Yes, my name is Dominique Verga
I live in Liege, in Belgium.
Before arriving at Prana, I had a very active life
in the field... I would say in the field of business
a world which is governed by speed, performance, money.
That is the "perfection" aspect. I was self-employed, I was business consultant, so...
My life was going 300 miles per hour,
always in my mental body
and with the aim of always doing everything perfectly
and accomplishing more and more
I really had a very mental life and a very fast life.
Of course, this kind of life had in impact on my health,
since it was always going 300 miles an hour, under stress,
and my past, too, contributed, and I started to have health problems.
The constant stress absorbed by the body ends up having negative effects on it.
And I really had some physical problems, some illness that had started to show up
due to the stress.
Problems like hypothyroidism, autoimmune diseases, problems of... enormous stress
And, at a certain point... we can say I had a burn-out, I totally collapsed.
These problems had been latent for many years
and they grew during many years,
and at a certain point my body really wanted no more of it.
I totally collapsed.
Yes, I am a mother. I have two sons. Today they are 16 and 19.
aah... how did my relationship with them evolve, before and after Prana?
Hmm, I would say that... it was enriched by a new dimension.
hmm... more listening, more sensations...
Prana brings into our lives the possibility of being in touch with...
... with things that are not told... things that... a much greater sensitivity to what another being is experiencing.
And... myself, I had freed myself from many things from the mental concentration of the past...
so I was much more able to listen to them, because before, in my life at 300 miles an hour
sometimes I was not very available for them.
And then I realized, after Prana came into my lfe, that what nourishes us, and is essential in life,
is human relationships.
This is what I nourish myself from.
And... they were already important to me, but they even came much more to the foreground,
in the sense that I realized that...
... sometimes I let my professional life take precedence over my family life
and then I really realized that it was essential.
And, then, it is so beautiful that, ever since I am pranic,
in everything I experienced, I never received any negative, oppositional reactions.
On the contrary, I received encouragement, much interest, many questions...
and a real listening on their part,
and now they are also starting to follow this path.
Of course my sons did realize the change that was happening because....
as I told you I had had health problems
and I was feeling very very bad
and ever since I started this path that lead me to Prana
month after month, year after year, I was feeling much better.
So, they were not upset at all by the fact that at a certain point I stopped eating...
For them... they could see that I was feeling much better, really...
Even the doctors said that my evolution was, quote, "miraculous"
because it defied all the laws of medicine, all the beliefs of the physicians on the body's capacity to recover.
So, seeing me recover, they spontaneously were in seventh heaven about it.
The only thing that truly scared them was when I spent 5 days without drinking.
They were really terrorized at that moment.
Because.. the general belief is that "after 3 days without water you die",
and so they were very worried.
And so... they really told me "Mum, you absolutely have to start eating again because we cannot stand this fear anymore"
And so... for them I... sorry, drinking, not eating... so I started to drink again for them.
I wasn't capable of drinking a full glass of water, I just took a sip, but I told them "ok, I quit..."
"I will start drinking again not to upset you anymore", out of respect for them, respect for their fear.
They had known me in a very difficult situation and I did not want to reactivate the fears they had had a few years earlier.
Ah, education. The term "education" has gone through a deep evolution since I have become pranic
... because I have realized that, in our belief system,
... we believe that certain things are good for others.
And... hmm.... we never cease, in our role as parents, wanting to...
believing that we know what is good for them, and give them advice
... making plans... telling them "if you don't do this, then..."
and I really.... and also, as a parent...
... we try, at the bottom of our hearts, thinking that we are doing the right thing
but often, we do things and say things, often, only to prevent
our children from living so called "negative" experiences.
So... a pranic being, or at least I... I know now that we come to this Earth in order to accomplish something,
and that experiences come to us in order to allow us to go beyond certain things
and reach a certain level of consciousness.
And I told myself, really, that before this, I had fallen into the trap of wanting to protect them
of wanting to prevent them from having negative experiences... to protect them, in every possible way.
And so my relationship with education now is really... hmm... "let them do it their way".
If there is an experience that they must have, they must have it.
We can talk about it. I can say "be careful, mind this or that, be aware", but it is their life, their experience,
and they have their experience, and this will help them grow.
Trying to prevent them... doing my best to remove negative things from their lives, I don't do that anymore.
It is really a totally free relationship!
And it does not start when they are on their own and have their own jobs and apartments
but already when they are still young, they can be conscious of what they do
and become responsible. This is the most important thing: responsibility of one's own life.
And freedom.
My own sons are 16 and 19 years old.
My sons... all that I experience – for instance I am a Reiki master –
they told me "the first people you are going to train will be us", so...
since the beginning I trained them in Reiki.
And so, in their environment, with their friends, not only did they talk about it,
but some of their friends come to my homeplace to receive treatments
and later, with Prana, they have talked about it freely
and I myself find it unbelievable how freely they talk about it
without any taboos, without fears.
They have seen, with me as an example, that it radically transforms life, health, and the entire human being
who is full of fears and restrictions, into a free, light person, who does exactly whatever she feels like doing
in every moment, carried by an unbelievable energy.
They are so immersed into the benefits that this can bring, that to them,
it is totally natural to talk about it in their environment.
Because they experience it too: they are already 70% pranic
simply by living with me, for all that I imply, that is the change in DNA that it causes in others
so it is totally natural that they have no problem talking about it,
and it is surprising to see how much their friends are interested.
There are people that come to my homeplace – friends of my sons – that want to talk about it with me,
they want me to explain it to them in more detail.
This is an opening, from young people, that seems really unbelievable to me.
This for me is the greatest pleasure, thinking that perhaps it happened to me
so that I could open that door for them, at their early age, and they can lead all their lives with it
and not having to wait to reach my age in order to be able to transform their lives.
Ah, professors at school, have they said something?
Yes because I had a meeting with the teacher of my youngest son, who is 16
and she said "it is unbelievable, your son, the point he has reached...
he is not normal... he always has a critical attitude".
He is always trying to dismantle the system, ponting the finger on the problem,
he is almost on the verge of quitting school because... he does not agree at all with the system.
And Robin – Robin is his name – has fully realized that he cannot stand going to school anymore,
It is a closed system, which .... stultifies the brain, which formats you,
while at home, all we experience, and all we do is reformatting, breaking, restructuring...
going towards a new world.
We are constantly talking about it. All our conversations circle around this subject.
And so he has decided, by the way, to quit school next year
and do... in Belgium there is a system which is called "central jury", which allows you to remain at home
to study on your own and to stand an exam with an external jury
and not go to school anymore. This is a quite extreme decision, but this is what he has decided.
The question was "if you could go back to the time when you were pregnant,
how would you live that wonderful time when you were pregnant, and...
and your sons were growing and approaching birth?"
Well.. This is a difficult question to answer.
but I realize, with this question,
that it was at that time, when I was pregnant, that I started to connect with something else within me,
something which was... "bigger than me"
something that was much more subtle,
and with some forces that were there, powerful forces,,,
which I perceived but did not know how to name or explain with words.
One example of this is that I always had the impression that
it was not me who chose the name of my sons.
For both of them – Raphaël the first and Robin, the second – I had the impression that
their names had "come to me"
One morning I woke up and I felt that during the night I had been impregnated with this name
that the name had really "fallen" upon me, and it came from there, from my womb.
And so I really had the impression, for both of them, and by the way I had only one single name in my mind,
and I never wanted to make any test in order to get to know whether it was a male or a female.
To me, it was just a human being that was going to be born and, whether it was female or male, it was perfect.
So I did not know whether it was male or female.
And both times the name that had come to me was a male name... and...
this already had somewhat surprised me, because... this is not the way one chooses a name, isn't it?
Normally there are discussions between the man and the woman, and the family too, it is a subject of negotiation
but in this case, the name had come from me only, in a natural way.
This has been confirmed to me a short time ago...
because I learned a new method for testing questions and... I asked....
I asked my children to make the test to see if it had been them who had chosen their own names
or whether they had been chosen by me,
and in both cases the answer was they had chosen their names.
And I was happy about this because I told myself that that intuition which had come to me
it was the right intuition and it was not just my mind making it up when I woke up in the morning.
Because my husband had told me "But wait, you are telling me the name came from here, from your womb, this name...?"
It seemed pretty difficult to understand
but I knew it was true.
And so it was a real pleasure for me, two or three weeks ago, to receive a confirmation of this,
through this test, that their names had been chosen by themselves.
For the rest, I don't know whether I would have lived it diffently, because I...
during my pregnancy, I was really.... connected to them by a sentiment of absolute love,
and I don't know whether being pranic would have changed something.
The question is if something changes in living as a couple...
Hmm... I am... I have lived on my own for 5 years now,
and so I don't have a relationship, I live alone.
So I don't know how to answer your question.
I live on my own with my two sons.
Well, something that I would like to add is... definitely that
living on Prana, for me, has nothing at all to do with... the absence of food.
To me living on Prana means reaching a certain level of consciousness
and a certain vibrational level,
that brings... to new levels of cure.
But to me... people make a lot of fuss, people are very impressed by the fact that one does not eat.
Evidently, I have let this go a year ago, and it has no more importance to me the fact of not eating.
I don't even think about it anymore, it is no more part of my life.
I cannot even remember the times when I used to eat,
and so, being on the other side of the wall,
I realize that the important part of this, the important side of this path
is what it opens you to...
this state of absolute freedom
of total trust,
of total safety, because I never feel in danger anymore, anywhere.
If there is no food, doesn't matter. If there nothing to drink, doesn't matter...
if there are dangerous situations, I feel totally protected and have the feeling that nothing bad can happen to me anymore
and so I really have the impression that the world I am in is totally safe
and, to me, – of total safety and freedom – and to me, this is actually what one should expect and search for.
It seems to me that the people around me, when I announce this or when I speak in a conference,
they all focus on "Ooh, eating... not eating...". Okay... it is difficult... but it is not the real goal.
It is only a door which opens on to something else
and everyone are focused on the door. That's normal, they cannot see what there is behind...
but what I would like to point to, in this conversation, is that it is just a door.
The essential things come later, after the door is opened, it is really like stepping into another world.
And at that point it is... the connection – vibrating at a very high frequency – to the Universe
and to the fact that we are constantly living in abundance,
contanstly in... "no effort is needed anymore".
I said before that I was living a life at 300 miles an hour
and I was wasting huge amounts of energy in order to reach whatever was necessary.
Today, I don't do anything anymore.
I ask for things with my heart – not out of a whim – mostly for others, not even for me – I don't need anything anymore...
for others.. and I just need to express a request while in conscious meditation,
and the whole Universe, absolutely, it makes me meet the right persons, the right occasions,
the right appointments, the perfect synchronicities... And all this happens from heaven. I use zero energy
to reach the project that I have given myself, to proceed along my path, to open consciousness.
Ah, yes, do I cook for my sons? Yes
And by the way, it is a great pleasure for me, to cook, I adore it. All my life I have always liked to cook,
and this has not changed. I still like very much cooking.
But actually, the term "to cook" has become a little... restricted, because they are now both raw foodists,
but... it is a pleasure to... touch those vegetables, to watch their colors, to cut them into pieces, to observe...
to smell their fragrances, to see the colorful plates, and... I nourish myself, literally, it is a nourishment for me...
seeing the colors, because colors are vibrations, they are waves, and so I nourish myself from these waves.
They touch my subtle bodies and they nourish me.
And the fragrances! I am extremely sensitive now. My 5 senses have become extremely sharp now
and so, seeing the colors, smelling the fragrances, and the spices that I add,
hmmm, I nourish myself from all this.
Well, my activities... Obviously, I could not continue to work in a job...
that was cold, dry and hard, centered on business and money
so I gave a totally new direction to my activities.
Reiki helped me a lot on my path to reconnecting to energy and it was thanks to Reiki that I became pranic
because I was constantly connected to the universal love energy.
To me, Reiki and Prana are exactly the same thing because I am connected all the time
and so now I have become Reiki master. This means I practice Reiki healing on people that come to me.
And I also train others. I am Reiki master so I train other people in Reiki.
This is my primary activity.
My second activity is that I have become a sofrologist,
so I have attended a course of studies in sofrology
and I work with people, individually or in groups, with this technique.
It is a technique which helps people discover their hidden potential.
This is my second activity.
And a third activity is to coach people during fasting, so I accompany them during their fast.
Not Prana, because I think you must do a lot of fasts before you can become pranic
and I absolutely don't want people to wish to become pranic.
To me, this is something that happens to you, not something towards which you must want to go,
because that would totally block the process. When we want something, we are in our minds.
So I continue to offer fasting so that the body can detoxify, because we need that, in any case,
in order to reach Prana.
So my third activity is to help people during fasting.
And the fourth is to help people who are in a diet transition and want to change their diet...
but not with the aim of losing weight. I don't help people who tell me they just want to lose weight.
It must be out of becoming aware that what we eat has an impact on our lives.
I live in a city, I live in a city, LiÃ?ge, which is the second or third largest city in Belgium.
ah... Whether my pranic lifestyle has changed something for the people around me.
You cannot witness such difference in the state of health, of being, of conscience of a person
without being fatally and totally disconcerted by what has happened.
So the first thing was that people asked a lot of questions,
and I realized that there are people who are ready to listen to a message.
And these people immediately start to ask questions, they inquire, they ask "how?" and, "how can I do it myself?",
"how can I walk the same path?"
And then there is another category of people who, in their present state of consciousness,
say "it is not possible". And these people have disappeared from my life.
Whereas the others, they have evolved.
And now I attract to me only people who are in a state of awakening their conscience, of evolution,
And all my activities are actually dedicated to this, but even in my close entourage
there have been people who have done this process of evolution with me
and this is fantastic, otherwise I would have lost all my friends.
Hmm, questioning about the future... I would say that now I live my life essentially in the moment,
in the "here and now".
So this is what allows me to remain connected with myself and with the reality of life.
In spite of this, obviously, one needs to project oneself in the future, and it is quite difficult for me.
But I do it. I have plans. Long term plans. Very long term plans,
reguarding all these new.... aspects of life... Pranism...
Ah, does the fact of being pranic turn some things that could seem extreme before, into much less extreme?
Hmm, I would say so, because now I really have the feeling that living without eating and without drinking
for many people is really something unimaginable.
And so other preoccupations that could be important, or could seem extreme before,
now seem totally realistic and feasible, and much less... unsettling than the fact of living without eating and drinking.
And so in this sense, we actually realize that, well, yes, it is still easy to accomplish this
it is feasible, it is within my reach, it is only a question of will and of goodwill.
But the fact of being pranic really pushes the notion of "possible" and "impossible" very far ahead.
So it is as if we have moved that scale so much higher that what seemed totally impossible
becomes totally feasible.
And maybe this is one of the goals... well, of the "goals"..
because it is an evolution that we have not searched for, that is here, that we experience, that takes roots
and maybe the goal is to make certain things accessible that we could not reach in the past.
This will help some people move more speedily towards... the first steps, really, the first stages.
"What is life to me now?"
To me now life is... the relationships... between me and other human beings. Between me and Nature.
This is the real life to me.
It is the nourishment, the exchange... of emotions, of experiences,
between me and all the people around me. And this is my nourishment.
Between me and the plants, me and the animals, and what is Alive. Also the minerals; I have contacts with minerals.
And to me this is life: the exchange.
It is the fact of being together, and the fact of helping each other evolve.
As much as we can.
And I realize, with the healing treatments I do, that... at beginning I thought:
"Well, I am a Reiki master, people come to me and I can help them"....
and I thought this was going in one direction only.
And now I realize more and more that this is totally wrong!
Because people come to me with problems. But these problems, they find and echo within me.
So these people, when coming to me, they create a resonance and...
it is me who should "cure" them, since they are coming to me for that reason...
but in reality it is not so! When they come to me with their problems,
they elicit something in me and this helps me move further, me too.
So I can see that everything moves in a circle.
There is never one who gives and the other who receives.
It is constantly "I give and receive".
In any kind of relationship.
It is an illusion, also of the spirit, the fact that there is one giving and the other one receiving,
Everything is circular. "I give and I take", everything is One in life. It is Unity in this case too.
It is Unity.
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