Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

"Terekakushi Shishunki (Embarrasment-Hiding Adolescence)" Music & Lyrics by HoneyWorks

Putting on make-up? You're just a kid

You getting to this age feels kind of wrong…

Could she have a boyfriend?

It's that kind of "what-if" Sunday

I've let you use

My favorite parka as roomwear

But it seems like I've gotten you used to hand-me-downs

"Permission to use granted" I spoil you

Always losing to your mischievous smile

That innocent adolescence

Bewilders me, but I don't show it

Your crying face never changes, does it?

I lose to it, easily

I'm not kidding, seriously

It's too embarrasing saying out loud...

"Don't follow us", I acted distant

Pulling up my hood

When we were young, I wouldn't let us

Walk hand in hand

You kept quiet

About my broken favorite toy for three days straight

And still held onto it obstinately even when I got mad

Will I be able to say, "It can't be helped" instead, now?

Changing them into honest words

An embarrassment-hiding rebellious phase

You laugh innocently, not showing it

We'll always be like this, won't we?

Tomorrow, in the future, still arguing

I'm not kidding, seriously

I've always been watching over you by your side

Acting grown-up

Acting like kids

Don't ever change

Your crying face isn't so bad once in a while

Come, I'll say it out loud

"You're precious to me", and keep saying it from now on

We'll always be like this, won't we?

Tomorrow, in the future, I'll always be watching over you by your side

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Terekakushi Shishunki" (KAITO ver.) (Rom/Eng Subs) - Duration: 3:35.





GURU SESSION #1- Al - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> GURU SESSION #1- Al - Duration: 4:36.


TÖDLICHE NACHTSCHICHT | Shift at Candy's (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> TÖDLICHE NACHTSCHICHT | Shift at Candy's (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 9:11.


Lehenga choli Dresses Fashion Designs amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:30.

Lehenga choli Dresses Fashion Designs amazon shopping online

For more infomation >> Lehenga choli Dresses Fashion Designs amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:30.


Attack on Titan Season 2 OP (ENGLISH cover) | Jordan Sweeto ✩ - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Attack on Titan Season 2 OP (ENGLISH cover) | Jordan Sweeto ✩ - Duration: 1:48.


Cloud Tech 10 - 3rd April 2017 - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> Cloud Tech 10 - 3rd April 2017 - Duration: 8:48.


A Memento To Marina | Marina's Miles 5K - Duration: 0:51.

MIKE: For the Todd's Trot in 2014

Rob Drugan, and I think John Parsons

Who coached Marina in middle school

Asked me if I would

Like them to put Marina's name on the shirt

They actually spelled out her name

And they made it an orange shirt

She loved orange.

It's really neat to see these people wearing these shirts

It's just reminders of how Marina

Marina actually in a way is touching people

That have no clue who she was

For more infomation >> A Memento To Marina | Marina's Miles 5K - Duration: 0:51.


バンダイ食玩 装動 仮面ライダーエグゼイド ステージ5 で遊んでる様(cc)"BANDAI CANDYTOY SO-DO KAMENRIDER Ex-AID STAGE5 review" - Duration: 14:40.

For more infomation >> バンダイ食玩 装動 仮面ライダーエグゼイド ステージ5 で遊んでる様(cc)"BANDAI CANDYTOY SO-DO KAMENRIDER Ex-AID STAGE5 review" - Duration: 14:40.


MAIS RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX - Duration: 2:42.

Hi everybody today we find ourselves in a small video

Always bullshit me but a sick thing


Today we will talk a little about social networks Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat

But we'll still talk more about my social networks

But social networks

You probably know I have my Facebook page and my personal Facebook profile

I say personal but it is public now

I make this video to you to talk about my social networks so that you join me on the social networks

For example there for three weeks I was not active on YouTube

For example there for three weeks I was not active on YouTube

While those who follow me on Snapchat know in detail what happens

At the same time it is to give you previews on my videos or other

And lots of other things and it's the same for the competitions as well

And even the next contests will be made only on social networks so that it is on my Facebook page or my personal Facebook or that it is my Twitter my Instagram and my Snap chat

It really must follow me it is really important besides you have my Snap which since a while ago is there

Otherwise the other social networks is obviously in the description so I invite you to click down in discretion

You will see y'a all my social networks Facebook Twitter Instagram and Snapchat

Facebook is Dylan technologies Twitter it's divine technology Instagram it's divine technologies and Snapchat it's Dylan Bardet all tiny and all attached

After social networks allow I discuss with you when sympathizes

And I find it important it is a small way to relate between YouTube hours and subscribe that I also like

You have that I as I am close enough to my community and the fact of having you on the social networks

It's a way to get in touch with you even more than YouTube and some comments

I find it a good way and at the same time to contact me it is easier

That's why I encourage you and really invite you to join me on social networks please ^^

This video is now coming to an end I invite you to give your opinion in the comments

And of course join me on Twitter Instagram Facebook and Snapchat

Do not forget the small blue thumb must leave the blue thumb

Go kiss

For more infomation >> MAIS RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX - Duration: 2:42.


Детские вещи с Алиэкспресс для малышек 2017 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Детские вещи с Алиэкспресс для малышек 2017 - Duration: 2:10.


Ordinal Numbers from 11th onwards - Duration: 5:05.

The ordinal numbers. Last video I did

from one to ten, now we are going to

continue from 11 onwards, so keep

watching. Hi guys welcome bac,k I am

Teacher Mark and today I'm going to

continue with the ordinal numbers from

11 and beyond. Okay, yeah. Let's begin.

So, you are going to be using the 'th'

sound a lot, so if you do not how know

how to pronounce the 'th' sound, go back

and look at my last video, Ordinal

Numbers from 1 to 10, because there is an

explanation of how to pronounce the 'th'

sound. But basically it is the tongue at

the back of the teeth or just inside and

we're going to blow air. Okay so let's

begin. 11 becomes 11th, 12 becomes 12th and

remember, in the last video when

we tried to do the number 5 the ordinal

number fifth it was very difficult to do

the 'f' followed by the 'th' and it's the

same, you ignore the 'f', you say twelve, twelfth. Don't

try and say twelf-th, it will make it very

difficult and you'll sound silly. So, 12th

13th, 14 becomes 14th, notice how these here

all the teens are having a, 'th', put on the

end 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th,

18th 19th and now let's do these again. So, 11th, 12th,

13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th. Okay, have you got

them? Well let's move on. Let's continue

from 20 onwards with ordinal numbers. So

20 becomes 20th, 30 becomes 30th, 40

40th, 50 becomes 50th, 60, 60th, 70, 70th, 80

80th, 90, 90th, 100, 100th, 1000, 1000th. Okay so

now you've got the idea of the groups of

10. What about anything that's in between

that group though? So for example, like

21, 33, 116. Well now we're going to use the

simple form of the number by here and

then we're going to use the ordinal

number here. So what I mean by that is 21,

becomes twenty-first, 33 becomes

thirty-third. So we're using the ordinal

number by here, but the standard Cardinal

number here. thirty-third, twenty-third, one hundred and sixteenth. So for these, we

use the ordinal number but this one we

standard number. Okay, so I hope that's

helped you with the ordinal numbers. There

are a lot of them. And I hope that you

enjoyed this and I will see you in my

next video guys. Take care. Bye, bye. Thank

you for watching the video I hope you

enjoyed it. If you did don't forget

subscribe by clicking this MW English

services icon by here. There are also two

more videos by here that I think that

you'll be interested in. If you've seen

them, then visit my channel for more. Take

care guys. Bye, bye.

For more infomation >> Ordinal Numbers from 11th onwards - Duration: 5:05.


Apsley - Fear - Duration: 3:24.

You know what it is that I've been running, running from

Fear is all is all I have and now it won't let go

I can't help but wonder how it got this far

I can't help but wonder when I lost my heart

I never wanted you to see my demons

I never wanted it to be this way

And now I'm afraid of my mind

And now I'm afraid of my mind

I've been hiding here but you would never, never know

I thought if I just kept this close It'd never go

I know that I let you down, but I was never one to have it figured out

I know that I let you think that I was doing fine inside these veins

And now I'm afraid of my mind

And now I'm afraid of my mind

I'm afraid of my mind

And now I'm afraid of my mind

I'm afraid of my mind

I'm afraid of my mind

For more infomation >> Apsley - Fear - Duration: 3:24.


Identidades Notables 2 - Operaciones con Polinomios #6 - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Identidades Notables 2 - Operaciones con Polinomios #6 - Duration: 6:08.


BOLAS GIGANTES de GEL transparente puestas a prueba | Experimentos con HIDROGEL - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> BOLAS GIGANTES de GEL transparente puestas a prueba | Experimentos con HIDROGEL - Duration: 3:01.


Cypher - Na bruxa ( Mano PV, Swing, Avalanche, Wes Mc & Shess - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Cypher - Na bruxa ( Mano PV, Swing, Avalanche, Wes Mc & Shess - Duration: 5:10.


Jumbo gel balls TESTED | Hidrogel balls - Duration: 3:01.

Home Science easy and funny experiments

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