you're working as a bartender
in Chicago, you might have to serve people who look differently from you.
• It's a diverse city full of many different kinds of people.
You should probably try to be okay with that.
• Or you can do what Jessica Elizabeth did.
She posted a string of comments on your Facebook page calling a certain race of people THAT
YOU ARE SERVING things like, "dirty, ignorant, apes, animals, and not fully developed."
That's on top of the standard racial slurs.
• Now she's fired, AND everybody knows she's an unapologetic racist.
4 – Accidentally Killing Someone in a Contest • In 2007, people would do just about anything
to get their hands on a Nintendo Wii.
Knowing this, a radio show in Sacramento, California held a contest called "Hold your
Wee for a Wii."
• The game was simple enough – see who can drink the most water without going to
the bathroom.
• Jennifer Strange finished in second place in the contest, and immediately complained
of not feeling well.
• The hosts of the show joked and made light of the situation, despite the fact that a
registered nurse called in beforehand and warned them that the contestants could die
from water intoxication.
• The next day, Jennifer Strange was found dead in her home.
The cause of death?
You guessed it – water intoxication.
• In response, the show was cancelled, and everybody involved with it was fired – a
total of 10 people.
3 – Sleeping at a Customer's House • Sleeping on the job is one of the most
classic forms of slacking off.
It's not at all unusual to catch a cat nap at a desk, or in a meeting, or wherever else.
• Of course, that's mostly for people who have office jobs.
Cable installers?
They don't have office jobs, and they don't have desks and office chairs to fall asleep
• So if they're going to fall asleep on the job, they'd probably just fall asleep
in the truck, right?
• Well, sometimes.
Other times they might just crash wherever they end up.
Like the couch of the person they're installing cable for.
• There are actually multiple documented cases of this, because cable installers are
usually overworked and tired.
But falling asleep on a customer's couch will get you both fired and made fun of on
the internet.
2 – Forgetting About Ash Wednesday • Niklaus Leuenberger was in charge of the
New York Palace Hotel, a 55-story luxury apartment for the super-rich.
• That is, until he forgot – or just didn't care – that it was Ash Wednesday.
• Upon seeing one of his Catholic employees observing the religious holiday, Leuenberger
eloquently told him to "wipe that fucking shit off your face."
• His boss flew all the way from London to fire him in person for that one.
1 – Being Too Hot • Melissa Nelson had a good job as a dental
assistant, and she was good at it.
• In fact, her employee record was basically spotless.
She was punctual, professional, skilled, basically a model employee in every way.
• So why did she end up fired?
• Well, James Knight, the dentist she worked for, just found it too difficult to be around
her and not have sex with her.
• Of course, Melissa didn't WANT to have sex with her boss.
She just showed up to work and brushed off some light sexual harassment, and did her
• But that wasn't good enough.
Knight literally fired his assistant for being too attractive.
After 10 years of working together.
And Iowa courts deemed that totally okay.
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